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Musharaf handed over death sentence

Correct. US was never going to be on Pakistan's side. Remember what they did to us in 1971 and after end of Afghan war.

People are actually stupid if they ever thought US was on Pakistan's side.

One simple reason, we are Muslims, end of the story.
if the decision is right or wrong or if this can be implemented ever its another debate but it will serve as a reminder for future generals / officers of Army that now onwards they have to start respecting the constitution
Lol!Emergency is a legal option available in Constitution.
Are you trying to say that emergency is wrong and Military Coup is OK. Or your judges were scared because they OK it.
A Simple Question what do you think is bigger treason Emergency or Stopping Karachi Still mill privation + multiple multi billion penalties in USD + promoting terrorism and discouraging Law Enforcement Agencies.

Respecting Constitution?
Where it says
to Deny passanger plane to land
fake encounter
taking money from ISI for election
Money Laundering
Power abuse
Kashmir was lost in 1947
India won't withdraw from Kashmir even if entire world is with Pakistan
Statements drama baazi sa koi farq nhi prta

It is a long story, after India run to the UN in 1948, there had been many traitors in Pakistan who had pushed for ceasefire in Kashmir. It was there for the taking if we have just used force and let the hell break out.
We would have rest of our history in peace. But we succumbed to the voices of those who were not loyal to Pakistani cause. The rest as they say is history.

The whole Kashmir issue is riddled with lies, deception, illegality from India from the start. We can now only wish that the real intentions of India to delay it should have been seen by Pakistanis; we should have never enter the drama and lollipop of "plebiscite".

Kashmir problem could have been solved with force, and it still would be solved by use of force.
I don't mind the decision of hanging of Musharaf for imposing emergency, IF, Nawaz Sharif is also hanged side by side for diverting his plane to India, and all the judges who took oath under him since October 12, 1999 are hanged upside down till their deaths..

Musharraf's crime is not even 10% severe compared to the crime of Nawaz Sharif.
Lol!Emergency is a legal option available in Constitution.
Are you trying to say that emergency is wrong and Military Coup is OK. Or your judges were scared because they OK it.
A Simple Question what do you think is bigger treason Emergency or Stopping Karachi Still mill privation + multiple multi billion penalties in USD + promoting terrorism and discouraging Law Enforcement Agencies.

Respecting Constitution?
Where it says
to Deny passanger plane to land
fake encounter
taking money from ISI for election
Money Laundering
Power abuse
Wasn't interested in debating the decision read again and than quote
I don't mind the decision of hanging of Musharaf for imposing emergency, IF, Nawaz Sharif is also hanged side by side for diverting his plane to India, and all the judges who took oath under him since October 12, 1999 are hanged upside down till their deaths..

Musharraf's crime is not even 10% severe compared to the crime of Nawaz Sharif.
There is no comparison mate... Abrogating the constitution vs dismissing a general are two separate matter altogether. Nawaz Sharif's crime at most was attempt to murder although there was nothing as such but he showed the middle finger to the constitution and imposed emergency for which the punishment is already written in the constitution. SC just repeated the punishment in clear words..
It should be, this is the first time in history any COAS serving or other has been summoned, and another tried. And it’s good that it is happening.
Particularly discussing in the light of this case the said Principle was 'slaughtered' to favour Civilians and Judicial abeters and before that Article-6 was amended I think in Zardari era

Even if leave all that out of discussion how the summary which was moved by PM of that time was declared missing / non-existence by the government lead by NS .... ???

I find it an effort to single out Mushar just because of his affiliation with a Particular Institution and an attempt to seek revenge by NS from that Institution, for me it is just a CONTINUATION of Mje Kyu Nikala mindset ....

IF the Judiciary and Parliament is taking stand on the said PRINCIPLE seriously and honestly then why is this principle is applicable to ONE PERSON and on ONE ERA only ... ???

Why not apply the same principle on all of the past Marshall Law Governments all those Civilian and Judicial Aiders and Abettors of past Starting from Maulvi Tameez Uddin Case till Iftikhar Chaudhary ????

Are we Ready to Convict Bhutto and NS and all the members of assemblies under Ayub and Zia as Aider, Abbeter and Beneficiary of past unconstitutional governments .... ??

Either the Principle has to be applied universally or we have to accept its as another Judicial-Political Hypocrisy .....

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There is no comparison mate... Abrogating the constitution vs dismissing a general are two separate matter altogether. Nawaz Sharif's crime at most was attempt to murder although there was nothing as such but he showed the middle finger to the constitution and imposed emergency for which the punishment is already written in the constitution. SC just repeated the punishment in clear words..

Adding to that, even the case that Musharraf filed against Nawaz Sharif was of hijacking, murder and terrorism, not HIGH TREASON. It's apples vs oranges. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was in his right to dismiss the Army Chief.
. .
How many MNA/MPAs know constitution???
Brother Right Question to ask is how many Elected member, Civilian, Judges, Media, LEA fall under artificial 6.

Its unethical, immoral, un-Islamic and against basic fundamental of Justice and probably Law as well.
For Example:- If i am a thief or in some way or other supported robbery how can i sit and judge other about their action.

PML-N initiate the case but they are a by-product of artificial 6. Similarly Iftikhar Chaudry was one of the Judges who not only approved 1999 coup but also give him 3 years. So 1999 coup is ok but 2007 emergency is wrong because he was kick out.
What’s the consensus here?

Right or wrong ? I don’t know much about Pakistani politics
Civil - Military relations are fine but now we have a Military - Judiciary conflict brewing!

Emergency was proposed by the then PM Shaukat Aziz and official documents are there but Ganja government only filed the case against Musharaf who approved it as a President.

If imposing Emergency was high treason then all involved should have been tried, not just Musharaf.
. .
Crux of the issue - civil military affairs and from this decision looks like civilians scored 1 after 70 years

Not civilians

99% civilians of this country don't care about that emergency. It is only the leftist civilian supermascists who give bail to financially corrupt but give death sentences on non issues like this one
Not civilians

99% civilians of this country don't care about that emergency. It is only the leftist civilian supermascists who give bail to financially corrupt but give death sentences on non issues like this one
that is spot f#cking on! it was media dallay like hamid mir and the whorehouse known as judges and lawyers.
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