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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

China's diplomatic principle is that China does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. But this is based on the premise that it will not affect China's internal affairs.
China is generally unwilling to intervene in Myanmar's internal conflict. China always likes to appear as a mediator. However, if China's border refugees continue to deteriorate, China may show a tougher attitude.
The Rohingya problem and the contradiction between the military govt and the NLD are the two biggest causes of chaos in Myanmar. China will not allow them to deteriorate all the time.
China hopes that Bangladesh will come forward to dialogue with the Myanmar government on the Rohingya issue, and China also hopes that ASEAN will come forward to dialogue with the Myanmar government on the contradiction between the military and the NLD. China can give a lot of help and urge these two problems to be solved.
People are against military-monk rule. They want Rohingya to join them. 2500 soldiers defected to people's side. It will continue to increase. I don't think it will go back to the way it was before coup.
People are against military-monk rule. They want Rohingya to join them. 2500 soldiers defected to people's side. It will continue to increase. I don't think it will go back to the way it was before coup.

Chinese public opinion generally believes that the military government should return its rights to Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD because they are the ruling party chosen by the people.
But China also wants Aung San Suu Kyi to pardon Burma's military leaders for their past crimes. Aung San Suu Kyi should leave room for negotiations between the two sides. If Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD refuse to make any concessions, the problem will be very difficult.
China sympathizes with and supports Rohingyas. Any act of genocide is in serious conflict with the values of CCP. This is the behavior of the extreme right wing and Nazism.
Chinese public opinion generally believes that the military government should return its rights to Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD because they are the ruling party chosen by the people.
But China also wants Aung San Suu Kyi to pardon Burma's military leaders for their past crimes. Aung San Suu Kyi should leave room for negotiations between the two sides. If Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD refuse to make any concessions, the problem will be very difficult.
China sympathizes with and supports Rohingyas. Any act of genocide is in serious conflict with the values of CCP. This is the behavior of the extreme right wing and Nazism.
Every Rohingya has the eternal right to return to their homeland. I believe this very, very strongly for any ethnicity in the world where ever they are. Aung failed because she did not stand up for the rights of the people. She wanted to share power with military as a puppet.
Every Rohingya has the eternal right to return to their homeland. I believe this very, very strongly for any ethnicity in the world where ever they are. Aung failed because she did not stand up for the rights of the people. She wanted to share power with military as a puppet.
The Rohingyas problem and Aung San Suu Kyi&the military govt problem are two things. You can't deny Aung San Suu Kyi's legitimate power because of the Rohingya problem.
The Rohingyas problem and Aung San Suu Kyi&the military govt problem are two things. You can't deny Aung San Suu Kyi's legitimate power because of the Rohingya problem.
The military pushed her aside. Was she really powerful. I will think she is powerful when she stands up for the rights of all people, ethnicity, culture and religion in Myanmar.
The military pushed her aside. Was she really powerful. I will think she is powerful when she stands up for the rights of all people, ethnicity, culture and religion in Myanmar.

If Aung San Suu Kyi was really just a puppet, the military government would not launch a coup.
If Aung San Suu Kyi was really just a puppet, the military government would not launch a coup.

If she was really a puppet then what's the point of leading decades long pro-democracy movement? She ultimately compromised.
If she was really a puppet then what's the point of leading decades long pro-democracy movement? She ultimately compromised.
Slow gradual process, democracy or any other system cannot come in one day

Short of a bloody revolution
China's diplomatic principle is that China does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. But this is based on the premise that it will not affect China's internal affairs.
China is generally unwilling to intervene in Myanmar's internal conflict. China always likes to appear as a mediator. However, if China's border refugees continue to deteriorate, China may show a tougher attitude.
The Rohingya problem and the contradiction between the military govt and the NLD are the two biggest causes of chaos in Myanmar. China will not allow them to deteriorate all the time.
China hopes that Bangladesh will come forward to dialogue with the Myanmar government on the Rohingya issue, and China also hopes that ASEAN will come forward to dialogue with the Myanmar government on the contradiction between the military and the NLD. China can give a lot of help and urge these two problems to be solved.
Do you think Myanmar should follow North Korea's footstep and develop Nuclear weapons? Myanmar tried to produce nukes in the past. Check link below

But by North Korea's footstep I only meant development of nuclear weapons and friendly relation with China and Russia. But still I want democracy and absolutely dont want military rule.
Do you think Myanmar should follow North Korea's footstep and develop Nuclear weapons? Myanmar tried to produce nukes in the past. Check link below

But by North Korea's footstep I only meant development of nuclear weapons and friendly relation with China and Russia. But still I want democracy and absolutely dont want military rule.

The Chinese are not interested in what political system the Burmese choose. It's your own business.
If Myanmar wants to develop nuclear weapons, it is also your own choice. Of course, you need to bear the consequences yourself. On the issue of nuclear weapons, China needs to deal with the issue from the position of the P5 of the UN.
If she was really a puppet then what's the point of leading decades long pro-democracy movement? She ultimately compromised.

The essence of politics is compromise and balance.
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Slow gradual process, democracy or any other system cannot come in one day

Short of a bloody revolution

Bangladesh kind of went through a similar path, military juntas => democracy. But in our case the pro-democracy movement didn't have any space for compromise which eventually ensured the elimination of military's interference on government.

Suu Kyi went into an arrangement that retained military's dominance, that's kind of a betrayal to her supporters I would say. I don't know how the civil war or pro-democracy protests are going there but if they really want democracy they need to change the entire system and a complete over-throw of Tatmadaw.
Shame on Myanmar for ethnic cleansing of their own people Rohingyas just because they look and talk similar to Bangladeshi poor people. Shame on you.

Bangladesh is a small country. How long can Bangladesh bear the burden of Rohingyas? Take them to your country and give us a relieve from these people.
Muslims also think themselves as superiors and consider other as Kafir. There is racism against non Muslims too in Muslim countries. So check what's happening inside your own house before calling others disgusting

Kafir simply means non believers or non Muslim. All other meanings associated with it are made-up by people. In detail this word is used to describe people who don't repent for their sins. There is nothing malevolent about it. Islam was first religion in the world to abolish racism in clear cut words. Your words only show hate and also shows you know nothing about Islam or Muslims. What Mayanmar Bhuddist did to Muslims to the point of burning women and childern alive is vile and disgusting. There is no other word that can be used to describe you people. Hope you suffer at hands of each other bcz that is the fate your country deserves.
Islam was first religion in the world to abolish racism in clear cut words.
That was Christianity and I'm not talking about Protestantism and heresies. I'm talking about the original Christianity,what is now called Eastern Orthodoxy. Or generally Christianity before the Great Schism.

Anyway,has Bangladesh ever threatened to invade Myanmar to protect the Rohingya?
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