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"Musharraf exemplifies a quality Indian politicians should emulate" - Karan Thapar


Oct 17, 2008
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A General Point

By Karan Thapar

Musharraf exemplifies a further quality Indian politicians would do well to emulate. He’s prepared to face up to his critics, take their hostile questions and spend hours defending his position whilst attempting to change theirs. I have to admit, I’ve never come across someone like Pervez Musharraf. This is not necessarily a compliment. It’s simply a statement of fact.

But think about it — he’s a former dictator who revels in free speech much like a dedicated democrat; he’s a general who is, amazingly enough, also a gripping orator; he’s a stern disciplinarian but he has a winning sense of humour; he projects a tough commando exterior but his clothes reveal a sharp sense of sartorial elegance.
Indeed, he’s a man of so many apparent paradoxes, he’s impossible to define.
Last Saturday, as he held the India Today Conclave spellbound for over two and a half hours, my mind jumped to our own politicians and I couldn’t help compare Musharraf to them. Would Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi or LK Advani and Prakash Karat willingly submit themselves to such hostile questioning from an Indian audience and emerge both unscathed and with their amour propre intact?
The question answers itself. Yet Musharraf has done just that but with one critical difference. The audience — the lions’ den — he faced was not his compatriots but Indians, who could be more accurately described as his enemies.
In contrast, it’s not just impossible to picture Manmohan Singh or Sonia Gandhi addressing 500 Pakistanis in the banquet hall of the Marriott in Islamabad; the fact of the matter is they are not even prepared to visit the country. And I would hate to think what could happen if they were questioned the way Musharraf was. Perish the thought!
However, the truth is Musharraf illustrates a deeper difference between India and Pakistan. Pakistanis make themselves accessible to us — be it phone-in interviews on television, formal addresses at conclaves and conferences or simply informal off-the-record chats. We, on the other hand, avoid such encounters like the plague.
It’s not simply that Pakistani politicians don’t hesitate to give Indians interviews. It’s also the sheer number of them. Musharraf, alone, probably gave half a dozen. Prannoy Roy and I got two each. Both he and Asif Zardari have addressed large gatherings in India live via satellite whilst in office and Benazir Bhutto was a frequent visitor and a favourite of our news channels. I don’t think there is even one she said no to. In fact, on one particular occasion she gave Aaj Tak two on the same day because the interviewer lost the tapes within minutes of obtaining the first!
In contrast, with the exception of LK Advani, I don’t think a single leading Indian politician has given the Pakistani media an interview. In fact, I’m prepared to bet that most would not even be prepared to meet them! Again, Advani is the exception.
However, Musharraf exemplifies a further quality our politicians would do well to emulate. He’s prepared to face up to his critics, take their hostile questions and spend hours defending his position whilst attempting to change theirs.
We may not agree with his arguments and often we disapprove of his tough language but it’s impossible not to admire his courage and be impressed by his performance. You may walk away from a Musharraf encounter put off by his personality but, despite that, you also know you’ve just met a very special man. That’s why Musharraf has fans in India and not just foes.
Sadly, many of our politicians refuse to face their critics. Indeed, some can even run away from their friends! The problem is they’re not prepared to pit their arguments against challenges. So rarely, if ever, do we see them under pressure, fighting to prove their point, fending off counter-arguments and winning respect for standing their ground.
Yet the paradox is politicians usually grow from such encounters. Musharraf did and still does. But if you shelter yourself from them you appear bonzai and shrunken. That’s why ours lose out.
Five weeks from a national election, I doubt if any of our politicians will heed this advice. But I’m prepared to wager that if one does he or she will win laurels. After all, fortune favours the brave!

The writer is one of India’s leading television commentators and interviewers

Source: dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2009\03\15\story_15-3-2009_pg3_3 Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Karan Thaper is one of India’s leading television commentators and interviewers,but not one of its thinkers by any means.

He is sort of Tv jurnalist who loves politicians who provide great sound bytes on camera which in turn help good TRPs(ratings) for news channels.

what can i say about this rediculous comment
" Last Saturday, as he held the India Today Conclave spellbound for over two and a half hours, my mind jumped to our own politicians and I couldn’t help compare Musharraf to them. Would Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi or LK Advani and Prakash Karat willingly submit themselves to such hostile questioning ..."

I'm whats wrong with this guys with with yrs of experience he is behaving like a musharraf fanboy.Nothing wrong with that but i find this hype irrational in the context of musharraf s recent india visit.

Let me tell reades here though indians channels are usually filled with lower rank polticians,most senior leaders who run this country like Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi or LK Advani and Prakash Karat ,Mayabati,Modi or other state CMs hardly prefer to appear on TV ,but u would often find them addressing few lakhs of ppl in massive public rallies held in open fileds of every nook & coner of this country where air is far more electrifying than any day of india today conclave.

There is huge diffence in ground level politicking Vs coming to power in military coups.
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"Sadly, many of our politicians refuse to face their critics. Indeed, some can even run away from their friends! The problem is they’re not prepared to pit their arguments against challenges. So rarely, if ever, do we see them under pressure, fighting to prove their point, fending off counter-arguments and winning respect for standing their ground"

Karan Thaper clearly forgot that indian policians are answerable to only parliament & members of parliament, not to their critics outside.

Leaving aside usual noise interruption from other members ,the dabate we have on important bills and motions in parliament are very tough & lively.

Now about indian politicians going to pakistan & facing hostile crowd there with Z+ security with 200 men provided by host nation like to Musharraf in india,why not??

If a pakistani media house ever invite with a chartered plane, indian politicians like Lk Advani,modi or a Rahul Gandhi etc ,they would love to show case their states man like qualities in front of very hostile elite pakistani crowd.
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Let me tell reades here though indians channels are usually filled with lower rank polticians,most senior leaders who run this country like Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi or LK Advani and Prakash Karat ,Mayabati,Modi or other state CMs hardly prefer to appear on TV ,but u would often find them addressing few lakhs of ppl in massive public rallies held in open fileds of every nook & coner of this country where air is far more electrifying than any day of india today conclave.

There is huge diffence in ground level politicking Vs coming to power in military coups.

Yes there is a huge difference because those lakhs of ppl are just standing there listening - no questions asked and without any challenges.

It takes a lot to come on camera and answer the questions. I have seen the interview where Modi left in the middle and he is not the only one to do so.

We know how politicians are elected in both India and Pakistan so please don't tell us that your politicians are honest, patriotic ppl in service of your nation. :)
Karan Thaper clearly forgot that indian policians are answerable to only parliament & members of parliament, not to their critics outside.

no my friend they are not answerable to anyone. Look around from Kargil to MiG 21 scam, your politicians have never given any answers.

Modi is going to remain a free man - BTW, when do you think Modi will come to your parliament to answer for the genocide of Muslims?

I know you are upset because Musharraf sorted out your elites in india and Karan Thapar showed him as an example for indian politicians.
Karan Thaper is one of India’s leading television commentators and interviewers,but not one of its thinkers by any means.

He is sort of Tv jurnalist who loves politicians who provide great sound bytes on camera which in turn help good TRPs(ratings) for news channels.

what can i say about this rediculous comment
" Last Saturday, as he held the India Today Conclave spellbound for over two and a half hours, my mind jumped to our own politicians and I couldn’t help compare Musharraf to them. Would Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi or LK Advani and Prakash Karat willingly submit themselves to such hostile questioning ..."

I'm whats wrong with this guys with with yrs of experience he is behaving like a musharraf fanboy.Nothing wrong with that but i find this hype irrational in the context of musharraf s recent india visit.

Let me tell reades here though indians channels are usually filled with lower rank polticians,most senior leaders who run this country like Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi or LK Advani and Prakash Karat ,Mayabati,Modi or other state CMs hardly prefer to appear on TV ,but u would often find them addressing few lakhs of ppl in massive public rallies held in open fileds of every nook & coner of this country where air is far more electrifying than any day of india today conclave.

There is huge diffence in ground level politicking Vs coming to power in military coups.

I think it was NEWSWEEK that had reported recently that the Indian Parliament was the largest in the world to have thugs, thieves and murderers within its parliamentary ranks. Naturally with such a background which Indian politician would have the balls enough to face the Indian media let alone Pakistanis?
Yes there is a huge difference because those lakhs of ppl are just standing there listening - no questions asked and without any challenges.

It takes a lot to come on camera and answer the questions. I have seen the interview where Modi left in the middle and he is not the only one to do so.

We know how politicians are elected in both India and Pakistan so please don't tell us that your politicians are honest, patriotic ppl in service of your nation. :)

come on,Musharraf wasnt asked any rael tough questions and indian hosts were going out of their way not to offend him anyway.The few critical Qs asked during the chit chat session ,he did best to dodge them.

If u are takling about Modi leaving karan Thapers interview,let me tell u that happens if the interviewer insist on putting u in awkward situation ignoring ur public status.

No, i never said our politicians are honest, patriotic ppl in service of our nation,they are as good or bad like politicians of any other democratic country.
But they take never permission of military generals like that happens in pakistan.
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I think it was NEWSWEEK that had reported recently that the Indian Parliament was the largest in the world to have thugs, thieves and murderers within its parliamentary ranks. Naturally with such a background which Indian politician would have the balls enough to face the Indian media let alone Pakistanis?

It doesnt matter as long as they are voted by the ppl of this country and once in every five yr they must come and ask for approval of ppl of this cointry in the elections.
World does not call us the largest democracy on the planet for nothing.

Rest of ur comments are just rhetorics.
no my friend they are not answerable to anyone. Look around from Kargil to MiG 21 scam, your politicians have never given any answers.

Modi is going to remain a free man - BTW, when do you think Modi will come to your parliament to answer for the genocide of Muslims?

I know you are upset because Musharraf sorted out your elites in india and Karan Thapar showed him as an example for indian politicians.

Well,sometimes i'm surprised the way military generals are over hyped and always percieved better than civilan leaders by educated pakistanis .

Also i feel sad when i see the hypocrisy of indian or US ruling class in welcoming military rule and thinking its best for pakistan while back home they become champion of democracy.
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A General Point

By Karan Thapar

Musharraf exemplifies a further quality Indian politicians would do well to emulate. He’s prepared to face up to his critics, take their hostile questions and spend hours defending his position whilst attempting to change theirs. I have to admit, I’ve never come across someone like Pervez Musharraf. This is not necessarily a compliment. It’s simply a statement of fact.

Indian politicians are busy. They have effigies to burn, speeches to make, divide people by caste, religion and add up to their votebank, and hell lot more.

What does Musharraf have to do?

But I like MUsharraf. He is the only Pakistani politician who has been this good with words and actions. His words make sense and his actions showed it.

If people attribute Kargil to Musharraf and compare it with Siachen, I don't blame them. May be his plan was good afteral.
Anyhow he became a lot responsible later as a President.
Though I dont agree with Mushraff's views, I do agree with Karan Thapar. Mushraff is one ballsy guy and kudos to pakistani brethern for having such a leader. That guys got real balls. Respect!
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