Nobody asked for concession. The topic is hatred and bigotry among the masses about muslims.
Cant you understand? buddy ,pathetic..In India even hindus face discrimination in some parts of India and also from muslims.But it is end at that way.It is not a big problem like you exaggerating.In some cases if muslims experiences more hatred it is because of some lunatics graduated from madrassahs of our western neighbour carries attack in India in the name of religion calling themselves are real muslims.
Do you know muslims ,Hindus ,christains etc from "Bhatkal' experience a problem ?If any person from Bhatkal whether it is muslim.hindus or christians experienced a discrimination in other parts of India.Persons from Bhatkal irrespective their religion dont get houses at rent ,apartment other opportunities etc.Do you know why?Some self proclaimed pure muslims like Riyaz Bhatkal,Yasin Bhatkal and Iqbal bhatkal
is come from these town called 'Bhatkal' and graduated from madrassahs in land of pure at western side and carries attack India.They are muslims ,so muslims expereinced more problem.But all person from Bhatkal town expereince this problem more less irrespective of their religion.