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Myanmar AF's MiG-29 fighter jet crashes in Magwe, pilots safe


Feb 12, 2013
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Pieces of the fighter jet found in field near the crash site (Photo-EMG)

Officials have confirmed the crash of a Myanmar Airforce fighter jet on Wednesday during a routine practice flight near Myothit Township in Magwe Region.

Villagers near the crash site reported seeing the MiG-29 fighter jet on fire and spinning out of control before the two pilots safely ejected surviving the crash. There were no casualties reported.

“The MiG-29 fighter from the Magwe Air Force Headquarters flown by Colonel Hlaing Myint and Major Kyaw Zin Thant has crashed during practice. The two pilots did not get serious injuries as they ejected their seat. But the jet was damaged,” an airforce official told Eleven Media.

The authorities did not release any information about the causes of the accident, the airbase or details of the plane. However witnesses do report seeing the jet on fire before it crashed suggesting a technical failure.

“It was so loud while the jet was flying over the village for 10 minutes. We thought it would definitely crash into the village. Later we saw the jet was burning and falling down,” said Mar Swe, a villager of Ninkyan village.

The debris left by the crash was widespread with pieces of the jet falling 500 feet from each other. A wing of the jet first fell near Youngmanga village and the tail landed in Htantapin village. The body of the jet reportedly hit a tree setting it on fire.

“I was farming in the field when I saw the jet was spinning around in the air on fire. Then I saw two parachutes - one yellow and one red. As soon as they escaped from the jet, it fell down. A helicopter rescued them,” said a farmer from Bokone village.

Fighter jets were flying over the area on June 10 about eight times according to villagers. Staff from the Magwe Air Force Headquarters collected the debris yesterday afternoon. Both military and police security was on high alert in nearby townships.

source: MiG-29 fighter jet crashes in Magwe, pilots safe - Eleven Myanmar | Eleven Myanmar
MIG 29 seems was being neglected nor spares or servicing was done properly. Seems there is shortage of Russian engineers.
“The MiG-29 fighter from the Magwe Air Force Headquarters flown by Colonel Hlaing Myint and Major Kyaw Zin Thant has crashed during practice. The two pilots did not get serious injuries as they ejected their seat. But the jet was damaged,” an airforce official told Eleven Media.

But the jet was damaged .. :hitwall: :hitwall: may be they don't know the difference between damaged and destroyed or may be they can put it back together. :suicide2:
Why the villagers are taking away debris? They wanna sell them to Bhangari?
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