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Musharraf wants to create relations with Israel!

Israel has not done actual harm? Recall days before 1998 testings of our nuclear weapons.

Israel never attacked Pakistan or killed any Pakistani citizen India did! why do we have trade and diplomatic relations with India? you're okay with relations with India yet you're not willing to accept same level of diplomatic ties Israel? Why not shutdown the high commission in India and save some dough?

Recall the Shamshi drone base which had Israeli agents in them, without us knowing. Recall Israeli weapons being found near our Afghan border. Recall - Israel - supporting India over us.

That base theory was from a blog!!

Musharraf is a stupid idiot, and if you'll vote for him, you are also a stupid idiot.

Rants like that won't do you good kid. You sound more Arab than Arabs themselves. Let history be the judge of who was stupid and who wasn't
Fixed it for you.No Proof = BS.

You can't seem to argue the points.

Israel never attacked Pakistan or killed any Pakistani citizen India did! why do we have trade and diplomatic relations with India? you're okay with relations with India yet you're not willing to accept same level of diplomatic ties Israel? Why not shutdown the high commission in India and save some dough?

Oh yes they did. They continue to do so secretly as well. Evidence shows it.

Rants like that won't do you good kid. You sound more Arab than Arabs themselves. Let history be the judge of who was stupid and who wasn't

The fact that you stereotype another nationality out of nothing, makes you a stupid ignorant idiot. Don't call yourself Pakistani. We Pakistanis aren't like that.
Oh yes they did. They continue to do so secretly as well. Evidence shows it.

Who told you that? let me guess Zaid Hamid with his BS and his ridiculous dreams.

The fact that you stereotype another nationality out of nothing, makes you a stupid ignorant idiot. Don't call yourself Pakistani. We Pakistanis aren't like that.

These are facts. I do not answer to personal attacks.
Mushy-the-traitor needs support from Amrikees,,, & we all know to get elected as American President they need to PRAISE israel in their speeches.... only then they can have any chance in winning...

Mushy-the-traitor is doing exactly what US presidential candidates do... suck israels balls so he could get support from those hidden-hands ... This actually shows Mushy-the-traitor's desperation & that "os koo apnee daal galtee nazar nahee aa rahee,, isee liyay haath-paeer maar rahaa hay"...

By giving this statement Mushy-the-traitor has sealed his fate of comming back to Pakistan... He claimed majority pf Pakistanis r for relations with israel... well !!! he was a liar before so no surprises...
I see resemblance b/w mushy-the-traitor's statement & Bainazeer's statement when she said she'll allow US to make raids with-in Pakistan,,, coz at that time she was desperate to get backing from US.... Well then US killed her,,, so guess what's coming up for the traitor

This is hallmark of US, they support traitors to achieve their goals & when those puppets r of NO use to them, US will make sure to eliminate those patsies herself & bury their story with them... examples:- Saddam, Obama-bin-Laden, Kazafee, Husn-e-Mubarak, Bainazeer, team that carried out fake Obama-Laden op, crew who handled nukes on Minot & Barksdale Airbases, so on and so forth...
Wheather the arabs support us or not, stab us in the back etc we have a duty to support palestine and any cause where injustice is occuring as taught by Islam.

I for one support relations between Pakistan and Israel eventhough i am quite anti zionist due to the current palestinain-israeli conflict, resolution of this will eradicate any anti zionist feelings on my part. I believe in a two state solution whereby both people can live in peace. Admittedly both sides have bad apples within their administrations but more injustice is created by the israelis whether they would like to admit it or not. This injustice fuels acts committed by the likes of hamas etc, the only way to put out this fire, resentment and hatred is to have a two state solution thus stopping the fuel to the fire.

Upon having a palestinian state i can assure that israel would be not be threatened and that Pakistan would be the first to make cordial diplomatic relations and recognition.

Having said this one must also consider that the zionists play a two faced role, yes they may have helped us covertly where we needed parts etc under sanctions but that in my opinion was merely for $$$$ or to make the pakistanis have a friendlier viewpoint of the zionists. We must also consider the way in which the zionist controlled media, policy developers (aipac) etc promote an anti pakistan viewpoint, also add the fact that the israeli's go out of their way to supply hardware to any anti pakistan entity be it india or bla, ttp.

Are these people we want relations with? In my viewpoint at this stage "no". Perhaps in the coming years with a decreased anti pakistan agenda "yes".

This defines my viewpoint clearly

"To Jews as Jews we bear no malice; to Jews as Zionists, intoxicated with their militarism and reeking with technological arrogance, we refuse to be hospitable."

Israeli's don't take any of my comments as offensive. I personally don't think palestinian blood is worth more than israeli blood and vice versa. But you need to come out of your brainwashed ways and see how you are treating palestinians, you are becoming more like the Nazis day by day. (Do not take offence to this statement, it is reality)
you support in recognizing israel i guess

but then u have luftwaffe name and nazi in your avatar, hypocrite

LUFTWAFFE means "Air Force" more specifically German Air Force.

Read my post, that reflects I am not recognizing israel, my post reflects if government of Pakistan recognizes isreal there is no point in relations and Pakistan gains nothing significantly. We cannot build Kala Bagh Dam and run away mushy is saying to have relations with israel.

Pakistan Armed Forces are specifically not interested in relationship with israel for the obvious reasons. Next any relationship would need-require National Polls and debate in NA and that is again pretty obvious 90% of the nation would reject it.
I'm not talking about any TV interview. You can see those SSG officers in that Jalsa video.
Let people decide who they want trade with. Israel has never done actual harm to Pakistan. If you can have trade and diplomacy with India.. Why not ISRAEL?

Read my previous all posts, mushy hired those men they are private.

Can you make 18 crore or says 5 crore Pakistanis to accept israel and their goods. You are not understanding you absolutely have no gain in trade, israelis hates Pakistanis and Pakistanis hate israelis Trade will fail, diplomacy would be limited to good will and general communications.
Recognition needs consensus and debate Nationwide mushy cannot force his desire on Pakistan he already splat his desires and look 40,000 Pakistanis lost their lives. "A nuclear Pakistan would go back to stone age: mushy" while and poor poor n. korea and non nuclear iran defies West. Where does Pakistan stand not in stone age but we are going in reverse.
Read my post, that reflects I am not recognizing israel, my post reflects if government of Pakistan recognizes isreal there is no point in relations and Pakistan gains nothing significantly. We cannot build Kala Bagh Dam and run away mushy is saying to have relations with israel.

Going by your logic, why do we have relations with India? does having diplomatic ties solve our problems? no.

Pakistan Armed Forces are specifically not interested in relationship with israel for the obvious reasons. Next any relationship would need-require National Polls and debate in NA and that is again pretty obvious 90% of the nation would reject it.

Oh bhai we have had behind the scenes relations with Israel for decades!

Read my previous all posts, mushy hired those men they are private.

I can assure you they are SSG. Hired or not, I don't know.

Can you make 18 crore or says 5 crore Pakistanis to accept israel and their goods. You are not understanding you absolutely have no gain in trade, israelis hates Pakistanis and Pakistanis hate israelis Trade will fail, diplomacy would be limited to good will and general communications.
Recognition needs consensus and debate Nationwide mushy cannot force his desire on Pakistan he already splat his desires and look 40,000 Pakistanis lost their lives. "A nuclear Pakistan would go back to stone age: mushy" while and poor poor n. korea and non nuclear iran defies West. Where does Pakistan stand not in stone age but we are going in reverse.

We could implement same policies we have with India or maybe better. The point being if we can have trade with India why not Israel? I won't speculate on how beneficial or adverse trade maybe but I'm sure there will be a positive impact. Israel has world renowned scientific research that could contribute towards the well being of Pakistani people.
His view is to normalise relations with Israel as done by arab states which is a good step however in recent events like the arab spring countries like Egypt and also Turkey for diffrent matters have taken a more hardline tone towards Israel.
Whats new? Musharraf always wanted this.. I have read quotes from him saying "You want to nuke Israel?" When we made.. longer range missiles.. I don't see how this can harm Pak.. I mean.. we said we would recognize them.. after independent Palestine state is developed. We won't become allies but neutrality isn't bad..

Also.. ISI and Mossad are quite close in the shadows.
You know I was considering relations with Israel before, but I have changed my mind. If we acknowledge Kashmiri genocide, then how can we as a people ignore the Palestinian genocide. Why resort to using our issues as a justification for oppression. By denying Palestinian genocide, we will not be able to help the Kashmiris either. Our government may be corrupt, but look at this from a humanitarian view point. Do we need to ensure our survival by supporting genocide?

We may be poor.

We may be unstable.

We may have a country that is in ruins.

But no way in hell can we support genocide amongst innocent people.

If any izat we have remaining as a people, we must fight for these people.

Just as we fought for the existence of our nation.
You know I was considering relations with Israel before, but I have changed my mind. If we acknowledge Kashmiri genocide, then how can we as a people ignore the Palestinian genocide. Why resort to using our issues as a justification for oppression. By denying Palestinian genocide, we will not be able to help the Kashmiris either. Our government may be corrupt, but look at this from a humanitarian view point. Do we need to ensure our survival by supporting genocide?

With due respect, why have relations with India? they created Bangladesh and we have disputes over Kashmir. Close the high commission save the money.
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