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Muslims In America

But did you check the nos for other countries? Even Bhutan and Nepal has higher rejection rates - likewise some Eastern European countries. So you can't attribute it to discrimination.

Those are much smaller countries and thus the percentages vary with only small changes in absolute numbers. And more important are the student F-visas which hampers higher education and thus has a greater impact on the future.
Another fact is that there is an estimated 8 million Muslims living in this country, and almost every state and major cities have Islamic centers and Mosques. Muslims openly and freely celebrate their religious festivals. We enjoy the liberty guaranteed by U.S. Constitution for every American to practice their “freedom of religion.”

How reliable is the estimate of 8 million muslims living in USA?? I am aware that american census does not have a question about religion, but i was assuming that muslim population in USA is a lot less than 8 million.

These are some other information i found from google search,

Report: US Muslim Population Triples in Decade - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Report: US Muslim Population Nearly Triples in Decade
A 2010 survey shows the Muslim population in the US has risen from 1 million to 2.6 million in 10 years

Gabe Kahn

A census of American religions released Tuesday showed the Muslim community in the United States has grown in the past decade.

According to a study carried out by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, the number of Muslims in America rose to 2.6 million in 2010 from 1 million in 2000, fueled by immigration and conversions.Muslims now outnumber Jews in many parts of the American South and Midwest, but Christians remain the largest group in every state.

Most And Least Muslim States In America (PHOTOS)

Number of U.S. Muslims to double - USATODAY.com
As of now, Muslims are better protected in America than many parts of so-called "Islamic World" ....Heck! atleast we don't murder other Muslims just because their 'sect' is spelled differently....
If there is no discrimination, why is it so hard for Pakistanis to get visa for studying in USA compared to other nationalities? If we are an ally on the war on terror, then why this discrimination?

I think the thread is about American Muslims and not about Foreign students who want to come to the US.

Back on Topic, I agree 100% with Abdul Quddus.

I have lived in the US for nearly 40 Years and have not experienced Overt or Blatant Discrimination.
Never trust the media bros, I lived here all my life and i have yet to be descriminated at. America is a great place, everyone is cool with each other. I have hindu, jewish friends. My bestfriend is a christian. A hindu girl even stayed over my house for like 3 days. It truly is an open diverse society. But that may be because i live in new york. I don't know about the south. It's the same as in american media. Talking about how pakistan is a conservative society and that gays and non muslims are discriminated in pakistan. Yet when i went to lahore on vacation we used to hang out with a christian boy. And i saw gay people walk in the streets and get money from people. Don't even get me started on those transexual dancers and heera mundi. I hate americas foreign policy but this is one of the greatest country on earth to be if you have a job.


and lol@I hate americas foreign policy but this is one of the greatest country on earth to be if you have a job
To deny discrimination in the US is just plane non-sense.

However, if one compares this to some muslim countries, well lets leave it there.

I think it's also more difficult for Muslim women that wear the scarf, whereas Muslim men can go by without having to worry of harassment and discrimination. Unless their names are something like Muhammad or Osama......

But America is still much better than Muslim countries and even Europe. Europeans are generally very racist (no offense)
Being pulled aside is not a minor inconvenience. I had to go through 6 hrs of waiting (no one really asked me a lot of questions). I missed my connecting flight and then the next flight was more than 24 hrs away. I had to find a Greyhound station (1st time in NYC), sleep at the station on the floor, hugging my luggage so no one steals it, then took a 5 hrs ride to DC.

Try going through the airports as a non-American Muslim in his mid-20s then talk.

If you would have made the same argument without defending those incompetent airport folks, I would have agreed. But something is truly wrong in their training and their procedures. If not then they are purposely designed to harass us. Pick one.
Being pulled aside is not a minor inconvenience. I had to go through 6 hrs of waiting (no one really asked me a lot of questions). I missed my connecting flight and then the next flight was more than 24 hrs away. I had to find a Greyhound station (1st time in NYC), sleep at the station on the floor, hugging my luggage so no one steals it, then took a 5 hrs ride to DC.

Try going through the airports as a non-American Muslim in his mid-20s then talk.

If you would have made the same argument without defending those incompetent airport folks, I would have agreed. But something is truly wrong in their training and their procedures. If not then they are purposely designed to harass us. Pick one.

TSA has been criticized alot, by Muslims and Non-Muslims alike, including the Americans themselves.
If you look at traditional and social media in Pakistan, it would seem that Muslims in America are treated like third class citizens who are prosecuted left, right and center. The news media indicates that Muslims are deliberately targeted and harassed by numerous groups and individuals. This is far from the truth. Let me tell you, the United States of America has been my country for almost thirty years. I had the privilege of attending one of the best universities in the country and own a home in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. During my thirty years of life in the U.S., I have never been discriminated against. While this does not mean that everyone has to agree with me, the overwhelming majority of Muslims I know feel exactly the same. There are some who complain about being singled out at airports when they travel. Because of my work, I get to travel a lot! I have traveled through most major U.S. airports and have seen people of all ethnicities going through random security checks and have never seen particularly Muslims being pulled aside. And even if they do, they should not complain for what is almost always just a minor inconvenience. Major attacks on the United States since 9/11 were orchestrated by those who attribute themselves as part of the Muslim faith, which is sadly a plain fact that can’t be overlooked. Conspiracy theorists will jump up and down and say otherwise, but this is the truth.

Another fact is that there is an estimated 8 million Muslims living in this country, and almost every state and major cities have Islamic centers and Mosques. Muslims openly and freely celebrate their religious festivals. We enjoy the liberty guaranteed by U.S. Constitution for every American to practice their “freedom of religion.”

Muslims in America along with Muslims all over the world are celebrating Ramadan. I see special offers from main stream stores for the Month of Ramadan. The variety of Ramadan celebrations might surprise an uninformed reader. Just yesterday, I attended an Iftar hosted at the U.S. Central Command Headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. This program was attended by Muslim members of the military and civilian personnel working at MacDill AFB. The Commander of U.S. CENTCOM, General Lloyd J. Austin was the Guest of Honor along with the Mayor of Tampa Bay, Bob Buckhorn. These distinguished guests celebrated the Iftar tradition with Muslims at CENTCOM. General Austin spoke about the virtues of Ramadan and how it brings families and friends together to enjoy a blessed evening. He pointed out how Ramadan is special to the Muslim faith and that he learned more about the tradition of Iftar that evening. He wished the Muslims in the Command, “a blessed rest of the Ramadan.”

This is just one example of how Ramadan is celebrated throughout the United States of America. Even the President hosts an Iftar at the White House every year. It is a misconception that Muslims are treated as second class citizens in America. There is not an iota of truth in that statement. Muslims excel in every facet of American life. They are world renowned doctors, engineers, administrators, businessmen, serve in our government and participate in and lead in private industry. Muslim Americans have the same opportunities to live the American dream as any other American.

It is easy to shout out ‘discrimination’ when things do not go the way we want. When I hear that call of “discrimination,” I feel that we are all compelled to closely scrutinize and investigate the issues. We shouldn’t sit idle and let the issue languish and wait for some court to make a decision whether the accusation is true or false. I believe that we all have the ability to examine the issues, apply common sense, and make a rational decision. In this case I think the facts are pretty clear and the accusations of universal discrimination against Muslims in America are unfounded. Look at the facts and just think!

Abdul Qaddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Interesting read , I always knew muslims get respect in America , cause America lives with gang mentality and the larger the gang the more respect they will earn , I think it is the typical secular minded , honest , middle eastern who suffers in America not muslims
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