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Musharraf: Uniform is an intergral part of my life

Lahori paa jee said:
Another letter by a few prominent people. Its about time that Mushy quits his uniform

Not again Paa geee. Let him be like that for couple of years.;)
How much more time he needs to improve things. Dont you think 7 years have been more than enough.

Compared to Mushy, NS and BB only had 2 to 2 1/2 years of governments. Yeh we blaim them for the failure to deliver
Lahori paa jee said:
Compared to Mushy, NS and BB only had 2 to 2 1/2 years of governments. Yeh we blaim them for the failure to deliver
2 and 2 1/2 years got to be a new record distruction of Pakistan's economy. ;)
Neo said:
2 and 2 1/2 years got to be a new record distruction of Pakistan's economy. ;)

Ahhhhhh Neo Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :love: well said .

Hmmmmm actually the elections are going to take place in 2007 and all these opportunists are trying to cash the situation.
Why on earth they had to demand this now where were they when he took over the government.

Paagee's party is trying hard to come back and hez gonna get a ticket for MNA ;)
Actually Lahori has a point in so far as the time spectrum the elected leaders had to deliver the goods in comparison to the General.

What one, as a non citizen, can fathom from the events throughout Pakistan's political history, is that, though most unfortunate, the civilian heads of state have not been able to indicate any tenacity of purpose and instead have been swamped by the flow of the events.

At least the General has been able to indicate some intent, as also indicate that he has a plan to put Pakistan on a road to progress.

I maybe wrong, but then that is how one perceives, as a foreigner, that is.

Notwithstanding, I would hasten to state that nobody is perfect.
Salim said:
Actually Lahori has a point in so far as the time spectrum the elected leaders had to deliver the goods in comparison to the General.

Some support at last

What one, as a non citizen, can fathom from the events throughout Pakistan's political history, is that, though most unfortunate, the civilian heads of state have not been able to indicate any tenacity of purpose and instead have been swamped by the flow of the events.


At least the General has been able to indicate some intent, as also indicate that he has a plan to put Pakistan on a road to progress.

When would that be? Like many others im still waiting for that

I maybe wrong, but then that is how one perceives, as a foreigner, that is.

Foreigner !!!!!! Hmmmm i see :whatever:
TexasJohn said:
Very, very good viewpoints. I cannot diagree with any of them. I think what it boils down to is the basic cultural makup of Indians and Pakistanis. I came here at an early age, and the last time I visited was in 1999. That was mostly because my aging Dad had never met my wife or kids and he was anxious to do so.

I think we tolerate corruption and are almost resigned to it as a fact of life. While in Bombay and Bangalore, I saw it everywhere. My Pakistani friends say it is the same in Pakistan also.

Allow me to bore you with this little incident. We had just landed in Bombay ( complete chaos!) and the customs line was real long. I noticed a uniformed customs dude collecting passports from some people ( along with a "tip") taking it to the counter, where the boss customs man would stamp it and he would return to the people, who were then waved through. This ticked me off to no end, and being stupid, I walked to the top of the " Non-citizen" line and real loudly told the boss customs man, "hey! do you know one of your guys is taking bribes from passengers to get their passports quick?" I said this loud enough for several other people to hear!! The guy gives me a " you are screwing up my show" look, and without another word, stamped all our passports and shooed us through. He wanted me gone!!!!

Corruption and red tape appears to be our downfall. It does not matter whether it is a civilian PM or a Amry Chief. Yes, from what I've read both NS and BB were corrupt. I think people look at Mush as a breath of fresh air. However with time, he also fell into the politician midset, and now there is corruption in the Armed Forces.

The Army in Pakistan is the last bastion of order. That is why I am dissapointed. Perhaps I expected more.

I completely agree with you TexasJohn, PA was always the last resort for the common man of Pakistan but disappointed every single man, there are other issues as well, the prices of Suger are gone to the sky, NAB tried to draw the poeple into courts but failed miserably, the privatisation commission is selling huge institution like anything, for example Pak Steel and Habib Bank, and there is a new growing concern in Pak and that is Afghan Refugees all of the Pakistan is filled with themmore then 5 million, a comman man in N.W.F.P and Balouchistan is suffering hard because of them.
What the army and agencies doing in this regard? But our president love and adores his uniform, this is the time he can do most for the coutry he is the most powerful president the Pakistan has seen till yet, We Pakistanis expect far more from him, Can anyone tell me about the new headquarter that PA is going to built near Islamabad and facts about it? The top more then 100 Civil position where Army generals are enjoying? The Image of PA amongst the common man in recent days?

Daitay hain dhoka yeh bazigar khula



The very same corrupt politician in Mushy's cabinet, and this time guess what? Pakistan has seen the biggest cabinet of its history, the budget for the PM house is used more then double, i have seen the stats but dont remember it, complete lawlessness and anarchy in our country, and all this GDP and things like this is BULL****. if someone asks me my reply will be i am not convinced at all, i think as a nation we are dead, it is not only the army's responsibilty to take care but of common man and politicians and everyone, but in my beloved country every second person is corrupt and no one is sincere, if the nation is gone corrupt how can you get a good clean army from it, Pakistan has seen very less good after its existance, it is the time that we must leave only the talks an start doing something, it is already too late, i dont need democrcy i will be happy with the martial law only if it is good for my country, one thing is for sure that NS and BB both are corrupt but i dont know why they still have huge followers in Pak, just because everyman has their own advantages attached to them, i have seen a chalking on the wall in Peshawar for zardari "Chalo chalo islamabad chalo, Quom ka nidar sapoot ASIF ZARDARI" Our nation is developing these kind of so called Sapoot, but who is writing this and who is going to receive him? Simple :) the poeple like you and me, it is the cancer that has spread in us it needs a major operation, Believe me

Guide me if i am wrong........ Waiting
Musharraf is good, yes he is. But he is still curropt. Agreed that he is one of the good presidents we got but he's is still not perfect. What musharraf is doing is that he is clearing the image of pakistan and islam form the world. He is leaving a good picture behind. But he is not fousing on the poor and infasturature as much as he should. During the few days it has been raining in parts of pakistan alot. Did you see how the streets are littlery flooded. He has'nt done much in improving the system. A normal house in pakistan still recives a few hours elatricity daily. Agreed that rome was'nt built in one day, but they sure worked hard, and we are'nt working as hard.
What's the big deal about his uniform?

Whether he wear the uniform or not, he still will be the President.

I don't think anyone can remove him, so what difference it makes to the polity of Pakistan?

There have been enough of Generals who have been President of Pakistan. There was no hullabaloo over them.

So, why this unnecessary fuss over Musharraf? Because he is achieving something?
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