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Muslims are least likely to have premarial sex : Scientific Research

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So should I switch to Judaism or Buddhism? :undecided:
Of all the world's major religious groups, Muslims are the least likely to have sex outside of marriage, new research found. And as a country's Muslim population grows, the rate of premarital sex declines for all residents, even non-Muslims, according to the study.

Of all the world's major religious groups, Muslims are the least likely to have sex outside of marriage, new research found. And as a country's Muslim population grows, the rate of premarital sex declines for all residents, even non-Muslims, according to the study.

Researchers analyzed the responses of over 620,000 people (ages 15-59) who were interviewed as part of the Demographic and Health Surveys in 31 mostly developing nations from 2000 to 2008. Most countries included in the sample had either a Muslim or Christian majority, except India and Nepal, which have Hindu majorities, and Cambodia which has a Buddhist majority. (The United States was not included in the study.)

They found that, overall, the odds of married Muslims reporting premarital sex are 53 percent lower than for Christians. Hindus are 40 percent less likely to report premarital sex, compared with Christians. Meanwhile, Jews and Buddhists have greater chances of having sex before getting hitched than Christians do, according to the study.


Of all the world's major religious groups, Muslims are the least likely to have sex outside of marriage, new research found. And as a country's Muslim population grows, the rate of premarital sex declines for all residents, even non-Muslims, according to the study.

Researchers analyzed the responses of over 620,000 people (ages 15-59) who were interviewed as part of the Demographic and Health Surveys in 31 mostly developing nations from 2000 to 2008. Most countries included in the sample had either a Muslim or Christian majority, except India and Nepal, which have Hindu majorities, and Cambodia which has a Buddhist majority. (The United States was not included in the study.)

They found that, overall, the odds of married Muslims reporting premarital sex are 53 percent lower than for Christians.
Hindus are 40 percent less likely to report premarital sex, compared with Christians. Meanwhile, Jews and Buddhists have greater chances of having sex before getting hitched than Christians do, according to the study.

The researchers believe these results could be linked to Muslims' greater adherence to strict religious tenets that only allow sex within marriage. As many Muslim leaders place heavy importance on fidelity in marriage, it might be no surprise that Muslims also are less likely than Hindus, Christians and Jews to report extramarital sex, as the study found.

"All major world religions discourage sex outside of marriage, but they are not all equally effective in shaping behavior," wrote the researchers, led by Amy Adamczyk, an associate professor of sociology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. Their study was published in the October issue of the American Sociological Review.

Muslims Have Least Sex Outside Marriage, Study Suggests | LiveScience


Is this a good thing or bad? This study explains alot.

Most Muslims live in VERY hot climates...Plus , these regions are in political turmoil ...and in these tough , hot locations ...if you don't even do sex then you'll be really angry all the time :lol:... But jokes aside , I think that moderate approach in sexual behavior is best. Western and Pakistani approach to sex is opposite but equally retarded. (I can just speak about Pakistan..In wider Islamic World , sex is not THAT big of a taboo as it is in Pakistan now a days..) ..

So have your say...

Whole world knows that because Muslims follow their religion the most and sex outside marriage or before marriage is the biggest sin in Islam and 100 lashes are its punishment which most people can't survive
People who look down on premarital sex ( which also includes Indians ) also have have high fertility rates and exploding populations.
What's your point Sir ? Premarital Sex is the one of the 4 biggest sin in Islam and its punishment is 100 lashes
What's your point Sir ? Premarital Sex is the one of the 4 biggest sin in Islam and its punishment is 100 lashes

Who cares.I'd rather go to hell than being lashed by some crazy fanatics.100 lashes who even does such barbaric things??
What's your point Sir ? Premarital Sex is the one of the 4 biggest sin in Islam and its punishment is 100 lashes

Just saying that South Asians criticize western countries for their sexual freedom but thie population is decreasing while ours is increasing at an alarming rate.
Whole world knows that because Muslims follow their religion the most and sex outside marriage or before marriage is the biggest sin in Islam and 100 lashes are its punishment which most people can't survive

Agreed that repression is the main factor in the decrease among women, they might get stoned to death!

These consequences are also why this poll (this isn't scientific research as it does not use the scientific method [and doing so would be impractical]) is not very convincing.

North Koreans also gave Kim Jong Il an approval rating of 100%
Just saying that South Asians criticize western countries for their sexual freedom but thie population is decreasing while ours is increasing at an alarming rate.
Sir they have sex but not children we have sex with in marriage and have children and raise them in family environmental not throwing them on different places to let them die
Sir they have sex but not children we have sex with in marriage and have children and raise them in family environmental not throwing them on different places to let them die

That means Muslims does sex only for reproduction.
Just saying that South Asians criticize western countries for their sexual freedom but thie population is decreasing while ours is increasing at an alarming rate.

That has less to do with premarital sex and more to do with the social acceptance of birth control, and more importantly the affluence of the people (those who live in developed countries tend to have less kids as a general rule due to the difference in 'child economics'. In the developed world it just means more mouths to feed and pay through to college in many cases, not another long term helping hand around the house or farm and source of income and in some cases caretaker for old age)
Sir they have sex but not children we have sex with in marriage and have children and raise them in family environmental not throwing them on different places to let them die

Human intelligence and social complexity have yielded the most complicated sexual behavior of any animal.Its not just meant for reproduction,it also meant for pleasure.Its just natural part of our natural behaviour.All these moral codes are nothing but man made and fake.
Lol, adultery is not allowed even in christianity and judaism.

That was a joke.

On a serious note, from the POV of a skeptic, a person who has multiple partners but doesnt hurt others/society is better than religious fanatics who outwardly follow the principal of religion, while spewing hatred.
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