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Narendra Modi in Beijing, tells China 'Pakistan is making use of you'

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india doesn't hates anyone, its u pakistanis who hate israel for no reason, whatever their business with palestine, what it has got to do with, i don't recall palestine doing any favors for pakistan, and if israel is an aggressor, hamas has resorted to terrorist activities too, u can blame only one side for everything......

We didnt send our planes to bomb de mona reactors.. nor did we arm palestinians to attack israeli... they did the opposite... than we have the famous Ben gurion statement against Pakistan?

You speak against hamas.. yet u never speak against bombing of gaza?phosphorous arty shells,bombing of UN schools,hospitals.. indicriminate bombings,killing of innocent,occupation....naval blockade... or even the illegal settlement?

Coz its similiar to what ur doing in IOK? is tht it?
We didnt send our planes to bomb de mona reactors.. nor did we arm palestinians to attack israeli... they did the opposite... than we have the famous Ben gurion statement against Pakistan?

You speak against hamas.. yet u never speak against bombing of gaza?phosphorous arty shells,bombing of UN schools,hospitals.. indicriminate bombings,killing of innocent,occupation....naval blockade... or even the illegal settlement?

Coz its similiar to what ur doing in IOK? is tht it?
That has been proved to be fake many times over...and so is the Israeli plot to bomb Kahuta...both figments of imagination...
PN you are such a mature & senior member i cant understand that why & what made you to post such pathetik remarks

What do u expect me to say when i see posts like :

Who cares... Good luck israel.... kill them terrorists.... israel had my respect..... israel has the right....israel has balls.. God bless... thts what they deserve..... kind of posts? just sayin what ive seen here man..
We didnt send our planes to bomb de mona reactors.. nor did we arm palestinians to attack israeli... they did the opposite... than we have the famous Ben gurion statement against Pakistan?

You speak against hamas.. yet u never speak against bombing of gaza?phosphorous arty shells,bombing of UN schools,hospitals.. indicriminate bombings,killing of innocent,occupation....naval blockade... or even the illegal settlement?

Coz its similiar to what ur doing in IOK? is tht it?

If i remember corectly during Bill Clinton presidenct isreal signed a peace treaty with arafat and as soon as he came back to palestine he & some senior members PLA changed their minds then there were some rocket attacks on iseal & whole peace iniciative went down the drain so tell me why did arrafat did so ?
Er..... no, we don't have that ...... only shining incredible India does

:lol: :lol: :lol:

No wonder Indians are still deluding themselves...... they have no idea how backward they are


and you think you are super-power already..i say good morning.
go and first fix minimum wages for your factory workers, whom you exploit and whine about growth.
if by backward you mean, slums, poverty, under-nutrition you dont have that mch rosy picture too..you too (if you consider us one, we admit it and are working on it) are backward.

China, India And Their Slums | SOUTH ASIAN SOUNDINGS

by copying designs of some planes and by stealing (through hacking, which a worldwide fact Chengdu is the hub for these activities) critical industrial information from west and European countries you claim of indigenous development...huh :hitwall:
and I hope all chinese ppl are not like you and overestimating there capabilities.

also last bt not the least ask your govt to stop censoring media, so that you guys can have clear picture about the world.
best of luck -D
That has been proved to be fake many times over...and so is the Israeli plot to bomb Kahuta...

Im not 100% sure of the statement.. but they did attempt to bomb kahuta.. i also know a pilot who was up in the air during the red alert... the radars picked up an F-16 flyin in indian territory very close to ind-Pak border.. india doesnt operate them does it? plus their were intel reports aswell!
We didnt send our planes to bomb de mona reactors.. nor did we arm palestinians to attack israeli... they did the opposite... than we have the famous Ben gurion statement against Pakistan?

You speak against hamas.. yet u never speak against bombing of gaza?phosphorous arty shells,bombing of UN schools,hospitals.. indicriminate bombings,killing of innocent,occupation....naval blockade... or even the illegal settlement?

Coz its similiar to what ur doing in IOK? is tht it?

i never spoke against hamas....i said both sides are dirty, why do u keep favoring only one side when don't have a dog in their fight....and don't bring IOK in between, it is easy to speak about a place based on media reports of your country and statements of AHPC, J&K is a lot better than how it is portrayed in pakistan.....
If i remember corectly during Bill Clinton presidenct isreal signed a peace treaty with arafat and as soon as he came back to palestine he & some senior members PLA changed their minds then there were some rocket attacks on iseal & whole peace iniciative went down the drain so tell me why did arrafat did so ?

Arafat did what he thought was in the best interest of his nation.. which is still under occupation and has suffered discrimination,massacres n a hell of difficulties n attrocities... why not go back to the original boders ? they want peace? yeah right.. i guess thts why UN calls them war criminals n despite being warned to stop illegal settlements ... they havent.... i dnt side with the killings of civilians.. but frm what ive seen IDF has killed thousands of palestinians n nobdy cares.. but when hamas kills 1 after "years" in some stupid rocket attack... the news is highlighted out of propotion..
Im not 100% sure of the statement.. but they did attempt to bomb kahuta.. i also know a pilot who was up in the air during the red alert... the radars picked up an F-16 flyin in indian territory very close to ind-Pak border.. india doesnt operate them does it? plus their were intel reports aswell!

You are not sure because such a statement does not exist...and the 'red alerts' were all based on speculations as India before 91 was awovedly socialist an did not even have diplomatic relations with Israel...
i never spoke against hamas....i said both sides are dirty, why do u keep favoring only one side when don't have a dog in their fight....and don't bring IOK in between, it is easy to speak about a place based on media reports of your country and statements of AHPC, J&K is a lot better than how it is portrayed in pakistan.....

Dude lets not start on kashmir .. as u said urself... but kashmir is better? really... forget it man.

Nough said.
If only you knew that a passing statement gets thrown out of proportion on PDF. The power junkie is instrumental for the raise and growth of Gujarat whose GDP is about 81 billion dollars and it is just one of the 28 odd states in India.
By 2015 Gujarat is expected to have a GDP of 110 billion dollars. Clubbed with a neighbouring state of Maharashtra, the combined GDP of the two states will be about 325 billion dollars!

I would like to see more such power junkies in India.


I wont contest your incredible figures - although in the past you have known to get it incredibly wrong. (you managed to mistake 650,000 for 650,000,000 do you remember? ;))
What he has done for Gujarat in your eyes is great and good luck to you. This thread is about what this monkey said to China about Pakistan. What qualification does he possess to feel he is more knowledgeable about his hosts? Is he trying to belittle their intelligence? Why cant he stick to talking about India and Gujarat? Is he obsessed with his neighbor that much that he has to bring them up? Obviously you feel he has done great things for his state - thats a matter for you and not relevant to this thread. He feels a need to show his power junky fetish on the international field by putting down Pakistan?
You are not sure because such a statement does not exist...and the 'red alerts' were all based on speculations as India before 91 was awovedly socialist an did not even have diplomatic relations with Israel...

Im talking abt 98... u had established diplomatic relations very well before tht... also after 98... in kargil it was israel tht sent you weapons didnt it? nobdy buys tht awovedly socialist bull!
i never spoke against hamas....i said both sides are dirty, why do u keep favoring only one side when don't have a dog in their fight....and don't bring IOK in between, it is easy to speak about a place based on media reports of your country and statements of AHPC, J&K is a lot better than how it is portrayed in pakistan.....

You defend israel and then you go on using deceit to cover it up.
Dude lets not start on kashmir .. as u said urself... but kashmir is better? really... forget it man.

Nough said.

yeah sure, i am sure the inflamed reports of pakistani media portrays a more accurate picture of J&K and my friends who have been living in Jammu themselves, u can satisfying with ur imagination, but it doesn't changes the truth
Im talking abt 98... u had established diplomatic relations very well before tht... also after 98... in kargil it was israel tht sent you weapons didnt it? nobdy buys tht awovedly socialist bull!

Yeah you drew the first blood in the Arab Israeli wars which Israel only repayed... Cant fault them..

No body needs to buy...we know what it was..

And yeah '98..wasnt that Hamid Gul chap the ISI chief...? credibility could be the last word that can be associated with him.
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