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Muslims clash with China police who destroyed mosque

If we are demolishing mosques due to illegal procedure, then you can also, with us doing the same i don't think we have the right to object to anyone else.

Yeah tearing down a perfectly legal mosque without any valid reason, mostly out of hate is not acceptable.

so i guess that your opinion applies to pakistanis as general? :disagree:
so i guess that your opinion applies to pakistanis as general? :disagree:

Yeah it should, if someone goes against that, he might have a logic or showing double standards out of hate and not through logic.
Hundreds of Muslims fought with armed police who demolished a mosque in north China, local police and a human rights group said on Monday, with several people injured in the “riot”.
Good God Almighty! If such a thing had happened in India, all hell would have broken loose in Pakistan with the likes of Hafiz Saeed leading the vocal brigade against the Hindu infidels. But where China is concerned, all's fair in love! :no:
The mosque was recently renovated, don't see how something can become illegal right after being renovated. Was it not illegal before the renovation?

Obviously we need to have the full facts put in front of us - then we could make a judgement.
What is obvious is the fact Indians love jumping to conclusions whenever CHINA is mentioned there is something that burns inside them. Logic tends to go out of the window because the raw jealous nature comes out in force! How do i know this? - Since when have our Indian friends been so concerned in any places of worship for muslims? It is pathetic to see the likes of Mech showing the real face - suppose he has to be commended at least for his honest racism.
The majic formula - isnt rocket science - its China Muslim Pakistan = trolling oppertunity...
Good God Almighty! If such a thing had happened in India, all hell would have broken loose in Pakistan with the likes of Hafiz Saeed leading the vocal brigade against the Hindu infidels. But where China is concerned, all's fair in love! :no:

Another Indian, didn't you read in my previous posts of links to incidents where right in Pakistan mosques get demolished all the time.

I thought of you to be the fair ones among Indians, seems i was wrong.]

Had Hafiz Sb or any other Pakistani did protests, you could have said hey see this it happens in your own country also, where are you when that happened, so control & protest first on your side and then tell us. Or just give them the example of how Muslims let to hundreds getting killed in the most holiest places of Muslims. Why troll and bring in that Pak-China thingy ?? Or may be you guys want the easy way out to troll instead of thinking by logic and reply back in the same coin.
Good God Almighty! If such a thing had happened in India, all hell would have broken loose in Pakistan with the likes of Hafiz Saeed leading the vocal brigade against the Hindu infidels. But where China is concerned, all's fair in love! :no:

True, but chill Indian bruvs. No need to say it over and over again. It's clearly a controversial issue. :P
Obviously we need to have the full facts put in front of us - then we could make a judgement.
What is obvious is the fact Indians love jumping to conclusions whenever CHINA is mentioned there is something that burns inside them. Logic tends to go out of the window because the raw jealous nature comes out in force! How do i know this? - Since when have our Indian friends been so concerned in any places of worship for muslims? It is pathetic to see the likes of Mech showing the real face - suppose he has to be commended at least for his honest racism.
The majic formula - isnt rocket science - its China Muslim Pakistan = trolling oppertunity...

Nope nothing to do with jealousy. Its just that India never gets the benefit of doubt when it comes to incidents like this, thats all.

When it comes to something as important as religion, the stance and opinion shouldn't be affected by geopolitical scenario. Just cause China is an ally and India an enemy.

Think of the judgement day, what will the believers say, I defended the rights of Indian Muslims cause India is an enemy and didn't defend the rights of Chinese Muslims because China is an ally?
True, but chill Indian bruvs. No need to say it over and over again. It's clearly a controversial issue. :P

Nope nothing to do with jealousy. Its just that India never gets the benefit of doubt when it comes to incidents like this, thats all.

When it comes to something as important as religion, the stance and opinion shouldn't be affected by geopolitical scenario. Just cause China is an ally and India an enemy.

Think of the judgement day, what will the believers say, I defended the rights of Indian Muslims cause India is an enemy and didn't defend the rights of Chinese Muslims because China is an ally.

Indians !!!!!!
Nope nothing to do with jealousy. Its just that India never gets the benefit of doubt when it comes to incidents like this, thats all.

When it comes to something as important as religion, the stance and opinion shouldn't be affected by geopolitical scenario. Just cause China is an ally and India an enemy.

Think of the judgement day, what will the believers say, I defended the rights of Indian Muslims cause India is an enemy and didn't defend the rights of Chinese Muslims because China is an ally.

I dont agree. Its wrong to generalize. If any moron was degrading a place of worship for hindu or sikhs - i would be the first to condone it. Most muslims would do the same - respect ALL religions. You are talking about a minority of retards on both sides of the border. Most sane people wouldnt dream of knocking a place of worship.
Another Indian, didn't you read in my previous posts of links to incidents where right in Pakistan mosques get demolished all the time.

I thought of you to be the fair ones among Indians, seems i was wrong.
TiamiKhan Bhai, what I meant in my post was only about the extreme right wingers in Pakistan who wait for an opportunity to bash India on the slightest pretext. And that gets annoying when they are flashed on Indian TV channels which also look for an opportunity to bash Pakistan, not knowing that these bozos are in a minority.

if its illegal then destroy it and thks god its not india:no:
TiamiKhan Bhai, what I meant in my post was only about the extreme right wingers in Pakistan who wait for an opportunity to bash India on the slightest pretext. And that gets annoying when they are flashed on Indian TV channels which also look for an opportunity to bash Pakistan, not knowing that these bozos are in a minority.


Such people are in every country / nation in the world, but if that is what you meant then your post should not give the impression of generalization, which it was. It should have been specific and the people you meant should have been mentioned.

I gave you very good examples of demolishes happening here, so what should be the big deal.
Indians !!!!!!

TaimiKhan sorry if that annoyed you. I think the use of religion card to fan hate and violence is wrong. To mislead people in the name of religion and to incite hate in the name of the religion is probably the biggest sin in God's book, if he/she exists at all.

I probably should't have brought up this issue here though.

I dont agree. Its wrong to generalize. If any moron was degrading a place of worship for hindu or sikhs - i would be the first to condone it. Most muslims would do the same - respect ALL religions. You are talking about a minority of retards on both sides of the border. Most sane people wouldnt dream of knocking a place of worship.

Good to hear that mate. I have equal respect for all religions of the world.
Silly indians!

Government officials in Ningxia Autonomous Region are local Muslims. There would be no involvement by Beijing central government or any Han Chinese government officials in such a local matter like an illegal construction.

This is strictly an internal issue of the Hui ethnic minority between local people and their local government.
TaimiKhan sorry if that annoyed you. I think the use of religion card to fan hate and violence is wrong. To mislead people in the name of religion and to incite hate in the name of the religion is probably the biggest sin in God's book, if he/she exists at all.

I probably should't have brought up this issue here though.

Good to hear that mate. I have equal respect for all religions of the world.

Unfortunately the religion card has been played since the start of this world, every culture/ religion played this card, waged war and tried to destroy the other religion / culture. Its not new, this is in human nature and might never go away.
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