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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

Once a Pakistani man whacks an Indian guy right across the face, a little dazed the Indian inquires from the Pakistani man.... was that a joke or are you serious ?.... Pakistani replies i am damn serious angry and annoyed at you.....the Indian replies, that's quite alight then, since i don't like these types of jokes........ hence you are no exception. Once cornered and put to the sword, a person usually has a wry smile on his face.... or worse still as happened this time, quickly call it a day to save further humiliation.

lol...is that how u put across ur point...?? come to think of it..ur general was cornered on live television and he was also saying similar made up stuff...he had no proof..but just random stories... he was literally frothing from him mouth with anger... .it was the most pathetic scene i had ever seen on television..

...and the only response he had was rambling and hurling accusations at everyone he could find.. ... makes me wonder how he survived as a general...

One thing was proven though he is a failure as a tv debater just like he was failure as a president of a country and failure as General(kargil), failure as a commando(Siachen)....

As for you trying to create some brownie points, the General did once reveal how he was amazed to hear on the wireless about the Indians staging a fake encounter on Siachin thus proceeding to destroy one of their own bunkers while getting a subordinate to film the whole show...... no doubt mention Indian army and the term Fake encounters just pops up.

just like ur making up stories as you ramble...is this what Pakistanis are good at???

making up stories now are we?.... do we have any proof of this incident that general supposed to have heard...go get at-least an article to show....and anyway what was the general doing there? $hitting himself when IA occupied Siachen i guess....
Go learn the definition of fugitive.

He is an accused, not a convict, he's living in broad daylight, every morning you can see him do laps around around the Burj Khalifa, Dubai when hes there.

He didn't say Arnab is a liar - he meant you as in YOU INDIANS, or specifically the arbitrators of this Indian POV, even more specifically the govermnet, Indian Army or both.

OK we are stuck with definitions on what to call him, is he on the run from your justice system, is he not attending physically to the cases on him, is there some way Pakistan can have him deported from his present country of residence so that your justice prevails?

if the answers yes then he is on the run, if NO then I seriously don't know what to say...probably can say that your justice system sucks.
Take the case of the accusation of body mutilations and dead soldiers. This obviously is highly offensive accusation to a Pakistani general. Extremely offensive dare I say.

But the answer to such accusation in public arena is not to froth from the mouth, climb the walls, and threaten and cry.

No Sir. This is the time to calmly put forward the official policy regarding dead bodies. The common cultural attitudes in India and in Pakistan when it comes to handling dead bodies. The common history of the two armies that goes back 200+ years and thus mutual regards among officers and jawans.

What Prez. Musharraf should have said (calmly) to this 2-bit lowly anchor is the following.

1. I am ex-President and top general of Pak army.
2. We may kill or injure Indian army officers or jawans during the time of war


3. For POWs and dead soldiers, we have utmost regard, as if they are our own sons and our own people.
---- BTW these are not my words but many Pakistani generals said this on different occasions.

4. If any of our soldier or officer commits a crime while dealing with Indian POWs and dead bodies, we have procedures in place to severely punish the culprit and kick him out of our army, because we don't want anyone to bring the reputation down of our premier institution.

5. And we have received the same response as #3 and #4 from Indian officers and jawans when it comes to Pakistani POWs and dead soldiers and we expect the same will be done in future as well.

6. So my dear anchor, Indians and Pakistani civilians can (they should not, by the way) rubbish each other, but we will never do such a thing or allow such a thing among our armies. We may fight during the day, but when the war is over, we will sit on a table and have chai and samosa and biscuit together.

7. Given a chance, I Prez Musharraf will personally express my condolences to the families of Indian soldiers who got injured or died as a result of a skirmish on the Pakistani border. As a general both Pakistani and Indian young officers and soldiers are like my own family my own sons who just happen to be on the opposite side of a border.

8. In future, we can always use a UN observer team to monitor when bodies are exchanged. This way we make sure that such accusations will never come up. NEVER!

btw..here a report from a Pakistani news paper...

The very next day of this massacre, Ilyas Kashmiri conducted a guerilla operation against the Indian Army in Nakyal sector on the morning of February 26, 2000. He crossed the LoC with 25 fighters of the 313 Brigade. He surrounded a bunker of Indian Army and threw grenades inside. After one of his fighters Qudratullah lost his life, he was able to kidnap an injured officer of the Indian Army. That was not the end. He slit the throat of the kidnapped officer.

He came back to Pakistan with the head of the dead Indian Army officer in his bag and presented this head to top Army officials and later on to the then Army Chief General Pervez Musharraf, who gave him a cash award of rupees one lakh.

The pictures of Ilyas Kashmiri with the head of a dead Indian Army officer in his hands were published in some Pakistani newspapers and he became very important among the Kashmiri militants. Maulana Zahoor Ahmad Alvi of Jamia Muhammadia, Islamabad, issued a fatwa in support of slitting the throats of Indian Army officers. Those were the days when Corps Commander, Rawalpindi, Lt Gen Mehmood Ahmad, visited the training camp of Ilyas Kashmiri in Kotli and appreciated his frequent guerilla actions against the Indian Army.

The News International: How an ex-Army commando became a terrorist

and is nt this the general under whom ur army refused to accept the bodies of ur dead soldiers..if an army can do this to its own soldeirs..i can imagine what will be its behavior to its enemies....
This thread is yet another example of why Indians and Pakistanis cannot have sane discussion about serious issues.

I have watched the video and sorry to say that our guy, ex-Prez Musharraf lost his cool. At many instances he was no better than our top intellectual (NOT!) his highness Sheeda Tulli (or Izzat Maa=aab Sh Rasheed Pindi walay).

Prez should have known better. TV news anchors these days (or any day) are there not to look for truth, no Siree.

TV news anchors go almost mad to keep their ratings up. The ratings must be kept up otherwise who will pay for the big fat salaries and perks of the TV staff. Who will.

From Pakistani POV, Indian man on the street is looking for few things.

1. Pakistan is as good neighbor as anyone else.
2. Pakistan is 1000 more beneficial to India than any other country in the region.

India being 10+ times bigger will have this attitude whether we like it or not.

I mean heck, we should see how we react to Afghanistanis who are 10+ times smaller than us. How?

We ask the same two questions over and over and over and over and over about Afghanistan too. We may not articulate the same way, but these two very questions are on our mind when we think of Afghanistan.

Then why on earth we won't accord the same decency to our Eastern neighbor.

Oh yeah. Sure they are bullies in the area. They don't treat us well.

I mean look at majority of posters on this Pakistani forum, and see how with few exceptions, Indian posters bully and push us around.

So on PDF, we can use the anonymity to curse back the bullies. But we can't and should not do so on an open public forum like TV interview.


Because we immediately get painted as mad Mullahs (with or without beard) from the tribal bad lands of the Middle East, with zero civilization and shunni civilized behavior.

And Prez Musharraf to an unemotional and balanced eye from Pakistan, comes across like a mad man frothing on his mouth.

This is way below his stature as an ex-President of 200 million people, way below the stature of our top army general.

Take the case of the accusation of body mutilations and dead soldiers. This obviously is highly offensive accusation to a Pakistani general. Extremely offensive dare I say.

But the answer to such accusation in public arena is not to froth from the mouth, climb the walls, and threaten and cry.

No Sir. This is the time to calmly put forward the official policy regarding dead bodies. The common cultural attitudes in India and in Pakistan when it comes to handling dead bodies. The common history of the two armies that goes back 200+ years and thus mutual regards among officers and jawans.

What Prez. Musharraf should have said (calmly) to this 2-bit lowly anchor is the following.

1. I am ex-President and top general of Pak army.
2. We may kill or injure Indian army officers or jawans during the time of war


3. For POWs and dead soldiers, we have utmost regard, as if they are our own sons and our own people.
---- BTW these are not my words but many Pakistani generals said this on different occasions.

4. If any of our soldier or officer commits a crime while dealing with Indian POWs and dead bodies, we have procedures in place to severely punish the culprit and kick him out of our army, because we don't want anyone to bring the reputation down of our premier institution.

5. And we have received the same response as #3 and #4 from Indian officers and jawans when it comes to Pakistani POWs and dead soldiers and we expect the same will be done in future as well.

6. So my dear anchor, Indians and Pakistani civilians can (they should not, by the way) rubbish each other, but we will never do such a thing or allow such a thing among our armies. We may fight during the day, but when the war is over, we will sit on a table and have chai and samosa and biscuit together.

7. Given a chance, I Prez Musharraf will personally express my condolences to the families of Indian soldiers who got injured or died as a result of a skirmish on the Pakistani border. As a general both Pakistani and Indian young officers and soldiers are like my own family my own sons who just happen to be on the opposite side of a border.

8. In future, we can always use a UN observer team to monitor when bodies are exchanged. This way we make sure that such accusations will never come up. NEVER!

And this stance would have come across positively to an average Indian AND non Indian viewer.

On the same note, Indians too should observe some minimum level of decorum when it comes to our soldiers. These are the creme of our two nations. Both Indians and Pakistanis should not sully their name or their dead bodies in an effort to take cheap political shots at each other.


Like it, wish you were were Musharraf, I wouldn't mind such a person putting Arnab Goswami in his place...but frankly Mushy sucked big time and it's really surprising to see lot of Pakistani's glorifying this cheap stunt that he pulled. As an Indian I have the lowest regards for him and if I was a genuine Pakistani I would have the lowest regard for him too.
Baseless allegations... He conducted the show for full half an hour, I am personal witness to it. Musharraf was sweating it out to answer his questions.

Musharraf was treated in a guestly tone by the Anchor and I am surprised how the Pakistani media cooked up stories of finishing the show before time etc etc.

Good day @IndianArmy

I have already made my point earlier about this type of journalism, if this is the state of journalism in indie, how can one even bother listening to it. THe profession of journalism is much more than this and your claiming that the anchor was talking in guestly tone, this guy is not even a journalist, tell me the difference between him and monsieur billoreilly(you know the yank down south). This guy was not even looking at president when interviewing rather looking down on papier. This journalist like i mentioned before had a preconcieved agenda and was not neutral to begin with. like all journalist he could've asked the same hard questions in a different style, I personally recommend all indienne and some pakistanie members to watch "tout le monde" program on cbc radio francais with some subtitles. This was an all round bad interview and I think you should consider your stance defending this gentleman. As far as gen.musharaff goes, he is the bottom of the scum as one can get, he took over governance of his countrie and for us who have stepped in boots for our countries's, that is considered very unprofessional since the days of julies caesar now exception should be made with napolèan as he was trying to bring stability and was first and foremost a military general.
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Like it, wish you were were Musharraf, I wouldn't mind such a person putting Arnab Goswami in his place...but frankly Mushy sucked big time and it's really surprising to see lot of Pakistani's glorifying this cheap stunt that he pulled. As an Indian I have the lowest regards for him and if I was a genuine Pakistani I would have the lowest regard for him too.

Well thank you.

BTW the words in my post are not mine. Pakistani officers in my circle of friends and family often point out the same words that I wrote.

Too bad that so many Pakistani posters here on PDF do not know or care about the basic code of conduct that is drilled into the minds of soldiers and officers of BOTH Indian and Pakistani armies.

I urge Indian posters too, for not repeating something so inhuman so barbaric unless supported by an independent third party on the scene or present during the handing over of the dead bodies.

Same thing is true if a Paksitani poster wants to accuse Indian army jawans or officers for such a heinous crime.

You all should remember, that our soldiers come from the same stock, the same soil.

then how many of you would go and mutilate a dead soldier's body? How many of you?

One should support his/her claim by independent third party please. Independent third party!

Well thank you.

BTW the words in my post are not mine. Pakistani officers in my circle of friends and family often point out the same words that I wrote.

Too bad that so many Pakistani posters here on PDF do not know or care about the basic code of conduct that is drilled into the minds of soldiers and officers of BOTH Indian and Pakistani armies.

I urge Indian posters too, for not repeating something so inhuman so barbaric unless supported by an independent third party on the scene or present during the handing over of the dead bodies.

Same thing is true if a Paksitani poster wants to accuse Indian army jawans or officers for such a heinous crime.

You all should remember, that our soldiers come from the same stock, the same soil.

then how many of you would go and mutilate a dead soldier's body? How many of you?

One should support his/her claim by independent third party please. Independent third party!


I would like to differ here..

are we not confident on ourselves that we need a westernized third party to support our claim. You can say whatever you want it is very illogical to assume that Indians would claim something which is not true at all... I find it very hurting where some Pakistani posters here claim it as a propaganda.. I don't think any Indian would stoop so low to claim a beheading if it was not true..many Indian and Pakistani soldiers have died in cross border cease fire violations and if it was a propaganda it could have been done multiple times. This soldier was gruesomely beheaded after his death and all these lies doesn't take us anywhere.

It is imperative that Pakistan conducts a proper investigation in this regard for better sense to prevail.
I would like to differ here..

are we not confident on ourselves that we need a westernized third party to support our claim. You can say whatever you want it is very illogical to assume that Indians would claim something which is not true at all... I find it very hurting where some Pakistani posters here claim it as a propaganda.. I don't think any Indian would stoop so low to claim a beheading if it was not true..many Indian and Pakistani soldiers have died in cross border cease fire violations and if it was a propaganda it could have been done multiple times. This soldier was gruesomely beheaded after his death and all these lies doesn't take us anywhere.

It is imperative that Pakistan conducts a proper investigation in this regard for better sense to prevail.

Off course. It is imperative on part of both Pakistani and Indian armies to conduct and cooperate in such an investigation.

By independent third party, it doesn't mean to be "Westernized". No Sir. Not at all!

It could be Asma Jahangir of human rights org from Pak and similar person(s) from Indian side. Believe you me, Asma will not care if she has to rip Pak army officer apart who was in command of the area where such a gruesome activity took place. Similarly I trust Indian human rights org members will not care if they have to rip Indian army officers to shreds if things turn out to be a lie or propaganda.

But let's make sure that none of us becomes judge, jury and prosecutor and hammer the other party on the head over and over and over.

Thank you.
Independent third party!

I laughed at your statement. This is what India will never accept.

India is a very cheap country. It just wants to gain cheap propaganda points on Pakistan. If an independent third party is allowed as suggested by Pakistan, then this balloon would have burst.

If Pakistan had done it as Indians have been hysterical about it, Pakistan would not have offered a UN solution. All of this is a deliberate attempt to malign Pakistan.
Wow. Can you lie more desperately than this? So ALL terrorism activity that happens through BJP, Shiv Sena in India.....isn't done by Hindus. You guys are the sacred cows. But it is ALWAYS caused by a Christian or a Muslim attacking someone......
Do you really think I am stupid or the readers of this post are??? The Hindu religion is the SINGLE most discriminating religion on the planet. I say this with respect so please, take it in the context of my post. Not more than that. Within Hinduism....you have casts. Every higher cast looks at the lower cast like they are human garbage. I have a friend for years who's a Brahman. Every time he looks at another Indian Hindu, before he says something about his name or origins in India, he brands him with the cast. Usually, with a derogatory comments. This guy's lived in the US for over 15 years!!!!! So PLEASE, don't show me or the world that you guys are such peace loving creatures and never have any issues.
There have been HUNDRED of Thousands men, women and children killed in Kashmir. Villages of Christians and Muslims burnt to the ground when people were sleeping inside.......you are going to tell me that wasn't BJP or Shiv Sena but the Pakistani ISI or LeT? You have a huge problem within your country with Hindu fundamentalism. You guys close your eyes from that but keep blaming everyone else (Pakistan specially for everything). The fact is, the death caused by Pakistani terrorist are peanuts compared to the number of people killed inside India by Hindu terrorists. BUT, none of you'll talk about it or discuss it as 'India' doesn't need to look bad. This is nonsense. When you spend your lives blaming a group or a nation that killed a few hundred people over a decade, you should ALSO talk about your internal Hindu terrorists that killed THOUSANDS. Much more than the Pakistanis. I have NEVER seen a Hindu guy condemning BJP or Shiv Sena. THAT's SAD. How that even makes India a democracy where people get killed by the majority on the basis of religion????
Off course. It is imperative on part of both Pakistani and Indian armies to conduct and cooperate in such an investigation.

By independent third party, it doesn't mean to be "Westernized". No Sir. Not at all!

It could be Asma Jahangir of human rights org from Pak and similar person(s) from Indian side. Believe you me, Asma will not care if she has to rip Pak army officer apart who was in command of the area where such a gruesome activity took place. Similarly I trust Indian human rights org members will not care if they have to rip Indian army officers to shreds if things turn out to be a lie or propaganda.

But let's make sure that none of us becomes judge, jury and prosecutor and hammer the other party on the head over and over and over.

Thank you.

You need to be Musharraf and I Manmohan Singh or whoever is in charge in Pakistan and India - I wholly agree to your points, Asma or whoever responsible without a bias can investigate, if it's not the truth than we collectively as Indians will take our army to task but if it's the truth than you should accept responsibility - which I think is not forthcoming.

Further, Pakistan is trying to gain diplomatic mileage out of it by calling for UN investigation and attempting to highlight the Kashmir issue rather than showing genuine concern about the actual incident - which again is not acceptable and a clear misuse and taking advantage out of the tragedy - leads us to believe that it was purposefully done to highlight it.
OK we are stuck with definitions on what to call him, is he on the run from your justice system, is he not attending physically to the cases on him, is there some way Pakistan can have him deported from his present country of residence so that your justice prevails?

if the answers yes then he is on the run, if NO then I seriously don't know what to say...probably can say that your justice system sucks.

He has a case against him in court. He needs to be put on trial for that case to proceed. Pakistani courts can't order foreign countries to send him back. The case will resume whenever he returns to Pakistan of his own volition, this is not just Pakistan, your own country's justice system is the same, every country's justice system only applies to the boundaries of its territory.

So think before you give any more sweeping bongian about what you are saying. Definitions are important, using the incorrect terminology often creates the confusion you Indians have regarding foreign affairs and our internal matters.

Off course. It is imperative on part of both Pakistani and Indian armies to conduct and cooperate in such an investigation.

By independent third party, it doesn't mean to be "Westernized". No Sir. Not at all!

It could be Asma Jahangir of human rights org from Pak and similar person(s) from Indian side. Believe you me, Asma will not care if she has to rip Pak army officer apart who was in command of the area where such a gruesome activity took place. Similarly I trust Indian human rights org members will not care if they have to rip Indian army officers to shreds if things turn out to be a lie or propaganda.

But let's make sure that none of us becomes judge, jury and prosecutor and hammer the other party on the head over and over and over.

Thank you.

Jeez, if its going to be Asma Jehangir from our side, we need Arundhati Roy from their side...
He has a case against him in court. He needs to be put on trial for that case to proceed. Pakistani courts can't order foreign countries to send him back. The case will resume whenever he returns to Pakistan of his own volition, this is not just Pakistan, your own country's justice system is the same, every country's justice system only applies to the boundaries of its territory.

So think before you give any more sweeping bongian about what you are saying. Definitions are important, using the incorrect terminology often creates the confusion you Indians have regarding foreign affairs and our internal matters.

Like for example??? Dawood Ibrahim?? did your so called justice system issue an interpol red corner notice or something for him? he is making a mockery of your justice system.

Jeez, if its going to be Asma Jehangir from our side, we need Arundhati Roy from their side...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...n-anchor-into-epic-goof-19.html#ixzz2ISA2tRbp

If it come to that I don't mind even her.
Like for example??? Dawood Ibrahim?? did your so called justice system issue an interpol red corner notice or something for him? he is making a mockery of your justice system.
Interpol notice is not binding on the interpol. They won't move against people there is very little evidence. The court didn't declare him guilty, they said he needs to show up at court. Interpol won't make him attend trial in Pakistan when hes not actively involved in any crime.

He's going to come after March 16th, after this government has gone.
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