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Muslims in indian army

Well! India has a lot of problems and i am really not sure whether we are looking at this problem through the right prism. Even in the software i write, i am not able to make the jobs equally utilize the CPUs. So in a complete evolutionary scenario (not seeing any control plugs) like India, this is totally fine. Or in other words, this is something everyone have to get used to.
Providing the opportunities based on religion and caste is something which we should get rid of. We should try to look at the Indian population as rich and poor and try to bring the poor out of their poverty. Looking at the problem through the caste and religious lens will only provide eye-wash improvement. For example say a religion 'Y' is given some reservation, then the richer people of religion 'Y' will continue to reap the benefits. Instead that reservation should be provided to people based on their economic status. At least a compromise can be reached with a calculation of a weighted mean with economic status and the rest( like community, religion, region, caste and sub-caste and all that man has found out to split the mankind ). But the economic status of the person should have more power in the final figure. Otherwise this reservation stuff will never end.
I believe we have problems of much greater magnitude, we can worry about this part much later. Sometimes i wish, if there is a alien group somewhere in the universe and can come and attack us to unite the mankind against all the petty differences.
India CLAIMING to be a secular democracy should really aspire to follow the principles of one. Pakistan doesn't claim to be a secular democracy, it is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is shameful how Indians are trying to justify the underrepresentation of Indian Muslims in every field of life, despite being the second largest minority of India (150 million people), claiming to be a secular democracy.

usual steriotypical cheapshot without making an effort to find out the facts!

The reason muslims are underrepresented in indian military is because it's not their culture to serve in the military & they did not have the kind of role models to follow. Whereas large number of Sikhs will serve and is family tradition that they do. Sikhs are the part of modern uprising against british raj & had role models like Bhagat Singh, Udham Singh , and many others alike who fought for independance with their lives, to look upto. there is nothing called relegious discrimination when it comes to enroling yourself in indian army. either you want to or you don't. you are not going to be forced to do something, if you don't want to!!
usual steriotypical chepshot without making an effort to find out the facts!

The reason muslims are underrepresented in indian military is because it's not their culture to serve in the military & they did not have the kind of role models to follow. Whereas large number of Sikhs will serve and is family tradition that they do. Sikhs are the part of modern uprising against british raj & had role models like Bhagat Singh, Udham Singh , and many others alike who fought for independance with their lives, to look upto. there is nothing called relegious discrimination when it comes to enroling yourself in indian army. either you want to or you don't. you are not going to be forced to do something, if you don't want to!!

The conclusions of the Sachar Report disagree with you. It concludes that the Muslims have been discriminated systematically from every field of life, which is the result of their underdevelopment, not because they don't want to progress. It's like saying that it's the fault of a rape victim that they got raped. Sad by the Indian mentality against their own countrymen. They want to labeled as a secular democracy without embracing any of the values of one.
@ bilalhaider

Have you read sachhar report?? Which points states that muslims lag behind because of discrimination?? I think this it is typical muslim mentality to be anti-social. They themselves don't want to mix and live peacefully. There is no other reason for demanding a separate state. Tell me, why are problem found only those part of the world where muslims live?? E.G.- kashmir, chechenya,palestine.
I think peace is an alian concept to muslim community.
Yes, I actually have. The report talks about state level underrepresentation for Muslims in all fields of life. Despite having higher education levels than Pakistani Muslims, they are underrepresented in every field of life in India, they are the most backward minority in India (even more than the Dalits), and systematically discriminated in India. The Sachar Report clearly dissolves the Hindu myths about Indian Muslims not wanting to integrate, or wanting to improve their conditions. I'm very surprised Indian Muslims can even take such levels of discrimination at the state and national levels. And I can't believe you would talk this kind of trash against your own fellow countrymen who belong to, and have an ownership of India as much as you do.

Kashmir and Palestine are Muslim territories held by force, and there is a massacre and genocide going on against them everyday. Want examples of peaceful Muslim countries? Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, UAE to name a few.
The conclusions of the Sachar Report disagree with you. It concludes that the Muslims have been discriminated systematically from every field of life, which is the result of their underdevelopment, not because they don't want to progress. It's like saying that it's the fault of a rape victim that they got raped. Sad by the Indian mentality against their own countrymen. They want to labeled as a secular democracy without embracing any of the values of one.

lol.. sachar report is not the be all or end all of everything that's going on in india. refer to the history & facts. you will get the reason for the topic of discussion here. so don't just try to hide behind sachar report & look for solace. what part of sachar report enlists the reason for underrepresentation of muslims in indian army??
Read post 95 and 96. All quoted from the Sachar Report.
Kashmir and Palestine are Muslim territories held by force, and there is a massacre and genocide going on against them everyday. Want examples of peaceful Muslim countries? Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, UAE to name a few.

please keep your bloody "peaceful muslims" rant to yourself!
we all know how peaceful muslims really are.
They kill others in the name of religion and if there is nobody to fight they kill each other. Its like killing is their favourite time pass.
I wonder what these muslims eat to generate such levels of extreme hate.:disagree:
Read post 95 and 96. All quoted from the Sachar Report.

since when a indian justice's report has become a heavenly verse of truth to you guys?? i din't care to look at the report. does it say anywhere that indian muslims can't get into indian army 'cause of the discrimination against them?? if it's a generic report pointing at the social shortcomings, then it's all together a different scenario. that has got nothing to do with the underrepresentation of personnels from a particular community in indian army!!
please keep your bloody "peaceful muslims" rant to yourself!
we all know how peaceful muslims really are.
They kill others in the name of religion and if there is nobody to fight they kill each other. Its like killing is their favourite time pass.
I wonder what these muslims eat to generate such levels of extreme hate.:disagree:

Is that you Bal Thackeray? Or some other member of the Shiv Sena party? Or maybe you belong to the RSS, VHP or the BJP? Please keep your Hindutva mindset to yourself.
Is that you Bal Thackeray? Or some other member of the Shiv Sena party? Or maybe you belong to the RSS, VHP or the BJP? Please keep your Hindutva mindset to yourself.

i think a person belonging to a muslim mentality is in no position to point out other's mentality mate!!
i think a person belonging to a muslim mentality is in no position to point out other's mentality mate!!

I don't think you should talk about your 150 million Indian Muslims that way. They are as much Indians as you are. After all, the Muslims did rule you for over 900 years in the Indian subcontinent. Some respect please.
I think all educated Muslims migrated out of India leaving no role models for current Muslim youth.
There is no Indian Muslim General in Indian Army yet they can make their role model. While in Pakistan migrated Muslims from Indian can look at
1. General Mirza Aslam Beg
2. General Zai ul Haq ( his family migrated from India too)
3. General Musharraf
Even though I have logged in to the forum after months , still there is a persisting trend that keeps circulating around here. basically one of Pakistani obesession with Indian Muslims.

It seems to me that by persistently highlighting all that is wrong in the conditions of Muslims of India, pakistan and it's citizens try to justify the existence and creation of Pakistan. For if Muslims are ever happy and enjoy all kinds of freedom in India then that means that Pakistan was formed on a flase pretext that Indian Muslims will be supressed by Hindus.

And so the citizens of Pak will always find pointers be it under-rep of Muslims in Indian politics, Sachar comitee report, riot casualties, babri masjid etc. This is a very unhealthy obsession as I don't see Pakistani's comparing themselves to Iranian, Afghni's, Malaysian's or Turkish people. Why only Indian muslims , when a far more realistic comparison would be among citizens of Islamic nations.

As far as Indian Army goes, they have a very strict selection process and those who clear it are selected because the army recognizes only discipline and commitment to the nation, there is no place for religion in Indian army. Ofcourse the news of thousands of Kashmiri's turning up for Army recruitment drive may have come to the pakistani's notice.

Pakistan and it's people should get their own house in order , rather than throw mud @ other nations which are trying to improve themselves , especially India. Because for every one Pakistani muslim who has made it big on the world stage , I can name 2 Indian muslims (for good stuff ofcourse) and the reverse is also true for those who have bought a bad name and shame to their nation (name me an Indian muslim and I'll name 3 Pakistani's for one).

When the common muslim in India does not give a rats about Pak. then why do pakistani's need to be bothered about IM's. I think there is a very popular video of a Indian muslim cleric telling Pervez musharaff to F.O. and mind his own business and paksitani's would be well advised to adhere to that advise.

Please mind your own business because if Indians start to dig up stuff on conditions in Pakistan, shia-sunni riots, public shootout's in Karachi (among muslims), Hindu and christian persecution in Pak. then the list would never end.

Atleast Indian citizens (muslims included) do not have to worry about target killings, weekly suicide bombing in mosques etc etc.
Even though I have logged in to the forum after months , still there is a persisting trend that keeps circulating around here. basically one of Pakistani obesession with Indian Muslims.

It seems to me that by persistently highlighting all that is wrong in the conditions of Muslims of India, pakistan and it's citizens try to justify the existence and creation of Pakistan. For if Muslims are ever happy and enjoy all kinds of freedom in India then that means that Pakistan was formed on a flase pretext that Indian Muslims will be supressed by Hindus.

And so the citizens of Pak will always find pointers be in under-rep of Muslims in Indian politics, Sachar comitee report, riot vasualties, babri masjid etc. This is a very unhealthy obsession as I don't see Pakistani's comparing themselves to Iranian, Afghni's, Malaysian's or Turkish people. Why only Indian muslims , when a far more realistic comparison would be among citizens of Islamic nations.

As far as Indian Army goes, they have a very strict selection process and those who clear it are selected because the army recognizes only discipline and commitment to the nation, there is no place for religion in Indian army. Ofcourse the news of thousands of Kashmiri's turning up for Army recruitment drive may have come to the pakistani's notice.

Pakistan and it's people should get their own house in order , rather than throw mud @ other nations which are trying to improve themselves , especially India. Because for every one Pakistani muslim who has made it big on the world stage , I can name 2 Indian muslims (for good stuff ofcourse) and the reverse is also true for those who have bought a bad name to their nation.

When the common muslim in India does not give a rats about Pak. then why do pakistani's need to be bothered about IM's. I think there is a very popular video of a Indian muslim cleric telling Pervez musharaff to F.O. and mind his own business and paksitani's would be well advised to adhere to that advise.

Please mind your own business because if Indians start to dig up stuff on conditions in Pakistan, shia-sunni riots, public shootout's in Karachi (among muslims), Hindu and christian persecution in Pak. then the list would never end.

Atleast Indian citizens (muslims included) do not have to worry about target killings, weekly suicide bombing in mosques etc etc.

It's better to live a hard, difficult life than to live as a discriminated community with no self-respect. Indians already dig up whatever they can about Pakistan, they just have a hard time accepting facts about India when Pakistanis return the favor. I am a Shia with my mother and father from India, & I know how my relatives have to live in Amroha, UP, Patna, Bihar and Ranchi, Jharkhand.
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