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Aug 16, 2010
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Mumbai Drama

Part 1 – The Rise of Hindu Zionists

Saffron Sarkaar Raj – India headed towards Hindu Fascism
“If we do go to war, psychological operations are going to be absolutely a critical, critical part of any campaign that we must get involved in”: General H. Norman Schwarzkopf “The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”: Joseph Goebbels – Goebbels was Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda
Figure 1 – Mosque in Parbhani, Maharashtra, where a bomb explosion left many injured, in december 2003. Naresh Kondwar and Himanshu Phanse of Bajrang Dal, who were killed while making bombs in Nanded in April 2006, were allegedly responsible for bombing the mosque.


‘Samjhauta, Hindi for friendship, Express’ is only one of many CBM’s that have been undertaken by the two countries to improve relations, was initiated to increase people to people to contact between the two arch rivals. On February 17,2007, the train that travels from Delhi to Lahore was hit by a bomb, killing as many as 68 people. Most of the casualties consisted of Pakistani nationals. Many conspiracy theories were hatched in an attempt to explain what had really gone by. Indian authorities and the media were quick to assert that the evidence overwhelmingly pointed towards Pakistan and ISI. With the immediate release of sketches of the suspects, it seemed that Indians had it all figured out. For Pakistan it was nothing more than a feeling of d India is known to have a history of blaming Pakistan and ISI for the smallest of occurrences in India, hardly ever backing it up with any credible evidence. And so when in 2006 Malegaon, a town in the Nashik district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, located at some 290 km to the northeast of state capital Mumbai, was rattled by a series of bombings, the blame was put on groups having links with Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Maharashtra Police blamed the Student Islamic Movement of India, further linking them to Lashkar-e-Taiba and in turn the ISI. The unlikely twist surfaced recently in India with the arrests of 10 people, including a serving Lieutenant Colonel Prashad Srikant Purohit, a Hindu monk and nun for their alleged involvement in bomb explosions that killed six people in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon this year. So far, ten people, including a self-proclaimed Hindu seer and a serving lieutenant colonel, have been arrested for their involvement in the Sep 29 bombing. Besides Purohit, of the accused also include Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Shivnarayan Singh Kalsangram, Shyam Bhawarlal Sahu, Major Ramesh Shivji Upadhyay (retd), Sameer Kulkarni, Rakesh Dattaram Dhavde and Ajay Rahirkar. The suspicion is now directed at the extremist Hindu movement Sangh Parivar, a network linked to a former Major, and now in custody, Ramesh Upadhyay who represents the terrorist organization, Abhinav Bharat. The chilling part of the entire episode is the involvement of accused Lt Col Purohit in bomb attack on the Samjhauta Express to which he confessed. During investigation Col Purohit has also confessed to training Hindu terrorists for attacking Muslims, besides training them for attacking Samjhauta Express for which he had also supplied them RDX. He further confessed that it was intended to cause armed conflict between Pakistan and India so that anti-Muslim passions could be nurtured in India, leading to violence.

The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) claimed that Purohit supplied RDX to one Bhagwan for Samjhauta Express blast. Public prosecutor Ajay Misar said Abhinav Bharat treasurer Ajay Rahirkar had handed Rs2.5 lakh to Lt Col P S Purohit. Mahant Amritanand Dev alias Dayanand Pandey, the self-styled pontiff who was arrested from Kanpur has revealed that it was under his instructions that Lt. Colonel Shrikant
Purohit procured RDX from an army depot that was used in the Malegaon blast. According to reports Pandey was present in all the pre-blast meetings in Bhopal, Jabalpur and Faridabad, monitored operations meticulously and was also responsible for arranging the finances that came in through illegal channels. It is believed that Pandey, a dropout from the National Defence Academy, collaborated with two other accused who are presently on the run – Ramji Kalsangara, who allegedly planted the motorcycle owned by the Hindu ascetic Pragya Singh Thakur in Malegaon, and Sameer Dange. The suspects have also been questioned for May 2007 blast at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad and the April 2006 twin blasts at New Delhi’s Jama Masjid. In the Mecca Masjid blasts as many as 14 people were killed and over 50 injured. The case was investigated by the city police special wing and was later handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation which could not come to any conclusion. Investigations into the Samjhauta Express explosion and the Jama Masjid blast also failed to make headway and police could not across on any tangible leads. Police have already established a strong link between Pandey and some of the suspects in the Kanpur blast case through surveillance. On Aug 24, two members of the right-wing Bajrang Dal were killed there while assembling bombs. After the arrest of Panday police is expecting to get some breaking clues in the 2006 Nanded blasts in Maharashtra as well. The arrests have reinforced growing suspicions over the last few years of a potential threat from Hindu extremists.

Infiltration of Hindu Fascists in Army?

Figure 2 – Infiltration of Hindu Fascists in Army? Interrogation of Major (retd.) Ramesh Upadhyay unearthed that the Bhonsla Military School in Nashik was used as a training ground by the conspirators. The school has denied its involvement in the blast but it is under the scanner for allowing Bajrang Dal activists to hold training sessions in the use of arms and martial arts. The school links to the RSS is an open secret as it was founded by B.S. Moonje, who was Savarkar close friend and who assisted in creating the RSS.
The arrest of the serving army officers and former officers link to the recent terror activities points towards a worrisome notion; of the deep infiltration of fundamentalist ideas into Indian army. The critics believe that the constant indoctrination of Hindutva ideology over decades by the VHP, the RSS, the Bajrang Dal and the BJP has resulted in
P a g e | 9
this kind of violence, which has found its way into crucial state institutions like police force, army and the education departments. Ram Punyani, secretary of the All India Secular Forum and a human rights activist, said that the deep and widespread ideological indoctrination began years ago but was propagated systematically during the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) regime. It placed its members in the bureaucracy, particularly in the education department, and in the cultural arena. people who once headed a department may have retired, but they have ensured that the damage continues, as they would have hired a number of like-minded people. So you can imagine how deep the penetration is. It will take generations to root this out, said Punyani. It is a well known fact that once George Fernandes had asked the army chief, the Air Marshal, and the Admiral to report the Kargil war to MPs. When the three obliged to the given orders and the place where meeting was planned , it was the party office of BJ. This is how the Saffron Brigade interferes in the affairs of the armed forces, blatantly. The involvement of serving lieutenant colonel of the Indian army in blasts and in the supplying of 60 kg of RDX for terrorist activities, further casts a shadow over the credibility of the army. In the past BJP has been offering tickets to the former army officers, (many of them are former generals) for contesting elections for Lok Sabha on behalf of the party and to an extent it has been successful in wooing them. One such retiree is the chief minister of Uttarakhand B C Khanduria retired Major General. Another retired officer Sabyasachi Bagchi who is member of BJP proudly praises the RSS for having developed the character of young people. SS Raikar of Bhonsla military school, a retired army officer, is believed to have allowed the school premises to be used as a den for making terror schemes and devising conspiracies, besides facilitating arms training and providing accommodation. The former governor of Jammu and Kashmir Lt General (Rtd) S K Sinha is alleged to have allowed Dyanand Padey to stay in the official residence. Daynand Pandey was hosted by him in Raj Bhawan and the two had held a meeting in a famous temple in Kashmir.


RDX and Army connection – Chilling clues

Figure 3 – Lt Col P S Purohit who provide RDX Samjhota Train blasts and also being interrogated for other bomb blasts in India. On September two, 2006, Indian police in Ahmednagar seized about 195 kg of cocktail of explosives that included RDX from a local scrap dealer Shankar Shelke which was procured by him from Army Ordnance decommissioned as scrap. A mobile phone from which he had made over 150 calls was also recovered and during investigation it was found that he had got a cellular connection on a fake name, adding to his already dubious profile. However, before police could arrest him, Shelke allegedly committed suicide and his employee could not provide any details about him. The case was closed as a suicide, with no further investigation. The investigations into how the RDX reached some right wing groups allegedly responsible for Malegaon explosions, led to this forgotten case of suicide of Shankar Shelk. Some leads are now emerging that the deadly RDX could have been pilfered during such decommissioning of scrap from the Army. In the past the law enforcing agencies of India have failed to find out the origin of such explosive used in different blasts, especially in Maharashtra where Bajrang Dal had been imparting explosive and arms training to its activists.

Who is financing ‘Hinduvta Terror?’

According to ATS, the money needed to finance these plots is generally collected by a self-styled religious leader hailing from Gujarat. According to reports the probe into links of Hindu outfits, accused of terrorism, with Army men brought a few business houses under the examination of Maharashtra’s ATS and Central Security agencies, investigating the finances of the group supposedly responsible for Malegaon blast. Sources attached with the probe said that a religious leader from Southern Gujarat was one of those who collected funds from the business houses. According to some other reports foreign funds were used in Malegaon attack. Reportedly huge amounts of money collected in the US go into the accounts of VHP and other conglomerates of RSS. Sonal Shah and her father Ramesh have been in the core group of VHPA [America] and have been instrumental in sending fund under the name of Eklavya Vidyalaya for backward tribals. Although the human rights organizations of India complaint that these funds were not used for the backward tribals. It is also believed that finds collected from abroad by saffron brigade were used in the recent-anti Christian riots in Kanthamal of Orissa and other parts of India and in 2002 against the Muslims of Gujarat. The backward community of Charras was roped in by the RSS to wreak vengeance on the Muslims by slaughtering them. This confession is caught on camera. There is no audit of this fund collected by saffron from US and western countries.

BJP lacks moral fiber — indulges in double talk.
The BJP connection: With the surfacing of the connection between Army personnel, BJP and the terror activities, the party too has come under heavy scrutiny. Sensing the gravity of the matter and possible questioning in connection with the Malegaon bombings, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Yogi Adityanath refused to assist in the investigations. “I dare the police to arrest me and I will offer no help in their probe,” he added, amid reports that he was likely to be questioned in connection with Malegaon. The BJP and its allied Hindu extremist groups are also questioning the investigation and blamed that it was an attempt to malign these groups. They further announced to defend Pragya Singh (Sadhvi) who has confessed her role in the bombing, and to provide her legal help. BJP Initially denied any association with Pragya Singh but later supported her. Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh also accused that those parties that once sought lethal POTA (Prevention of Terrorism Act) charges framed against suspects from minority communities were now asking the government to go easy on the Hindu right-wing extremists.The probe after arrest of Sadhvi and Col Purohit led to Adityanath, the successor of Mahant Avaidyanath of the Gorakhpur Temple Trust, who is believed to be responsible for the BJP’s foothold in eastern Uttar Pradesh and is also known for his Hindu awakening rallies. He justified the attack on churches in Orissa following the killing of a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader. “The Hindu reaction (after the killing of the priest) is justified and it is high time that the Hindus should pick up weapons just like our gods and goddesses adorn weapons,” had said. Adityanath has been active in reconverting other religious groups, particularly the low-caste converts to Christianity, back into the Hindu fold. In 2005, a large group of 1,800 people were converted in the town of Etah.

Figure 4 – Pragya Singh (Sadhvi) who confesses her role in bombing With emergence of Hindu terrorism, BJP which usually does not nurture good opinions about Pakistan much less support India’s friendly relations with her, on November 19 said that Indian police probe into an army officer alleged role in the Samjhauta Express blasts among other terror attacks could harm talks with Pakistan BJP spokesman Ravi Shanker Prasad was quoted by Indian media as saying, The juvenile investigations would encourage jihadi elements in Pakistan and would have an effect on the talks between the two countries which are due in the last week of this month.There is a risk of Pakistan seeking a review of the entire terrorist attacks in which India had alleged a Pakistani hand he said adding The morale of the Indian Army should be protected at all costs. And further, The ATS theory would give Pakistan an opportunity to prove that India is involved in sponsoring anti-Pakistan campaign on terror.

Reaction of Hindu religious leaders

Hindu religious leaders are now uniting and some of them met in Panipat on Sunday November 16th to form a Dharam Sangrakshan Samiti to defend the blast accused, from the allegations leveled by the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad. In Panipat, the Sangh Parivar demonstrated its united resolve to fight for those accused of terrorism. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) now plans to hold a massive rally of religious leaders on November 26 to demonstrate their support for those accused of a connection in the blast.
Reaction of the Hinduvta leaders (Excerpts)
There was a National debate in India as India was reminded of the spreading of Hindu terror in India, in the face of these investigations. This is the summary of the same. “When Hindu leaders are accused of killing innocent people and indulging in terror acts isn’t it time to do aatmachintan (introspection) just as they want the Muslin leaders to do when Muslim youths are accused of being involved in terror acts. Govindacharya (RSS) claimed that the government has been ignoring the Hindus and such terror acts only reflect the frustration in the society. “Hindu Samaj has definitely done the aatmachintan and this kind of emotional outburst are the result of such aatmachintan. There are two reasons: First when Hindu samaj (society) feels that there is no government that takes care of their interests and feelings then such outburst are a natural consequence though undesirable. Similarly when the legitimate established organizations espousing the cause of Hindu society apply double standards to their own convictions and they are not honest about their concern of large section of Hindu society, then definitely the Hindus do the aatmachintan and the result is mushrooming of such outfits.” BJP President Rajnath Singh said that Hindu saints were being maligned and VHP’s Praveen Togadia says a Hindu can never be a terrorist. Contrary to this, a completely opposite stance to this is
taken by the BJP when Muslim politicians are the subject of discussion, particularly in this context. “Gandhiji also said politics without religious values is of no use to me’. He meant the Dharma. Dharma needs to be in politics otherwise it will become immoral Singh argued.

Dipankar Gupta argued that BJP can never ever rid itself of its Hindutva agenda. “When you come down to the wire, the defining characteristic of the BJP is Hindutva. It can occasionally take on other issues as well like economic regeneration but everybody is talking about that. So what’s different about the BJP? The difference is Hindutva. So when push comes to shove, their Hindutva colours come out.”.

Chaos and fear continues to haunt India as the poor continue to pay with their flesh and blood, for a senseless war that has been imposed on them by the followers of a violent ideology .More arrests are expected in the coming weeks as the frightening dimensions of a radical Hindu terror plot starts to unravel, with investigators indicating that it had the makings of a larger conspiracy and planning of reprisal killings of Muslims for serial bombings in a number of Indian cities. Indian analysts are now worried about Hindu terrorism. Some of it has been on display for a long time against the Muslim community. Some of it is recent; targeting Christian missionaries and Christian converts. Because of the rise of Hindu fundamentalism in the 1980s, which saw a revival of old Hindu supremacist thinkers like Savarkar, who was behind the killing of Gandhi, India is now open to terrorism that is lashing out at the state. People are accustomed to voting the BJP to power as an alternative to the Congress and that in turn empowers the grand Hindu fundamentalist alliance called the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) that contains such extremist outfits as Bajrang Dal. A common sense conclusion would be that these acts of terrorism are aimed at creating a communal divide in India, to fulfill the ultimate dream of the Hindu Raj over India. A country where mosques are bombed, army men like Colonel Purohit join hands with radical groups like Swami Dayanand Pandey to unleash terror at the expense of innocent lives of their own countrymen is a country that has failed to her own people, let alone by taken as a model of democracy to be followed by the rest of the world. It is high time India should take lead from the situation in her neighboring country where fundamentalists are on the rampage and blowing innocents into piece. Before it is too late to root out Hindu Talibanization from Indian society, which is growing fast as Machiavelli said ―By being on the spot one sees trouble at its birth and one can quickly remedy it; not being there one hears about it after it has grown and there is no longer any remedy.
Is the quota for today's conspiracy theories over or again the same old '9/11 was an inside job','Ajmal Kasab is Amar Singh from Punjab','TTP is actually a corporation listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange' will be posted ?

Part 2 – The Mumbai Drama untold story
Who did it?

It is essential that we strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans, David Ben Gurion, first prime minister of Zionist entity. Despite the fact that Indian media and the government is blaming Pakistani militants for the attacks, certain interesting facts have come to light already which clearly indicates that Hindu groups of radicals from BJP, RSS and Shev sena, in collaboration with Indian Military Intelligence officials were involved in orchestrating the massacre.

Let list the known facts so far: Most of the sources are from Indian media themselves.

1. Within 15 minutes of the attacks, three top Police officers from the anti-Terror squad were shot by the attackers. Those three officers were the ones who were investigating the case against Indian Military Intelligence for their involvement in domestic terrorism as mentioned in part 1 of this report.
Figure 5 – In the Line of Duty; Karkare has been leading the investigation into the Malegaon blast. His death is bound to affect the probe, which is ongoing.

2. The Terrorists who killed the Police officers were speaking Marathi, a local Hindu language.Mumbai attack: Terrorists spoke Marathi? 29 November 2008

Mumbai attack: Terrorists spoke Marathi? | TwoCircles.net Mumbai

It is somehow surprising to learn that the terrorists in Cama hospital in Mumbai were fluently speaking Marathi. The terrorists who are said to have fired in Cama hospital talked to an employee clad in civil dress in Marathi, reports a Marathi daily ‘Maharashtra Times’. The newspaper said the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently. The newspaper claims the terrorists having fired at two watchmen in uniform asked the other beside them on gunpoint in Marathi, ‘You are here an employee?’ The employee caught the legs of the terrorist and said, ‘I am not working here. My wife has suffered from heart attack and I have come here to admit her.’ The terrorist asked him again in Marathi, ‘You are speaking true or false?’ The employee answered, ‘No, by God I am speaking true.’ On this the terrorist let him go.

3. The terrorists consumed alcohol and bought bottles of beer before embarking on martyrdom operations. No Muslim on earth would do this just before his death. This is a BBC report!!! Reports also suggests they were fair skinned, even blonde haired!!!
Locals say the orgy of killings in Mumbai began here. Three men walked into the cafe, drank beer, settled their bills and walked out. Then they fished out guns from their bags and began firing. Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, says he saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe. He was returning to his hotel from the seaside with a friend when he saw two men carrying bags and brandishing AK-47s walking in front of them, shooting. “They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed,” says Mr Amir. As the two girls fell near the cafe, he saw the two men quickening their steps towards the Taj Mahal hotel further up the road.

A few minutes later, gunfire was heard from the hotel, and much later, Mr Amir heard that gunmen had taken guests hostage

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Mumbai attackers create 'killing zone'

4. The Terrorists were wearing yellow bands in their hands which are a revered Hindu sign for good luck and blessings.
Muslim Terrorist?? Notice the yellow wrist band, a Hindu sign. He is too calm casual for an outsider attacker on a rampage. They had consumed alcohol and beer before embarking on killing spree !.

The similar yellow wrist band of Hindu radicals at another location and time. This is the man, a terrorist of Bajrang Dal who with that weapon in his hand had split/pierced the womb of the Muslim woman in Gujrat in 2002 and slaughtered her unborn baby as well with her with this same weapon. The picture with the weapon having blood on it was published by press then.

5. The widow of the slain Police officer refuses to accept compensation from BJP, accusing them of being involved in murder of her husband. The officer was receiving death threats for the past many weeks ever since he had started the investigations.
Karkare’s wife declines ‘Modi’s compensation’ offer – Nov 29, 2008

Karkare's wife declines 'Modi's compensation' offer - Express India

Mumbai The family of slain Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare has declined Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s offer of monetary help, sources said on Saturday. Modi on Friday visited the residences of Karkare and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar, who were killed while fighting militants on Wednesday night. Modi also announced that his government would give Rs 1 crore to Maharashtra for the families of policemen killed in the attacks. Karkare’s widow and other family members have declined Modi’s offer, the sources said. 14 Maharashtra police personnel, including two IPS officers, sacrificed their lives while fighting terrorists.

Top Indian Journalists are suggesting a clear nexus between Israeli Mossad and Indian Military Intelligence and RSS gangs. The terror was waged in Mumbai to get rid of the Police officer conducting this investigation. Now we would give a timeline and opinions of various top journalists and global media as the situation continued to unfold during and after the crisis. As part of the disinformation war, the proof and signs that this was a false flag black operation by Mossad and RAW is being deliberately ignored. On the night of attack, renowned Indian writer Amaresh Misra wrote following words.
One mistake that I find in the article is concerning "Infiltration of Hindu fascists in the army".

I must completely disagree with that, because the IA is almost entirely made up of Hindu fascists/zealots already, so why would they need to infiltrate what is already their hotbed?
What is deplorable is this will actually be accepted by almost all the Pakistanis.

By the way, thanks for making my day :lol:
Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle

They killed Hemant Karkare, chief of the police anti-terrorist squad in Mumbai, to send a message that you cannot investigate the Mossad-RSS angle; by Amaresh Misra

MUMBAI, INDIA 4:00AM — Mumbai is under attack. People and forces who killed Mahatama Gandhi, who demolished the Babari Mosque have triumphed. More than 16 groups of terrorists have taken over Taj, Oberai and several hotels. Hundreds of people are dead. For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations. The Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the ATS have been killed. These were the same people who were investigating the Malegaon Blasts – in which Praggya Singh, an army officer and several other noted personalities of the BJP-RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP were arrested. Karkare was the man to arrest them. Karkare was receiving threats from several quarters. LK Advani, the BJP chief and several other prominent leaders of the so-called Hindu terrorism squad were gunning for his head. And the first casualty in the terrorist attack was Karkare! He is dead – gone – the firing by terrorists began from Nariman House – which is the only building in Mumbai inhabited by Jews. Some Hindu Gujaratis of the Nariman area spoke live on several TV channels – they openly said that the firing by terrorists began from Nariman house. And that for two years suspicious activities were going on in this house. But no one took notice. Our worst fears have come true. It is clear that Mossad is involved in the whole affair. An entire city has been attacked by Mossad and probably units of mercenaries. It is not possible for one single organization to plan and execute such a sophisticated operation. It is clear that this operation was backed by communal forces from within the Indian State. The Home Minister Shivraj Patil should resign. The RSS-BJP-VHP-Bajrang Dal should be banned. Advani and others ought to be arrested. Today is a day of shame for all Indians and all Hindus. Muslims and secular Hindus have been proven right. RSS type forces and Israel are all involved in not only destabilizing but finishing India. India should immediately snap all relations with Israel. We owe this much to Karkare and the brave ATS men who had shown the courage to arrest Praggya Singh, Raj Kumar Purohit, the army officer and several others. A photograph published in Urdu Times, Mumbai, clearly shows that Mossad and ex-Mossad men came to India and met Sadhus and other pro-Hindutva elements recently. A conspiracy was clearly hatched. This is a moment of reckoning especially for Hindus of India. The killers of Gandhi have struck again.
If we are true Sanatanis and true Hindus and true nationalists and true patriots we have to see this act as a clear attack by anti-national deshdrohi forces. Praggya Singh,

Advani and the entire brand is anti-national. They ought to be shot. Any Hindu siding with them is hereafter warned of serious consequences. This is a question of nationalism. If no one else, the Indian army will not take this lying down. Communal, anti-national forces have attacked the very foundation of the Indian constitution and the nation. We will fight a civil war if need be against the pro-Hindutva, communal forces and their Israeli backers.

— Dr. Amaresh Misra is an historian/journalist. His most recent book “War of Civilizations: India AD 1857″ was released in March 2008 by the Vice President of India Shri Mohd. Hamid Ansari.
Enver Masud, “5,000 Killed, 50,000 Homeless in India ‘Pogrom’,” The Wisdom Fund, March 16, 2002
“Godhra bogie was burnt from inside: Report,” Times of India, July 3, 2002
Rama Lakshmi, “Hindus Detail Involvement In Deadly ’02 Riots in India On Video, Assailants Tell of State Collusion,” Washington Post, October 26, 2008
Rama Lakshmi, “In India, Controversy Over Hindus’ Arrests: Terrorism Case Sets Off Politicking, Protests,” Washington Post, November 24, 2008
“Mumbai rocked by deadly attacks,” BBC News, November 27, 2008
Paul Joseph Watson, “Mumbai Attacks Blamed On Al-Qaeda As Pretext For U.S. Military Response,” prisonplanet.com, November 27, 2008


There is a very definite timeline of events which lead to Mumbai drama. Indian Zionists were under severe pressure as their cadre was being arrested by ATS Chief Kurkure and the fascists had to retaliate in quick time before more of their top leaders were arrested. Just watch the timeline of events. It makes some fascinating analysis. November 12, 2008, (Wednesday): New Delhi/Mumbai Self styled spiritual guru Dayanand Pandey alias Swami Amritanand Dev was arrested by Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) in Kanpur in connection with the September 29 Malegaon bomb blast. November 13th, 2008 (Thursday): New Delhi: Gujarat Police have arrested a woman for the first time in a case related to the 2002 Gujarat riots. Gita Rathod has been arrested for her role in the infamous Naroda Patia riots of 2002. She was arrested by a Special Investigation Team (SIT). November 14th: Media reported arrest of Lt Col Purohit and his confession regarding provision of IED for bombing Samjhota Express train and Malagon blasts. November 15th: Indian media was littered with news of more arrests of Hindu terrorists in connection with bomb blasts in India. Media reported Hindu extremists involved in Malegaon blasts may also be behind Ajmer and Samjhauta Express blasts, sources have told NDTV. They say Aseemanand, Dayanand and Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur met at Shabari Kumbh at Dangs. The group then began to meet regularly to plan attacks. Police also suspect the group could be behind the Ajmer dargah blast in February 2007. The man who planted Ajmer bomb was killed by the group. They may also be behind Samjhauta Express blast, sources say. Leaders of mainstream Hindutva groups were aware of their activities, they add.

The development comes even as Lt Colonel Prasad Purohit, the first serving Indian Army officer to be held in a terror-related case, has reportedly confessed to his role in the Malegaon blast during his narco-analysis test in Bangalore. November 24th : Pune: An anonymous caller, who used a public call office, to contact the Pune police, threatened to blow up the residence of Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) Chief Hemant Karkare “within a couple of days”, a top official confirmed today (November 26th) November 27th/28th: Karkare was killed during Mumbai shootout by unknown gunmen at Cama Hospital. Sources close to Indian intelligence and investigators claim that Karkare was killed by a 9mm bullet weapons which are used by Indian police. An Israeli and Jewish house was also part of the drama. Let see what is the history of these Jewish centres in criminal and terrorist activity around the world. ! So, we know that Chabad houses were Mossad HQ. !!!

Chabad Houses have history of criminal activity By: Wayne Madsen on: 29.11.2008 [17:22 ] (48 reads)

November 29-30, 2008 -- Mumbai gangland war and its global tentacles - Wayne Madsen Report November 29-30, 2008

Mumbai gangland war and its global tentacles WMR previously reported that the violent and bloody attack on Mumbai represents a pay-back from exiled Indian Muslim Mumbai gangland warlord Dawood Ibrahim who fears that the CIA was conspiring with the Pakistani government to extradite him from Pakistan to India. Such an event would effectively cede control of Mumbai’s lucrative organized crime territory to Hindu extremist criminal syndicates allied with the Hindu terrorist Shiv Sena group. The targeting of the Lubavitcher Chabad House in Mumbai, where a New York rabbi and his wife were killed by one team of gangsters that arrived by sea from Pakistan, was likely more score settling by Ibrahim who suspected that Israeli Mafiosi were conspiring with Hindu extremist gangs to supplant Ibrahim’s criminal influence in Mumbai. There is a history of Chabad Houses not only being used as safehouses and logistics centers for Israeli intelligence but as storefronts for criminal activity. In March 1989, U.S. law enfocement rounded up a criminal network in Seattle, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Colombia, and Israel that involved a Chabad House that was involved in money laundering and currency violations.
Mumbai attack: Terrorists spoke Marathi?

29 November 2008

Mumbai attack: Terrorists spoke Marathi? | TwoCircles.net Mumbai:

(An indian source)

It is somehow surprising to learn that the terrorists in Cama hospital in Mumbai were fluently speaking Marathi. The terrorists who are said to have fired in Cama hospital talked to an employee clad in civil dress in Marathi, reports a Marathi daily ‘Maharashtra Times’.

“The newspaper said the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently. The newspaper claims the terrorists having fired at two watchmen in uniform asked the other beside them on gunpoint in Marathi, ‘You are here an employee?’ The employee caught the legs of the terrorist and said, ‘I am not working here. My wife has suffered from heart attack and I have come here to admit her.’ The terrorist asked him again in Marathi, ‘You are speaking true or false?’ The employee answered, ‘No, by God I am speaking true.’ On this the terrorist let him go. A distinguished Pakistan analyst Ahmad Qureshi has done following analysis of developments in India. Before we do our concluding review, this makes interesting reading.

Signs of an Attempted Coup in New Delhi

With a traumatized nation and a paralyzed government, a core group of secular ideologues and Hindu nationalists are executing a soft coup¸ in New Delhi to bring to power hawks who want to pursue America¸s agenda of grooming India as a regional policeman, sort out Pakistan and confront China. India will self-destroy in the process. India¸s military and intelligence has been penetrated. The man who uncovered the plot, Hemant Karkare, the antiterrorism chief of Mumbai police, was the first target of the mysterious terrorists. Patriotic Indians need to wake up and save their country.
By AHMED QURAISHI Saturday, 29 November 2008.
PakNationalists.com | Home Of Pakistani Nationalists Online | A Meeting Point Of Pakistani Nationalists ISLAMABAD, Pakistan Preliminary signs emerging from India power center, New Delhi, paint a picture of an unstable situation. Security is already compromised. But a bigger story is taking place in New Delhi, not Mumbai. There are disturbing signs that India, a nuclear-armed nation of a billion people, is witnessing a soft coup‚¬Ëœ attempt involving secular rightwing ideologues and Hindu nationalists. Exploiting the fears of a traumatized nation and a government caught sleeping at the wheel, a core group of rightwing ideologues within India military, intelligence and political elite are trying to overthrow Manmohan Singh government. The plan apparently is to help the rise of rightwing elements in power and firmly push India in a confrontation with Pakistan and some other countries in the region. The objective of this core group is to see India emerge as a superpower closely allied with the United States. They are excited about American plans for India as a regional policeman and have no problem in confronting China and Pakistan to achieve this status. They think time is slipping and they don want a hesitant political leadership in their way. Already the instability in the wake of Mumbai attacks is being exploited to start a war with Pakistan. The fact that this will also help U.S. military that is facing a tough time in Afghanistan appears to be more than just a coincidence.
In the very first hours of the Mumbai attack, the unknown terrorists were able to achieve a singular feat: the targeted murder of Hemant Karkare, the chief antiterrorism officer in the Indian police. The man was responsible for exposing the secret links between the Indian military and Hindu terror groups. His investigation resulted in uncovering the involvement of three Indian military intelligence officers in terrorist acts that were

blamed on Muslim groups. At the time of his murder, Karkare was pursuing leads that were supposed to uncover the depth of the nexus between the Indian military and the sudden rise of well armed and well financed Hindu terrorism groups with their wide network of militant training camps across India. An aggressive advertisement campaign has already begun across India urging a scared population to rise against the government. On Friday, front-page advertisements appeared in several newspapers in Delhi showing blood splattered against a black background and the slogan Brutal Terror Strikes At Will in bold capital letters. The ads signed off with a simple message: Fight Terror. Vote B.J.P.
The Indian, the Pakistani and the international media has not woken up yet to this soft coup taking place in New Delhi. Some observers and journalists are beginning to catch its first signs. This is how a New York Times reporter, Somini Sengupta, has characterized it today: government had lately hit back at the Bharatiya Janata Party with evidence that its supporters, belonging to a range of radical Hindu organizations, had been implicated in terrorist attacks. Indeed, in a bizarre twist, the head of the police antiterrorism unit, Hemant Karkare, killed in the Mumbai strikes, had been in the midst of a high-profile investigation of a suspected Hindu terrorist cell. Mr. Karkare inquiry had netted nine suspects in connection with a bombing in September of a Muslim-majority area in Malegaon, a small town not far from Mumbai. Evidence is emerging that Karkare knew he was facing the prospect of a violent death because of the investigation he was pursuing. What Karkare probably didn know is that his elimination would come in such a perfectly executed operation.
Only hours before Karkare violent death, his close friend, retired Colonel Rahul Gowardhan, received an envelope. Karkare called him to say he was sending him a confidential letter

This is how Times of India has reported the story:
Just some hours before that, Karkare had sent a letter to him in an envelop which had some personal content. “Hemant had called me up on Wednesday, said Gowardhan, a top official with MSEDCL. As I was in a meeting, we decided to postpone the talk. He hung up saying he would be sending me an envelope. When I wanted to know the content, he told me to just read the letter that‟s inside it. I returned home and read it. I cannot share the content of the letter with anyone said Gowardhan

The highly sophisticated nature of the attack in Mumbai, lasting for almost 60 hours, diminishes the chances of a foreign invasion and increases the possibility that influential elements in Indian intelligence and Hindu militant organizations might have helped orchestrate this incident, pretty much like they did in the Sept. 29 Malegaon attack, in which they tried to simulate a Muslim terrorist group. In that attack, in which three Indian military intelligence officers have been arrested, the objective was to provoke a Muslim backlash that could justify a massive state crackdown against minorities. Observers are already seeing how the hawks within the Indian establishment and Hindu militant organizations have seized the initiative from a paralyzed government. The Indian army and intelligence are already penetrated. Now the real culprits are channeling the fears of a traumatized people toward Pakistan. India is on the same path today that the Bush administration hawks took the American nation on after 9/11
. But this time, patriotic Indians have the benefit of hindsight. They should stop the secular warmongers and Hindu militants from hijacking their country. The future of the entire region depends on it.
I am very disappointed with this forum, I see everyday people indirectly targeting Hinduism which is one of the religions of India.. Moderators if cannot respect the guests on the forum should ban all the members and run the forum with their own countrymen.

It is very disrespectful from Pakistani members that they always target Hindus and declare India a hindu state which is not the reality. Even if you believe so, you are not suppose to rape a religion like this everyday just because it is your forum. It is not a civilized thing to do..

May your country live and prosper for years, but this is not the righteous thing to you, even you know that your own government accepted those 10 terrorists to be Pakistani now what is this cry all about?

I am an atheist and don't believe in any religion, but doesn't give me any right to abuse it as it directly hurt people's sentiments. Please decide for yourself.
The permanent delusional state of these conspiracy theorist surprises me.

They would like to believe 9/11 was jointly conducted by CIA-Mossad as a pretext for Invasion of Muslim Ummah.

They also like to believe 26/11 was jointly conducted by RAW-Mossad-CIA(through Headly) to malign Pakistan.

The justification provided for these conspiracy theories is so lame, such that literal equivalent of them(in context of Pakistan) would be " All bomb blast in Pakistan are being conducted by ISI..so that they can prove to the world that they too are victims of terror and get some more $ in their bowl."
The thread in your signature seems to have been deleted.

Well What do you expect ? :azn:

I am very disappointed with this forum, I see everyday people indirectly targeting Hinduism which is one of the religions of India.. Moderators if cannot respect the guests on the forum should ban all the members and run the forum with their own countrymen.

It is very disrespectful from Pakistani members that they always target Hindus and declare India a hindu state which is not the reality. Even if you believe so, you are not suppose to rape a religion like this everyday just because it is your forum. It is not a civilized thing to do..

May your country live and prosper for years, but this is not the righteous thing to you, even you know that your own government accepted those 10 terrorists to be Pakistani now what is this cry all about?

I am an atheist and don't believe in any religion, but doesn't give me any right to abuse it as it directly hurt people's sentiments. Please decide for yourself.

Arey yaar why taking it so seriously ?? I am a firm believer in the theory that till the day the enemy doesnt wake up to the reality and understand his innate weakness the 'other' cannot be defeated.
The permanent delusional state of these conspiracy theorist surprises me.

They would like to believe 9/11 was jointly conducted by CIA-Mossad as a pretext for Invasion of Muslim Ummah.

They also like to believe 26/11 was jointly conducted by RAW-Mossad-CIA(through Headly) to malign Pakistan.

The justification provided for these conspiracy theories is so lame, such that literal equivalent of them(in context of Pakistan) would be " All bomb blast in Pakistan are being conducted by ISI..so that they can prove to the world that they too are victims of terror and get some more $ in their bowl."

And why would RAW MOSSAD AND CIA do that? Pakistan is not an important nation to malign for Mossad and CIA, it may be for RAW..
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