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‘Mysterious metal objects’ in Dadu fell from Hatf V missile: ISPR

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ghauri missile is the least advanced missile in military's inventory.
this liquid fuel missile is not thee most ideal missile, because it cannot store fuel for long period. it must be refuel before the launch, which takes time. the only advantage this missile have is that its CHEAP!

every missile made after the ghauri series are solid fuel BM, they can store fuel for a long period of time thus making them ready 24/7.
but they are expensive as hell. The only reason PA has these missiles is because they can have them in numbers.

Cryogenic fuels are expensive to store and are refueled just before launch and that is only done for Rockets....
For missiles like Ghauri,the Liquid fuels are Kerosene or other chemical liquids at normal temperature and can be stored and the missile can be kept fueled all the time.
Is this the reason Pakistan never announce date of their tests?
I also recently read a thread about not a single report being made public about 14 PAF crashes in 2012..
The Control system lies near payload (RV). So its normal that it seperates form RV at last stage... See the location of Control system


the only thing to be asked is
a) Is the derby fall in correct place (Missile didn't deviated from flight path)?

If answer is yes, then the test was successful else ....
it could be the flight control unit for the first stage.
the spokesperson said it was suppose to separate...

It is the Flight Control Computer for the missile, to enable the warhead to reach the target.
The first stage is not required to reach the target!
The Spokesman has to say "something" now just in order to put a "lid on things".
Pakistan will never accept any thing officially .... This is how they have 100% success record ;)

At least your accepted our 100% success record, not like India's 101% success record...:D
Did you even try to look into the matter in detail before speculating?
Ghauri has a maximum range of 1300km. This incident appears to have happened ~900km far from the launch area. How could the missile motor go THAT far and still have enough fuel to cause any havoc? Besides, it wasn't the missile motor, it was a PART of it (and as the photos suggest, only the Guidance system) according to the official claim:

I don't understand If you're deliberately misleading people here or are confused yourself.
The guidance part forms the last stage of missile.. you don't have multiple guidance for different stages... now since you are claiming the range to be about 1300km.. I assume it to be single stage Gauri I.
The part which landed on the village disintegrated well before reaching the space as we can see the wires and other equipment still intact... had it separated as planned and in space it would be half burnt on the way to village if not fully burnt.

Responsible. Oh God. :rolleyes:
Pakistan possesses all of the tracking/telemetry equipment required for a long range (IRBM class) test in the Ocean, and a dedicated coastal launch facility too. Shaheen-1 and 2 have been tested by the help of these facilities.

No It does not posses, stop shooting in the air about something you don't know... Pakistan hardly posses proper ground based tracking systems as evident from this incident where the administration was clueless as to where the parts fell until there was a panic in the public and media got into the act.

Chaghi is not sea.
By sea based testing ranges I meant the shore based facilities which launch missile towards the sea and not parrel to the coast and some where inland.

And it is understandable too.... lack of space program is one of the reason.
The Control system lies near payload (RV). So its normal that it seperates form RV at last stage... See the location of Control system


does guid

the only thing to be asked is
a) Is the derby fall in correct place (Missile didn't deviated from flight path)?

If answer is yes, then the test was successful else ....

i have a question
the Control system AKA guidance system does it really separate from warhead ..? in that case shouldn't one worry about
Guidance system falling into the hands of enemy (considering the fact hatf v control system's were kind of intact)...?

im asking this question assuming control system and guidance systems mean the same ..:drag:
I don't understand If you're deliberately misleading people here or are confused yourself.
The guidance part forms the last stage of missile.. you don't have multiple guidance for different stages... now since you are claiming the range to be about 1300km.. I assume it to be single stage Gauri I.
The part which landed on the village disintegrated well before reaching the space as we can see the wires and other equipment still intact... had it separated as planned and in space it would be half burnt on the way to village if not fully burnt.

No It does not posses, stop shooting in the air about something you don't know... Pakistan hardly posses proper ground based tracking systems as evident from this incident where the administration was clueless as to where the parts fell until there was a panic in the public and media got into the act.

Chaghi is not sea.
By sea based testing ranges I meant the shore based facilities which launch missile towards the sea and not parrel to the coast and some where inland.

And it is understandable too.... lack of space program is one of the reason.

It is very clear that the missile disintegrated well inside the atmosphere as evidenced by the appearance of the debris in the pictures.

Since the Nodong aka Ghauri is a BM not a CM, not everything happened as declared in the ISPR handouts and some other people here.
I think 13 pages are more then enough for this topic.

No other outcome will be seen since those who have to clarify it will never clarify what really happened.

So enough of Indian trolling, time to end this discussion till any further development.
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