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Narendra Modi addressing the India Today Coclave 2013

& individuals who are responsible for those genocide are protected with Z+ security despite them not heading any govt portfolio. & their masters have the audacity to give moral lectures to others! Hypocrisy of the highest order!:hitwall:

if congress is bad and done wrong that's why you oppose congress right ? then their act can't be shown as a justification to what modi is doing.
If people can't watch the whole video, then I will highly recommend watching the first 15 minutes, it is pretty impressive as to much improvement has been brought to Gujarat through good governance.
I watched him at the India Today Conclave. This guy is amazing! But he conveniently skipped the question on the Gujarat riots and refused to answer. He should have at least had the guts to admit that since he was the CM at that time, he takes full responsibility for the pogrom whether he was directly involved or not. After all, a commander is responsible for and to his command! He cannot shirk responsibility. Period!
so it's a no ?
one doesn't need to be the one who did the riot or conspired the riot to express regret for a sad incident happened when he was that chief minister, many ministers have resigned from post when something terrible happened under his ministry, I didn't ask his resignation, but I expect a statement from him that " it was unfortunate ".. that all.
here you go....

but I wish if a single guilty would have punished for 84 riots and many other riots prior to 2002....unfortunately many Indians can't see that!!
I only asked for a regret expressed for that unfortunate incident, and I believe it's not too much to ask.

AI you are not getting it.

I dont know your intentions, maybe you genuinely want to move on with him if he expressed regret, but you must understand that for most Modi-baiters it is not like that. They will hate Modi no matter what. Apology or regret does not matter. Actually if he expresses regret or apology they will immediately start saying - "see we told you so. He is guilty. If he is not guilty why is he apologising or expressing regret. Hence proved" and again drag the case.

Its like answerin the question - Have you stopped beating your wife ? can you answer it in yes/no ?
I watched him at the India Today Conclave. This guy is amazing! But he conveniently skipped the question on the Gujarat riots and refused to answer. He should have at least had the guts to admit that since he was the CM at that time, he takes full responsibility for the pogrom whether he was directly involved or not. After all, a commander is responsible for and to his command! He cannot shirk responsibility. Period!
He has replied to this question over and over again. How many times people want the same answer ?
But he conveniently skipped the question on the Gujarat riots and refused to answer.

No he answered it.

He should have at least had the guts to admit that since he was the CM at that time, he takes full responsibility for the pogrom whether he was directly involved or not.

What is there to admit ? Did he gang up with Muslims to burn the Hindus or did he gang up with Hindus to kill Muslims ? It was a friggin communal riot FFS. They are dime a dozen in India and this was not the first one.

And any apology or regret from Modi would make the 2002 riot cottage industry go wild with claims of Modi admitting to his guilt and corrupt media houses would twist the same to bait him.

I dont care about 2002 riots. I just want the effective governance that Guj enjoys for my state too. For my nighboring state too. For my country too. If you are going to be stuck on one incident that happened a decade before and consequently allow the dynasts to ruin the country, then its your call.

After all, a commander is responsible for and to his command! He cannot shirk responsibility.[/U] Period![/B]

Not only in India, but even worldwide riots have occured. For example LA saw its worst race riot in 1992. But mayor Tom Bradley was not held responsible for it even though he was the one in command. Rajiv Gandhi was the one in command when the Sikh genocide happened. Today he is a Bharat Ratna awardee,

By the way why do you think he shirked his responsibility? Maybe he did the best he could with the limited resources at his disposal. The police forces were not sufficient. MH, MP and Raj refused to part with their police force. The Army was tied up in Operation Parakram on the Pak border. Do you think he has a magic wand which he can wave and control the riots, but refused to do that ?
Just completed watching the show, Modi was excellent.

It seems the Media will always throw in the 2002 question every where he goes.

Was interesting to see his reaction before second or third question about fixing of questioning. :lol:
if congress is bad and done wrong that's why you oppose congress right ? then their act can't be shown as a justification to what modi is doing.

There is small problem. There is morality and there is reality.

Morality may say he should express regret (even though I dont agree), but reality says that will not solve anything. It will only further fuel hate against him.

Guj muslims have moved on and are voting him, why do you Indians outside Guj want to hang onto it and not let the wound heal ?
With elections less than a year away, the Congress have new job openings for stump speech proof readers. The pay will be competitive, and no formal qualifications are
Job title : Proof Reader
Job No : #CM2013
Job Location : Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Job Description :
In this position, you will be reviewing drafts of Gujarat CM Narendra Modi’s
speeches. You job is to read the entire speech from a critic’s angle, and try and
locate any portion which can be found to be offending by personnel from the
The next step is to pick each sentence from the speech, break it down further,
and look at it independently of the context of the entire speech from all angles to
see if any portion can offend any section of the society. We require a person with
a very good imagination for this role. This role becomes more challenging as the
Chief Minister prefers to speak extempore and uses the written matter only for
Job title : Proof Reader
Job No : #Home2013
Job Location : New Delhi
Job Description :
In this position, you will be reviewing drafts of Home Minister Sushil Kumar
Shinde’s speeches. Your job is to spot the errors of the following types:
1) Delete inappropriate salutations in the speech like Shri.
2) Filter information which has to be kept confidential like the names of the
victims of crimes and remove them from the speech.
3) Delete sentences which appear twice in the same speech.
4) The proof reader needs to be proactive in anticipating errors which she may
never have encountered before in her career.
5) This role becomes all the more challenging as the Home Minister prefers to
read out from his script verbatim without applying his mind. So the candidate
has to be extra careful in screening out inappropriate content such as
background notes.
if congress is bad and done wrong that's why you oppose congress right ? then their act can't be shown as a justification to what modi is doing.

No.. I'm just saying no one should do any bad.. & accountability should be across the board. Not selective. Let's take all the riots into consideration... & start taking moral responsibility right from the beginning. Counting always starts from 1 to 100, not from 100 to 1. So.. let's stop being hypocritical by forgetting everything that has happened prior to 2002 & keep harping about Gujarat. What do you say?
Media obsession over 2002 will frustrate people of India to that extent that they will say, before asking NaMo to say sorry, we want apology for all the scams in UPA government.
MediaCrooks: RT If You Agree - Part 2

it’s actually a very important question by a Congress supporter. Yeah, where is Rahul Gandhi? Why is he not on Twitter? Is he scared? Considering he is the ‘great white hope’ of the youth for the Congress how come the prince doesn’t find it necessary to be on SM but heads the SM committee? It’s not just RahulG. Where are people like Jyoti Scindia, Sachin Pilot and all the youth gang from Congress? Are they scared of facing the public too? Why does Congress have to recruit volunteers through Ministry of I&B and end up with people who are either comic or totally blank on issues?
I watched him at the India Today Conclave. This guy is amazing! But he conveniently skipped the question on the Gujarat riots and refused to answer. He should have at least had the guts to admit that since he was the CM at that time, he takes full responsibility for the pogrom whether he was directly involved or not. After all, a commander is responsible for and to his command! He cannot shirk responsibility. Period!

He has answered many time. Problem is with Indian media.
Speaking on 2002 means we are starting a debate which ll end in favoring khangress only. And this almost people of this specific minority always vote in name of religion only. sickular people ll remain sick.
Media obsession over 2002 will frustrate people of India to that extent that they will say, before asking NaMo to say sorry, we want apology for all the scams in UPA government.

& I want to know why Sajjan Kumar, one of the prime accused in the sikh genocide was given Z+ security by Congress?
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