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Musharraf: a Soldier or a Midas

We muslims are disunited due to the political division of our lands and the implementation of kufr upon us, as well as the subservience of our affairs to the kuffar through proxy rulers. This is all due to the absence of Islam from our lives, which only the rectification of this situation via the establishment of a state built upon Islam can achieve. My point about Pakistan was not to be taken to mean the Muslims there are perfect or that they generally follow Islam, rather ignorance does characterize much of society, but these Muslims similar to Muslims the world over have a deep rooted love for Islam. Take for example the reaction of the Muslims towards the attack and occupation of Iraq, I grant you that the Muslims could have used the situation to remove their corrupted lapdogs of rulers, but they still manifested a latent desire that embodies this Ummah. Let us for example look at the issue of Rishwa (bribery), most Muslims in Pakistan are involved in it to one degree or another, a minority avoid it like the plague and they are trodden upon because they are not willing to play by the corrupt rules. But who are the ones who have instituted the system of corruption, is it the individual Muslims? No, it is the government. Is it the Musharraf government? Yes, but not exclusively, it is every government since the inception of Pakistan. This means that the system of Pakistan has been built around bribery from the airport baggage handlers to the police, indeed the police are paid so low that the bribery is encouraged to subsidise their low pay. If you ask the average Muslim, he does not want to have to give or take Rishwa, but the system forces him to. The bottom line is that if Islam was established completely in Pakistan with a view to unifying it to the rest of the Islamic lands, who would stand against it apart from the elites, the corrupted politicians and rulers, the landowners etc. These are those who have a vested interest in the continued existence of corruption and exploitation.

The rest of the Muslims would fight for it once the correct vision has entered their minds. Why do you think the Musharraf regime has been so vociferous in fighting the Da’wah carriers there, why do they arrest, kidnap and beat those who carry the Da’wah for Islam?

The reality is that someone who wants to see the worst in the Ummah can live his life pointing them out, but it is those who want to transform this situation who work to achieve this. Therefore I ask that you also become engaged in this Fard or changing the corrupt situation of the Muslims like the Sahabah were engaged in when they witnessed the corruption around them, they had a choice to be a part of the change or accept its grasp, yet they chose the former, we too have a choice, it is up to us what that’ll be.
When a Khilafah is established, that automatically gives the world a different option. The economy would be run on a robust gold/silver standard which is not prey to fluctuation like the inflation-ridden stock markets. The American stock markets would crash, and countries would be lining up to do business with the Islamic State because they are sick of trading in dollars. Technologically, we would have to make many changes, and may even import foreign scientists (if necessary) to develop some projects, or buy various technologies from abroad. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
I also would like to clear something , just because I talk about Islam on a political level, people think that I am saying Jihad is a solution for all our problems. Rather, what I am saying is that we should seek to follow the example of Muhammed (SAW) in all that we do. The blessed example is the best example. We know that the rule is only for Allah (SWT) because Allah (SWT) has informed us of this in the Quran. And since Democracy, or rule of the people/parliament/senate is not from Islam, we must reject this. Frankly, I couldn't care less if America was a "democracy" or not. But lets no just copy them because we think we may achieve material benefit. If anything, materialism and capitalism have ravaged this earth.

Guy. There are five pillars of islam----khilafat is not a pillar of islam.

Stop your condescening attitude towards the readers on this board. This a pakistani forces forum-----not the jamaat-a-islami's lecture circuit.

What is up with you mods-----. This defence force forum is suddenly become anti pakistani millitary and started giving lectures about extremism. What are you guys upto!

Enlighten us about what is so anti-Pakistani about this post? Instead of personal attacking him, why not give a rebuttal about his point of views? May be that will change his views, or due to the fact that he will lose publicly.

This is what a forum is all about. Freedom of speech with touch of respect. If your still not ok with the forum policy do personal message me so we can talk about the forum policy and may be play around with it.

This guy is so far dominating with his point of views due to the fact that no one is good enough to reply him.


Guy. There are five pillars of islam----khilafat is not a pillar of islam.

Stop your condescening attitude towards the readers on this board. This a pakistani forces forum-----not the jamaat-a-islami's lecture circuit.

What is up with you mods-----. This defence force forum is suddenly become anti pakistani millitary and started giving lectures about extremism. What are you guys upto!

Mastan hez not from Jamaat-i-Islami just look at his pots hez clever enough to change his mode of posting just to passify the things.
he has sudden posting some news in favoure of Pakistan and Muslims just to prove his not here as a troll :) .

his all posts are against Pakistan posted with not good intention but as maliace anyway lets counter him.
i dont have any objection to his posts, the only objection is his a multi and using the Kalima Tayaba to show himself Muslim.

anyway Mastan lets Mod be happyu the way they are working they are in power :)
What were educated guys like you doing then?I can see a lot of eductaed well off Pakistanis who are bothered abt their country but nobody seems to be doing anything abt it.

Asim and Jana are from the press!!!Thats one of the three pillars of your country.

Lol! Im still in university trying to get my bachelors, but we still get to do a lot to contribute to our society. But you missed my point. The majority of educated people in Pakistan again are more worried about making sure there's food on the table that their children have clothes and an education. So far the civilian governments in Pakistan have not given the educated to gain a level of security (economically, socially) for an individual to worry about democracy and other rights. When I graduate the last thing i'm going to worry about is which feudal lord i'm going to have the "right" to vote for.


do not say things like hey I'm all for a civilian government this statement is enuff for you to be labelled anti-state, anti milatary, anti musharaf etc....on many a forums run by pro musharaf elements.

Just chill yaar its really not that bad. I cant stand the fact that we have a military dictatorship in government. But I have no hesitation in saying that its a hell of a lot better than to have a "civilian" or rather "feudal elite" government like the one's we've seen prior to Musharraf.

Jinnah and Liaqat Ali Khan had about the same feudal lords in their governments as any civilian or milatary government since then. Then it was fathers....now its the sons, daughters, grandsons/daughters, inlaws etc.

Its sound like you're justifying them being there? Jinnah and Ali were forced to work with these people to at least secure Pakistan's independence. But to say that it justifies their poisonous hold on power is wrong.
You blame the military for the decay of civilian institutions? I blame these vaderas and chaudries for preventing "real civilian" institutions from taking root.

As for who should take power from musharaf......there is no need for us to conjecture on this.....Allow free and fair elections and let the people of Pakistan chose.....whom ever they chose...should be allowed to rule--unharrassed by any Army Chief for the set time....till the next election when the people will contemplate their first decision and how they faired with the people they had put in office last time.

Lol we tried that. Looked what happened. Benazir, Nawaz Sharif, Benazir again Nawaz Sharif again. All this drama occured while Pakistan grew weaker both economically and socially.

The "civilian government" is just a cover up for these vaderas and cheats to just loot Pakistan again. The only real reforms we've seen for local government have been enacted under military government. So as an ordinary Pakistani, whom would you prefer?
I am a muslim born in Pakistan . I am not anti Pakistan nor am I linked to any jamat, I love my motherland. Exposing corrrupt rulers is that anti Pakistan posts?

The entire concept of Khilafah is based on the rejection or negation of human sovereignty. The Holy Qur’an repeatedly proclaims that absolute sovereignty belongs to Almighty Allah (SWT) alone. If you reject that you reject part of QURAN.

Americas's power and might in the Muslim world is due to the agent Muslim rulers who have placed themselves between the muslims and America and hence acting as a shield for America. All those countries where the local governments are weak and the Americans have to deal with the muslims directly, America finds herself in deep water e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. These rulers are acting as the real viceroys of America and the last custodians of the American Raj. Hence the only way to terminate American influence in the Muslim world is to get rid of these rulers and their systems. The muslims should root-out these rulers along with the Capitalist system and establish the Khilafah so that the Ummah may be liberated from this humiliating slavery.
To zpak;

my response is given after your statement highlighted in bold letters;

Just chill yaar its really not that bad. I cant stand the fact that we have a military dictatorship in government. But I have no hesitation in saying that its a hell of a lot better than to have a "civilian" or rather "feudal elite" government like the one's we've seen prior to Musharraf.

we still have the same feudal elite governing pakistan....the only difference is now they are loyal to musharaf instead of BB or NS. The worst and most corrupt elements of PPP and PML were turned by the ISI by coercion to make the ruling bunch under musharaf.

Its sound like you're justifying them being there? Jinnah and Ali were forced to work with these people to at least secure Pakistan's independence. But to say that it justifies their poisonous hold on power is wrong.
You blame the military for the decay of civilian institutions? I blame these vaderas and chaudries for preventing "real civilian" institutions from taking root.

nope i am not justifying them...but rather like an elephant in the room...I pointed to their presence.
Not only me but any person who is well versed with Pakistan's history would blame the military for the decay of civilian institutions. Why go far...lets take Musharaf opinion on this matter.....in his book he sheds light on this....on page 143 he says

"our past experience had amply demonstrated that martial law damages not only milatary but also civilian institutions,because as the army gets superimposed on civil institutions the bureaucracy becomes dependent on army officers to make crucial decisions that they themselves should be making".

Lol we tried that. Looked what happened. Benazir, Nawaz Sharif, Benazir again Nawaz Sharif again. All this drama occurred while Pakistan grew weaker both economically and socially.

The "civilian government" is just a cover up for these vaderas and cheats to just loot Pakistan again. The only real reforms we've seen for local government have been enacted under military government. So as an ordinary Pakistani, whom would you prefer?

as you said it quite nicely "When I graduate the last thing i'm going to worry about is which feudal lord i'm going to have the "right" to vote for" that is the state of affairs most Pakistanis find themselves in a democratic setups we had in the past or are likely to get in the near future. But even in the UK for hundreds of years till 1929 this situation prevailed too ( only feudal and elites were allowed vote...no vote for poor or working class or women )....however this didn’t justify the military in the UK to take over....and i think the same applies to Pakistan. The military themselves become a select few ( elite ) when they takeover the helm of affairs....so they calling feudals on this issue turns into pot calling the kettle black.

As an ordinary pakistan whom would i prefer? I would prefer any government which ensures the rule of law and provides equality of opportunity to all its citizens so that they can live with dignity and in peace. Although what i desire may be expressed in a crisp line of words....it is however a gigantic task requiring a succession of leaders of the Calibre and honesty of Quad-i-Azam. However since we donot have leaders the likes of Quad-I-Azam i suggested free and fair elections since we have had 7 years of military rule.....if people want more of it….they can vote in musharaf and his backers...if they want change then let the people have what they want.....take the UK again as an example...the system didn’t mature in the UK to current level in 10 or 20 years of democratic rule but got to this stage by imperfect and oppressive democratic phases ( feudals ruling by sham democracy) running to hundreds of years…..Therefore I say we make a start and stick to it on the democratic road…hopefully one day someone down the line of our generations ( children’s children or even further down the line than that ) reach a stable and prosperous democratic destination.
"Islam is the best chance the poor of the planet have for any hope of decency in their lives. It is the one revolutionary force that cares about humanity." [1998] - Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark
"Advise Dr. Herzl not to take any further steps in his project. I can not give away a handful of the soil of this land for it is not my own, it is for all the Islamic Nation. The Islamic Nation that fought Jihad for the sake of this land and they have watered it with their blood. The Jews may keep their money and millions. If the Islamic Khalifah State is one day destroyed then they will be able to take Palestine without a price! But while I am alive, I would rather push a sword into my body than see the land of Palestine cut and given away from the Islamic State. This is something that will not be, I will not start cutting our bodies while we are alive." - Sultan Abdul Hameed's refusal to see Theodor Herzl, founder of the Zionist movement

"Advise Dr. Herzl not to take any further steps in his project. I can not give away a handful of the soil of this land for it is not my own, it is for all the Islamic Nation. The Islamic Nation that fought Jihad for the sake of this land and they have watered it with their blood. The Jews may keep their money and millions. If the Islamic Khalifah State is one day destroyed then they will be able to take Palestine without a price! But while I am alive, I would rather push a sword into my body than see the land of Palestine cut and given away from the Islamic State. This is something that will not be, I will not start cutting our bodies while we are alive." - Sultan Abdul Hameed's refusal to see Theodor Herzl, founder of the Zionist movement


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