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Muslims of india and their hate for Pakistan

There is no need to work yourself up. You didn't survive as an entity your founding father formed for 25 years. All recorded human history? Err - look up Israel. And Taiwan. And Vietnam. 2 global superpowers? We live in a unipolar world.
Achievements of Indian Muslims outstrip the achievements of Pakistani Muslims.
Just look at your own history - Jinnah was Gujarati/Kutchi, Liaquat was from East Punjab/UP, national language is from Central India, national poet's grandparents were Kashmiri Pandits. You should be thankful to Indian Muslims.

If America and the West did not back israel they would cease to exist. We've stood firm without the backing the israelis have. And yes our nation did survive. By the same token I could say india has not survived because on August the 14th 1947 a Muslim minority carved, ripped, dismembered and spread open wide the legs of mother india to create Pakistan from conquered indian territory :devil:and there is nothing the indians can ever do to get that conquered indian territory back again :chilli: Vietnam was exceptional. Well done to them but we've been fighting those odds for 70 years.

So modern day indian so called alleged "Muslims" have achieved more than the Pakistani nation??????...........lol........:rofl::rofl::rofl:..........must be missing something because I and the rest if the world barely know they exist they are that irrelevant.
Yes, there are sectarian issues. And there are riots - but they happen in Pakistan too right? Places of worship of Ahmadiyas are bombed, Sunni-Shia violence etc? By your argument the Muslims of Pakistan too are fearful to raise a voice?
Yes, there are sectarian issues. And there are riots - but they happen in Pakistan too right? Places of worship of Ahmadiyas are bombed, Sunni-Shia violence etc? By your argument the Muslims of Pakistan too are fearful to raise a voice?
Minoroties have demonstrated whenever they have been targeted. However the attackers themselves have spared no one be it sunni, Shia, Christian, Ahmadi, politician, military police or civilian. Nobody has claimed Pakistan to be perfect but we are trying to educate Indians especially the Muslims who openly condem Pakistan that they too are not spared especially Gujarat and destruction of Babri masjid proved it. Yet rather than hold their government responsible some feel obliged to blame Pakistan. Regarding Ahmadies they are not regarded as being in the fold of Islam you can clarify that with your own ulemas of India. However attacks on them should openly be condemned be it in Pakistan, India, Bangladeh and Indonesia. Pakistan has taken stern action against any religious leader who uses their Friday sermon to attack them by banning them. The whole Sunni Shia conflict for sure has had outside interference and especially with the conflict in the Middle East. Prior to the US invasion of Afghanistan sectarian or terrorist attacks were not heard of. Remember the original post was about Indian Muslims hatred of Pakistan and why they feel the need to use abusive sexually explicit language to abuse and insult a neighbouring country who they have nothing in common with except sharing the same faith.
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Indian Muslim hate because they can't have that control and authority we've .

They're held inferior by the Indians because they're doubted for their sincerity toward India because of Pakistan. They're mistreated because of the existence of Pakistan so instead of asking for their rights and good treatment they bark against Pakistan because they've no courage to stand against rss .
What bunch of cowards , shame on them !

If America and the West did not back israel they would cease to exist. We've stood firm without the backing the israelis have. And yes our nation did survive. By the same token I could say india has not survived because on August the 14th 1947 a Muslim minority carved, ripped, dismembered and spread open wide the legs of mother india to create Pakistan from conquered indian territory :devil:and there is nothing the indians can ever do to get that conquered indian territory back again :chilli: Vietnam was exceptional. Well done to them but we've been fighting those odds for 70 years.

So modern day indian so called alleged "Muslims" have achieved more than the Pakistani nation??????...........lol........:rofl::rofl::rofl:..........must be missing something because I and the rest if the world barely know they exist they are that irrelevant.

You're stupid and spamming the thread with your stupidity .
Only the ummah chummah brother gang in Pakistan cares for them. For me a Pakistani Christian, Hindu or a Sikh is important then Indian Muslim. I don't care for them neither do I need to listen to their views.

The problem lies entirely of our own making where ummah building seems to have been a bigger priority than nation building.

However the trend is now being discouraged having realised that Pakistan alone cannot carry the Muslim world without the Muslim world appreciating Pakistan's contribution.
The problem lies entirely of our own making where ummah building seems to have been a bigger priority than nation building.
Bingo. Well said. I am quite comfortable in thinking Pakistan is ahead of India on all fronts despite the bluster from Indians. However with regret I have to say Indians are well ahead of us in nation building. Our elite got lost in ummah/nation quicksand and we have had disasterous results. Time to fix this now.

Pakistan First.
Bingo. Well said. I am quite comfortable in thinking Pakistan is ahead of India on all fronts despite the bluster from Indians. However with regret I have to say Indians are well ahead of us in nation building. Our elite got lost in ummah/nation quicksand and we have had disasterous results. Time to fix this now.

Pakistan First.

Unfortunately we are suffering for trying to be the 1st Islamic Altruistic nation.
If America and the West did not back israel they would cease to exist. We've stood firm without the backing the israelis have. And yes our nation did survive. By the same token I could say india has not survived because on August the 14th 1947 a Muslim minority carved, ripped, dismembered and spread open wide the legs of mother india to create Pakistan from conquered indian territory :devil:and there is nothing the indians can ever do to get that conquered indian territory back again :chilli: Vietnam was exceptional. Well done to them but we've been fighting those odds for 70 years.

So modern day indian so called alleged "Muslims" have achieved more than the Pakistani nation??????...........lol........:rofl::rofl::rofl:..........must be missing something because I and the rest if the world barely know they exist they are that irrelevant.

Actually on August 14th you were a colony. You became independent on August 15th. Go read the Indian Independence Act passed by British Parliament. Good job celebrating independence day on the wrong date.

The way we see it is that Mother India had a callus which was removed. No one wants a callus back. So even after conquering half your land, we gave it independence. The land occupied in West Pakistan was also returned. Consider it charity of Mother India - what was she going to do with a callus anyway?

Do you have any proof to back up the claim that the rest of the world barely knows 200 million Indian Muslims exist or is this a figment of your imagination?

It's ok. You don't need to feel bad. No Pakistani will be as well known as a Shah Rukh Khan, an Aamir Khan, even an Azim Premji. By well known, I don't mean notorious - I mean in a positive manner. You will have to learn to live with that. Such is life.
You formed a country based on religion instead of coexisting with the locals. You may think that you guys did a great thing, but the rest of the world will see you as traitors or divisive folks.
Other muslims may feel the need to prove that they are not like you. That they are peaceful and want to assimilate.
These days, plenty of Indian muslim youth have realised the futility of fighting for religion and their support towards real secularism is increasing.
Of course, the poor amongst the Hindus and muslims will keep rioting and killing each other for a decade or so. Poverty does breed violence and crime.
Bingo. Well said. I am quite comfortable in thinking Pakistan is ahead of India on all fronts despite the bluster from Indians. However with regret I have to say Indians are well ahead of us in nation building. Our elite got lost in ummah/nation quicksand and we have had disasterous results. Time to fix this now.

Here lies another big problem that we are now countering bit by bit. As long as we are comparing ourselves to Indians we are setting a bar too low which hampers our growth.

We actually on a whole are doing better than India its just due to unstable political environment and ongoing war on terror businesses have been rather skepticism but that trend is also fading.

In reality India isn't fairing that much better either in nation building. It's secular conception couples with caste system and the diverse politics has left the people asking the question what makes you an Indian. An identity crisis is brewing in India and on a fast track to chaos.
instead of coexisting with the locals.
We had been coexisting with strangers with whom the British had chained us with. It was not like we chose to be part of British India and neither did you. So spare us the rubbish please. We all got locked into a prison by British and as soon as they opened the doors we bolted on our path as you did on yours. Here is a reminder for you. How British India was Made. How British India was Unmade.


As long as we are comparing ourselves to Indians we are setting a bar too low which hampers our growth.
Agreed 100%. If a starving begger gets a loaf of bread and breaks into orgasmic delight you don't get compare with him. You take pity on him.

An identity crisis is brewing in India and on a fast track to chaos.
You know that is a very interesting point you bring up. I have been thinking about that as well. The thing is any society that evolves starts showing signs of stress. You have the old order. Eveybody is tied into their subsisting living like for centuries. Then economics brings about change. Urbanization picks up. This begins to unravel the old order which releases massive forces of unrest. This period can be tricky and difficult. I think Pakistan has been going through this change for some time. This continues until a new order is established and stability is reached. India has just now entered this phase. It will be interesting how 100s millions of oppressed like untouchables push for their place in society. Upto now they have been so cowed that they just take it. I addition there seems to be rising wave of Hindutwa which in many ways is similsar to the religious extremists we have. Interesting times ahead for sure.
Actually on August 14th you were a colony. You became independent on August 15th. Go read the Indian Independence Act passed by British Parliament. Good job celebrating independence day on the wrong date.

The way we see it is that Mother India had a callus which was removed. No one wants a callus back. So even after conquering half your land, we gave it independence. The land occupied in West Pakistan was also returned. Consider it charity of Mother India - what was she going to do with a callus anyway?

Do you have any proof to back up the claim that the rest of the world barely knows 200 million Indian Muslims exist or is this a figment of your imagination?

It's ok. You don't need to feel bad. No Pakistani will be as well known as a Shah Rukh Khan, an Aamir Khan, even an Azim Premji. By well known, I don't mean notorious - I mean in a positive manner. You will have to learn to live with that. Such is life.

So all along india has never been invaded and conquered. It was indians themselves all that time...........lol.........:rofl::rofl::rofl:

So gandhi was fighting for independence against the wrong people..........:lol:

Whatever you may call it, Pakistan and ultimately bangladesh were created by a Muslim minority conquering a 7× larger hindu nation and ripping it to pieces. Something which indians still feel painful and himiliated by to this day. Pakistan is a daily remainder of centuries of Muslim rule over india.

If Pakistan was not created, our race would end up looking like this:



Please don't feel bad that your race are lesser men due to inherent physical defiencies that affect men of the indian race and persuassion :lol::


You know that is a very interesting point you bring up. I have been thinking about that as well. The thing is any society that evolves starts showing signs of stress. You have the old order. Eveybody is tied into their subsisting living like for centuries. Then economics brings about change. Urbanization picks up. This begins to unravel the old order which releases massive forces of unrest. This period can be tricky and difficult. I think Pakistan has been going through this change for some time. This continues until a new order is established and stability is reached. India has just now entered this phase. It will be interesting how 100s millions of oppressed like untouchables push for their place in society. Upto now they have been so cowed that they just take it. I addition there seems to be rising wave of Hindutwa which in many ways is similsar to the religious extremists we have. Interesting times ahead for sure.

Its just part and parcel of being a country. It gets tested with similar problems. What matters is how they deal with it.

Pakistan is coming out of it while many significant countries are about to enter it post popularism.

Its much more complicated than one can imagine. In a world of floating currency every strategy has a cap on it beyond control of politicians control.
Recently I've come across videos appeared on YouTube of Indian Muslims openly abusing Pakistan and Pakistanis with vile disgusting racist, sexually explicit derogatory comments and threats. I've also viewed a video of an entire Muslim gathering burning the Pakistani flag. Makes me wounder as to why the Indian Muslims feel compelled to abuse Pakistan so much? They are Indian and should be proud Indians but do they have to prove their loyalty to Hindustan by making anti Pakistani videos based on foul abusive language and threats? Wonder if Indian ulema such as Owisuddin and Mahmood Madani openly encourage this behaviour by their fellow Indian Muslims?


You have seen that and it is true---it is due to the PATHETIC behavior of the pakistanis over the decades.

Pakistanis have caused more murders of indian muslim than the hindus would have done otherwise---.

Whatever the pakistanis do in pakistan---the indian muslims pay for it 10 times over---would not be surprised if it 100 times over.
Actually on August 14th you were a colony. You became independent on August 15th. Go read the Indian Independence Act passed by British Parliament. Good job celebrating independence day on the wrong date.
In 1947 the ceremonies for the transfer of power were held a day earlier in Pakistan on Aug 14th and held in India the next day on Aug 15th. Moreover this date(Aug 14th) coincided with the 27th of Ramadan(considered a special date in Islam)...and since Pakistan was created in the name of Islam so it became widely accepted. It has more to do with the symbolic meaning rather than the actual date of independence. Just like here in US, 4th of July is celebrated as the Independence Day even though the war for independence continued for some time after Jul 4 1776.
In 1947 the ceremonies for the transfer of power were held a day earlier in Pakistan on Aug 14th and held in India the next day on Aug 15th. Moreover this date(Aug 14th) coincided with the 27th of Ramadan(considered a special date in Islam)...and since Pakistan was created in the name of Islam so it became widely accepted. It has more to do with the symbolic meaning rather than the actual date of independence. Just like here in US, 4th of July is celebrated as the Independence Day even though the war for independence continued for some time after Jul 4 1776.
Transfer of power took place on 15th and dominion status was given on 15th. The ceremony was held earlier because the main event was in Delhi on the 15th.

So all along india has never been invaded and conquered. It was indians themselves all that time...........lol.........:rofl::rofl::rofl:

So gandhi was fighting for independence against the wrong people..........:lol:

Whatever you may call it, Pakistan and ultimately bangladesh were created by a Muslim minority conquering a 7× larger hindu nation and ripping it to pieces. Something which indians still feel painful and himiliated by to this day. Pakistan is a daily remainder of centuries of Muslim rule over india.

If Pakistan was not created, our race would end up looking like this:



Please don't feel bad that your race are lesser men due to inherent physical defiencies that affect men of the indian race and persuassion :lol::



Pakistan and Bangladesh are comprised of the former far flung parts of India first to fold and be conquered. I know reality bites, but fact is present day Pakistan has historically never offered much resistance. To invaders. To colonizers. To pretty much anyone.
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