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Myth of United India & Democracy or Hypocrisy?


Apr 8, 2007
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efore the Muslim conquests to the Indian subcontinent, little was known about India or her dwellers. Historians concede “the historical phase of India began with the Muslim invasion. Muslims were India's first historians.” (Gustave Le Bon). Thereafter how the Muslims contributed to the culture of the Indian subcontinent, is all too well known. Muslim reign lasted for around 1000 years, before they met their waterloo at the hands of the British.

The English plunder of the Indian land is too gruesome for words. They robbed India of everything that there was, right from their gems and jewels to their culture and language. They went further. They mercilessly divided India along ethnic lines for the sake of their own convenience. The mess that the Indian subcontinent finds itself in today is a gift by her imperial rulers.

The rise of Hindus to the realm of Indian politics occurred while the British ruled. They had long served under the Muslim charge, and now saw their way to the top by licking the boots of their new gora masters. What a pity! They shamelessly stabbed their Muslim brethren in the back who in their rule of 1000 years had treated them as equals. Whereas the British enslaved them, brutally murdered them and trampled over their customs and values.

But if nothing else, one is forced to acknowledge the shrewd mentality of these disciples of Chanakya. After the British departure from India had become imminent, these Hindu politicians began to chant slogans of right of self determination and liberation of India. Muslims, who by that time were well aware of the despicable aspirations of these politicians, had been insisting on the creation of an independent homeland. The Hindu politicians under the banner of congress played their cards very intelligently. They convinced the world to have single-handedly rescued their land from the clutches of their colonial occupiers only to have been beaten by a few traitors who in their greed for power imposed the dissection of their beloved mother India.

Six decades onwards, they play along similar lines. Their politicians, media and intelligentsia are all part of an age long campaign to demonize Pakistan, a failed state plagued with terrorism and at the verge of a collapse. At the same time, they are quick to remind how India in all these years has risen as the world’s largest secular democracy, where people of all castes, religions, color and creed co exist in harmony.

Of course it all sounds very remarkable, especially when one looks at their thriving film industry, where the most notable names in the business are Muslims. In sports too, with the emergence of the likes of Pathans, Khans and Mirza’s one is deceived into believing such professes.

But if truth is to be told, this impression of Incredible India couldn’t be more erroneous. William Dalrymple, the distinguished author of numerous works particularly involving the Indian subcontinent, notes, In the world's media, never has the contrast between the two countries appeared so stark: one is widely perceived as the next great superpower; the other written off as a failed state ….He further adds, On the ground, of course, the reality is different and first-time visitors to Pakistan are almost always surprised by the country's visible prosperity. There is far less poverty on show in Pakistan than in India, fewer beggars, and much less desperation. In many ways the infrastructure of Pakistan is much more advanced: there are better roads and airports, and more reliable electricity. Middle-class Pakistani houses are often bigger and better appointed than their equivalents in India. Moreover, the Pakistani economy is undergoing a construction and consumer boom similar to India's, with growth rates of 7%, and what is currently the fastest-rising stock market in Asia.

It would take a fool to not to see the direction towards which India is headed. Far from being the next superpower or the sole ruler of the entire Indian Ocean, India is a country at the brink of disintegration. And not only because she has earned enemies due to a hostile foreign policy towards neighboring countries, and its desire to create hegemony in the region with the hope to expand her boundaries to include countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ceylon, Burma, Nepal and more to create a huge Indian empire, or Vishal Bharat. It’s her Troubles at home that are most likely to drive India towards a fate similar to that of Soviet Union.

To say the Indians are unaware of the gravity of the issue would be untrue. They have paid a heavy price already at the hands of various existing sub nationalists and continue to do so. In 1984, Indira Gandhi, daughter of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and the then Prime Minister was assassinated by Sikh separatists. Such an event shouldn’t have surprised the world, particularly after how Mrs.Gandhi dealt with the Sikh demand of Khalistan- a separate country for India’s Sikhs carved out of the (Indian) Punjab province. In September of 1981 a group of Sikh separatists had taken refuge in the Golden Shrine, one of the most revered shrines of Sikhism. Knowing that the civilian presence in the temple was in great numbers, Gandhi ordered her army to storm into the temple with full force to flush out the militants. There is much uncertainty over the exact number of causalities. Some estimates put it at 3000. Much to the despair of the Indian establishment, the Khalistan movement did not die with Gandhi.

Though the threat of an independent Sikh state is not as great as it was in the 80’s, the concept is well alive amongst the Sikh community of India. According to news reports the exiled leader of the International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF), Dabinderjit Singh has been making attempts to approach Canadian politicians and radical Sikh leaders in the hope of reviving the Khalistan movement. Earlier this year Jet Airways Flight 225, that flies from India to Canada, was delayed for several hours because of a bomb scare. This brought back to life grim memories of the 1985 bombing of Air India Kaniskha, in which all 329 passengers, 280 of whom were Canadian nationals, were killed. In the court rulings that followed the incident, the worst in the history of terrorist attacks on aircrafts prior to the September 11, Inderjit Singh Reyat was convicted of manslaughter. Investigations hinted that the attack had been masterminded by at least two Sikh terrorist groups, to avenge the golden temple massacre. Even though the latest incident was no more than a hoax, the Indian establishment was not amused. India is overwhelmed by the number of secessionist movements, threatening to breakaway from the country. An addition to these will surely have Indians panicking, signs of which are evident already.

They lost Rajiv Gandhi too, son of Indira Gandhi in an assassination attempt by the nationalist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), more casually known as the Tamil Tigers. It had so happened, that in the summer of 1987, the Sri Lankan government had decided to start an offensive against the Tamils in the Jaffna peninsula, situated in the north of the country. Under pressure from the Indian government Sri Lanka agreed to the signing of an accord in which it was decided that the Indian Peace Keeping force or IPKF would take to the task of disarming the Tamil Tigers and bring about a ceasefire. But relations between the Tamils and IPKF turned sour by October of that year. An intense fighting broke out between the two which lasted till the year 1989. Without delving much into the details it is enough to mention that the operation ended with India taking heavy casualties. The IPKF had to finally withdraw from the Sri Lankan territory, but not without leaving behind traces of brutality, a hallmark of the Indians.

The residents of Jaffna still recount the pain and misery that was inflicted upon them by IPKF which was renamed by its victims as the Indian People Killing Force.

Women of Jaffna were known for adorning themselves with gold. After the Indian operations in the peninsula it is unknown if the Indian peacekeeping force spared any for the locals. They raped their women, young and old. Many natives were killed brutally by this Indian force. But perhaps the final showdown to this battle came with the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, under whose leadership the entire operation was orchestrated. The Tamil struggle continues till date and is gaining momentum each passing day.

This is a worrying trend for the Indians and for a good reason. The Tamils lay a claim on the Tamil Nadu state of India. Since 2006, Sri Lankans have come hard on the Tamil Tigers. The LTTE is now taking refuge in Tamil Nadu, using it as a base to regroup and reorganize. In the recent past, many confiscations have been made involving highly explosive devices and other weaponry. They are also finding recruits on the Indian soil from the Sri Lankan refugees and local sympathizers. Indians understand the challenge this development poses to the national sovereignty, and they acknowledge that the LTTE has a huge support base in the state and beyond. It will take more than a military action to dilute the LTTE organized campaigns because of the strong cultural, linguistic, ethnic and historic affinity that the Tamils on both sides of the border share. Besides, the humiliation from the failed offensive of 1987 will keep Indians in two minds before they launch another military attack against the

Full report –

The rise of Hindus to the realm of Indian politics occurred while the British ruled. They had long served under the Muslim charge, and now saw their way to the top by licking the boots of their new gora masters. What a pity! They shamelessly stabbed their Muslim brethren in the back who in their rule of 1000 years had treated them as equals. Whereas the British enslaved them, brutally murdered them and trampled over their customs and values.

Biography of the Author.

First of all just by the two sentence the author is Muslim, which felt great when muslim were ruling over India. Then later when the British came he feels the humiliation of the defeat by them, and now he feels that the hindus as a secular society are running the country, and cannot be recaptured and never will be. So in his self pity he is basically laying out his frustration out that has been bothering him for a real real real long time. I for one PITY THE FOOL!!!!! Weep, Weep your heart out. That will be your solution for your sorrows.
An Article Worth not Commenting upon. I request others to do the Same. Utter BS!
Brasstacks is a think tank of Zaid Hamid if I am not mistaken.
India is sufering from "white mens complex" they want to be Americans rather than Indians.
All Pakistanis, Indians and Bangladeshis belong to one geographical area called Indian sub-continent. There have been times in history (during Ashoka the great and Akbar the great) when even Afghanistan was under Delhi rule. This is factually incorrect that little was known about India before Muslims came. I have just watched a three part BBC documentary on the story of India here in USA. Indian civilization is one of the oldest in the world. Almost all major languages in the world are called Indo-European languages. All major naval expeditions had India in their mind. History of India is much older than what is taught in majority of books.

All Pakistanis, Indians and Bangladeshis belong to one geographical area called Indian sub-continent. There have been times in history (during Ashoka the great and Akbar the great) when even Afghanistan was under Delhi rule. This is factually incorrect that little was known about India before Muslims came. I have just watched a three part BBC documentary on the story of India here in USA. Indian civilization is one of the oldest in the world. Almost all major languages in the world are called Indo-European languages. All major naval expeditions had India in their mind. History of India is much older than what is taught in majority of books.


Hey Mea,

We've discussed this in detail.

Your American documentary probably has an Indian tinge to it.

The IVC is and always was predominantly a Pakistani civilization.

The IVC has as much to do with India, as it has to do with Iran and Afghanistan.

The history of Pakistan, and the history of India are separate.

One could say, by your definition, all of Indian, Pakistani, Iranian, Chinese, Burnese, Vietnamese history is one history - Asian history. Strictly this would be true, but can you imagine the confusion if a country like Japan renamed itself to "Asia". Then the Japanese might (if they were like some Indians) go onto claims bits of Pakistani, Iranian, or Kazakh history.
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