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Narendra Modi: India's saviour or its worst nightmare?-theguardian

You know, the tragic part about UK is that its own MPs have welcomed engaging with Modi after Supreme Court declared him innocent in all charges. In fact, one MP from UK parliament even rebuked Nidhi Razdan (presenter on NDTV) for not respecting the law of her own country and calling him whatever. And now their own media is going against their own MPs. lol!

The point is US, UK, Germany and some of the NATO countries who have vested interests in India, do not want India to become strong and independent.

Remember that during NDA government in the early 2000s, despite sanctions our government was strong and refused to kowtow the line that USA and UK had designed for us. They fear that after 10 years, that stability and independent nature will return and they won't be able to control our internal affairs and foreign policies through funded political lobbies in Indian circles.

It used to be always that BJP would have a soft corner for the West. But this time it looks like Russia, Japan, Korea, China etc will be the biggest benefactors of our new foreign policy.

NaMo means a hard-nosed business-minded and highly independent government. Which means that their strings of control they built to hide well with the UPA and its new pets, will be exposed and cut off.

Thats right.
We need the look east policy
Who the fuk is writing these articles ?
That mofo should come to India and see things first-hand before writing writing such nonsense.

Or maybe guardian is taking money from Congress which they have scammed from Indians.What a shame.
Looks like Guardian is the new front for Salman Rushdie, Homi Bhabha, Anish Kapoor, Deepa Mehta. There is a relentless campaign by these guys against Modi in western media. Don't know if it's out of love for Congress or sheer hatred towards Modi. Either way.. it's not going to make any difference as far as Indian electorates are concerned. Guardian reading public in India would have already decided who they are going to go with in this election!
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Paid Media crying again ???

NaMo means a hard-nosed business-minded and highly independent government. Which means that their strings of control they built to hide well with the UPA and its new pets, will be exposed and cut off.

That's what we need now.... I'll be so damn happy if he can go behind Soniya's son in-law and bring that fucker's wealth which he stole from innocent people
Its actually a decent article. Not political, more human interest for non Indians. Don't see why people are attacking without reading it.

I read 7 to 8 articles of Guardian and all were loathe of crap and Modi bashing. Thought this one is another crap from them... Therefore, didn't bother to read it. :sick:
That's what we need now.... I'll be so damn happy if he can go behind Soniya's son in-law and bring that fucker's wealth which he stole from innocent people

Vadra is just an instrument to take wealth. Remember, the guy wanted a divorce from Princess Bianca. But then mysteriously everything went quiet. Guess who was threatened to be used as a scapegoat. True that he seems to enjoy a lavish lifestyle, but whatever Vadra maybe, I think he is nothing more than MMS--- a bonded puppet.

The real problem is the Italian Royals.

Its actually a decent article. Not political, more human interest for non Indians. Don't see why people are attacking without reading it.

Because Guardian and Americans have started to act againt the leader that the country wants.
I didn't find any propaganda in this article. Just decent reporting from the ground. Over all the article has been more biased towards Modi than against him.
I read 7 to 8 articles of Guardian and all were loathe of crap and Modi bashing. Thought this one is another crap from them... Therefore, didn't bother to read it. :sick:

I was surprised the article did not say ''train caught fire'' and ''Modi killed people'' as if thats what the courts have said.
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