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NASA finds Evidence of Life on Mars

This is backpedalling. now i am not paid to educate you, you can go on and find out all about the effects lightning had on that primordial soup. On your own time, not on mine.
also you trying to come off as a smartass with your science class nap comment and the way we came to this here can also be backpedalling.

well i doubt you would know what im talking about if i wrote chemical formulas. Please go read about the early Earth, then come here and talk. It looks as if you are clueless and only know "water = life" and nothing beyond that.

this is doubling down on more stupidity. What does earth have to do with absolutes about science? why would I read earth's formula to lay the absolute about other planets? Go back to your science teacher and ask him/her- claim of where there is water there is an expectation of life is scientifically incorrect?

But then again I can't guarantee you will still " get it". Since the concept of other than water, there could still be life is called back peddling.

Now- science is a discovery process. We first never imagined that micro organism can survive in extreme conditions. Generally the consensus was that you have water, sun and carbon to expect life. But new discoveries on earth itself have shown a strong resilience of micro orgasmic life in extreme conditions deep under the see or earth's crust in extreme conditions never imaged before.

Class dismissed.
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