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Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan


Sep 21, 2006
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S had asked Benazir to remove AQ Khan in 1988: Musharraf
NEW YORK: President General Pervez Musharraf has revealed that the US had asked former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto to remove Dr. Abdul Qadeer in 1988, however, it could not happen due to opposition by the then president Ghulam Ishaque Khan and former Chief of Army Staff General Aslam Baig.

“ Dr. AQ Khan is an egoist, greedy and ambitious for wealth and popularity,”
Musharraf said in an interview to a US TV channel.

Even then AQ Khan is the hero of nation, he is in rest and can’t even talk on telephone, he said.

When Clinton administration accused Dr. AQ Khan of nuclear proliferation in 2000, he asked for the evidence and the Director CIA provided the evidence to him in 2003, Musharraf revealed.

In a reply to a question, he said that the staff of a US TV channel had visited Pakistan’s atomic installations several times.

In his book line of fire...musharaf says of Dr Qadeer;

Musharraf says for years Pakistan government ignored Dr AQ Khan’s lavish life style and tales of wealth, properties and corrupt practices. In hindsight that neglect was apparently a serious mistake, he says.

Dr AQ Khan, Musharraf writes, was not part of the problem but “the problem” itself. “When AQK departed our scientific organisations started functioning smoothly. He was a self-centred and abrasive man and could not be a team player. He did not want anyone to excel or steal the limelight on any occasion on any subject. He had a huge ego and he knew the art of playing to the gallery and manipulating the media. All this made him a difficult person to deal with.

Atleast he spoke some truth over here:

He adds: “It is no secret that the United States has never been comfortable with a Muslim country acquiring nuclear weapons and the Americans undoubtedly would have taken the opportunity of an invasion to destroy such weapons.”
Musharraf is the man who put him under house arrest. Why would it be surprising then if he wouldn't say not so nice things about A.Q. Khan in his memoirs?
It is plain 'Tota-Chashmii' on the part of Musharraf. It is AQ Khan who provided Pakistan with the invaluable inputs on nuclear designs. To belittle his efforts and putting a question mark on his character shows that Musharraf is not a person Pakistan needs now. Any nation including its leader, if backstabs the most valuable man power resources, are not going to stand in diginity and high esteem. I really did not like the way AQ Khan is being treated by Musharraf. It simply stinks.
Good. While I was watching the interview I was so hoping he'd answer TREASON when asked "Under what charge has AQ Khan been arrested?".

People thinking its impossible for AQ Khan to do this alone don't know about the power AQ Khan weilded in Pakistan. Centrifuges are not huge components. They can be fitted into a big car if not definitely a truck. If he tells some random guy "Oye isko truck main daalke leja airport" (Hey take this stuff to the airport), they would just do it without asking the question.

It's not that the Pakistani nuclear facility is not secured. It's secured from foreign and internal leakages. But it probably wasn't at that time secured from the guy who should be securing it.

As it goes, who polices the police?
Dear they are talking about several tons of the material that passed under the NOSE of pakistan Army. This can not be done by one bad apple, A Q Khan. Pakistan army is definetily was a part of it. People have never bought this idea that AQ Khan was the only bad apple.
As many tons as it can be, when no one is looking at you then there's no danger.

And its a process spread over many many years. It didn't happen over night.

Of course only a few centrifuges were shipped as compared to centrifuge parts.

The army was the one who finally caught AQ Khan. It's true the intelligence of a leak was provided by the CIA, but it was the Army which figured out he was behind it. The CIA didn't point out AQ Khan sepcifically, they just gave us the designs of the centrifuges they obtained from the Irani scientist. Musharraf facing embarrassment launched an investigation that led to AQ Khan's arrest. If they wanted a scapegoat, they could've grabbed any **** idiot and not AQ Khan himself.

Be as sceptical as you may want to be but he has a very plausible explanation for it all.
It is plain 'Tota-Chashmii' on the part of Musharraf. It is AQ Khan who provided Pakistan with the invaluable inputs on nuclear designs. To belittle his efforts and putting a question mark on his character shows that Musharraf is not a person Pakistan needs now. Any nation including its leader, if backstabs the most valuable man power resources, are not going to stand in diginity and high esteem. I really did not like the way AQ Khan is being treated by Musharraf. It simply stinks.

He not only built it up for Pakistan,but also leaked it out for the libyans and Iranians(?).Now who all would have got info from them.The US,the Indians!!!
And so AQ by doig so has seriously damaged the adv that pakistan had.

House arrest is the least he should get.
He not only built it up for Pakistan,but also leaked it out for the libyans and Iranians(?).Now who all would have got info from them.The US,the Indians!!!
And so AQ by doig so has seriously damaged the adv that pakistan had.

House arrest is the least he should get.
I doubt if it was A.Q. Khan who sold the nukes. It was undoubtedly the Pakistani military establishment which proliferated the nukes and missiles. A.Q. Kahn is the convinient scapegoat for Musharraf to drag his neck out of this mess.
I doubt if it was A.Q. Khan who sold the nukes. It was undoubtedly the Pakistani military establishment which proliferated the nukes and missiles. A.Q. Kahn is the convinient scapegoat for Musharraf to drag his neck out of this mess.

Thats would be easy to know,Just check where the donattions have gone???I think AQ got a fair chunk of it.But its impractical to think a guy alone can do that wiothout any support or help.
I doubt Musharraf would've killed AQ Khan after declaring him as the chief culprit. If they both were involved they could've selected some other scientist as a scapegoat.

AQ Khan's name was given by Musharraf not by the CIA. The CIA just pointed out a leak.
I doubt Musharraf would've killed AQ Khan after declaring him as the chief culprit. If they both were involved they could've selected some other scientist as a scapegoat.

AQ Khan's name was given by Musharraf not by the CIA. The CIA just pointed out a leak.
He's a soldier who was about to kill his Prime Minister. I wouldn't put anything beyond him.
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