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NA-122 Lahore Election Updates - Far Reaching Effects on Pak Politics

Patwaris whining away.. if after doing all that your patwari league claims it has done for Lahoris and Punjab in general, you end up losing Provincial Assembly seat and barely manage to hang on to your National Assembly seat with a measly 2.5k+ lead against an opposing candidate who is 2nd tier (Aleem Khan aint no Imran Khan) and then you have the audacity to boast about it, there is no cure for such an ailment called delusion.

So you agree with the results it seems like.....so tell your leaders to follow what you wrote here. When its convenient for you, you call losing "rigging" and when you have to make a point, you tell others about the "little" 2.5 k vote difference. Amazing how a lie based Nazi ideology works in Pakistan. I am sure Hitler would be proud of Tareen thinking, everyone else hated me and eventually tried to kill me and my people, but there was some true to my ideology as Tareen is using it today!!!

Caveman politics in full swings in a modern, 21st century. Speaks volumes about the people, their mindset and their internal extremist hiding and coming out in different shapes like the sit-ins, threats, violent rhetoric and all :tdown::angel:

I've decided, I am going to write a book, the title will be "IK, PTI and their Crazy Cloud" that they are in and will always live in it!!
I don't claim to be an expert in politics and certainly not in Pakistani politics but the rural areas of our countries vote traditionally and the tradition in rural Punjab is to vote for PMLN. To break that shackle PTI would need to do a lot of grass root level work in the rural areas and they will have to perform well in KPK and lead by example.

PTI needs to find honest members as it has become the same thing like other corrupt parties it likes to "mention" in IK's crazy speeches. At this point, is a subsidiary of like 12 parties. Like a child without knowing his real belongings.

And before these guys can do anything, they need to perform from where they won (or were given the rule from). They don't perform in KPK, they have nothing to show, all talk and bullshiit, lying of the teeth and using Hitler's media campaign 100 years after his entire country could've been lost, won't do any good in the real elections. Tyrants have a shorter media span. PTI needs to perform so it doesn't become a tyrant. All talk is sensational for only so long. Then it gets old.

This I can agree to. PTI still needs to do a lot of work in the rural areas which are the core strength of PML

PTI needs to first decide who it wants to be. By adding all the corrupt people from others, you don't become better than others. You become LIKE others. If that's the goal, its perfectly fine. Just don't do bullshiit about it. But then, what would you even have to show if there was no bullshiit??? Wait, you people won't have a WORD to say, or a thing to show as progress, unless there was bullshiit involved!!!!
PTI needs to first decide who it wants to be. By adding all the corrupt people from others, you don't become better than others. You become LIKE others. If that's the goal, its perfectly fine. Just don't do bullshiit about it. But then, what would you even have to show if there was no bullshiit??? Wait, you people won't have a WORD to say, or a thing to show as progress, unless there was bullshiit involved!!!!

Compared to the BS that comes from N league and their apologists, I can assure you PTI is far far behind.
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out of 3 you lost two, won with lead of 2400. I guess apka dhandi ka rona banta hae..

2.5 years of crying and doing propaganda and still losing NA122 abb tou buss kardo bhai.

work in KPK and i can guarantee you PTI will beat all parties.

but without working and just expecting to win is nothing but a dream
Patwaris whining away.. if after doing all that your patwari league claims it has done for Lahoris and Punjab in general, you end up losing Provincial Assembly seat and barely manage to hang on to your National Assembly seat with a measly 2.5k+ lead against an opposing candidate who is 2nd tier (Aleem Khan aint no Imran Khan) and then you have the audacity to boast about it, there is no cure for such an ailment called delusion.

Please ask your leader about 53000 Fake votes in NA-122 where did those votes went?
Compared to the BS that comes from N league and their apologists, I can assure you PTI is far far behind.

Since I've studied Hitler, the only other time the REAL Hitler based bullshiit has been put into effect to that degree, is done by IK. Show me with proofs when NS or his followers threaten IK's wife, his kids to be "dragged on the street", you have people here (obviously Pashtuns on this forum,one of which said "NS should be hung". When I asked him for a fact based case against NS as this is extreme hostility, that guy is silent on the post!!!!

This statement above tells you how personal, intense and violent you people have gotten, without a credible case against someone, who majority of the people brought into power and he gave IK the KPK government. I am sure he's regretting that decision. Cancer is cancer, when its in your body and you don't amputate a small area, it grows, IK is like that to NS. NS should've never given IK the government of KPK. But he chose to do the right thing. Even though at this point, the right things spread like a Cancer. When IK opens his mouth about NS, he should AT THE LEAST be courteous. This fool would still be struggling outside if NS decided to make his own government in KPK!!!!! When you were fed food by one, remember to be thankful at the least and give them some credit and be mature about things.

And don't use "he has Punjabi's supporting him". As they will get bit in their rears in the future as the future violence nears. The next elections will be bloody due to the environment IK has created. And those will form 1971 type of a situation "KPK is our, Punjab is yours". Watch how things unfold, Pakistan is now officially put onto a civil war path. Thanks to IK and good for all Pashtuns I guess?????

So its very clear that this is a Pashtun cause IK is fighting for and there is a media campaign being used. There were one BILLION rupees paid to the media before these little elections took place. About 12 different flavors of loser parties supported IK across KPK and Punjab, and over 3 billion was spend by IK and his buddies during the election.

IK wants mass body bags and clash with others. Afghanistan wants Pakistan to break and so does India and Iran. Afghanistan will get Pashtunistan and IK will be the "founder of it" with his picture in every house as a "leader who struggled for Pashtuns independence". Iran will get Baluchistan and India will be singing and dancing.

One word of caution, people funding this fool from the US should know, the second he starts violence, your money would legally be considered financing to support violence and that, when proven, could lead to many years in jail, effectively ending your future in the US. So be careful who you finance and for what purpose.

The US - DOJ has serious laws to prevent and punish people supporting violent organization or extremism in general across the world. So protect your future, don't finance extremism and organizations who will become extremist due to their current ideology. IK's PTI is definitely one of them and I consider it to be closer to the top.

So here you have it.
I agree with majority of your post. Has good logic. But where did you come up with the idea that the current gov't is doing corruption? This is a broken record I've heard for over 2 years now. Where are the proofs?

Just so you know, on Nandi Pur, the Pakistani government is in consultations with multiple international auditing firms to come and do an open audit, also controlled by the IMF of the WB. So where is the corruption when they have requested for third party auditing? Which can essentially blame them if they did it?

Have you every manage like $ 10, 20, 50 or 100 million programs? If not, that's perfectly ok. Go read up on the JSF program as its in the news a lot. Programs this size usually end up having delays. Not because someone is doing corruption, but because these are massive programs with many human and non-human, third party and in many cases, international dependencies. Any of these hit the project, it goes behind.

IK's sit ins put a lot of stuff behind by like 10 months as the entire government was focused on IK's stunts, lying, people's security, operation in FAT, floods, and all. So in this case, political stability is a HUGE dependency on all projects in Pakistan getting done.

In this power plant's case, the scope changed. The original scope of the project was never to use machinery that was rotten from the inside, it was to implement brand new machinery. But no one knew, had seen the inside of these turbines or can guess what would've happened inside.

The plant in its first FULL week, produced the desired 425 MGW. Starting week 2, the machinery started to show the damage. Even that was discovered after a couple of months worth of troubleshooting was done by the Pakistani engineers and with Chinese support. When they put their hands up in the air, then Chinese sent their product engineers, who then had the ability to open up the OEM machines (if anyone outside of the OEM opens up any machine, the manufacturer's warranty and the contract are immediately terminated as that's breach of the contract. Erieye is another example of this, and same is true for a small product like a Lenovo or Dell laptop).

NS didn't buy these machines off of Ebay, nor he took his family to install it so they can do corruption in it. The PM of a country isn't hands on involved in a project. That's a project manager's job. If some project failed or didn't work out, the first thing you should do, is to ask questions from the project manager, his team of engineers, their superiors to find out where issues were. To think that every project will complete 100% on time and with the budget initially allocated, is flat out imagination.

Over 50% of large projects fail or don't produce ideal results in terms of money spent and cost overruns, due to dependencies on labor, machinery, time, technical issues with machinery, land issues, manufacturer's support, or parts on back order, natural or man mad disasters (like IK's sit in was a man made disaster) and these things are true for the entire globe. Pakistan isn't an exception.

What government machinery was used to support the elections??? OH wait, they used the government to support their seats and they LOST TWO of three???? That's a shiiity use of the resources if you lost two seats and only won the third one???? NO, it tells me, no such thing exists like a government "use of resources". Otherwise, they'd have won from all three, period!!!

And, you had over 20,000 people supposed to be making "VIDEOS" of any wrong doing, as commanded by IK. Which of the paper tigers made a video of ONE police person, or any worker being used by the government (an authentic one, not the ones produces by ARY's fake sets and fraud journalists in Karachi and Lahore)?

Oh wait, those twenty people were too busy having fun, eating, drinking and using those cameras to take pictures of pretty girls coming to vote!!! So that means that's now "rigging" by IK's own party members?????? :o::yahoo::woot::tdown::rofl:. What's he going to do now about this???

You guys distributed a BILLION rupees to buy the media and every other cheap journalists and tv anchor....and STILL lost??? Paid for by lobbies across the globe, including the Indian lobby!!!! Good work IK.

Who needs India to be an enemy, when mouth runners are there. Pakistan should just hug India and tell them we can ONLY afford ONE real enemy at a time and that spot is taken over by a loud mouth with his Hitler's ideology based politics!!

No matter how embarrassing it gets for you people, the Nazi ideology based campaign doesn't stop, you guys continue lying no matter what, even when it becomes as embarrassing as it has at this point, the entire globe laughs at IK. Sad!!! It ONLY hurts Pakistan when he does these stupid, senseless things. :tdown:

It is time to let the country move forward!!!! There is electric project needing to complete, the businesses need to start producing at full throughput, new investments need to come, new plants and other deals in pipes need to finish and the time is little. NS has given his personal guarantee to the Chinese for investment. He has 2.5 years to finish up these massive projects. PLEASE let these projects complete so a country stuck in poverty can move forward and can show its people there is opportunity for everyone. IK, you and everyone else, can verbally abuse everyone from the government after they finish their term. Don't push the country back as you people have done that a LOT in the past year and a half. If there is no Pakistan, there is no IK and you and others either. You'll be serving Tea to a Hindu master from the BJP. Not sure if that's your ideal role. But its definitely not a job that the remainder of 200 MILLION people want to do!!!

Now support the system and take out your anger and frustration after the term and the work completes. Take them to the court, provide fact and send them to jail through proper legal channels. All these elections and everything else tells us that the legal channels exist and are active, otherwise, NS's party wouldn't have lost TWO seats two days ago (had they been REALLY using the government for their purposes). Let's put an end to lying and third class attitude and verbal abuse please.
Again u have so much time to write crap .

Bhie as I have first have information of voter list tempering so I dnt have to convince someone else . we have already 500 application by people who said their voters where in na122 in 2013 . Now without informing they are thrown out . 200 votes , all from one factory registered on one address added recently . So I dnt need to explain a moron what should PTI do .
Bhie as I have first have information of voter list tempering so I dnt have to convince someone else .
we have already 500 application by people who said their voters where in na122 in 2013 . Now without informing they are thrown out . 200 votes , all from one factory registered on one address added recently . So I dnt need to explain a moron what should PTI do .

"Knowledge comes from experience, everything else, is just pure information", Albert Einstein!!! So your "first hand information" is the same as IK saying the previous elections were rigged (but not the ones where he won from :rofl::omghaha:). It the SAME information that has been presented by IK's partner in crime, ARY's media center, producing stuff on Photoshop and showing "documents" on tv. When real people went to IMF and the WB, they had NO idea what documents ARY manufactured. So like the quote from Albert E., I also believe the "information" from you people in PTI = Gossip for the remainder of the world!!!

Did you know that the "listings" are standard??? Meaning, these are the SAME listings for the national elections versus state level. People in a voters list don't change and the listings were published and provided to the military ALSO. So using the SAME listings, your state level guy won, but using the SAME listings, your national guy lost.......HMMMMM. Where the hell's the "rigging" in it?????

Rigging NOW = Foul Play. The cricketer captain (turned failed politician) should now be banned from political ground as he foul play's (and fool plays) everyone and everything :enjoy::tup:
IK wants mass body bags and clash with others. Afghanistan wants Pakistan to break and so does India and Iran. Afghanistan will get Pashtunistan and IK will be the "founder of it" with his picture in every house as a "leader who struggled for Pashtuns independence". Iran will get Baluchistan and India will be singing and dancing.
Hey American, if it puts your disturbed mind at ease let me tell you IK is not considered a Pashtun or Pashtunic leader by general Pashto speaking population of KP. Sure he is popular , but its because of his charisma and credentials . Ask a common Pakhtun in KP, he would tell you that any one not able to speak Pashto is not a Pashtun but a 'Punjabay'. Take it easy American, you seem to be very much troubled over this thing, your hysterical analysis is totally non-nonsensical and outwordly
"Knowledge comes from experience, everything else, is just pure information", Albert Einstein!!! So your "first hand information" is the same as IK saying the previous elections were rigged (but not the ones where he won from :rofl::omghaha:). It the SAME information that has been presented by IK's partner in crime, ARY's media center, producing stuff on Photoshop and showing "documents" on tv. When real people went to IMF and the WB, they had NO idea what documents ARY manufactured. So like the quote from Albert E., I also believe the "information" from you people in PTI = Gossip for the remainder of the world!!!

Did you know that the "listings" are standard??? Meaning, these are the SAME listings for the national elections versus state level. People in a voters list don't change and the listings were published and provided to the military ALSO. So using the SAME listings, your state level guy won, but using the SAME listings, your national guy lost.......HMMMMM. Where the hell's the "rigging" in it?????

Rigging NOW = Foul Play. The cricketer captain (turned failed politician) should now be banned from political ground as he foul play's (and fool plays) everyone and everything :enjoy::tup:
im not gona get in argument with u . instead of writing a long reply. just answer one thing. if it was proveed in coming days that people from other halqas were moved into halqa (in voter list) , people who voted for PTI ( with written applications from) were moved out of halqa without their knowledge and 200 works of a factory were registered before by election in single UC. will u consider it rigging and apologize for all the bull shit?
out of 3 you lost two, won with lead of 2400. I guess apka dhandi ka rona banta hae..
dear think with an open heart and mind, the narrative of Imran khan was that out of 93000 votes of Ayaz sadiq 53,000 votes are fake , people are with pti how can i be defeated ? Now all that narrative of punctures, 53000 bogus votes , RO election, urdu bazar votes printing , stuffing of bogus votes is burried . It was a close election in 2013 and even in 2015 it is a close election . Verdict given by people of Na122 is the same. Even if PTI would have won it with 2000 votes , it would have made no difference as massive rigging in 2013 elections is totally nullified .
From my perspective I found the environment of voting , not good for family people, as the "Karkun" people of the party were busy causing quite a mess around the polling stations

Police should ensure that these folks don't form gangs outside of the polling stations to intimidate the voters

The only stand out point for me is , how is it possible that 3000 figure stays same from start of day to end of day. Normally in elections when people are counting the figures fluctuate for both sides , why kind of voting was this that not once it fluctuated to be even or above or under.
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NA-122 weakest constituency for PML-N in Lahore

Tariq Butt

Of 13-15 Lahore district seats of the National Assembly, NA-122 constituency was the weakest for the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) in terms of the massive lead that its candidates had scored over their rivals in the fight for twelve seats in the 2013 general elections.

However, its nominee Khawaja Ahmed Hassan had lost one seat, NA-126, to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) representative Shafqat Mehmood with a margin of just 5,453 votes. The PML-N had won all the remaining twelve seats with extraordinary leads, proving its convincing hold over the Lahore district.

Ayaz Sadiq had clinched NA-122 with a margin of 8,862 ballots, which was the lowest compared to the numerical edge that the PML-N contestants had over their challengers in other constituencies, according to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) record.

The former speaker won Sunday’s cliff-hanger, by getting 74,525 votes, 2,443 ballots more than 72,082 votes of PTI’s Aleem Khan.

In NA-118, the PML-N’s lead was 59,730 votes. PTI ticket-holder Hamid Zaman, who had bagged 43,616 votes, had lost to PML-N’s Riaz Malik, who had got 103,346 ballots.

In NA-119, the lead was 66,914 votes. Here PML-N’s Hamza Shahbaz was successful by receiving 107,735 ballots, trouncing PTI’s Mohammad Madni, who had secured 40,821 votes.

In NA-120, the victory margin was 39,329 votes. PML-N President Nawaz Sharif had secured 91,683 votes as against 52,354 ballots of PTI’s Yasmeen Raashid.

In NA-121, the lead

was 46,167 votes. Here PML-N’s Mehr Ishtiaq Ahmed (114,474 votes) had routed PTI’s Hammad Azfar (58,307 ballots).

Likewise, NA-123 was taken by PML-N’s Pervez Malik by pocketing 126,878 votes as against 40,617 ballots of PTI’s Atif Chaudhry. The lead came to 86,261 ballots.

The victory margin of PML-N’s Rohail Asghar (119,312 votes) in NA-124 against PTI’s Waleed Iqbal (42,561 ballots) was 77,751 votes.

PTI’s Hamid Khan (84,495 ballots) had lost to PML-N’s Khawaja Saad Rafique with a margin of 38,921 votes in NA-125.

In NA-127, PML-N’s Waheed Alam Khan (102,080 votes) had defeated PTI’s Nasrullah Mughal (45,787 ballots) with a lead of 56,293 votes.

Afzal Khokhar (124,107 ballots) of the PML-N had routed PTI’s Karamat Khokhar (78,369 votes) with an edge of 55,738 ballots in NA-128.

PML-N’s Shazia Mubashir (44,894 votes) had won NA-129 by leaving PTI’s Mansha Sindhu (26,071 ballots) behind by 18,823 votes.

In the NA-130 contest, PTI candidate Talib Hussain Sindhu had stood third with 22,066 votes. The second position was taken by Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) ticket-holder Samina Khalid Gurki (32,569 votes) while PML-N’s Sohail Shaukat Butt (88,842 ballots) had defeated her with a lead of 56,273 votes.

The voter turnout witnessed on Sunday in all the three constituencies was considerably low compared to the 2013 general elections. This showed that in spite of the massive mobilization by the contestants and their parties, the electorate did not come out in a huge number to exercise their right of vote although the number of voters went up with the registration of new ones.

This time, voters’ participation in the purely urban constituency of NA-122 was 43pc as against 58.48pc of 2013. Similarly, the turnout in NA-144 Okara was 51pc compared to 58pc of 2013. For the Punjab Assembly seat, PP-147, another totally urban area, the turnout now was 44.42pc while it was 56.68pc in the general elections.

Apart from the hectic campaign by a host of second tier leaders of the PML-N, PTI Chairman Imran Khan held three public meetings, two in Lahore and one in Okara, during the electioneering.

However, the voters’ participation has generally been low in the by-elections as against the parliamentary polls as the electorate feel that the outcome of the by-poll will not bring any significant change.

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