Both cowards lied intentionally to the nation while agreeing to every demand made of them. Total pushovers. Both. Thus apt analogy.
cowards are those whom still cant find a single word comming out of thier stupid mouths, against TTp & it includes every single politician of pakistan? instead was the very reason why a APC on counter terrorism mussures got hunged, yes the fear of TTp?
As we all hve known the fact that a death squad put in place by, ADNAN RASHEED & TTp to target only & only musharaf?why?
just because he is only one in pakistan,s leadership went head to head, eyeball to eyeball in the real war on TTp & had cost TTp deadly heavly?
thats why TTp wants revenge from musharaf? right
its a war which every single pakistani in pakistan wants even now tobe continued, but sadly for that we need a musharaf, instead of him we hve cowards with even zipped mouths MAM-NOORA,s?
your analogy was biasd, & is a result of living in fake utopia of yesminster damocrazy ,in your faked dreams
reality bites, wakeup its time to fight not to shought for the help!