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Muslims flee Myanmar unrest as death toll rises

HA HA BDians dreaming about defeating Myanmar.:rofl::rofl:
Myanmar has 32 MiG 29's compared to BD's 8,20 A-5's compared to BD's 7-8 and 31 F-7's and FT-7's compared to BD's 26 F-7's and FT-7's as of now.
Also Myanmar has 12 JH-7's comapred to BAF's ZERO.
HA HA BDians dreaming about defeating Myanmar.:rofl::rofl:
Myanmar has 32 MiG 29's compared to BD's 8,20 A-5's compared to BD's 7-8 and 31 F-7's and FT-7's compared to BD's 26 F-7's and FT-7's as of now.
Also Myanmar has 12 JH-7's comapred to BAF's ZERO.

All wrong numbers. And no, Myanmar doesn't operate any JH-7s.
Question is why this site tolerates such people expressing open hatred towards Muslims. Any expression of bias and hatred should get an immediate and permanent ban. If you cannot protect your own turf, they will always come in and defecate on it.

I would expect that rather than banning or stopping hatred on one failth...why donot you try to stop hatred on all the faith?? Is it not all other faith are human being???....So why you are so selective.....

Of course it is a fact that human right violation is a grave issue in Burma ...And all Muslim nation should appreciate Pakistan is particular that being in war ravaged situation within its country...at least for the sake of cornering India...It is try to raise the Myanmar issue....Now the next question is why the world and in particular ....rich and powerful nations are so silent??

1- Muslim nation who proclaims to upheld the human right violation are always use Human right violation as a diplomatic tool rather than raising the issue from the heart...
2- Pakistan is complaining about human right violation when its inside your own country...minority communities are prosecuted by your ****** radical group in the name of different religious rule???? Now some one can argue that the incident of minority harassment is less evident and less publicized that Myanmar incident...But you have to understand that a nation can not protect few thousand Hindu/Christian and Non Muslim people...then how come the world will trust you guys when you raise a issue of Myanmar Muslim as being prosecuted???
3- Entire Muslim world is jumping up and down to protect Muslim of Myanmar...And of course I fully agree that this killing should stop....But next question is that why Pakistan and BD is so silent when Taliban is killing same Muslim people in Afganistan, Pakistan iteself...., Issue of Human right violation in Tibet and of course Ujgur Muslim in China??? On what basis you raise the human right issue on selective basis??? Do not you think that they are Muslims??

3- And the strange fact is ....Burma is heavily dependent on China since decades....Why entire Islamic nation pressurizing China to use its influence to stop the violence...I am more than 100% sure that China has the capacity to control internal situation in nation like North Korea and Burma..So is it not the action of China is also in suspect here??

4- Another blatant violation of Human right issue by your so called Muslim nations....Why the entire GCC is indirectly supporting all the actions against Iran of the West....Why GCC team is getting ready for war....Why GCC countries are not coming against the sanctions against Iran in a strong way because ultimately..It is the people of Iran who is suffering....Is it also not a case of Human right issue??

So the bottom line is that if you pick up issue with a hypocritical motive and to serve your own intrest, people/nation will start questioning you although your cause is genuine...That means ...it is not that people are questioning the issue in Myanmar is issue or not ...rather people are questioning ...the self proclaimed messiah of Islamic brotherhood nations about their hypocritical behaviour...Beleive me...If Turley or Indonesia and Malaysia like Islamic nations are seriously intrested in this issue....some action could have taken long time back....But unfortunately...somehow this is not happening apart from few lip service and some PDF members jumping up and down...in this issue...
The sad part is these people will make a beeline for India and increase the already huge illegal migrant numbers.
China will defend Burma from NATO and OIC onslaught, mayanmar is a former Han Chinese ally!

dont thik OIC have that much clout now a days. Besides that is a non-military alliance unlike NATO. They have their own interest to serve.

In this case yes, If the girl was indeed raped and killed for the specific reason that she was from the opposite camp. The events that followed is not justified, but the Rohingya's should not have committed the crime in the first place.

Who ever did that, did a very bad thing. No muslim should do this ever,nor should they support it. He should have been caught and sentenced according to their law. But instead taking the rage out on a whole ethnic group of people, is a massacre. Tell me, if this kind of things happens in BD/IND/PAK, what do we do, we catch the asshole and serve justice , we don't start killing all the hindus/muslims.

question is can Bangladesh have air superiority over those grass eating commies? Our navy will squish their navy like a big. It will all come down to air superiority and the natives supporting us. Its time we liberate Arakan and preach democracy there.

The main motive of our force is the defense of our motherland. BAF can surely provide air cover for land/sea based offensive/recon mission, but for air superiority, I am not sure.

They might have a good number of AC compared to us. Consider thesa points, all of them are not operational all the time, they can not mobilize all their birds in BD sector, then they will need to leave part of their zones under security threat. our elite troops holds regular exercise "Entry Against Denials of Access". Any expert in air-warfare here ??
As if some bengalis can conquer mayanmar. Hahaha ask their viet brothers what they will do to yo! Burma will distroy bengali land..
I am sure you have the wrong point of view. BD is a member of UN and under the charter, we will not to occupy your land/conquer Burma. But if you think these burmese sandle-soldiers have a chance with us...lol wake up.

HA HA BDians dreaming about defeating Myanmar.:rofl::rofl:
Myanmar has 32 MiG 29's compared to BD's 8,20 A-5's compared to BD's 7-8 and 31 F-7's and FT-7's compared to BD's 26 F-7's and FT-7's as of now.
Also Myanmar has 12 JH-7's comapred to BAF's ZERO.
Burma always exaggerate their forces/hardware numbers, as a false propaganda. Don't always trust these sources. Anyone can edit them.
But yeah we can surely kick the **** out of them if situation arises.
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