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Mustefa Kemal Ataturk: The greatest Muslim general of the 20th centuary?

Atatürk made an nation out of the ash of Ottoman Empire, he made many reforms, built infrastructure up, founded various Institutions.
There is no exsample of such a radical reform in such short time in History, and all this in a war-worn country.

Turkey had many phases of progress but it allways stagnated during political disturbance periods.
And to the AKP progress part:
I explained it once but i will do it again, AKP has a good economic management but the main part of the progress we see today is this Man's heritage.

He was a member of AKP's main opposition party CHP

Kemal Dervis

Kemal Derviş - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ok bro what ever you say lol, it doesn't matter to me because I'm not a turk.
but if a president in my country forced me to be westernized i wouldn't call not reforms or progress.

idk who kemal dervis is but I'm pretty sure that there is 99% more to the store then just this one guy.
just so you know, i wasn't saying that turkey made the most progress ever because akp rules it, its just that its ironic that the same people kemalist try to destroy are the same people under whose watch the turkish nation made the most progress ever.
Pretty much everyone from that period(18th-19th-20th centuries) tried to westernize their nations, you know west was the beacon of progress and civilization, not east.
idk who kemal dervis is but I'm pretty sure that there is 99% more to the store then just this one guy.
Believe it or not he is the key person of Turkeys progress today, his reforms made Turkish Banks almost immune against 2009 crisis, no Turkish bank needed help while many American and European banks got bankrupt.
just so you know, i wasn't saying that turkey made the most progress ever because akp rules it, its just that its ironic that the same people kemalist try to destroy are the same people under whose watch the turkish nation made the most progress ever.
You should know that so many so called Kemalists used Atatürk for their own purpose, Atatürk would be ashamed if he saw what was done in Turkey in his name .
Whether you like or not most Turks are happy with his reforms and the states form today.
His politician side was stronger, while he did good in most of his military involments, there was not much sensational actions to be called greatest, I don't about the rest of generals from that period though, period might be too sh.tty that he could be the greatest :D

On religion, he was either less religious or non-believer(his mother was religious though) but the fact is he didn't emposed that on people, his aim in his reforms was to make people actually know about religion without being controlled and manipulated by terrorist mullahs, he ordered translation of Quran to Turkish, made Azan Turkish, eliminated dangerous mullahs, soles aim in those is that, he abolished caliphate because position was easy to be misused and threat the newly founded state , for conservative and simple minded muslims that simple aim of his makes him an enemy of Islam, to be honest I don't think he would give any f.ck about them if he was alive.

Now he is dead, imagaine what is happening to him for all those anti-islamic acts

All the prayers in the world cant save this man
We're talking about a military general in the 20th century who happened to be Muslim. Do you have any other candidate? If so please present him. There's nothing to be hurt about we're not talking about his politics.
Then we have a slave metality and just because we were not good enough doesn't automatically mean that those who did alter their course were necessarily great. I don't want to dwell much on that because i don't want to hurt the feelings of any Turk on the reasons why i don't consider him great but thats my personal opinion.
And your understanding from my post is he was anti-islamic, bravo.

Your beliefs doesn't concerns anybody, keep satisfying yourself.
We're talking about a military general in the 20th century who happened to be Muslim. Do you have any other candidate? If so please present him. There's nothing to be hurt about we're not talking about his politics.
There is nobody else.

But there is something you need to remember too. Napoleon said: "Give me the Turkish army and I will conquer the world".

You can have the best military general in the world but if your army suck and your soldiers mentality suck you are screwed any way.

When German general came to Gallipoli to inspect Turkish troops he said I'm sure Turks are going to win this war because it is the first time I see women and children participating in war zone. The women and children were carrying equipment to the soldiers.

Also during Greco-Turkish war. Ataturk's army had to prepare for three years to launch counter offensive to superior army who was better equiped and professional army. The population had to pay very high tax and give up food for the army.

Today Greeks are not even willing to pay small fraction of tax to save their country. Those internal characteristic determine the fate of nations. It is in the character of Turkish people to live in independence because we always did.We were never a colony. For a Greek or African or other people who were colonized they are used to it. We are not used to that. We are used to independence. It is like oxygen and water.
Now he is dead, imagaine what is happening to him for all those anti-islamic acts

All the prayers in the world cant save this man

What i find highly disturbing is the behavior of some fellow muslims who criticize other muslims and judge them, even by saying 'he will go to hell', 'he's now burning in hell' or 'he was not a muslim', while saying such things are taboo. If those people want to criticize others, they should first know whether they have the right to judge in Allah's place or not.
Well i dont know he is Greatest general or not. But here is a little summary,

An Empire beaten in many battles, lost Millions of people because of non stop war for many decades, and in WWI totally fallen and invaded. Capital invaded armies dismissed. What is left invaded by British,France,Italia,Soviets, and Greece. British HQ was in middle of Istanbul goverment became a puppet.

In that situation he started a independence war not only fight with western powers he deal with over 30 rebelions. He was not only a general he was strategic and politician. And he get the result.

And today i am looking all Muslim countries and comparing Turkey with them. All of them boiling and killing each other or rules under tyrians or military goverments. I dont know he is best general or not but i am praying and for his vision. Actually i dont care he is worlds best or not. But he is best for us.
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