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Most of India's population are in the countryside, in a nuclear attack, most of India would survive.

Can't say the same for Pakistan.

Much of Pakistans population is n countryside as well.

Now 30% of india is urbanized... the nuclear radiation will cause the whole country side to shrivel up and die...

india may survive but it wil be a useless state. probably 1/10 its size, surrounded by radiation.
We have first strike capability...
We wont have to attack every inch of India...
Just attack its coastal & major cities using stealth Babur...
The dominoes will fall in place...

lol that day the most of the Muslim world will be burn
Makkah and Medina will be blown to ashes :devil:
We have first strike capability...
We wont have to attack every inch of India...
Just attack its coastal & major cities using stealth Babur...
The dominoes will fall in place...

Spain had to push many Spanish muslims and torture them, push them to morrocco...
Right now Spain only has like 11% berber blood.
That shows you how successful they were sonny.

But you don't have second strike capability, we will take out all your strategic locations in first strike itself.

And regarding Spain kiddo.

As of 2007, it is estimated that
over 1 million Muslims live in Spain,[1] most of them recent immigrants from
North Africa, Middle East,
and South Asia; although
there are also some Spanish
converts, estimated at between 20,000[2] and 50,000.[3]


Main article: Reconquista After the disintegration of
the Caliphate, Islamic
control of Spain was
gradually eroded by the
Christian Reconquista. The Reconquista (Reconquest)
was the process by which
the Catholic Kingdoms of
northern Spain eventually
managed to succeed in
defeating and conquering the Muslim states of the
Iberian Peninsula. The first
major city to fall to Catholic
powers was Toledo in 1085, [6] what prompted the intervention of Almoravids.
After the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212, most of Al-Andalus fell under control
of the Catholic kingdoms,
the only exception being the Nasrid dynasty Emirate of Granada. The Granada War (Guerra de Granada or First Rebellion of
Alpujarras) of the
Reconquista began in 1482
against the Emirate of Granada. It was not until 1492 that the Emirate of
Granada with city of Granada and the Alhambra and Generalife Palaces, the last remaining Muslim
territory in al-Andalus, fell in
the Battle of Granada to forces of the Catholic Monarchs (los Reyes Catolicos), Queen Isabella I of Castile and her husband King Ferdinand II of Aragon. [7] The conquest was accompanied by the Treaty of Granada signed by Emir Muhammad XII of Granada, allowing the Spanish crown's
new Muslim subjects a large
measure of religious
toleration. They were also
allowed the continuing use
of their own language, schools, laws and customs.
But the interpretation of the
royal edict was largely left to
the local Catholic
authorities. Hernando de
Talavera, the first Archbishop of Granada after its Catholic conquest, took a
fairly tolerant view. However 1492 started the
monarchy's reversal of
freedoms beginning with
the Alhambra Decree. This continued when Archbishop
Talavera was replaced by Cardinal Cisneros, who immediately organised a
drive for mass forced conversions and burned thousands of texts in Arabic.
Outraged by this breach of
faith, in 1499 the Mudéjar rose in the Second Rebellion of Alpujarras, which only had the effect of giving Ferdinand and Isabella the excuse to revoke the
promise of toleration. That
same year the Muslim
leaders of Granada were
ordered to hand over almost
all of the remaining books in Arabic, most of which were
burned. Beginning in Valencia in 1502, Muslims were offered the choice of
baptism or exile. The
majority decided to accept
the former, becoming 'New
Catholics', of very great
interest to the newly established Spanish Inquisition, authorised by Pope Sixtus IV in 1478. The Morisco conversos (converts), though
outwardly Catholic,
continued to adhere to their
old beliefs in private as
crypto-Muslims in a practice
known as taqiyyah or precaution, conduct allowed
for by some Islamic
authorities when the faithful
are under duress or threat of
life. Responding to a plea
from his co-religionists in Spain, in 1504 the Grand Mufti of Oran issued a decree saying that Muslims
may drink wine, eat pork
and other forbidden things,
if they were under
compulsion to conform or
persecution. There were good reasons for this; for
abstinence from wine or
pork could, and did, cause
people to be denounced to
the Spanish Inquisition. But
no matter how closely they observed all of the correct
forms, the Morisco or Little
Moors, a term of
disparagement, were little
better than second-class
citizens, tainted, it might be said, by blood rather than by
actions. Despite all of these
pressures, some people
continued to observe
Moorish forms, and practice
as Muslims, well into the
16th century. In 1567, King Philip II finally made the use of the Arabic language
illegal, and forbade the
Islamic religion, dress, and
customs, a step which led to
the Second Rebellion of Alpujarras and the Morisco Revolt. This was suppressed with considerable brutality.
In one incident, troops
commanded by Don John of Austria destroyed the town of Galera east of Granada, after slaughtering the entire
population. The Moriscos of
Granada were rounded up
and dispersed across Spain.
'Edicts of Expulsion' for the expulsion of the Moriscos were finally issued by Philip III in 1609 against the remaining Muslims in Spain,
who by that time were
concentrated in the Kingdom of Aragon in the north, and areas around
Valencia where they made
up 33% of the population.
The corresponding expulsion
of Muslims from the Kingdom of Castille was officially completed in 1614,
although it is believed that
up to 10,000 Moriscos
remained in Spain. The decline in revenue, and
loss of technical skills, from
the expulsion of Muslims
from Aragon precipitated
the downfall of Aragon, and
the prominence of Castille – a reality which remains until
today. Further, the loss of
revenue and skills from
Valencia lead to a shift of
Catalan power from
Valencia, to regions around Barcelona, which had far fewer Muslims and were
thus less-affected. Present
day cultural survivals of
Islamic influence in Spain
and Portugal include
expressions such as Spanish "ojalá" and Portuguese
"oxalá", meaning "may God
will it" or "I hope" which is a
close adaptation from an
Arabic equivalent "inshallah"
evoking Allah.
Much of Pakistans population is n countryside as well.

Now 30% of india is urbanized... the nuclear radiation will cause the whole country side to shrivel up and die...

india may survive but it wil be a useless state. probably 1/10 its size, surrounded by radiation.

Only that part seems logical rest is just hot gas.
Much of Pakistans population is n countryside as well.

Now 30% of india is urbanized... the nuclear radiation will cause the whole country side to shrivel up and die...

india may survive but it wil be a useless state. probably 1/10 its size, surrounded by radiation.

Pakistan will only become the land of radiation, our missile defence system will blow all your PATAKHE. :rofl::rofl:

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Fatichar thread. All bogus threads comes up here. Nasty mentalities of people!! Always yearn to fight!!
Jinnah not told anyone to kill.... On Modi order hindu extremist raped muslim women and genocide of muslims in Gujarat....

so u r tellin me jinnah never though after partitioning there would be no riots between Muslims and Hindus would take place ??? well he's a big idiot or you're being one.....!!! poor Ghandi suffered himself in hunger and prison to get the freedom and a guy comes in last and part the country.....what a tragedy
Only that part seems logical rest is just hot gas.

If it ever came to nuking each other though I personally wont endorse it its going to be at a stage when Pak has no other option and remember it would always be Pak who will nuke india first as in conventional terms India is better than us..
Now when we nuke india do you think it would be a single nuke thus allowing india to retaliate in whichever way she likes well I dont think so , If Pakistan ever go on nuking india that would be atleats 50-70 nukes delivered within minutes via a combination of air and land launched cruise missiles and 3000-4000 km range ballistic missiles crippling all major defence installations of india . I really doubt in the resultant smoke india would be able to even think of retaliating or would have any means left to retaliate.

You guys need to understand why we are keeping our nuke inventory ahead of india at any given day and also you should wonder why pakistan has worlds fastest growing nuclear arsenal and I said worlds fastest.

Pakistan has world's fastest growing nuclear stockpile - Times Of India
http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-sh...r-missiles-more-than-india-sipri/20130603.htm Though in reality we have atleast 20-30 more nukes but we all know western media always downplay pak abilities.

Its better for india and this region if you guys give kashmiries their rights and come on good terms with pak and we have a lot to give you (oil and gas pipelines and your goods access to iran,afghanistan and central asia ,russia)to help you overcome your ever increasing poverty.
If it ever came to nuking each other though I personally wont endorse it its going to be at a stage when Pak has no other option and remember it would always be Pak who will nuke india first as in conventional terms India is better than us..
Now when we nuke india do you think it would be a single nuke thus allowing india to retaliate in whichever way she likes well I dont think so , If Pakistan ever go on nuking india that would be atleats 50-70 nukes delivered within minutes via a combination of air and land launched cruise missiles and 3000-4000 km range ballistic missiles crippling all major defence installations of india . I really doubt in the resultant smoke india would be able to even think of retaliating or would have any means left to retaliate.

You guys need to understand why we are keeping our nuke inventory ahead of india at any given day and also you should wonder why pakistan has worlds fastest growing nuclear arsenal and I said worlds fastest.

Pakistan has world's fastest growing nuclear stockpile - Times Of India

Its better for india and this region if you guys give kashmiries their rights and come on good terms with pak and we have a lot to give you (oil and gas pipelines and your goods access to iran,afghanistan and central asia ,russia)to help you overcome your ever increasing poverty.

India have anti ballistic missiles which Pakistan do not have. Using that India can restrict 40-50 incoming nukes simultaneously. And treaties are meant to be broken, remember that, so don't jump. We dont want to nuke anyone and leave peacefully so don't compel. And don't show us the power of nuke. It doesn't suite you. Protect your nuke. Else the thing which happened in the movie 'GI Joe Retaliation', might happen soon.
If it ever came to nuking each other though I personally wont endorse it its going to be at a stage when Pak has no other option and remember it would always be Pak who will nuke india first as in conventional terms India is better than us..
Now when we nuke india do you think it would be a single nuke thus allowing india to retaliate in whichever way she likes well I dont think so , If Pakistan ever go on nuking india that would be atleats 50-70 nukes delivered within minutes via a combination of air and land launched cruise missiles and 3000-4000 km range ballistic missiles crippling all major defence installations of india . I really doubt in the resultant smoke india would be able to even think of retaliating or would have any means left to retaliate.

You guys need to understand why we are keeping our nuke inventory ahead of india at any given day and also you should wonder why pakistan has worlds fastest growing nuclear arsenal and I said worlds fastest.

Pakistan has world's fastest growing nuclear stockpile - Times Of India

Its better for india and this region if you guys give kashmiries their rights and come on good terms with pak and we have a lot to give you (oil and gas pipelines and your goods access to iran,afghanistan and central asia ,russia)to help you overcome your ever increasing poverty.

Try google and seach India anti-Ballistic missile system. Pakistan don't have weapons but won't stop claiming bullshit. :rofl:
Pakistan will only become the land of radiation, our missile defence system will blow all your PATAKHE. :rofl::rofl:

I really wonder how you guys will counter nuclear cruise missiles launched from f-16,mirages and JF 17 right on top of their targets , come in real world mate before its too late

Try google and seach India anti-Ballistic missile system. Pakistan don't have weapons but won't stop claiming bullshit. :rofl:

we are talking about cruise missles here go and google raa'd cruise missile of Pak that can be launched from both land and air.Do you even know the difference b/w cruise and ballistic missiles?
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Try google and seach India anti-Ballistic missile system. Pakistan don't have weapons but won't stop claiming bullshit. :rofl:

I can see your pant getting wet even imaging 70 nukes falling on incredible india imagine what would happen when they actually does , so just learn where you stand and stop acting what you are not and would never be.:pakistan:
I really wonder how you guys will counter nuclear cruise missiles launched from f-16,mirages and JF 17 right on top of their targets , come in real world mate before its too late

we are talking about cruise missles here go and google raa'd cruise missile of Pak that can be launched from both land and air.

One thing for you, Little knowledge is very dangerous. By the way, don't want to speak much with u, just 1 thing, rather than lecturing here, try the things which you are saying and then suffer your fate..
lol that day the most of the Muslim world will be burn
Makkah and Medina will be blown to ashes :devil:

Why make it Hindu vs Muslim?

Although we will make sure to destroy all pagan structures as our fathers footsteps :angel:
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