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Northerners can't sustain a prolonged war and the ROKAF will flatten most of their logistical arteries other than the ones below ground which will take a hammering from America MOABs, the northerners know their limits. Their going to stay put, besides of late even China's backed out of helping the Jongs.

In any event Seoul would be leveled within the first couple of hrs because fat kim has all his weapons aimed at Seoul.
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LOL stoppppp haha. I don't know what I would pick! It's a difficult choice. Not fair how you're using my words against me :P LOL

Its your words though, you should be more careful next time. :lol: :D
Unfortunately opinions are a poor substitute for evidence as it evident from a completely unsubstantiated report parts of which even anecdotal evidence experienced by me is enough debunk !

Furthermore this is what the UN has to say about it : This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.

Ma'am I could come up with claims & then counter claims with a whole range of articles, opinions, news excerpts, talk shows & the sort & I'm sure you could do the same - Unfortunately either stance would remain as unsubstantiated as it is right now because opinions truly are a poor substitute for evidence & had their veracity been incontrovertible we wouldn't have seen numerous examples of opinion pieces that can be summed up in 3 words & 3 words alone :exaggerations, omissions & lies !

So instead I'll give you a few points to ponder instead :

(a) if the Human Rights abuses by the same Army were half as rampant as is claimed why do you suppose we Kashmiris are represented in the Army & by extension the ISI at an exponentially higher percentage (more than 9%) when compared with our population as a percentage of Pakistan (less than 3-4%) ? Surely no ones want to join an Army that is doing half of what it is being alleged here ?

(b) if an AJK National or a GB Domicile Holder is given admission to Punjab based Universities because of a generous quota in preference to thousands of better placed Punjab Domicile Holders, as my cousins from Muzafarabad was or if the same can be said about the quota across the country & across State Machinery whether in the forum of the bureaucracy or the security apparatus, then what else is to be expected from the rest of Pakistan ?

(c) if nearly every School or College to every Government Institution that I know of could do above & beyond what was required of them, in my City, to send help to places like Balakot & others that were ravaged by the Earthquake & an AJK that was nearly destroyed ends up with better infrastructure due to what Pakistanis from all walks of life & ethnicities sent, then what else is to be expected of Pakistan & Pakistanis to win the Kashmiris over ? I know for a fact what went on with the Aid Work & whereas I won't deny corruption or mismanagement but I've seen with my own eyes the efforts of the common Pakistanis & my own friends, loved ones & colleagues hiring personal trucks & vans to take whatever aid they could to those areas ! What is to be expected more ?

Has the time not come when Pakistan should be justified in asking that we've given countless thousands of our boys in every war with India over Kashmir & the perpetual security paradigm we find ourselves in, we've given incalculable economic sacrifices by being a part of that security paradigm & we've struck up a regressive & harmful rivalry with India for Kashmir....all for Kashmir !

What did the Kashmiris do for us ? What did we get back in turn ? Why is that mismanagement, corruption & nepotism of subsequent Pakistani Governments who've harmed us unequally more than Kashmiris, is taken to be reflective of the rest of Pakistan & Pakistanis ? And so when the moment of truth comes - All our diplomacy, all our sacrifices, all our international castigation & our martyrs come to naught because when all is said & done the Kashmiris never considered us to be a part of them !

What has Kashmir & Kashmiris given Pakistan in the end ?

Armstrong itna chota reply :angry: u shud write a litle more :angry::meeting:
How so :woot:

Who needs ancestry.com when you got pdf finding family for you. :cheesy:
:rofl: ancestry.com only works for those who actually bothered putting in details...

why do you think I bothered when he wouldnt stop fighting :what:

sadda pra hai woh!!! :what:
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@ZYXW found yourself in a tight spot hunh? One topic that really gets us all going...we all act like we'll type and talk Kashmir away from the "other side". Not to mention that you won't find a single Pakistani or Indian who'll endorse you're particular views. We're all in this one for the last 65 years or so. The Indian narrative is there, the Pakistani narrative is there- both completely antithetical to each other. No Pakistani will ever agree to the Indian narrative and no Indian to the Pakistani one. You're rather lucky that @Armstrong and some of the others are polite fellows- they'll disagree with you vehemently- a few hash words may follow but no outright rudeness- the likes of which you'll face from every other common member here. Hope you get out of this one soon.
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In any event Seoul would be leveled within the first couple of hrs because fat kim has all his weapons aimed at Seoul.

There is that and SK isn't exactly known for its vast expanses capable of absorbing such a pounding.
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