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Must read for all paksitanis. What Modi actually said about Dawood Ibrahim.


Feb 28, 2013
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New Delhi, April 26: BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi broke his silence on Dawood Ibrahim, India's most wanted man, while speaking to Sandesh News in an exclusive interview. He said the issue of bringing back Dawood to India is not something to be discussed openly. The BJP leader cited the example of the United States, saying it never held a press conference before going after Osama bin Laden, the dreaded al-Qaeda terrorist who was hunted down on Pakistan's soil in 2011, a decade after the devastating 9/11 terror attacks. Did the US hold a press conference before chasing Osama, Modi asked Modi also slammed India's Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde, saying the latter showed a sign of immaturity recently by speaking on the joint effort between India and the USA to try and bring Dawood back. Dawood is believed to be residing in Pakistan.

The BJP leader also criticised the Indian government on the Italian marines issue and questioned the special treatment which is being meted out to them. He asked why the government was silent on the whereabouts of the marines even as they have been convicted of murder and brought to India on the order of the apex court of the country.

Read more at: Narendra Modi breaks silence on Dawood Ibrahim in interview - News Oneindia

So, What did Modi said that offended Pakistanis so much? He was criticizing the HM of India. Why did pakistanis go overboard? Is it their love for sushil kumar shinde or their love for dawood??
Fist of all kid dont try to defend something which is undefendable. Our Ministry said that first decide where yr papa Dawood really is.

Second, by saying india should attack pakistan for dawood ibrahim is in itself a big hateful statement abt another state.. And when that Nation responds which it has a full right yr in no moral position to judged them otherwise.

But frankly we dont need to explain our interior ministry's statement to yr kind as we whole heartly accept u to be our sworn Enemy and a vibrant thread to our Freedom and Liberation.
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Fist of all kid dont try to defend something which is undefendable. Our Ministry said that first decide where yr papa Dawood really is.

Second, by saying india should attack pakistan for dawood ibrahim is in itself a big hateful statement abt another state.. And when that Nation responds which it has a full right yr in no moral position to judged them otherwise.

But frankly we dont need to explain our interior ministry's statement to yr kind as we whole hearty accept u to be our sworn Enemy and a vibrant thread to our Freedom and Liberation.
What is there do defend,did you see the interview.

Shut the duck up "rear admiral" lol, I bet you take it up the rear as well you sexually repressed mullah.
Dont get personal yaar.
It wasn't just what he said but also what he implied by quoting the USA.

Mr. Modi, for your information , India is not USA.

You violate our Sovereignty, Your people will not return and we will rain hellfire on you.

Don't even think about looking n the direction of Pakistan with an evil eye.
It wasn't just what he said but also what he implied by quoting the USA.

Mr. Modi, for your information , India is not USA.

You violate our Sovereignty, Your people will not return and we will rain hellfire on you.

Don't even think about looking n the direction of Pakistan with an evil eye.

By the way is there anything wrong in saying "I will bring back the most wanted criminal" to india once i become PM..... What is wrong.... some of you say he is in UAE.... If that is the case then it is a bilateral issue between UAE/Malaysia or any other country for that matter....

Unless you are very sure that Dawood is in Karachi.....
@Oscar This guy seems to be in a hurry... please perform the last rights...
By the way is there anything wrong in saying "I will bring back the most wanted criminal" to india once i become PM..... What is wrong.... some of you say he is in UAE.... If that is the case then it is a bilateral issue between UAE/Malaysia or any other country for that matter....

Unless you are very sure that Dawood is in Karachi.....

Why would Pakistan keep a man alleged to be one of its most effective assets in a city where Indians can find better places to base themselves for intelligence operations?
Why would Pakistan keep a man alleged to be one of its most effective assets in a city where Indians can find better places to base themselves for intelligence operations?

Your asked a right question....We civilians can only depend on our agencies... May be he lives some where else... But i remember listening to Mushraff when he came for India today enclave.... when ever the question raised about dawood, he always asked counter questions on other wanted fugitives of Pakistan (BLA)... but not even once he denied that dawood is not in Pakistan.... which is quite unusual
By the way is there anything wrong in saying "I will bring back the most wanted criminal" to india once i become PM..... What is wrong.... some of you say he is in UAE.... If that is the case then it is a bilateral issue between UAE/Malaysia or any other country for that matter....

Unless you are very sure that Dawood is in Karachi.....

By mentioning the US, we all know what Modi was implying......
Why would Pakistan keep a man alleged to be one of its most effective assets in a city where Indians can find better places to base themselves for intelligence operations?
thats why Mr Nisar said first decide where he actually is!!!
Your asked a right question....We civilians can only depend on our agencies... May be he lives some where else... But i remember listening to Mushraff when he came for India today enclave.... when ever the question raised about dawood, he always asked counter questions on other wanted fugitives of Pakistan (BLA)... but not even once he denied that dawood is not in Pakistan.... which is quite unusual

It could be that Dawood is in Pakistan, or maybe he is not. After all, how much wealth must the guy have to gift what he did to his daughter on her wedding?o_O
Would you think that Pakistan is the only country interested in the application of all that black money in white funds?
Would the emirate of Dubai mind?
By mentioning the US, we all know what Modi was implying......

I understand, we can discuss, debate over it in PDF as civilians... But we are discussing about your Minister's response to it....
I understand, we can discuss, debate over it in PDF as civilians... But we are discussing about your Minister's response to it....

I think the Minister's sensitivity on this matter is understandable because of various Indian Politicians and Media implying that since US took that step with Osama, India should do likewise. Now any time anyone mentions the Osama affair people on this side are spring loaded to a strong reaction.
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