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Mush’s US trip cost Pak $1m

It's upto the publishing company.

$1 million spending by head of state is not a big deal , But is not that publishing company decides where to publish the book Obviously Musharaf felt that he can create controversy first by accusing Armitage and all other stuff to gain more publicity ;)
You have to spend some to get some.

Brother its allright if the money is yours in the first place. The fact remains that he publicized his book on a state visit and this is what I have a problem with. If his publishing Company can pay for his expenses, fine. But pilferring Public money is wrong and should be condemned by all.
And you came up with this 'analysis' how?

Point to anything i said which is disputable? i quote below my statement:

yaar first try analysing the delegation that left with musharaf for the american tour then come back with arguments. Ministers with no engagements of any sort along with families where there....as free junket on state expense ( i donot know but i would not rule out disney trips for their kids ). But the matter is not left at ministers but also lackeys and scophants from the media and other fields....who's sole purpose for going along is enjoying the experience at state expense. Now if Pakistan was rich...this would not be a problem. But unfortunately this wasteful spending is getting out of hand when we can spend the money on more meaningful things...like doubling education budget ( Mushy and Aziz can still go to america and have whale of time there--two or ten people with them willnot break the bank or stop official business )

Reputable businessman/woman...who are doing meaningful business donot need this kind of state expense to be lavished on them....and delegation rarely includes such people. Pakistan's most reputable business people do go abroad on their own expense to do business ( thats the point of them earning money in the first place).
I find it hard to believe to believe that members not important to the delegation are being paid to travel with Musharraf. And not only that their families are coming along too without a proper reason.

Musharraf went to America for the UN meet and extended it as a large state visit.

Musharraf bhala kyun har majay gamay ka bill uthanay laga on state expense?

If I'm not mistaken you are justifying the expenses because Musharraf spent more time defending Pakistan front of the western media rather than publishing the book.

A President's and General's job isn't to defend his/her country from the media, that is what PR managers and spokespersons are for.

However Asim, I would have to agree with you on this issue. It would be wrong to claim that no official business was conducted on the trip; and that the trip was solely a book promotion tour. You can't really underestimate the importance of the tripartite meet with Karzai at the White House.

But then comes along the personal trip to visit a family doctor, was that at country expenses too.

I think Musharraf should come public with all expenses official and private, and then publicly pay his personal expenses, so that the storm lows over once and for all.
This not new our leaders used ti spend such amount in the past on such trips nothign new so no fuss about it.:)
Right but Musharraf is reknowned and liked for doing the exact opposite of what our past leaders have been doing. That is hardly a fair assessment to say that since Gunja and BB did it, Musharraf does it too.
Right but Musharraf is reknowned and liked for doing the exact opposite of what our past leaders have been doing. That is hardly a fair assessment to say that since Gunja and BB did it, Musharraf does it too.
Absolutely. Just come public with the separation of official v/s private expenses and settle them and end the needless controversy.
I dint think $1 Mn is that nig an amount as what is made out to be.

But one thing is for sure,this visit was for publicising his book rathe than anything else.

I WILL LET THE government no next time president leave the country and were to go on trips overseas to send out where he is going to be and what he will be doing behind the scence to post it on the net so all can no what the country is up to.

million dollars to spend for 18 days give me a freaking break.how many millions in investment been brought to pkistan.

oh yeah iam suppose to be concerned when opposition politicians are crying over sour grapes.
the amount of investment in pakistan during bibi times 0
investment during nawaz times -billions as people were leaving country with there investment by the truck loads.
obviously my friend bull here is not happy so he puts up a million dollar trip into a big deal.
people are happy with what so far is happening in pakistan investment is up capital is comming in not flying out as far is million is concerned coca-cola alone spends millions a year promoting a single product.westren governments give out 100 of millions of dollars to corporations for busisness subsidies.canadian government just recently gave 300 million dollars(tax payers money) to ford(private corporation) to keep there plant in ontario canada.its called cost of doing buisness .
bull why dont u put up what your prime minister trip cost
I WILL LET THE government no next time president leave the country.........................million dollars to spend for 18 days give me a freaking break.how many millions in investment been brought to pkistan.......................my friend bull here is not happy so he puts up a million dollar trip into a big deal...................bull why dont u put up what your prime minister trip cost

Read my post again cheetah.I do admit its not that great an amount to cry over.My point is that this entire 1 Mn was spend for promotional work than anything else

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