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Musharraf's luxury retirement pad

Look your choice I aint here to make them for you.

Politicians are failures for you.

But Musharraf isn't a politician he is corrupt general who took advantage of the country, this is the first time we have heard that he owned a house in Islamabad a luxary pad, and then all the reports of him also owning a house in Dubia a sumer house and house in turkey, this came after his resignation.

They are and when i see you on here "spinning to your hearts content It makes my blood boil. Frankly your are like a Bondsman in a feudal court.
And frankly If you think that someone who has garnered the nickname "mr 10%" is worthy it shows your lapdog mentality.

All you are doing here is desperately throwing mud and hoping it will stick. people might disagree with with his policies but have not accused him of being corrupt. Only lapdogs have attempted to do so.

Also do some maths and calculate how much a top ranking officer would earn multiply by the years served. Add in things like a big book deal and appearances on shows like the daily show. Simple really....
They are and when i see you on here "spinning to your hearts content It makes my blood boil. Frankly your are like a Bondsman in a feudal court.
And frankly If you think that someone who has garnered the nickname "mr 10%" is worthy it shows your lapdog mentality.

All you are doing here is desperately throwing mud and hoping it will stick. people might disagree with with his policies but have not accused him of being corrupt. Only lapdogs have attempted to do so.

Also do some maths and calculate how much a top ranking officer would earn multiply by the years served. Add in things like a big book deal and appearances on shows like the daily show. Simple really....

Plus ask him to add interviews aswell to talk shows plus to comedy centrel of USA add everything together. You know what brother people like interceptor think big money only come through corruption like Zardari, bhutto and nawaz families. Just to tell you interceptor our Pakistani generals know how to make halal money. everyone is not like PPP's and PML-N leaders :police::pakistan::cheers::rofl::rofl:
Look if you have something to prove against Zardari with open heart I tell you that you LEGALLY have the right to file a case against him in court, now if you want go ahead and prove us... alright me wrong with your case against him, fight him in court who is stopping you. NRO has expired late Fabrauary 2008, as told by a lawyer, you have all rights to file a case against him.

The fuedals joined the PML-Q which miserably failed, why dont you ask that question why you support fuedals who have been running this country for 33 years these dictator lovers who always leave even more whealthiert than before what makes class all politicians as fuedal, you were supporting them all the way.:lol:

Frankly the courts in Pakistan are not worth the time of day. But they were found guilty in few others i note. Ones outside of Pakistan. Do they not count?

Hmmmm who elected the Bhutto's? When did they allow a debate and vote upon who would lead them? Sounds a lot like a monastic succession to me. THATS a feudal system. And democracy only works when the people are educated unfortunately I don't remember any of the "politicians" trying to instutue any education programs. Guess they like keeping the people dumb.

And yet you still try to defend the corrupt scum who HAD their chance and failed. LApdogs never change their spots

Frankly we need to get rid of them (my perosnal choice would be with a bullet) maybe then we can start again without the scum. (and their lapdogs)
Very true plus army get land for less price all over Pakistan.

Wow, since when did this start to happen...

please give me some details as i myself is interested in purchasing a few 'more' squares...
Reply to interceptor!
Pakistan's Asif Ali Zardari, husband of the late Benazir Bhutto, known as "Mr. Ten Percent" for his long trail of kickbacks and corruption.
John Moore/Getty ImagesMiddle East Issues Ads

Benazir Bhutto

Pervez Musharraf

Musharaf Report

Musharaf Update
Why Asif Ali Zardari Matters:
Zardari is the husband of the late Benazir Bhutto, who was twice prime minister of Pakistan and was likely to be elected to the post a third time in 2007 when she was assassinated.
In August 2008, Bhutto’s Pakistan Peoples Party named Zardari for president. The election was scheduled for Sept. 6. Zardari’s past, like Bhutto’s, is riddled with charges of corruption. He is known as “Mr. 10 Percent,” a reference to kickbacks believed to have enriched him and his late wife to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. He’s never been convicted on any of the charges but served a total of 11 years in prison.

Asif Ali Zardari’s Early Life and Family:
Zardari was born on July 21, 1956, the son of Pakistani politician Hakim Ali Zardari, a Sindhi tribal leader who opted for urban life and grew fantastically wealthy from it. Asif Ali Zardari had a privileged childhood, attending Saint Patrick's High School in Karachi, the same school that former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf—a Bhutto family rival—attended.
Zardari then attended the London School of Economics. Thanks to his father’s wealth, Zardari had a private disco in his own home and became known as a polo-playing playboy who called his ponies the Zardari Four. Zardari is a diabetic.

An Arranged Marriage of Convenience With Benazir Bhutto:
Zardari married Benazir Bhutto on Dec. 18, 1987. The marriage was arranged by the two families, with Bhutto’s mother picking out Zardari for her daughter. Bhutto and Zardari had met only five days before the wedding, though marriage negotiations took almost six months.
Had it not been for "the political ramifications of every step I take," Bhutto said at the time, "then perhaps this would not have been an arranged marriage, but, in the circumstances, it seemed the only course." Zardari kept to a few words: “I have no interest in politics,” an early but characteristic untruth. The couple had three children.

Zardari Charged With Attempted Murder and Extortion:
It wasn’t long before Zardari faced his first arrest—an attempted-murder and extortion charge in 1990 stemming from an alleged plot that April. Zadari and accomplice Ghulam Hussain Unar. Unar and Zardari allegedly strapped a remote-controlled bomb to the leg of Pakistani-born British businessman Murtaza Hussain Bukhari, who was discussing plans to build a hospital in Pakistan, and forced him to cash $800,000 in checks.
Zardari was imprisoned. He contested the charges, calling them politically motivated. Bhutto was prime minister at the time but was ousted in October 1990.

From Prison to Finance Minister to Second Murder Charge:
A special court acquitted Zardari of bank fraud and conspiracy to murder charges. He was released in February 1993. When Zardari’s wife became prime minister again months later, she named him finance minister—a post that did not exist. The couple built a $50 million “prime minister’s residence" on 110 acres on an Islamabad hilltop.
Zardari also acquired the 365-acre, $8 million Rockwood Estate in Surrey, England, and a $4 million estate in Palm Beach County, Florida. Cases of Zardari and Bhutto corruption piled up fast during her second tenure as prime minister.

A Laundry List of Corruption Allegations:
Charges and allegations included:
Zardari buying almost $1 million worth of jewelry through a Swiss bank account and an American Express card.
Zardari taking kickbacks from a Dubai gold trader.
French military contractor Dassault Aviation agreeing to pay Zardari $200 million in exchange for a $4 billion jet fighter deal with Pakistan. (The deal fell apart when Bhutto was booted out of government.)
In 1996, Zardari was arrested again and charged with murdering his wife’s brother.
Zardari was imprisoned. Pakistan’s president dismissed Bhutto for corruption. Zardari was in prison until 2004.
The government claimed Bhutto and Zardari siphoned $1.5 billion in public money during Bhutto’s second term. None of the charges stuck, though Pakistan is still, according to The New Yorker's Steve Coll, looking into more than $54 million allegedly stashed in Swiss bank accounts by the Bhutto family. Investigators, Coll writes, are also "looking into companies involved in Iraq's oil-for-food program, under Saddam Hussein, from which Bhutto allegedly benefited."

From Manhattan’s Upper East Side Back to Politics Again:
Zardari won his release from prison after his wife’s Pakistan Peoples Party negotiated a deal with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. Zardari moved to Manhattan’s wealthy Upper East Side, where he lived for three years.
Following his wife’s assassination, Zardari claimed her will named him as her successor to the leadership of the Pakistan Peoples Party. Zardari asked his son, Bilawal, to be the party chairman, though Zardari clearly intended to wield the power. On Aug. 22, the PPP nominated him for the Pakistani presidency vacated by Musharraf earlier that week. The election was set for Sept. 6.
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