well see the thing is here we're not diagnosing an individual at all, we're addressing an entire nation here and what better medium to do that than mass media? imran khan protested on a container for 6 months, we still have't gotten any electoral reforms, ms chinoy here released a documentary covering the plight of our women and the PM has already agreed to take up the problem. if that's not the best outcome possible than what do you suggest is? and ive not seen the film but possible solutions are something that we need to work on ourselves, since a societal ill is very much different than a biological disease in that there are many different ways to work on it once you know the problem. most cartoons, super hero movies and kids novels have morals at the end, those moral lessons are not aimed at making you do the same thing, but to make you realize that in such a given situation, what should be the path you should take. im not really good at putting things in words, but i think you can understand where im getting at.
basically, as long as we people continue to ignore a problem and behave like it doesn't exist, just to cover up our own shortcomings, there can never be change.