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Narendra Modi's government kicks into gear with defence, dam projects

Dude I see it. Trust I know its unfair but look at the overall issue of pollution. Our populations and growth is going to add more damage. These on going talks should include a transfer of tech or some sort of incentive for th develping nations that will keep their development steady or such.

It makes me wonder if this whole global warming stuff is being created and used toslow developing nations down. Regardless, the effect of unchecked development and pollution can clearly be seen. Even in the US, that unchecked development from over 100 yrs ago is still causing havoc today. Read up on Superfund sites. The Hudson River in NYC is still polluted and you should not eat fish from it.

I agree...more action andn less lecturing should be the motto of these developed nations.
I am ok with Ngo's which get audited and show the money spent on work, but according to Times now only 41k of them are registered while we have over 3 million Ngo's which draw money, where is all that unaccounted money going to and to what end?

What i find hypocritical of some organisations is they don't want mining,dam building,Nuclear plants or Metro being built, Then they should show alternate sources of power and transport etc.
The developing Nations won't transfer anything,they will only sermonize rest of world oh our planet is dying, we have to save it,Whose idea was Earth hour?In all these years West never got the idea of Earth hour? while we continue to have earth hour everyday atleast 2 hours. its monopoly of oil companies that uses these Organisations so that we always have to depend on fossil fuels.
People like these and research as such will be subdued by oil lobby.
Instead of lecturing Developing nations USA should stop all Industries and go green totally,set an example to world that when other countries reach the stage USA is in right now they should switch over to green Energy.
Without doing that, USA is asking us to cut emissions while it wont cut it's.It's like i ask my neighbour not to eat or use more water while i continue have food fights and infinity pools in my home.That's sheer hypocrisy
I too feel this global warming thing how much it's true might be a invention of west.
Dude, these guys are blind. In the name of development, they will throw their mothers under the bus and eat dirt. They don't care or fail to see the effects of massive pollution going on in India. They'll start raking up it costs too much, we are developing, etc, etc. There is one green activist who has campaigned tirelessly against coal mining. The effects are crazy because of the lack of regulation and corruption. he has been threatened numeorus times and had a few murder attempts on his life. His name is Ramesh Agrawal and he won a "green Nobel." I wonder what these guys think about him? I bet they also think he is a paid agent and works for foreign gov'ts because he won foreign awards LOL. Any green activist gets discredited. Im sure there are a few bad apples but calling them all a farce is BS. Who seems to gain the most from this? The bids for these contracts all go to politically connected corporations who got their foot in the door and built themselves for decades using corruption, bribes and easy credit. Even if we were to create a level playing field, how many coporation could even compete with them today?

Not a single person on this site who is an India poster lives in the vicinity of a coal mine, garbage dump or polluted waters. Maybe if they took the time to travel a bit and saw the other face of India instead of living in a flat in a 1st or 2nd tier city, they could appreciate the sentiments and actions of such ppl.

Indian activist Ramesh Agrawal wins 'Green Nobel' - The Times of India

None of these guys ever talk about this or bring this up.....but RTI is what has helped bring a lot of issues to the front.

Attacks on RTI activists in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Even the likes Henry Kissinger have won Nobel Peace Prize, now don't tell me Mr Kissinger deserved that in light of his action in Latin America & the subcontinent. You are to gullible to understand geopolitics.
Here what our erstwhile PM had to say on NGO activities
Manmohan criticises NGOs for protests in Kudankulam - The Hindu
Foreign hand nuking Tamil Nadu nuclear power project, says Prime Minister Manmohan Singh : North, News - India Today
How do you guys know that these NGO are not front for foreign powers out to harm the interest of our nation. You will believe these NGO over your own government institution. The government we elect are given mandate of the people to full fill there promise. How can you have more trust on these NGO who's funding is a suspect versus your own government. NGO are not accountable to the people, there only accountability is to who ever funds them.
If there is any malpractice done by the government then there are constitutional bodies to rectify that .
Dr B.R. Ambedkar, in his concluding speech at the penultimate session of the Constituent Assembly on 25 November 1949, said: "If we wish to maintain democracy not merely in form, but also in fact, there are first things in my judgment we must do... to hold fast to constitutional methods of achieving our social and economic objectives. It means that we must abandon the methods of disobedience, non-cooperation and satyagraha — where constitutional methods are open, there can be no justification for these unconstitutional methods. These methods are nothing but the grammar of anarchy and the sooner they are abandoned, the better for us."
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I am ok with Ngo's which get audited and show the money spent on work, but according to Times now only 41k of them are registered while we have over 3 million Ngo's which draw money, where is all that unaccounted money going to and to what end?

What i find hypocritical of some organisations is they don't want mining,dam building,Nuclear plants or Metro being built, Then they should show alternate sources of power and transport etc.
The developing Nations won't transfer anything,they will only sermonize rest of world oh our planet is dying, we have to save it,Whose idea was Earth hour?In all these years West never got the idea of Earth hour? while we continue to have earth hour everyday atleast 2 hours. its monopoly of oil companies that uses these Organisations so that we always have to depend on fossil fuels.
People like these and research as such will be subdued by oil lobby.
Instead of lecturing Developing nations USA should stop all Industries and go green totally,set an example to world that when other countries reach the stage USA is in right now they should switch over to green Energy.
Without doing that, USA is asking us to cut emissions while it wont cut it's.It's like i ask my neighbour not to eat or use more water while i continue have food fights and infinity pools in my home.That's sheer hypocrisy
I too feel this global warming thing how much it's true might be a invention of west.

Good point about NGO's being audited. Every NGo should be and their actions scrutinized. I agree with all your points. I was just saying some of there activists do a good job..
Even the likes Henry Kissinger have won Nobel Peace Prize, now don't tell me Mr Kissinger deserved that in light of his action in Latin America & the subcontinent. You are to gullible to understand geopolitics.
Here what our erstwhile PM had to say on NGO activities
Manmohan criticises NGOs for protests in Kudankulam - The Hindu
Foreign hand nuking Tamil Nadu nuclear power project, says Prime Minister Manmohan Singh : North, News - India Today
How do you guys know that these NGO are not front for foreign powers out to harm the interest of our nation. You will believe these NGO over your own government institution. The government we elect are given mandate of the people to full fill there promise. How can you have more trust on these NGO who's funding is a suspect versus your own government. NGO are not accountable to the people, there only accountability is to who ever funds them.
If there is any malpractice done by the government then there are constitutional bodies to rectify that .
Dr B.R. Ambedkar, in his concluding speech at the penultimate session of the Constituent Assembly on 25 November 1949, said: "If we wish to maintain democracy not merely in form, but also in fact, there are first things in my judgment we must do... to hold fast to constitutional methods of achieving our social and economic objectives. It means that we must abandon the methods of disobedience, non-cooperation and satyagraha — where constitutional methods are open, there can be no justification for these unconstitutional methods. These methods are nothing but the grammar of anarchy and the sooner they are abandoned, the better for us."

Kissinger and Obama both won a Nobel. However, Gandhi continues to be denied one. For me that speaks volumes. Im not as gullible as you may think.

The reason why there is a deep mistrust with our elected officials is due to the corruption and lack of ethics involved in politics by these politicans that we elect. You can't blame ppl for siding with NGO's when our very gov't has done a lot that leaves questions and doubts in our minds.

I agree with that quote from Ambedkar. It is spot on but in order for that to happen we have to ensure the Consitution is not sidelined ever. Even Ambedkar died a bitter man due to what he saw.

As for Kundalam, there were issues with safety and back up plans for evacuation. NGO's is an non issue for me. Just looking at our won track record of safety makes me worry. From what I gather, NGO's ehlped support the fishermen who were protesting. How else could they protest the gov't? They seriously lack the resources to do so. But I also read from other posters, the protest leader was uncompromising. Its one thing to work towards finding solutions and a different matter all together when the demands are BS.

If the NGO's are suspected of such activities and it is illegal, then why hasn't anything been done? Answer that? We are quick to throw accusations ...but where is the proof? Where are the charges? Are their activities illegal?
In a country like India which has got an independent, unbiased and hyperactive Judiciary, I don't see what these NGOs wish to achieve by holding dharnas, disrupting government works and creating chaos?

If they feel something is being done against the Public interest these groups can petition the Parliament of India or file a Public Interest Litigation.

India's political landscape has changed, India is no longer a Votocracy. The General Election has proved that aspirations of people have changed.
Slightly incorrect. Medha Patkar is not anti national. She is a dedicated Internationalist and a Marxist. So national or anti national allegations are not appropriate.

True to her convictions, she has turned her entire attention to opposing Modi now(perceived to be anti socialist even fascist). I like her (in a negative way). On the other hand the brain dead articles on Kafila, or the kind that is spawned by Medha's supporters kinda invigorates me with new energy, only in a way they did not intend. :D

My only problem with her is that her movement is largely political. There are plenty of environmentalists who have done more for the environment by raising much less ruckus. But then what's the point if the dispute goes away, the raison d'ettre for her relevance.
When in college i remember our HOD dedicating an hour long hate speech for Ms.Patkar. Yes we were studying dams and he was of the view that its ppl like Ms.Patkar who stall development in our country.I pretty much supported Ms.Patkar those days.
I am still in 2 minds when it comes to supporting this lady.From "pressurizing the government" to "honouring" a Supreme Court Judge for a favourable verdict which was explicit in the emails she has done it all.

have you read this article?
The Truth about Medha Patkar, a secular activist by @fgautier26
Frankly it shocked me.

SarthakGanguly said:
As for the development is concerned, I sometimes am reminded by the ascetic ideas of our Father of the Nation (@levina :D). He wanted India to remain an agrarian state, by being all farmers, all living in trees or forests or villages, making salt on monthly expeditions to sea shores, making our own cloth with the charkha at home, defend our borders with the Indian equivalent of the Salvation Army or Satyaghrahi Army(yes, they will be unarmed) and of course live without evil 'Western' electricity. That would be nice indeed. Nature will take its own course and millions will die out of starvation but then starving Hindus and Muslims will tie rakhis on each others hands and starve to death in bliss, while Gandhiji's loyalists like Medha ji would perhaps visit or sponsor a camp for 500 people(leaving maybe a few millions to watch) and hold out the glorious and time tested begging Indian hand to the enlightened England or Europe in general. A few poets will perhaps write about the wretchedness of Indian existence and consider the independence a burden, sigh and go over to the next day of a life we wouldn't want to live.
I must say sarcasm at its best.:agree:
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In a country like India which has got an independent, unbiased and hyperactive Judiciary, I don't see what these NGOs wish to achieve by holding dharnas, disrupting government works and creating chaos?

If they feel something is being done against the Public interest these groups can petition the Parliament of India or file a Public Interest Litigation.

India's political landscape has changed, India is no longer a Votocracy. The General Election has proved that aspirations of people have changed.

Maybe. We will see. Right before the elections, TOI released a few articles highlighting how the gov't was acting very agresssive against reformers and activists who had nothing to do with foriegn NGOs. They were being intimidated and silenced by force. False arrests, arrignments, harrassment, etc are all tools that are used by many countries including the West. I will try to dig up the article to post the link.
When in college i remember our HOD dedicating an hour long hate speech for Ms.Patkar. Yes we were studying dams and he was of the view that its ppl like Ms.Patkar who stall development in our country.I pretty much supported Ms.Patkar those days.
I am still in 2 minds when it comes to supporting this lady.From "pressurizing the government" to "honouring" a Supreme Court Judge for a favourable verdict which was explicit in the emails sha has done it all.

have you read this article
The Truth about Medha Patkar, a secular activist by @fgautier26
Frankly it shocked me.

I must say sarcasm at its best.:agree:

I have read the article as well as all the attachments .

American's speak in peculiar way - " I will not attach lot of importance when Mccully asks " how did you managed that verdict ? "

I am also not very surprised if NBA wants to honour the judge who gave favorable verdict ( there is no material gain when you say " favorable " verdict ..all that SC bench found that PIL against NBA was frivolous ....

I would be more shocked ..if Altamas Kabir had actually aceepted the ' honour ' ....

To say the least I do not find anything damning which can incriminate medha patkar beyond doubt .

To sum up I respect the cause she stands for ...and not her person-self !

There are always two narratives ...and both are usually correct ' partially ' and wrong ' partly '

we need to tease out truth from trifle just as we need to isft out grain from its husk !!!
@ levina.

Thanks for the link. I wish they would expose the Western links. Who are they? What are they up to? Where they get their funding? I dont get why this McCully character is asking Patkar to bring the ppl who helped bring this judgement to the UK for a function to honor them. Why the UK? This guys heads a group based in Berkley, California.
When in college i remember our HOD dedicating an hour long hate speech for Ms.Patkar. Yes we were studying dams and he was of the view that its ppl like Ms.Patkar who stall development in our country.I pretty much supported Ms.Patkar those days.
I am still in 2 minds when it comes to supporting this lady.From "pressurizing the government" to "honouring" a Supreme Court Judge for a favourable verdict which was explicit in the emails she has done it all.

have you read this article?
The Truth about Medha Patkar, a secular activist by @fgautier26
Frankly it shocked me.

I must say sarcasm at its best.:agree:

without activism of likes of medha patkar .. many voiceless poors would have been bereft of their dues .

Development should not come at cost of lives and livelihood of poor .

" What if one would gain whole world and lose ones soul in the process ..what good would it be then " so goes a proverb from a bible .

why people like Medha patkar are painted as outrightly anti developemental ?

will you support the development which uproots your existence , deprives you of your livelihood and destroys your families ?

and if not ...then why should we expect those who deeply affected by such mammoth projects should not protest and stall the said projects ?

The gory stories of government apathy towards those displaced and affected by such projects go on and on ...

Karwar naval base’s tale of misery for 30,000 people - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: The Rs 15,000 crore aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya may have showcased Navy's fire power for Prime Minister Narendra Modi at 'Seabird' Naval Base at Karwar, but the land on which India's biggest naval base was built continues to be a source of miseries for people whose land was acquired for it.
In October 1986, then PM Rajiv Gandhi had inaugurated the Seabird project and had assured the people that the project would be implemented in such a manner that not even one person would have to shed tears for loss of his land, acquired for the project.
After nearly 30 years, those who lost their land to the 'Seabird' project are only shedding tears. After the Reference Court determined the compensation at Rs 4.5 lakh per acre more than two decades back, the erstwhile land owners have not yet seen the money in their hand.
They have been dragged to the High Court and from there to the Supreme Court by the state government and the defence estate officer as the rate of compensation was challenged. Most of them came together and hired common lawyer.
The courts ruled in their favour and dismissed the appeals. Yet, only a handful among the 30,000 affected have got full compensation for their acquired land. The compensation for the few came only after they moved contempt petitions before the apex court.
Originally there were not 30,000 claimants. But on death of land owners, their numerous legal heirs have been substituted as the claimants. Approximately 1,000 hectares, or 2,500 acres, of land was acquired for the 'Seabird' naval base.
Their counsel Devadatt Kamat told TOI that most of them, who are small farmers and fishermen, do not have the money to file individual contempt petitions against the Defence Estate Officer to get the compensation. If they had been rendered landless 30 years ago, penury now stares at them, he said.
The apex court had on September 13, 2012 dismissed the appeals of the authorities and directed the Defence Estate Officer to pay the enhanced amount of compensation along with other statutory benefits to the land owners within four months in the form of demand drafts.
The DEO requested for more time to comply with the apex court's order and it was granted time till June 10, 2013. But, the payments were not made warranting filing of contempt petition by two persons. These two have been paid and the court was informed on March 31 this year that drafts for Rs 1.07 crore had been sent to them. The court listed it for hearing in July.
Kamat says: "The amount payable today as compensation runs to almost Rs 600 crores." He says the affected persons are pinning hope on Modi's maiden speech in Parliament that development could not be the cause for sorrow for a section of people and hope that their dues would be released soon.
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Professional Agitators - Killing India Softly

Imagine life without mobile phones now. But there are many who are suffering from the waves of those towers and they do complain. What’s the option? Reduce connectivity? How many would like that? The only option, therefore, is to strike the best possible balance between development and pain. Our population has grown from around 36 crores in 1947 to 1.2 billion currently. That doesn’t seem to bother anyone anymore. And the demands of this huge population are varied and endless. Under these circumstances the objective of the govt is “the greater good of the greater number”. This is why an IB report pointing to a number of NGOs stalling the development of India, various projects, causing delays and acting for foreign vested interests has rattled the media and a lot of the NGOs. Almost all of these NGOs are extensively funded by foreign agencies.

Much of what the IB report says is nothing new and has been in the public domain for long. I don’t even think the report got “leaked”. I believe it was deliberately handed over toTimesNow by a rogue in the Home Ministry to sound a warning to many of these NGOs. Some of the smooth-criminals who have been a nuisance to various projects are in this pic:

Medha Patkar has been agitating against the Narmada dam for ages. Tagging along with her was Genocide Suzy (who hates everything about India). The SC had approved raising the height of the dam to 138 metres. On June 12, when the GOI approved the increase of 17 metres to the dam to the approved level, Patkar called it “illegal”. So even the SC ruling is illegal for her. Having realised the stupidity of calling it “illegal”, in later statements she calls it “undemocratic”. I believe we have all seen how all the Commie undemocratic forces gathered under the comforter that Kejriwal has covered himself with. The Narmada dam provides water to millions of historically water-starved people in Saurashtra and Kutch besides other parts of Gujarat. Naturally, many residents around the dam would be displaced. It is right to protest and seek the best compensation for the displaced people but to agitate that dams shouldn’t be built and they are illegal is essentially an anti-people, anti-national activity. That apart, Patkar’s dubious foreign funding comes from vested interests which enables her to personally live a life of comfort while scavenging on the pain of others (read this detailed post).

Then there are others like Harsh Mander, Teesta Setalvad, and Shabnam Hashmi who have scavenged on riot victims of Gujarat. The more they lied the more funds they got from India, political parties and from abroad. I don’t need to provide links because these rogues are now known for their fraudulent financial activities. Teesta has even reportedly used the “riot funds” for her personal shopping, jewellery and fine wines. SP Udaykumar is quite a character. On Timesnow he disclosed he had received lakhs of rupees from abroad, including some research funding from Ohio University. All that research money had nothing to with nuclear projects and nobody knows what research he did. Some “hippy” that Udaykumar referred to as a contact turns out to be an “agent” who carried hand-sketched maps of 16 nuclear plants in India. Oh yes, normal people do carry maps of nuclear plants in India, don’t they? This scumbag led a serious and long protest against the Kudankulam nuclear plant in Tamil Nadu with no legitimate reason except fear-mongering. Obviously, Udaykumar was being influenced and funded by foreign crooks that have their vested interests in blocking some project or the other in India. And sure enough, the current “rent-an-agitation” warehouse manager, Arvind Kejriwal landed up in Kudankulam too.

The agitations by Patkar and other scavengers of misery have cost a lot. According to an estimate the delays in the last 10 years has cost nearly 45000 crores to the Narmada dam which is more than the cost of the project itself (Read here). The mysteries of that wonderful gang, called Greenpeace, is just about unravelling. It was long known that this group is in India to only create ruckus and nuisance for any project that benefits India. However, the crooks from this organisation, which originates from Canada, targeted only Indian organisations and projects and not projects by MNC. This series of tweets by IBTL shortens the story:

Greenpeace not only funded agitations in general, it even funded agitations by an AAP party member. If one looks closely, the AAP party is nothing but an Apex body of all such foreign-funded NGOs, most of them involved in anti-national agitations and activities. They are hell-bent on stopping every project that India wants to undertake in any territory. It’s hardly surprising, therefore that the most popular form of management by Arvind Kejriwal is street agitations and dharnas. Nothing else suits them. For more on the various other NGOs like CRY, World Vision, MARAG who have been involved in unusual funding and money-laundering please read these posts: “Children as leverage” – Part1 and Part 2 as also “Confederation of Indian agitators”. Some of these NGOs operate as children’s services but are missionaries in disguise who seek to convert children to Christianity. That’s their “return on investment”. Some of them operated as “professional agitators” against projects in Gujarat.

Cordaid and HIVOS are Dutch organisations that are strangely exercising great interest in India. On June 11 in a discussion on Timesnow it turned out that Cordaid first operated in Kashmir for Human Rights and later suddenly turned to the North East sector. From human rights in Kashmir their attention turned to Palmolein and mining and Uranium in the NE. Both these NGOs are also known to have contributed a good deal of funds to, you guessed it, Arvind Kejriwal and his NGOs and IAC (read this post which has links to various reports). General Bakshi (retd) on Timesnow pointed out that there are 90000 tons of Uranium deposits in the NE but till date not 1 gram of Uranium has been extracted due to these NGO agitations and the influence they bring from the foreign govts controlling them. Given this, the following passage from the Sunday Guardian (April 2014) should not shock anyone at all:

“Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than US NGOs, (the former) Secretary of State Clinton favoured operating through organisations based in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway" as these were outside the radar of big power politics. These NGOs were active in the agitation against the Russian nuclear power plant at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, with "funding coming mainly from a religious organisation based in Europe that has close links with France.”

The IB report was probably put out to scare some of the errant NGOs but there is definitely a desperate need to get rid of foreign NGOs and foreign-funded NGOs whose actions are motivated not by genuine causes but by “political” persuasions of the country funding them. Some of these NGOs don’t even have much cause to exist anymore. There was a time when the govt did not have a ministry for environment or statutory clearances as a requirement. Our courts too have been very active on these concerns. So for these “specialist” NGOs for quite a few causes are not really needed anymore. The only lame argument that will come up against this is “Govt is corrupt” but then these NGOs have proved equally corrupt too. The NGO domain itself has become one big profitable “business” industry and a tool for money-laundering. There are many politicians who operate NGOs to launder black money. They run educational institutions under such spurious NGOs.

One can’t want to fly in jet aircrafts and complain about the noise. It’s not a design flaw in the engine; it’s the nature of the beast. The same applies to air force jets. Even their training flights cause enough noise to upset neighbouring residents. Ask the residents near Pune airport what noise those Sukoi training flights cause. Do away with those jets? The Mumbai airport is bang in the middle of the city and residents around the airport have to live with the noise of an aircraft every minute. Stop all flights? Airports at other metros are somewhat away from the city but residents still have to bear with the noise. There is a new Mumbai airport that is ready but that too will be surrounded with population. Of course, aviation engineers are constantly working on technology to reduce the noise levels of engines. Our “needs” turn into “wants” in no time and India is a country where a large population is still grappling with basic needs of life: water, housing, food, sanitation, jobs and so on. This lofty ideal of leaving a better planet for the future is adorable but it shouldn’t imply much of the present population should live a miserable life.

There are, definitely, thousands of NGOs who are into genuine social service and healthy activities. However, the rogues mentioned in this post are the ones who are darlings of our media and get the most attention due to their constant “rent-an-agitation” operational mode. We have 3.3 million NGOs says Indian Express which is nearly one for every 400 Indians. By that measure all of India’s problems should have been well under control. If the poor are getting poorer and farmers commit suicides, then many NGOs too have to bear some responsibility for standing in the way of progress. I am in no doubt that most of the NGOs covered in the IB report (even far-fetched as accused by some) are not here to serve India. They are here to kill India. Softly!

NGO Funding & Agitation Technology - Part 1

If an organisation goes to a bank for a loan, one of the documents that are usually demanded is a “Fund-flow statement”. This fund-flow is to show how and from where funds will be received and how they will be applied. This is a projection and can include the proposed loan sought from the bank. This is not to be confused with a cash-flow statement. The reason for analysing the fund-flow is to estimate if the unit can meet its objectives with the loan sought and if the application is a genuine estimate. The bank’s main concern is, obviously, if the borrower will be in a position to return the money as scheduled. In case of NGO-funding the donor doesn’t seek a monetary return. The donor pays money with belief in the stated mission of the NGO. Over the last week, the leaked IB report on NGO activities caused a flutter among some NGOs and quite a few of our media folks and celebrities. Some of them have foolishly compared foreign donations to NGOs to FDI. In terms of cash-flow it may appear the same; that is foreign money flows into the country’s economy. But FDI as we know it is not free. Business and venture FDI is returnable, it’s a liability and demands a measurable return on the investment. In case of NGOs it is neither returnable nor a liability. For the NGO it is an “income” (mostly tax-exempt). The only return an NGO-donor seeks is the pursuit of the “agenda” that the NGO laid out.

The “agenda” as declared to the govt and general public and as pursued by an NGO through the dictates of a large donor can often be at variance. It is naïve of some to think that anti-national agendas are going to be formally declared by an NGO. Naturally, such “hidden agendas” are not easy to prove which is why our media crooks harp on “legality”. However, just as in a murder “circumstantial evidence” also receives due consideration by a court the actions of an NGO and its “hidden agenda” can be established by circumstantial evidence. This is why you get meaningless blabber as that coming from a raging Barkha Dutt:

Some of the NGOs named in the IB report aren’t merely expressing “opinions” and it is surprising that TV-soap peddlers who seek the drama of agitations feign ignorance.Greenpeace (GP) and some others aren’t merely expressing “opinions”. Their “opinions” are often expressedphysically and sometimes invasively. Arvind Kejriwal, as Chief Minister, doing a Dharna in Delhi (on R-Day eve in a high-security zone) and obstructing normal life of citizens when his Dharna neither has permission nor is legal is not a legitimate way of expressing “opinion”. He should have been arrested and prosecuted but was let-off. But hey, our media folks and Bollywood Bimbos cry “war” when they perceive a threat to “celebrity NGOs”. One such Bollywood Bimbo is Nandita Das who calls the IB report an attack on civil society. She is the one who famously said on TV “I have a small kid, how can I live in this country” (In case Modi became PM and “secular” forces were defeated in election). And after saying that she promptly went abroad to give anti-Modi speeches and didn’t bother to vote. That’s the kind of sanctimonious bimbos who speak for democracy. We have been watching their concern for India for quite a while now.

How our ignorant media folks and Bollywood celebrities rant on some issues without much clarity is best explained in this humorous response to Barkha by R. Vaidyanathan an IIM-B professor and an expert on finance and economy:

No foreign funding for NGOs in some countries? Oh well, it is okay for India because we are poor or were. But foreign funding for NGOs need not be a natural birthright and if some Western countries don't allow it, there must be good reason. Ghulam Nabi Fai? Remember that? Even other experts like Surjit Bhalla harped on the same issue of “funding” when funding is not the only issue where certain NGOs are concerned. It is what those funds are applied for that is also important. Of course, if there are any illegalities in the funding process that adds to the crimes. And what is this outrage about? Of the 3 million plus NGOs in this country, only a handful have been named in the IB report as indulging in anti-national activities and that constitutes an “attack on civil society”? That’s like the Congress saying the killing of their members by Left-wing extremists in Chattisgarh is an “attack on democracy”. All other mass killings are fine and are normal killings and not an attack on democracy? A newspaper reported the following:

That simply means many of the NGOs who got funds under FCRA simply had a free run with donations and without any accountability. Along with FDI many foreign organisations also bring in newer technology to operations. Some foreign NGOs aren’t different in that they too bring “technology” to agitations and protests. This technology involves carefully crafted agitations and objectives and often aims to overthrow govts. Lately, it has come to be known as “sponsored revolutions”. In the response to Surjit Bhalla’s uncharacteristic protest against the IB report V HariKiran best narrated the understanding of the issue and I recommend you read the whole post. Here’s a brief excerpt:

“First and foremost any protest or attempts to delay projects need not break the law.There are myriad of ways in which one can protest without breaking the lawbut with the clear and deliberate intent of stopping or stalling the projects. This point does not need elaboration here. The focus of IB is not on law but intent… I am at loss on the tone and tenor with which to react to his lament that IB report is “tight lipped” about institutions and officials in the UPA government agreeing with the recommendations of these FFNGOs. Suffice it to say that IB’s job is certainly not to write a thesis on “Development economics in Emerging Countries- Challenges and Solutions.” IB is an investigating agency not the Economics department at JNU, their job is not to write about the views and actions of all the stake holders”.

This part is a brief introduction to the series on the crimes of certain NGOs who indulge in anti-national activities. And like the Bollywood Bimbo, it need not be confused as an attack on India or civil society or on all NGOs. In this series we will look deeper into the funding and agitation technology of these NGOs.
I do not support the half of the protests in our country. People protest for everything. Its very easy for opposition and NGOs to make people come to streets in India. With out knowing any facts, people come to streets even if there is nothing wrong with the government.
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