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N-deal with Pak could hit ties, India cautions China

All the alleged Indian arguments mentioned in the article are trivial arguments meant for PR and public consumption. These are not arguments that would really sway the NSG States:

1. The Chinese deal to supply two additional reactors, Chashma-3 and Chashma 4, was not "grandfathered," under an earlier arrangement as China claims. China did not disclose two additional reactors at the time of joining the NSG in 2004.

All the NSG States are aware of this, the US has offered its opinion on this, and no one needs reminding from the Indians on the issue.

2. Indian interlocutors will argue that there is no comparison between India's deal with the US to that of China's with Pakistan as New Delhi was granted the clean waiver on account of its widely acknowledged impeccable non-proliferation record.

Again, the proliferation argument is an old one, and not one that needs reminding from India, and Pakistan has countered that with its comprehensive efforts against proliferation, specifically by engaging with the US and IAEA on that issue.

3. India will contend that it's not an energy deal, but a ploy to contain New Delhi by bolstering Pakistan's capacity to produce more nuclear weapons and will highlight the alleged abuse of foreign aid by Islamabad to modernize its military machine.

Nonsense, since the proposed NPP's are light water reactors, and will not produce Plutonium as a byproduct that can be reprocessed into weapons fuel.

If Indian diplomats really have only these arguments to make, then Pakistan has little to worry about.
India... OK that is to be expected. They are rivals after all.

But I thought the USA was "supposed" to be an ally of Pakistan?

Why is the USA voting against the energy deal?

Did u check the report tht states tht only 4% people like USA?
And almost 90% Favour china as a dear frnd and a partner?

And US givin 50 million$$ to PAK MEDIA to clear it RP:lol:

But hey we r a so called ally in WOT only.
China never supported the US-INDO nuke deal they tried to raise objections under the NSG and only US pressure and a phonecall from bush made sure the deal went through.

U make me LAUGH:rofl::rofl:

Nobdy sino-indus tried tht and there was no call from bush to nobdy, last time i checked a chinese general talked about a US carrier becomin a live target if it enters yellow sea....
And not givin a doushe about wat US says reguarding our N deal and going forward.

Last but not the least
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Did u check the report tht states tht only 4% people like USA?
And almost 90% Favour china as a dear frnd and a partner?

U make me LAUGH:rofl::rofl:

Nobdy sino-indus tried tht and there was no call from bush to nobdy, last time i checked a chinese general talked about a US carrier becomin a live target if it enters yellow sea and China and Pakistani not givin wat US says reguarding our N deal and oing forward.

Last but not the least


Jokes on you buddy read this :no:
When it comes to the Nuclear route to generate electrity, Pakistan is a special case. You know why?

There are other ways of genrating electricity you know, for e.g Hydel and Thermal.

So why dont you do that, why do you need US-India nuke deal??
So why dont you do that, why do you need US-India nuke deal??

Oh! we do that too. simply visit the website of the Ministry of Power, Govt of India and you will see the sheer number of Hydro and Thermal power units proposed and compare that to Nuclear power units. You will gain some perspective.

Our power requirements are just too big, we are growing at nearly 7.5%, so we could do with as much extra power as possible. Thats were the Indo-US nuclear deal helps.

and it was the Americans who came up with the proposal for the Indo-US nuclear deal and went the extra mile to get it for us. needless to say we are rather greatful to them.
reading the todays headline in Indians ethicless and moral-less full of lies media "Pak nukes through fraud: US" I can understand it has a very much problem with Pak China ties though Pak-China nuclear collaboration is nothing new. And India should keep its head out of our internal matter. We are not expect anytime soon to beg India for nuclear know-how or even energy for that matter for which India envisions itself. A mass exporter of clean electrical energy in South Asia. Well keep dreaming little boy, your 10000Mw reactor may even see a chernobel like fate.

For China this is a critical time of proving its "all weather friendship". China under pressure may sway away from deal but that will not stop construction of nuclear reactors in Pakistan. China may take the path of undercover ToT or training Pakistani scientest in constructing an indigenious one.

If US is trying to play double game of "mo me ram ram bagal me churi" learned from their newly found friendship with India, then we know how to counter as well play more dirty tricks. Afghanistan still has a long way to go.

After all, why is Indias a55 burning??
If China can object to the Indo-US deal why cant India object to this? smells of hypocrisy
Nobdy sino-indus tried tht and there was no call from bush to nobdy, last time i checked a chinese general talked about a US carrier becomin a live target if it enters yellow sea....
And not givin a doushe about wat US says reguarding our N deal and going forward.

Last but not the least

just wait for a little more time my friend,it will rally become clear how much china dare to go against U.S in wake of the sacred war,which NK had threatened,just like u north koreans also brag very much about their all weather fried,now it is really a good episode to b seen that actually which finger China intend to move against U.S:tup:
The US is not going to oppose this, she has to much to lose in Afghanistan for her to mess with the Pakistani Establishment. Regarding this, China just refused to answer any questions at the NSG meeting and said the IAEA agreements cover this deal.

As for fissile material being produces for nuclear weapons, we have two new reactors coming on-line that are going to produce Plutonium that will enable us to produce very powerful thermo-nuclear devices :)
I must say that Indian Government and Indian people are living in a dream world, which is quite clear from the wordings of this news report 'India cautions China'. I mean this is just hilarious.........

guys! get down of your high horses and face reality.

India is not that powerful to THREATEN China. LOL
Let the dog bark in neighbour, thats what they have been doing since last 60 years. This deal inshallah will definitly go through.
China has assured Pakistan n-deal peaceful: India

Jul 29th, 2010 |


New Delhi, July 29: China has assured India that its plans to build two additional nuclear reactors for Pakistan was for peaceful purposes, even as New Delhi stressed that it has conveyed its concerns over the deal to Beijing, parliament was informed Thursday.

"The matter was raised at the official level with China, which has responded that its nuclear cooperation with Pakistan is for peaceful purposes, consistent with China's international obligations and subject to IAEA safeguards and supervision," External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna said in a written reply in the Lok Sabha.

"The government continuously monitors developments having a bearing on national security and is committed to taking all necessary steps to safeguard it," he said.
National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon raised issues related to the China-Pakistan nuclear deal when he visited Beijing as prime minister's special envoy early this month.

India has made it clear that such a deal has the potential to adversely affect regional security given Islamabad's record as a proliferator and is tapping friendly countries in the Nuclear Suppliers Group to oppose it.

Responding to questions about China's construction activities in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, Krishna told parliament that the Indian government has conveyed its "concerns" over it and has asked Beijing to stop such activities.
China has assured India that its nuclear cooperation with Pakistan is for peaceful purposes, external affairs minister SM Krishna said in the Rajya Sabha today.

He said during the question hour that India is keeping a close watch on nuclear cooperation between China and Pakistan and has taken up the issue with Beijing.

"China has assured us that its nuclear cooperation with Pakistan is for peaceful purposes," he said.

Krishna was responding to BJP member Ram Jethmalani's concern over supply of two nuclear reactors by China to Pakistan recently.

"We do realise the seriousness of this development. Pakistan's acquisition of nuclear reactors is of serious concern to us and we are keeping a close watch on this," he said.

To a query by Ravi Shankar Prasad (BJP) about nuclear activities being undertaken by Pakistan and China, Krishna said, "This is something where we make assessment. We know Pakistan and China have nuclear facilities and we are also aware of clandestine proliferation efforts of countries like Iran and Libya.

"We also know about the activities of the AQ Khan (the disgraced Pakistan nuclear scientist) group. We monitor these activities and take appropriate steps to ensure that national security is not jeopardised."

On Myanmar's denial of media reports about its nuclear activities, Krishna said, "If a country like Myanmar with which India has bilateral relations, asserts a denial (about its nuclear programmes), then India will have to believe."

At the same time, he added, "The government is trying to gather information about such peripheral activities. We monitor such activities closely as we are concerned about security of the country."

China says nuclear cooperation with Pak is for peaceful purposes: Govt - India - DNA

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