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Musharraf Pitted as new leader of MQM

GOD is omnipotent but, but should say if jesus was reincarnated again, he wont be allowed to head MQM

ya shaikh, what do you want me to say, is miley cyrus good enough for your liking?, just name me anybody who can good enough for you

if you adore justin timberlake i say, if Justin timberlake wanted he himself wont be allowed to head MQM

As I said, just don't drag the revered Nabis or our Quaid... rest you can talk of whatever your fantasy allows... be it Justin beiber or be it miley cyrus.... It's all cool with me....
Ah....I was also thinking of probable chances of Mr. Musharraf to take over the seat.
Still we are going too far.I bet that he will be released untouched by Scotland Yard
Ah....I was also thinking of probable chances of Mr. Musharraf to take over the seat.
Still we are thinking of too far.I bet that he will be released untouched by Scotland Yard

altaf hussain is a MI6 agent who has began to get out of MI6 fold, so he is being corrected

As I said, just don't drag the revered Nabis or our Quaid... rest you can talk of whatever your fantasy allows... be it Justin beiber or be it miley cyrus.... It's all cool with me....

what about tom cruise?
so nawaz will put cases of treason against musharraf on back burner and let him run a party? how weak a rigged prime minister can be.... just see for yourself !

so you come to conclusion about Nawaz's personality after reading a sentence of what someone said on PDF. how low can you get, keep showing us the examples.

I would say the same thing if someone made a stupid comments about Imran, Altaf or Zardari, I just hate stupidity to its core
so you come to conclusion about Nawaz's personality after reading a sentence of what someone said on PDF. how low can you get, keep showing us the examples.

I would say the same thing if someone made a stupid comments about Imran, Altaf or Zardari, I just hate stupidity to its core
For them even low seems quite a decent word......we need something far more comprehensive in dictionary to explain the thing.
Musharaf shouod be in jail with his buddy Nawaz and others. But I guess Kiyani going to Australia soon? His brother made good money. I might move there too and confiscate his property and be rich. Uuu Lala PS: I am
Thinking to start a global movement of confiscating the assets of corrupt monarchs, politicians and generals. I guess 100 people should be enough to make some real money. Let's start with Gwadar pump but they already sold their land...end at private Sodie kinky island. Maybe if we have enough British people we confiscate his Highness Royal tax money Queen Elizabeth's few off limit islands? Anyways generals are a bit harder target since they might kill us poor chaps. Nawaza is an easy target in many ways. Behold England! I am coming to take over Nawaza's property. If bhai is smart he should direct his people to start exposing Nawaza's assets. If Nawaza is smart he should beg Amrikans to expose Schenerals assets.
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Buddy this intelligence officer should be put in jail. How dare he point fingers at other people when his own institution is for sale. For example those darrars that killed Zia. Those darrars that killed Mushaf Ali. I say you fix your institution first before talking to others like that. What's going on with the upcoming prime land Swat chaoni? You kept OBL in Abbotabad. The war that killed 50K people. Now you wanna expand to other areas. What was so bad about this jihad against Amrika that Forced you all to make $$$? Mushy and his bud Jernails were not masters of double game. They were masters of making money. But don't worry. A whistle blower coming soon. We all will know how much money you guys made. Blood money. Altaf bhai is a small criminal. Bigger ones are in Islamabad. Top notch crooks in ghq.
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Buddy this intelligence officer should be put in jail. How dare he point fingers at other people when his own institution is for sale. For example those darrars that killed Zia. Those darrars that killed Mushaf Ali. I say you fix your institution first before talking to others like that. What's going on with the upcoming prime land Swat chaoni? You kept OBL in Abbotabad. The war that killed 50K people. Now you wanna expand to other areas. What was so bad about this jihad against Amrika that Forced you all to make $$$? Mushy and his bud Jernails were not masters of double game. They were masters of making money. But don't worry. A whistle blower coming soon. We all will know how much money you guys made. Blood money. Altaf bhai is a small criminal. Bigger ones are in Islamabad. Top notch crooks in ghq.
Time is running out on ganja brothers, & thier crap supporters?
ALTAF HUSSIAN is alive, he has a long experince how to handle MQM, in exile?
Surly movment against, fakly elected & biggest money launderers of the world nawaz sharif family, will reach to its logical end, on the phansi ghat, with the same old rope used against bhutto?
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