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Give us 50 more years & we will; already inter ethnic marriages are at an all time high ! I envision a very exciting Pakistan, ethnically & linguistically, in the next 50-60 years ! :tup:

Indeed! I am a hybrid too of two very different races and do not associate with neither.. doesn't mean squat in todays world ... Half of my cousins have intermarried with Pashtuns, punjabis and sindhis and none had a darn problem .... It so appears only cyber racist have got a problem with that specializing in blowing things out of proportion ... :D warning of dire consequences :rofl:
My Dad got married at 30 & I'm planning on not even thinking about it before 35 so dude your very young compared to that ! :tup:

Khair woh alaag baaat haiii that my Dad got married after doing his FCPS & having around 5-6 years of work experience under his belt post MBBS so that he could financially support a family !

Your dad got married at a normal age for a doctor...
My waziristani colleagues were either already married when they were taking admission or they got married during MBBS...but most of the doctors marry very late...
Lol dont know about punching cement walls- doors or punch bags- when i punch its usually on apponents face- :D-
Thats the best practice you can have-

it helps me keep calm when on the street, you can always make your way out of those people who just want to act cool......For some odd reason when punching a bag it helps me release my stress
Thank You, fatty ! :agree:

By the way within Pakistan, my loyalties are with Punjab & Punjabis - My People, then with the Pukhtoons, then the other Provinces & then at the end of line - Kashmir & Kashmiris ! :undecided:

And yeah - I don't consider the people of Gilgit-Baltistan as Kashmiris - I have a massive soft spot for them ! :tup:

Too bad they got sucked into this mess.

that is because they were annexed into the princely state of the kashmir,hence came under kashmir.

9th grade :lol:

too late..:P
My Dad got married at 30 & I'm planning on not even thinking about it before 35 so dude your very young compared to that ! :tup:

Khair woh alaag baaat haiii that my Dad got married after doing his FCPS & having around 5-6 years of work experience under his belt post MBBS so that he could financially support a family !

same here.35 is the best age to get married.
janab eli alpha1, app meharbani se link post kerdijiye. Mujhe(or mai not sure) persian script parni athi hai, shukaria.(roman urdu without dictionary :) ) , how is that ?

i went to jhang on my couzin's marriage an took a photo.
U may knw lashkar-e-jhangvi its found HAQ NAWAZ JHANGVI IS ENDORSED AS A SHAHEED!

zoom in on the sign board!
LOLOL you welcome motu (you guys have seriously improved my urdu LOL)

Glad to hear that ! :D

curious...why punjabis and pukhtoons???
oh no I hate waiting at the end of the line.....

I was born here, amongst them & to one of them (Mom) ! But more so than that I think they are the best community in Pakistan, if not the whole of South Asia, because they are the most inclusive & accommodating ! Yes they have their shortcomings & they are many but their love for all ethnicities & linguistic groups without any differentiation, never mind, discrimination, as I've experienced in my 22 years here, makes me burst with pride calling them my People & calling myself, within Pakistan...only Pakistan, a Punjabi !

As for the Pukhtoons - I love their fierce independence, their sense of honor & loyalty to those they call as their friends or brothers. I wish we had more of those traits in our country as a whole.

Do you know if you were to travel to Pukhtoon Areas - You'd be hard pressed to find a beggar whereas in Karachi or Lahore you'd find around a dozen them on every traffic stop ! Talk about Self-Respect...talk about Honor. And so I love them for that.

Hahaha oh armstrong, they are, they are :D but I don't really believe that they are rebeling, I seriously think it's outside forces! I could be wrong though.

No they're not; the people of GB had the greatest grievance to be delinked from the Kashmir Issue & be raised as a proper bona fide Province of Pakistan. That was part done through an amendment to the Constitution that made them a De-Facto if not a De-Jure Province with their own Assembly !

Question: too lazy to search this up? but the zardari admin. ended saturday right? whose incharge right now?

No one...still deciding upon who the Caretaker PM would be, I think !
and there lies the problem....had you taken lessons , you wouldn't be getting into street brawls or the phaddas as they call it :D ..... ever tried morning walk to park like at Fajar time?

yes! But nowadays im a little sick!
Indeed! I am a hybrid too of two very different races and do not associate with neither.. doesn't mean squat in todays world ... Half of my cousins have intermarried with Pashtuns, punjabis and sindhis and none had a darn problem .... It so appears only cyber racist have got a problem with that specializing in blowing things out of proportion ... :D warning of dire consequences :rofl:

Me too Kashmiri Father, Punjabi Mother ! :)

What about you ? :azn:
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