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Must Read : India’s China fears

funny people with funny theory, US only borderring with two countries Mex and Can``and other three (rus, cuba, bahamas) are separated by international water.. Rus sold alaska to us long time ago, cuba and bahamas wont even fart about border issue...

u can ask mexican and canadian friends what do they think about americans 'bossy' attitude... dont make urself a stupid fool

they think the chini are all morons - that's what they think everytime they think of a chinaman. and the brits are tired of seeing your morons immigrate there too- thats what they all think.. 99.99% of the world dislikes china . because of the dumb intellect you show- similar to your post above. the world's citizens appeal to you and ask you to take you to take yet another great leap back to the land dumb masses da chini land..
It can be dropped anywhere, as You said You would be ready to take it....:P

i know it would probably anywhere, so in this case i need to buy the 'most advanced' indian made radar to track the 'most powerful bombs' first and then buy the most 'advance' LCA to fly to that area then finally can meet that 'most advanced' indian bomb``:D
i know it would probably anywhere, so in this case i need to buy the 'most advanced' indian made radar to track the 'most powerful bombs' first and then buy the most 'advance' LCA to fly to that area then finally can meet that 'most advanced' indian bomb``:D

Unfortunately We do not Share good defense relations, so these high tech products would not be sold to you, I guess you need to satisfy with lavi oops my bad J-10 and Su 27 errrrr J-15 :D
they think the chini are all morons - that what they think everytime they think of a chinaman. and the brits are tired of seeing your morons immigrate there too- thats what they all think.. 99.99% of the world dislikes china . because of the dumb intellect you show- similar to your post above.

lol i didnt know u knew urself that well, ur inferior complex reaches to certain level that ur little curry brain cant comprehend common senses`:D
a wet-dreamer thinks 99.99% people dislike china, do u even want me to breif 'indian' like dislike feedbacks from the UK? lol, even ur own people distrust and hate each other``poor Jay :P... i guess the reality is too bitter for u dreamer to accept`
Unfortunately We do not Share good defense relations, so these high tech products would not be sold to you, I guess you need to satisfy with lavi oops my bad J-10 and Su 27 errrrr J-15 :D

dont worry about that, with $100 bribery ur 'democray' servent would love to sell me those 'most' advanced stuffs
dont worry about that, with $100 bribery ur 'democray' servent would love to sell me those 'most' advanced stuffs

As is what your history is, Buying one and duplicating 100's... It cannot be stopped... And why should it??
As is what your history is, Buying one and duplicating 100's... It cannot be stopped... And why should it??

chinese cant duplicate 'most' advanced LCA or any 'most' advanced indian weapons``we just dont hv the 'innovative' brain like indians have```:P
lol i didnt know u knew urself that well, ur inferior complex reaches to certain level that ur little curry brain cant comprehend common senses`:D
a wet-dreamer thinks 99.99% people dislike china, do u even want me to breif 'indian' like dislike feedbacks from the UK? lol, even ur own people distrust and hate each other``poor Jay :P... i guess the reality is too bitter for u dreamer to accept`

you are being incoherent again dogfood brain... maybe those blond bleach tips are burning your brain cells.
Now That You have admitted it, Stick to it... Nice talking to You :D

i made it very clear on my early posts india is the 'best' 'most advanced' 'most powerful' 'most ect``'

u made it into several more posts,

anyway nice talk to u too`:wave:
you are being incoherent again dogfood brain... maybe those blond bleach tips are burning your brain cells.

lol talking about conherence` i dont even know that word even applies to a diaria head like u``:D

I replied ur funny post with rational facts and common sense, but i reckon ur curry brain is not compatible with rational and common sense so u lashed out racial slur and more incoherent posts, and then i injected a bit more common senses to tickle ur fragile nerves further``and it worked lol :P
Lol China isn't interested in war it's interested in Money, India's wins against against Pakistan have clearly gone to it's head
Actually every country has stolen tech from others to build there Empires USA and USSR stole tech from NAZI Germany, so everyone has been stealing tech to build there empires why not China ? really without German technology there wouldn't be a space program etc etc etc
Actually every country has stolen tech from others to build there Empires USA and USSR stole tech from NAZI Germany, so everyone has been stealing tech to build there empires why not China ? really without German technology there wouldn't be a space program etc etc etc

well mate i guess u r wasting time here to educate some indian friends about the reality of science and technology development, they believe science and technology came out of nowhere``thats what they call it 'real' science and technology`` good luck!

it is well known fact in science and technology fields that all the researches and developments were/are/going to be based on existing or past established grounds. as one of the greatest scientists Isaac Newton's most famous quote
If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.
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