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Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

Some very interesting comments here ... I don't know why people expect a person like Hazrat Umar (RA) to rule over them when these people are not even close to the dust of the sahabas (ra) who lived under the khilafat of Hazrat Umar (RA).

Corruption will never go away but it will can be lowered or it can be increased. During the time of president Musharraf corruption level in Pakistan actually went down.

According to the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI):

Pakistan's CPI was 2.2 in 1999
(best country 1999 = Denmark at 10.00 CPI) This is Nawaz Sharif's era.

In 2002 it improved to 2.6
In 2007 it was 2.4
In 2008 it was 2.5

Above is Musharraf era!

Transparency International

Now we have story makers who like to read Jang or Evening Special and then share these stories about allocation of land. For the last two years Nawaz Sharif is in power with his buddy running the LHC but not a single person has been convicted because there is no evidence.

I have quoted Transparency International so please prove it with equally authentic source instead of quoting someone who quotes 'according to a highly reliable source'.

It is not that I have dislikeness for NS or Zardari and I support Musharraf, no, it is because with his mistakes he performed better than NS.

Below is "Democracy" Era!

Corruption Perception Index 2009

Pakistan 2.4

Source: CPI 2009 Table/2009/cpi/surveys_indices/policy_research

Below is "Democracy" Era!

Corruption Perception Index 2009

Pakistan 2.4

Source: CPI 2009 Table/2009/cpi/surveys_indices/policy_research


There is nothing to prove because numbers speak for themselves.

This 2.4 is still lower then 2.6 and 2.5 figures of the Musharraf era. THE HIGHER THE NUMBER THE LESSER THE CORRUPTION.

The so called democracy era of the 90s was far worst then the democracy era of 2000 til 2008.

In 96 our CPI was 1!!
The so called democracy era of the 90s was far worst then the democracy era of 2000 til 2008.

In 96 our CPI was 1!!

First off, there was no democracy (so called or otherwise) from 2000-2008, it was a one-man-show (remember the "King's party"?).

Secondly, corruption does not crop up over night or over a couple of years even. It takes decades. For decades, our system has been mired by one dictatorship after another. How do you expect to groom sane, educated and principled politicians if the generals cant keep themselves grounded in their barracks? They come, they screw the system to suit themselves and leave behind far-reaching effects. We are still battling Dictator-e-Azam's (Zia's) side effects to this day (the fallout from the klashnikov culture and the Saudi-imported Wahabi brand of Islam among many many others).

Pakistan has been under dictatorships longer than it has been under democracies. It is no surprise therefore, that we have to put up with rubbish leaders and a completely compromised system of governance.

To answer your point, '96 was only 7 or so years after more than a decade of Zia (another Musharraf by my standards). To blame the politicians would be tantamount to me ruining a business, getting fired and then people blaming the new administration for everything. Once again, you need to be a bit more realistic and fair in appropriating blame.

India is very much like us, but their generals know how to behave like generals. They aren't "iktidaar ke bhookay" and so their democracy works much better than ours' does. They have given the system time to improve itself. We on the other hand have constantly tried quick fixes and shortcuts and it has not done us too much good.

I am not saying BB's government or NS's government were amazing and I agree that even today it is only a name-sake democracy. But...

Jub factory ka chowkidaar seth bunnay ki koshish karay to factory ka yeh hi haal hoga.
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He was honest and straightforward person. i admire him for these Qualities.
A Lot better than present days Politicians.
He was honest and straightforward person. i admire him for these Qualities.
A Lot better than present days Politicians.


Launches the 111 brigade to topple his own commander-in-chief (who fired him by the way).

Says I will take my uniform off... doesn't till he is forced to.

Quick and stern accountability.. no where to be seen.

The Shaukat Aziz fiasco.

The Chief Justice fiasco.

The May 12th fiasco.

The A. Q. Khan fiasco.

Declares emergency against his own government.. locks up 4500 people without charge and bans Geo news.

The 17th Amendment.

In power for 8 years.. wants another 5 as president, elected by a senate that expires in a few weeks.

Honest and straightforward?

What are you on about? Actually, no, what are you on?
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First off, there was no democracy (so called or otherwise) from 2000-2008, it was a one-man-show (remember the "King's party"?).

May be in your books but from our SC to Parliament and the global leaders all accepted him as the legitimate and elected President of Pakistan. So it was democratic period.

How do you expect to groom sane, educated and principled politicians if the generals cant keep themselves grounded in their barracks? They come, they screw the system to suit themselves and leave behind far-reaching effects. We are still battling Dictator-e-Azam's (Zia's) side effects to this day (the fallout from the klashnikov culture and the Saudi-imported Wahabi brand of Islam among many many others).

The Generals come because our politicians beg them to come ... These same politicians are teh main reason why there is no real educated leadership in Pakistan because they want to promote Hamza Shahbaz and Bilalwal Zardari. These politicians suspended the local bodies system because then people we get leadership hopefuls like Mustufa Kamal.

I support Presdient Musharraf because he was abel to improve the infrastructure, he was abel to get us JF-17 and Gawader and was abel to guide Pakistan against extremisim.

He is teh first leader who tried to increase the number of tax payers. He supported financial policies which helped us get rid of the IMF.

President Musharraf is the only leader in Pakistan who brought innovation to our strategic through process.
Kayani's extension beneficial for Pakistan: Musharraf

Lahore: Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has congratulated Army Chief General Kayani on his three-year extension of service.

Musharraf said Kayani's contribution as army chief would be beneficial for national integrity and country's stability.

Musharraf's spokesman Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif confirmed the telephonic conversation, and said Musharraf had called Kayani's extension the right decision for ensuring success against the war on terrorism, The Daily Times reports.

Kayani given three-year extension as Army Chief

Under Kayani's command, the Pakistan Army has launched successful operations against terrorist organizations in Swat, Malakand and South Waziristan.

The three-year extension of Kayani's tenure is only the second such incident in Pakistan's history when a civilian regime has increased the services of the Chief of the Army Staff (COAS).

The first such extension was given by former president Iskandar Mirza to General Ayub Khan.

Kayani's extension beneficial for Pakistan: Musharraf
May be in your books but from our SC to Parliament and the global leaders all accepted him as the legitimate and elected President of Pakistan. So it was democratic period.

Democracy is democracy, whether real or fake :)

The Generals come because our politicians beg them to come ...

The usual erroneous argument. Nobody invited Ayub in '58, nobody invited Yahya in '69, nobody except the US and Asghar Khan (who says he didn't do it per se but is only regretting his decision) invited Zia in '77 and nobody invited Musharraf either.

Do not falsify history. You have your right to associate a nation's hope with anybody you wish but do not twist facts to fit how you want to see it.

I support Presdient Musharraf because he was abel to improve the infrastructure, he was abel to get us JF-17 and Gawader and was abel to guide Pakistan against extremisim.

He is teh first leader who tried to increase the number of tax payers. He supported financial policies which helped us get rid of the IMF.

President Musharraf is the only leader in Pakistan who brought innovation to our strategic through process.

I can disagree, and do disagree with you a thousand percent on each and everything you stated but this does not give me the right to tell you that he cannot be a choice for leading the nation. He's welcome to come back and do as he sees fit.

I will not agree with you, but I will not falsify concrete historical facts to prove my point. The history of this country is that of a collusion and push-pull between different power groups. Blaming anyone alone as the problem is wrong.
Democracy is democracy, whether real or fake
Democracy inherited through (fake) letter of inheritence is a fake.
A govt. which emerge by compromising the rules of election can't be representative.. hence best be called as mafia or gang of criminals.
Violating the set rules in the process of elections, is called fraud and deception, hence forth the following govt. is illegal.
President Zardari submitted a fake degree and hence by rules should have been booked before his elections. whereas in presidential elections voters (members of parliament) were forced to take pictures of their votes as a proff of their vote.
Technically,.... all above make present govt. an illegall occupiers of a state. Non less than an enemy of the people, quite contrary to the defination of democracy.

Whereas, P.Musharraf govt. was best possible form of democracy, prevailed any where in the world.
Local bodies act allowed union councels to serve people at much better level.
We had parliamentary elections and every party participated.
We had referundum on the election of President.....instead of (only) members of assemblies voting for President.
Elected, President or Prime minister or cabinet did not had criminal history.
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no matter what this guy was he knew how to answer the indians!!!! atleast he could speak out unlike cheap zardaris and nawaz!!

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hey did i say wrong...
being a democratic you should allow me what i meant to say...
hey did i say wrong...
being a democratic you should allow me what i meant to say...

You made fun of a horrendous crime and equated rape to fornication/adultery.

There's no reason to post such pathetic and moronic statements.
mushraf nah he ai wapis tu acha hay...atleast sucide bombings to khatum ho gai hain ...
President Musharraf is the only leader in Pakistan who brought innovation to our strategic through process.


Can you give example of this innovation to our strategic thought process which Musharraf brought about? After all this man didn't even felt the need to inform his sister services before going on an ill planned and an ill conceived war. So much for strategic thinking.
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