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Muslims in Lucknow protest against Saudi Arabia

These are shia and remember all Shia imams in Pakistan are also certified by Iran.
No surprise shia of India resonate for Iranian interests. While lately, Indian govt. is also moving to pitch up its support in any arab and Iranian conflict.
No wonder if some of the protestors are hired by RAW.
You can clearly see one of the hand in middle picture have orange band in wrist, which is clear evidence that fundamentalist hindus were leading this protest.
This will definitely sell good with masses of Iran and i believe the 4 pages english news daily of Iran will be publishing this as major headline.
Interesting to note is the Iran-US co-operation in toppling sunni regimes or instigating unrest in sunni states.
US respected co-operation to the level that Shias militias were allowed to carry out target killings of Sunnis in respective state.

Other regional states need to learn from this history and shall remain vigilant of growing indo-iran-us nexus in triggering unrest in region..

you're by far the biggest extremist out of anyone on this site. Nothing you ever say ever makes any sense. You suck at this hating game big time batman so give it up.
you're by far the biggest extremist out of anyone on this site. Nothing you ever say ever makes any sense. You suck at this hating game big time batman so give it up.

he makes sense to me ,i just dont like his avatar mush is part and parcel of bush and co
I want to ask Indian members here how do you see this protest ?

This is a gesture of support by Muslims towards Iran. For some reasons even Sunni Muslims in India tend to be supportive of Iran (mostly related to matters with US). However since Saudi Arabia is involved, Sunni Muslims would probably not say much. India's foreign policy is not driven by these sentiments. It is only driven by business interest and friendship. India will always remain neutral in a Saudi vs Iran conflict unless relations with Iran deteriorate in future which is unlikely
I support Iran only because they are some very good looking chicks in my area :wub:

Ontopic - It is always better for a country like India to be neutral .
Everything is going above my head , dnt knw why muslims are protesting against SA
Maulanas can protest but I think they shouldnt try to interfere in external affairs

Around 100 shias were present but there are millions of sunni in India
Its a really small protest given the number of muslims in India.

Overall, India is going to remain neutral on this. Its in India's interest that there is no conflict the gulf region and infact, it might even actively involve itself behind the scenes to defuse the situation.

It was just afew months back that India held a conference on Security for India and Iran, IRaq and GCC states where top officials from each country were present. IF something like that could happen again, then India could broker some peace deals which could involve guarantees of non-intereference of Iran in other countries and some sort fo democratic reforms in the GCC countries.
I live in Lucknow. This so called protest did find mention in the hindi newspapers on the 5th or 6th page containing local news. It failed to get mentioned in the english newspapers such as TOI. Only urdu dailies such as rashtriye sahara urdu gave it some space on the 1st page. It was held in old lucknow(a muslim dominated area).

This clearly shows the importance of this particular news. There is a whole bunch of critical issues in front of muslim community that needs to be taken care of immediately, yet they find time and energy to protest on an issue that is not even even remotely related to them.

Apart from top shia religious leaders which common shia muslim gets any benefit from iran?? They think that by showing their children protesting for iran they will get any sympathy for their cause then they are deeply mistaken. In fact everyone shook their head in disgust that rather than making their children study, they are risking their future by making their child protest for such idiotic issue.:disagree::disagree:

Does protesting for a random issue related to middle east will help or studies and education??:angry::angry:

If you see these photographs carefully, one can see its mid day. Rather than going to earn their lively hood they are sitting there to protest. Certainly no educated or employed muslim man will have time for such protest. So this implies that the entire crowd is unemployed and uneducated.:disagree::disagree:

It would have been much better if this protest was for demanding jobs for their youth or demanding more allocation of funds for studies, it would have found mention in all daily newspapers on front page. You know there is an undeclared reservation for candidates belonging to minority community provided that they are qualified for the job, there is even an age relaxation of 5 years too. They have such an unfair advantage in job recruitments both in public and private sectors yet they choose not to study and find ample time for protest. And they cry that the country is unfair towards them and they are always the exploited lot. nobody can help them if they don't help themselves.:disagree::disagree:

This is what a common indian living in lucknow thinks of this issue.

I think you are just building up on some unfounded myths. Undeclared reservations? Where did that come from? And if you have been following muslim issus as closely as you indicate to be, then you would know that local and domestic issues wether is education, employment, extremism, communalism, bussiness prospects e.t.c. are far far more covered and conventions and seminars and gatherings are held for these local issues much much more than the once of foreign policy issues.

Again, its a few 100 shias mainly kids in the group. Most muslims probably have no opinion one way or another. If a few hundred Indians want to protest peacefully. its their right. But then to extend that and say, all muslims are doing is protesting against something happening in Bahrain instead of focussing on domestic issues is not just streching the truth and reality, its a whole new alternative reality in itself.
If the Shia resonate with Iran, it is because of theological links and that too, when it does not impinge on the Indian identity and national interests.

Even in Kashmir, the Shia cleric was killed since he did not subscribe to the violent manner the Hurriyat was undertaking.

I think you are just building up on some unfounded myths. Undeclared reservations? Where did that come from? And if you have been following muslim issus as closely as you indicate to be, then you would know that local and domestic issues wether is education, employment, extremism, communalism, bussiness prospects e.t.c. are far far more covered and conventions and seminars and gatherings are held for these local issues much much more than the once of foreign policy issues.

Again, its a few 100 shias mainly kids in the group. Most muslims probably have no opinion one way or another. If a few hundred Indians want to protest peacefully. its their right. But then to extend that and say, all muslims are doing is protesting against something happening in Bahrain instead of focussing on domestic issues is not just streching the truth and reality, its a whole new alternative reality in itself.

Yes peaceful demonstrations is the right given to everyone and there is nothing wrong in such demonstrations. But are demonstrations such as these really of any help to muslims??

And about these undeclared job reservations, when one applies to any job, be it in a public or a private sector, One is asked to mention whether the candidate belongs to any religious minority community. Any candidate who belong to a religious minority community is given preference if a tie in marks occurs among different candidates. And this is not even in the public sector, the government is also forcing private companies too to follow such policy(so called social justice) on their own. There was a war of words between Manmohan Singh and private sector representatives( particularly Narayanmurthy of Infosys) during UPA-1 govt when there were talks of extending reservations to private sectors. These representatives give assurance that they will follow these policy to some extent as they won't find suitable candidates to fill the quota belonging to such groups.

Now if a community is not able to take advantage, which is at the cost of loss of opportunity to deserving candidates, of such unfair policy, then there is something seriously wrong with their education. Clearly demonstrations on issues like these wont help their youth.
If the Shia resonate with Iran, it is because of theological links and that too, when it does not impinge on the Indian identity and national interests.

Even in Kashmir, the Shia cleric was killed since he did not subscribe to the violent manner the Hurriyat was undertaking.

Well I think you are mixing up two things here. The cleric that was recently killed was a Salafi/Wahabbi cleric. And yes he was a moderate who didn't support a militant anti-Indian agenda. This should give food for thought to those who think Wahabbis are irreconcilible extremists who must always be opposed. Its just not true.

The other recent incident was when a shia cleric recently met the Kashmir interlocutors. He was suspended by his Hurriyat post and that's about it. No killing of shia clerics in J&K recently afaik
Yes peaceful demonstrations is the right given to everyone and there is nothing wrong in such demonstrations. But are demonstrations such as these really of any help to muslims??
That's not the point. Personally, I also think this was stupid and unnecessary. And given the fact that Syria and Iran are themselves indulging in killing of 100s of innocents in their own countries (both ruled by shites) without any protests against these countries just doesn't make any sense and looks hypocrtical.
But these people still have the right to peacefully act like idiots even if they want to.
And like I mentioned, the overwhelming majority of the Indian muslim community did not take part. So to take this as an example of what ALL muslims think or even what the majority muslim community thinks is incorrect.

And about these undeclared job reservations, when one applies to any job, be it in a public or a private sector, One is asked to mention whether the candidate belongs to any religious minority community. Any candidate who belong to a religious minority community is given preference if a tie in marks occurs among different candidates. And this is not even in the public sector, the government is also forcing private companies too to follow such policy(so called social justice) on their own. There was a war of words between Manmohan Singh and private sector representatives( particularly Narayanmurthy of Infosys) during UPA-1 govt when there were talks of extending reservations to private sectors. These representatives give assurance that they will follow these policy to some extent as they won't find suitable candidates to fill the quota belonging to such groups.

Now if a community is not able to take advantage, which is at the cost of loss of opportunity to deserving candidates, of such unfair policy, then there is something seriously wrong with their education. Clearly demonstrations on issues like these wont help their youth.

Again, I think this is just rumor mongering. The idea what you are talking about was to have an Equal oppurtunity Commission. This is something that many countries in the west have as well. The idea is to encourage bacward communities but NOT have a quota system. This allows hiring of people from backward communities WITHOUT comprimising quality.

Now at present the EOC is at a stalemate, there are no reservation guidelines from the government. What you do have is quota systems for SC/ST and OBCs which overwhelmingly are Hindus. Infact, muslim and Christian SCs are not even eligible for the reservations. Majority of the muslims have to take the general route just like I did. Anyways, this is offtopic but I hope I have clarified the misconception.
You cant say Muslim of Lucknow thats a misleading term..instead more appropiate would be..people adhering to Shia'ee sect protest against Saudi Arabia.
Shia and Sunni .. lol ...hahahaaha man ... talk about a political divide

Let us confront the truth..the divide exisits..and its pretty wide one...Most of the north India is Shia because Islam spread their through persian immigration..Islam came to Pakistan en proper during the Ummyads thats why Pakistan is predominantly Sunni...

Lets keep the context professional instead of indulging in sectarian mud throwing contest.

Even Iran was predominantly Sunni until the Azeri poets came to power and formed Safvid dynasty which made it a state goal to enforce jafari idealogy!

I think you made a right note Jana...i donot find any kind of beneifit it will deleiver to Gov of India...but my guess is it may be related to the nasty internal politics played some pseudo secular parties to garner some Muslim votes in future....Otherwise i dont find any reason to protest in India about what is happening in Baharin? Ans also GOI has a good relationship with Gov of Baharin... These are all games of politics....
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