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Musharraf slams India's role in terrorism in Pakistan

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Lockheed F-16

Dec 16, 2008
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I will translate the main points he mentioned:


"India is part of the problem"

Explosive allegations of Pakistani ex-president: In an interview with SPIEGEL Pervez Musharraf accuses the Indian secret service to support the Taliban . Significant criticism of the ex-head of state to the United States and Barack Obama also follows.

Hamburg - "RAW in Swat Valley has its fingers in the game, I know," said the former army and head of state - when speaking about the secret of India. India also supporting the insurgents in the province of Baluchistan, who are fighting for more autonomy and attacking Pakistani security forces .

In the interview with the SPIEGEL he criticized the new strategy to combat terrorism by U.S. President Barack Obama, briefly "AfPak", which specifically exclude the role of India: "If the world seriously wants to fight this, then they should not neglect India. " The Americans are in Pakistan "hated" now ," said Musharraf. The U.S. drone attacks were "devastating effect" and would need to get more acceptance in the nation to win the future by the Pakistanis to be carried out.

To the US-again accusation to the ISI working with the Taliban, he said: "The accused Pakistani intelligence service ISI has obviously "access to certain networks," Musharraf betrayed, "he thought it was also the same with the Americans and the KGB." You use the enemy to defeat the other:tup:

Musharraf defended himself against accusations that not enough against the Taliban leadership and militant movements was done in his country under his rule and even encouraged terror, as in the case of the Red Mosque two years ago. He wanted to prevent a "bloodbath" what the in the end would not have succeeded.

The Pakistani security forces are in front of a very similar crisis situation as it was then. In the district Banoori Town in Karachi again militant extremists had entrenched a madrassahwith weapons.
We could storm the Koran school and kill all occupants , Musharraf said: "This can be done, but is it the solution?"


Here the German Article
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I'm certain he can make a proud nation of us once again.
I'm sick and tired of corrupt entities running the show in Pakistan.
In fact under his rule our country was economical great running. Also his strategic knowledge is a good characteristic of him. I support him as a Politician.

In fact, if 9/11 hadn't happened he would have made Pakistan a strong country.
'RAW trying to separate Balochistan from Pakistan'

ISLAMABAD: The leading newspaper of Sri Lanka, Daily Mirror, in its
editorial has criticised the role the Indian intelligence agency (RAW)
is playing in the regional countries to destabilise them. The
editorial has specially referred to Pakistan.

It said: "Among its (RAW's) most ambitious operations that are
currently underway, is the move to separate Balochistan province from
Pakistan by supporting (the) Balochistan Liberation Army."

The newspaper wrote: "It certainly is a monumental task for the
informed Sri Lankan or for that matter anyone in the neighbourhood of
India to keep a straight face when talking about the Research and
Analysis Wing (RAW) in India."

It said that formed in 1968, the predatory operations carried out by
this external intelligence agency of India in the neighbouring
countries were perhaps the best example as to how the country bullied
its neighbours.

Commenting on the RAW's role in Sri Lanka, it said: "The RAW in Sri
Lanka has a pretty colourful record. Having raised, nursed and
fortified the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, it later went through
phases where it adopted 'rock the baby, pinch the baby' approach
towards the LTTE."

While many thought the assassination of former Indian premier Rajiv
Gandhi would have hardened the approach of the RAW towards the LTTE,
it really did not happen that way, it wrote.

"While New Delhi was shattered by the death of Nehru's grandson, the
less emotional RAW moved on with rest of operation," it said.

The newspaper wrote: "In 2007, ripples were created in the spy agency
when one of its Colombo-based officers, Ravi Nair of 1975 batch, was
found allegedly carrying on an affair with a woman working for another
country's spy agency.

"The 'crime' was considered only second to what was committed by the
RAW Joint Secretary, Rabinder Singh, in 2004 when he escaped with
copies of several highly-confidential documents and is believed to
have passed them on to the CIA. This was after Singh's superiors
confronted him with evidence that he had spent time with a Delhi-based
female US embassy officer at a resort down (the) New Delhi-Jaipur

The newspaper said the incident really rocked the RAW and forced it to
go for several reforms, which included tougher counter-check measures
on its officers.

Following the embarrassment caused by Ravi Nair in Colombo, the RAW
recalled the officer and made it a point to post a lady officer to
Colombo, probably thinking that was the best way to discourage other
countries, it wrote.

Reports that the RAW was out to create mischief in the backdrop of the
recent military victories by the Sri Lankan troops surfaced days after
media reports that Pottu Amman, who was pulled up by Prabhakaran over
the recent debacles, had slipped off to India, the daily wrote.
Man with this current tola in place, i for one have lost all hope. They are a bunch of good for nothing. When the time is to expose India for what it is, we are buys trying to establish ties. While our home is burning, we are busy doing nothing and turning a blind eye to the whole incident. One day Malik says a foreign hand is involved, the next day he'll give another statement. Seriously for how long the Pakistani nation will have to suffer the doings of these morons. Pathetic.
You won't see NS commenting on it either, he has got his price.
Latest evidence is the Hindu caught involved in the recent Lahore blast. Pakistani Gov should share this evidence with the Hindustan's papa, the Americans. Why are we holding back? Hamaray chachay kay putar to nai hain ye.
Latest evidence is the Hindu caught involved in the recent Lahore blast. Pakistani Gov should share this evidence with the Hindustan's papa, the Americans. Why are we holding back? Hamaray chachay kay putar to nai hain ye.

'Hindu' caught in a blast case is an evidence? You gotta be kidding. What evidence was found against that Hindu? Everybody is waiting for it since eternity, nothing is coming from Pakistan.

Musharraf defended himself against accusations that not enough against the Taliban leadership and militant movements was done in his country under his rule and even encouraged terror, as in the case of the Red Mosque two years ago. He wanted to prevent a "bloodbath" what the in the end would not have succeeded.

How convenient. Musharraf's flaming speech is yet another chest beating show, another attempt to cover up his own failure in acting against terrorism & putting all the blame on India. And as we can see, Pakistani's like to hear that.

Your point is taken, However; what if after some time it becomes clear or is made public, the links to Indian agencies among others, how would you think Pakistan should respoind and how do you think concerned and informed people in India should respond?

I'm not suggesting that Indian are guilty as charged, I'm only asking what you think reaction should be if the charges are made to stick, so to speak.
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Come on dude....you really serious with this video??
The man says that he was paid Rs. 20,000 for fighting....but he never said RAW or India paid him that money!!
stop spreading such deliberate misinformation, wake up and open your eyes and you will realize that Taliban is your own creation (ISI+CIA).
Taliban is as big a threat to India as it is to you, do you really think that RAW would be foolish enough to support taliban, when they know that tomorrow it could very well be Indian forces fighting them??
Latest evidence is the Hindu caught involved in the recent Lahore blast. Pakistani Gov should share this evidence with the Hindustan's papa, the Americans. Why are we holding back? Hamaray chachay kay putar to nai hain ye.

dude are you serious. you are the one who is getting pocket money from them who is illegitimate child:cheesy: of America and you blaming your 'uncle':rofl::rofl:.
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