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Muslim cop goes to Supreme Court to save beard

Sir Islam is clear ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW have told clearly what is good and what is bad Sir and if we have to spread that Sir and stop those evils which they have called evils and spread those good which they have told us simple as that Sir and that is how I know I am right Sir

Dear Brother, Tell me any world leader of Islam who keeps beard, who wears ankle long thob --- is this rule only applies to comman man ( even take about your prime minister, president , army cheif , or any middle east kings )
Zarvan pls concern yourself with scre@ing your own country, thats why you separated and the job is still half done. Leave us Indians alone, we have systems in place and they are taking their course. Keep your bedtime stories for your own people.
Sir Islam is clear ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW have told clearly what is good and what is bad Sir and if we have to spread that Sir and stop those evils which they have called evils and spread those good which they have told us simple as that Sir and that is how I know I am right Sir

Okay I see where this is going,but I can play along.Here is another point of view.

The reason God allows evil to exist is because he allows people to exist.People do evil. Not God.
What people most often mean by the question, “Why does God allow evil to exist?” is “Why doesn’t God stop people from doing evil?”

So,it means,God doesn’t do evil; people do. And God doesn’t stop people from doing evil, because doing so would mean violating their free will, which God won’t do out of his deep and abiding love for us.Its a sign of his benevolence.Clearly he could've made Humans some mindless being who is incapable of doing no evil.In other words, what ever you do,Evil will always exist because God wills it.So instead of being so arrogant and saying you will stop all the evil(clearly you can't,since God won't allow you) why don't you just play along.

You should do more reasoning.
Dear Brother, Tell me any world leader of Islam who keeps beard, who wears ankle long thob --- is this rule only applies to comman man ( even take about your prime minister, president , army cheif , or any middle east kings )
Sir these so called corrupt morons are not even considered leaders and order is for all of them if they are doing wrong they are doing wrong Sir if they are doing something else that doesn't make that right sir forbidden thing remains forbidden Sir who ever they are Sir
yes it is mandatory in Islam bcz Muhammad SAW 0rdered Muslims to grow beard.

Narrated Ibn 'Umar: "Allah's Apostle said, 'Cut
the moustaches short and leave the beard (as it
is).' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Dress, Volume
7, Book 72, Number 781)"

and as a muslim we have t0 0bey what 0ur bel0ved pr0phet said and did.

Narrated Anas: "Allah's Apostle was neither very
tall nor short, neither absolutely white nor deep
brown. His hair was neither curly nor lank. Allah
sent him (as an Apostle) when he was forty years
old. Afterwards he resided in Mecca for ten years
and in Medina for ten more years. When Allah
took him unto Him, there was scarcely twenty
white hairs in his head and beard. (Translation
of Sahih Bukhari, Virtues and Merits of the
Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions, Volume 4,
Book 56, Number 748) .

s0 it iz pr0ved by these hadiths that having bread is 0rded by Muhammad SAW thats y its is mandatory and he had als0 bread thats y it is als0 sunnah-e-Nabi

Feeling like I am in a madrasa…And Miya Maulvi is on fire.
Okay I see where this is going,but I can play along.Here is another point of view.

The reason God allows evil to exist is because he allows people to exist.People do evil. Not God.
What people most often mean by the question, “Why does God allow evil to exist?” is “Why doesn’t God stop people from doing evil?”
God doesn’t do evil; people do. And God doesn’t stop people from doing evil, because doing so would mean violating their free will, which God won’t do out of his deep and abiding love for us.Its a sign of his benevolence.In other words, what ever you do,Evil will always exist because God wills it.So instead of being so arrogant and saying you will stop all the evil(clearly you can't,since God won't allow you) why don't you just play along.
Yes Sir their will be evil but that doesn't mean you follow evil that is a test we have to stop evil and spread good and what is evil and what is not is told by ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW which we have to spread the good we will spread the evil we will stop because that is order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAAW Sir yes because he sent men to do this that is why he created humans Sir so so see who remains on straight path and spread good and stop evil Sir that is the purpose of creation Sir

Zarvan pls concern yourself with scre@ing your own country, thats why you separated and the job is still half done. Leave us Indians alone, we have systems in place and they are taking their course. Keep your bedtime stories for your own people.
Sir as Muslims our duty is not only for Pakistan but for whole world and we will spread massage of Islam ever where Sir
Dear Zarvan, then why you are allowing these people to lead your country , why you people are listining to them , glorifying them --- just understand one thing

Religious symbols should be avoided from police forces as it will be dangerous for himself and will invite harm , secondly it will invite prejudice and liniency all should be avoided - if you cannot then you should not work in police force
nobody was able to show quote from koran which says beard is mandatory for Muslims.. then what is the problem.
Dear Zarvan, then why you are allowing these people to lead your country , why you people are listining to them , glorifying them --- just understand one thing

Religious symbols should be avoided from police forces as it will be dangerous for himself and will invite harm , secondly it will invite prejudice and liniency all should be avoided - if you cannot then you should not work in police force
We will change them soon soon these traitors will be taken out they have done lot of corruption and destroyed our countries and they will be taken out

Dear Zarvan, then why you are allowing these people to lead your country , why you people are listining to them , glorifying them --- just understand one thing

Religious symbols should be avoided from police forces as it will be dangerous for himself and will invite harm , secondly it will invite prejudice and liniency all should be avoided - if you cannot then you should not work in police force
We will change them soon soon these traitors will be taken out they have done lot of corruption and destroyed our countries and they will be taken out

nobody was able to show quote from koran which says beard is mandatory for Muslims.. then what is the problem.
Sir for Muslims both Quran and Sunnah are important

To those who feel the issue is trivial to worry about, may ALLAH guide him. But to those who genuinely wish to learn and practice what is right, here are sufficient proofs from the Qur'an, Ahadeeth.....

(1) . "O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you." (Quran 4:59)

(2) ."O ye who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger, and turn not away from him when ye hear (him speak)." (Quran 8:20)

(3).."O ye who believe! give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He calleth you to that which will give you life; and know that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart, and that it is He to Whom ye shall (all) be gathered."(Quran 8:24)

(4) ."Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exempler for him who hopes in Allah and the Final Day, and who remembers Allah." (Quran 33:21)

(5) ."What Allah has bestowed on His Messenger (and taken away) from the people of the townships,- belongs to Allah,- to His Messenger and to kindred and orphans, the needy and the wayfarer; in order that it may not (merely) make a circuit between the wealthy among you. So take what the Messenger gives you, and refrain from what he prohibits you. And fear Allah: for Allah is strict in Punishment." (Quran 59:7)

"Importance of the Beard in the words of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)"

(1) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said "I have no connection with one who shaves, shouts and tears his clothing eg. in grief or affication."
- Reported by Abu Darda (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501

(2) The teachings of Hadhrat Ammar Bin Yaasir, Abdullah Ibn Umar, Sayyidina Umar, Abu Hurairah and Jaabir (R.A.), indicate that ALL used to keep beards that were one fist length or more. Hadhrat Jaabir (R.A.) had said: "We used to grow long beards and only during Hajj and Umrah did we trim them to the required length (i.e. fist length)."

(3) Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) relates that: "He who imitates the kuffar (non-believers) and dies in that state, he will be raised up with them on the Day of Qiyamat (Judgement)."

(4) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) says: "Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)."
- Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 498

(5) "Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) ordered us to trim the moustache closely and spare the beard" says Ibn Umar.
- Muslim, Hadith no. 449

(6) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)said: "Act against contrary to the polythesists, trim closely the moustache and grow the beard."
- Reported by Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 500

(7) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said "Trim closely the moustache and grow the beard."
- Reported by Abu Hurairah (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501

( 8 ) Allah's Apostle said, "Cut the moustaches short and leave the beard (as it is)."
-Narrated Ibn 'Umar R.A:Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 72, Number 781.

I read this somewhere,written by some brother.I don't know him but pray that may Allah bless him,because he wrote really well!
He wrote:
"Muslims are overcome with western influence in their lives and it's easy to forget, nay, neglect the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Little do these Muslims realize the magnitude of their actions in imitating Kufaar ...This is truly shocking! Hopefully the information presented herein will enlighten those. And then there are others who claim that the matters concerning beards is a "little" issue not worthy of mention nor practice. To them I say get off the denial, you're a Muslim! Follow the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in all aspects of life, for he was the best of examples. I couldn't tell you how many times I've mistaken a Muslim brother (outside of the Masjid) for a kaafir on account of his clean-shaven, well oiled, face. How can I say "Assalaamu Alaikum Brother!" when I do not know if he is a Muslim. Yet that very brother then wonders why he was ignored! Sure, he can tell if others are Muslim on account of their beard, but what about himself? From one brother to another, I say: "Grow a beard, then, since it also promotes Brotherhood in the real world. Stand with your Brothers, be one. We know you think you are handsome without it (a beard), but who cares? What matters is how Allah (S.W.T.) sees you."

JazakAllah ...WaAsSalam o alaikum Warehmatullah Wabarakatuh.
Justice Verma Kicking A**.

Yaar I respect our judiciary for few of the decisions made in these years.

Sent Babu Bajrangi to life imprisonment till death, Hanged Kasab, listened to an Indian Muslims and kicked GOI and GoMahrastra, Amendments on Rape Laws presented, sent corrupt Former Chief Minister to jail for 10 years which even CBI chied said its less punishment.

Its up to our Police dept. and investigation agencies to make our society better.
Yes Sir their will be evil but that doesn't mean you follow evil that is a test we have to stop evil and spread good and what is evil and what is not is told by ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW which we have to spread the good we will spread the evil we will stop because that is order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAAW Sir yes because he sent men to do this that is why he created humans Sir so so see who remains on straight path and spread good and stop evil Sir that is the purpose of creation Sir

And here the problem of that,As humans, our definitions of good and evil are based on our perceptions and thinking. Human experience, however, is limited in many ways. Many things and events which at first appear to be good may prove in the final outcome to be evil, and vice versa. True knowledge, that is knowledge which is not subject to limitations, is only with God. The Qur’an clearly states that God is the only authority in defining good and evil. Therefore our perceptions of good and evil may be misleading:

. . . but it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But God knows, and you know not. (Baqara 2:216)

I understand It is inherent in Islam to believe that both good and evil comes from God.Good and Evil are only defined by your perceptions which are BTW narrow and limited may not be able to comprehend Gods true intentions.So why do you keep on insisting that you should act upon on your narrow minded perceptions??
And here the problem of that,As humans, our definitions of good and evil are based on our perceptions and thinking. Human experience, however, is limited in many ways. Many things and events which at first appear to be good may prove in the final outcome to be evil, and vice versa. True knowledge, that is knowledge which is not subject to limitations, is only with God. The Qur’an clearly states that God is the only authority in defining good and evil. Therefore our perceptions of good and evil may be misleading:

. . . but it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But God knows, and you know not. (Baqara 2:216)

I understand It is inherent in Islam to believe that both good and evil comes from God.Good and Evil are only defined by your perceptions which are BTW narrow and limited may not be able to comprehend Gods true intentions.So why do you keep on insisting that you should act upon on your narrow minded perceptions??
Sir first understand the ayat than talk this ayat is for example may you like a girl that is good but ALLAH knows that will harm you in future Sir that is for those things which are not seen Sir things which are evil are already told by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and in Quran for example eating pork or drinking alchoal is haram and evil in Islam and Muslims have to stop it weather by closing its sales and also telling our brothers or sisters who are involved in this please before commenting one something know about it
Interesting thing is that in South Africa, Hindu policemen were ordered to remove their laxmi (religious) strings which they tie to their wrists. Is the situation here any different? The laxmi strings are not compulsory in Hinduism (from my limited knowledge of that religion). Then again, the comparison of Sikhs in the police forces of India makes sense. Why is a Sikh allowed to don a beard whereas a Muslim isn't? On the face of it that does sound like discrimination.

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