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Mumbai II could lead to a full blown Indo-Pak war

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If you say that india cannot launch a surgical strike on militant hideouts then same goes to pakistan..pakistan also cannot do a thing if india stops water.I mean pakistan is no super power so that india will get scared, if pak can bully us showing nuclear teeth then india is no tibet she also has nuclear weapons.

Since long we have discussed how it is not possible for india to go for a war with pakistan on issues over terrorism as pak is nuclear armed.

Now i want to know from the same ppl to answer , how feasible is it for pakistan to go on war with india on water issues as india is nuclear??

No B.S go ahead try it out!

india is no tibet nor Pakistan is nepal!
in sincerely want to know ur/any pakistani's opinion on what pakistan will/can do in the event ndia breaks away from indus water treaty.Imagine india stops all water what will pak do,and what will be india's reaction to those pakistani reaction??

Pakistan's is an agrarian economy. Stopping water would translate into virtual choking-to-death of large numbers of ordinary Pakistanis. Such damage will exceed damages done by even the firebombing like Dresden's in WWII.

But, no, India will not go quite THAT far. Stopping/diverting water will be immediately recognized by the international community as an act of grave provocation. However, doing surgical strikes on some 'training campus' in Azad Kashmir will be easier sell for India to the international community. Of course, easier is relative. And Pakistan's reaction to that will likely be 'revenge' attacks on Indian facilities.

But, again, use of water as a weapon against Pakistan is probably not only impractical (any Indian dams etc would be blown up) but also morally a hard sale. Even in the worst of crises in the 80's between the Soviet-occupied Afghanistan and Pakistan, water flows from Pakistan to Afghanistan were untainted and free.

PS. I think this topic is beaten to death and is quickly being reduced to chest thumpings from all sides. If anything, both sides need to come up with ideas to allow 'face saving' for both sides without escalation to full war should another Mumbai attack happen. And then sell the compromise ideas to their fellow country men.
My dear friends....

Todays most B.S post award goes to the newbie...WHF!
Though i thought his id was WT. anyways u my frnd have earned it!:mps:


Dear rajput,

when ever someone talks logic it becomes BS to u rite??
I have broke ur water bubble over war with india on water issues ,unless u give me some logical answer on what pakistan can do and be safe if india stops water??
Dear rajput,

when ever someone talks logic it becomes BS to u rite??
I have broke ur water bubble over war with india on water issues ,unless u give me some logical answer on what pakistan can do and be safe if india stops water??

We are not talking abt water in the first place!

Also if u think u can stop water and we will sit and watch u do it...Ur sadly mistaken my frnd!
No B.S go ahead try it out!

india is no tibet nor Pakistan is nepal!

well according to u we are already playing with ur water,isnt it??

Ever heard of the india rivers interlinking project??If its done then india will have complete access over its northern state of Jammu and kashmir.

This project was in serious consideration after kargil and parliament attacks but died down as general parvez normalized ralations and then the Government changed.

Note:pakistani population depending on agriculture is its headache,its only for indus water treaty we are having a water sharing agreement,and ITG is no writing of God which cannot be broken.

Remember china controls bhramaputra(life line of NE india) and we donot have a treaty and thus live on thier terms and conditions for water thus sometimes having floods and sometimes droughts.
Yeah tht the first indian N. tests were nothin but b.s!
Also do u have Pakistani channels? or even a tv?

U mean Crying infront of D.C... thts convienent!

By trolling on a Pakistani Forum WOW... ur the new mother teressa of india

Due to excessinve(massive is a wrong word... ur english sucks mast... ur brain is stuck on the same thing... u have been using the same word since many posts and now this half word so tht it wont be reported!
But guess wat!
Too much of Mas.... has made u mad and ur brain is in a state of error

Ah nobdy said tht... looks like u watch sahara,zee, dor darshan excessively?

I know they produce crap... so take my advice stop watchin tht ....

Thank the british director!

Actually i have a passport...

Also dare is a big word for u!... shouldnt get personel... it would be bad u.... s..m d.. cant afford med treatment so be careful.

Thank u i will.... u too be careful u can easily get AIDS where ur frm.

Ego satisfying statement... come on grow up and make ur family proud instead of acting like a 10 year old kid!

Yeah tht the first indian N. tests were nothin but b.s!
Also do u have Pakistani channels? or even a tv?

ok sir,if u satisfy ur self with this,then ok it's b.s.i think u dont understand english.i said i watched video of pakistani channel.video can be on utube or any platform.btw we dont need to use nukes against pakistan,enen we dont need to fire a bullet.rest u can understand why??

U mean Crying infront of D.C... thts convienent!

this is a spl offer to you that i m repeating again to u that we dont need to use our amunition against u coz u have enough trouble makers in your nation.

By trolling on a Pakistani Forum WOW... ur the new mother teressa of india
if u guys can troll than i can also say something abt ur baseless rants like raw did----=++++%%%##

Due to excessinve(massive is a wrong word... ur english sucks mast... ur brain is stuck on the same thing... u have been using the same word since many posts and now this half word so tht it wont be reported!

ur post shows enough,ur words tells enough how much and wat u r doing.if i m wrong u can consult frm some other.

Ah nobdy said tht... looks like u watch sahara,zee, dor darshan excessively?

I know they produce crap... so take my advice stop watchin tht ....

pakistani guys were saying this on this form.just wake up and check the fixing related thread.i heard this frm pakistani guys not frm indian channels.:chilli:

Thank the british director!
in any way,they went legally.i admire their destiny:bunny::bunny:

Actually i have a passport...

Also dare is a big word for u!... shouldnt get personel... it would be bad u.... s..m d.. cant afford med treatment so be careful.

if u have then use it .use this s..m..d some where else to that who can listen ur conspiracy theories.if u cant take then plz dont get involved in theories related to raw like floods etccc ooffff!!!

Thank u i will.... u too be careful u can easily get AIDS where ur frm.

ya i will take care of this.dont take tension abt me.i hope u will better enjoy:p:P

Ego satisfying statement... come on grow up and make ur family proud instead of acting like a 10 year old kid!

ya when i saw Buhahhahaha,i understood wats going in yourself.so i was right abt it atleast:coffee:;);)
We are not talking abt water in the first place!

Also if u think u can stop water and we will sit and watch u do it...Ur sadly mistaken my frnd!

we are taking of indian reactions to a terrorist action in india, and this will be one among the major responses from india.

And if u think india inspite having 32 + billion military budget cannot act militarily against pakistan then the same logic is applied to u guys,u guys also cannot attack us..as simple..
What can pakistan do if we stop water??if ur answer is babur/nuclear attack what makes u think that india wont retaliate and u guys will get unhurt.[/B]
And what will Pakistan do if India stop the water? The better question here is why would you want India to attack Pakistan. And stopping water is exactly that, an attack to deprive the enemy. The Romans used in siege warfare.

If say 20 missiles hit each other and the nukes explode what will happen.since both pak and india have similar kinda nukes both will yeild the same damages and destroy equal areas, but india is 5 times bigger than pak so if 5 % of india is wiped 25 % of pak will be destroyed, and if 20% of india is destroyed OMG 100% pakistani destruction.[/B]
If India stops the water and causes a nuclear war, don't think the international community will let the remaining parts of India survive.

If you say that india cannot launch a surgical strike on militant hideouts then same goes to pakistan..pakistan also cannot do a thing if india stops water.
India is perfectly capable of launching surgical strikes within Pakistan, and Pakistan is perfectly capable of striking back. Problem with surgical strikes is that can very well escalate into a nuclear war. And stopping water is no different then surgical strikes, as I have stated above.

Now i want to know from the same ppl to answer , how feasible is it for pakistan to go on war with india on water issues as india is nuclear??
I have already stated that stopping water is the same as starting war. It won't be Pakistan who'll go to war, but Pakistan who counter-attacks.
Yeah when the "proofs" given by India would be enough to guilty Hafiz Saeed he would surely be apprehended by the court for his involvement in terrorist attacks.

Or else I still believe that putting the lives of thousands in danger for just a terrorist attack isn't a wise thing to do.

Well you can take your chance than. In my perspective Pakistan won't force India only jingoism in India would force itself for misadventure. :rolleyes:

This is exactly what I said. Things can go from bad to worse. Even Pak officials can't predict how the things would unfold. And when the things would go from bad to worse Pak officials might be force by India for last resort. I never said Pak would go for something big in just the beginning of the conflict.

lets say india conducts a surgical strike on pakistan killing 100- 200 suspected militants, so ru in favour of risking thousands of pakistani lives for a few miliants dead??
if ur answer is yes then please talk back ur above Bolded stmt..
Prism ur a regular troll and im tired to answering ur silly posts.Good bye aand congrats for being the first guy on my ignore list.
lets say india conducts a surgical strike on pakistan killing 100- 200 suspected militants, so ru in favour of risking thousands of pakistani lives for a few miliants dead??
if ur answer is yes then please talk back ur above Bolded stmt..
And India will risk herself for a 100-200 suspected militants?
I've heard enough of this water blackmail.Unfortunately for India; This cannot happen as it will violate International Law and any action taken by Pakistan (which we can assure you will be taken) will be considered defensive and international community will support us.All we have to do is a throw a few missiles at your damns and your whole water theory goes south and of course our army corps retain their position during the strike so you can't expect to pull any ulterior movies and for those Indians who think they can win nuclear war.God Bless Them!I hope more and more idiotic indians become delusional that they can win nuclear war.
Prism and Rajput Warrior -- two sides of the same coin.
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