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Clues suggest homegrown terrorists in India attack


LONDON (AP) — The attack on India's financial capital bears all the trademarks of al-Qaida — simultaneous assaults meant to kill scores of Westerners in iconic buildings — but clues so far point to homegrown Indian terrorists, global intelligence officials said Thursday.

Spy agencies around the world were caught off guard by the deadly attack, in which gunmen sprayed crowds with bullets, torched landmark hotels and took dozens of hostages.

"We have been actively monitoring plots in Britain and abroad and there was nothing to indicate something like this was about to happen," a British security official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of his work.

Britain is the former colonial power in India and Pakistan and closely monitors terrorist suspects in those countries.

In some ways, the attack illustrated just how fluid terror tactics have become since Sept. 11 — and how the threat has become more global. Al-Qaida's leaders on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border still provide inspiration but groups are becoming increasingly local.

The group that claimed responsibility, Deccan Mujahideen, was unknown to global security officials. The name suggested the group was Indian.

One of the suspects reportedly called an Indian television station, speaking the main Pakistani language of Urdu, to demand the return of Muslim lands. That was a reference to Kashmir, territory claimed by both India and Pakistan.

But Ajai Sahni, head of the New Delhi-based Institute for Conflict Management who has close ties to India's police and intelligence, said the attack was a departure from past assaults waged over Kashmir. Other such attacks had targeted Indian legislators, not Westerners.

Security officials said it was too soon to make a connection to Pakistan.

"It would be premature ... to reach any hard-and-fast conclusions on who may be responsible for the attacks, but some of what we're seeing is reminiscent of past terrorist operations undertaken by groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed," a U.S. counterterrorism official said on condition of anonymity, referring to Pakistani militant groups linked to al-Qaida who have fought Indian troops in Kashmir.

Another British security official told the AP on condition of anonymity that the attack doesn't look to have been directed by al-Qaida's core leadership, which has been weakened by the deaths of several leaders and key operatives in recent months.

Al-Qaida's core leadership is believed to be fewer than 100 people now, said Rohan Gunaratna, author of "Inside Al-Qaida" and a terrorism expert at the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research in Singapore.

The British security official said it appeared the attack was inspired by Islamic extremist ideology and al-Qaida propaganda popular among radicalized youths. Many of the attackers in the Mumbai assault were young.

Gunaratna said he believed the group that carried out Wednesday's attack was the Indian Mujahideen, responsible for past attacks in Mumbai.

The word "Deccan" refers to a plateau in southern India. "Mujahideen" refers to holy warriors.

"The earlier generation of terrorist groups in India were mostly linked to Pakistan," Gunaratna told the AP. "But today we are seeing a dramatic change. They are almost all homegrown groups. ... They are very angry and firmly believe that India is killing Muslims and attacking Islam."

British-based Jane's Information Group said it thought the attackers could be Indian but that taking hostages suggested a wider anti-Western agenda.

"Until now, terrorist attacks in India have targeted civilians, often in busy market or commercial areas, and in communally sensitive areas with the intention to foment unrest between Hindu and Muslim communities," said Urmila Venugopalan, Jane's South Asia analyst.

"This stands in contrast to the national issues that appeared to motivate Indian Mujahideen," Venugopalan said.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh blamed "external forces" but stopped short of blaming Pakistan. Both are nuclear-armed countries.

In September, a massive suicide truck bomb devastated the Marriott Hotel in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, killing at least 54 people, including three Americans and the Czech ambassador.

"This type of terrorism is spreading, through Pakistan and now India, but we were all surprised by such a large-scale attack like this," said Wajid Hassan, Pakistan's High Commissioner in London. "This is no coincidence that this type of attack happened so soon after the bombing of the Marriott Hotel. People from all countries are being paid to fight this al-Qaida war. This is a war that goes beyond any nationality."

Sahni, however, said "very preliminary investigations and intelligence information would suggest that some groups based in Pakistan are the most likely.

"If there is Indian participation, it's most likely to be Students' Islamic Movement of India," he said, referring to a radical student group banned in India in 2001.

Indian intelligence officials were also investigating whether Mumbai's criminal underworld could be involved.

"It's a possibility," Sahni said. "When we say Mumbai underworld we're talking of Dawood Ibrahim."

Ibrahim is one of India's most wanted men and also the alleged mastermind behind bombings in Mumbai in 1993 that killed 257 people. He has reportedly fled Mumbai, and police now believe he lives in Pakistan. Pakistani officials have denied this.

Associated Press writers Pamela Hess in Washington, Gregory Katz and David Stringer in London, Lee Keath in Cairo and Muneeza Naqvi in New Delhi contributed to this report.

My problem is when someone takes responsibility of the attack how are they still blaming Pakistan. Is'nt this just retarded?

The same thing has happened for each and every blast by the Indian mujahideen. The Indians just dont want to admit that there are muslims who have suffered and continue to suffer indian bias discrimination and hatred because of which they are forced into such brutal and extreme paths. For example the babri masjid mumbai riots gujrat genocide and the current ongoing genocide in Kashmir stands as proof of this illegal indian activity. I am not supporting the terrorists but I am saying that maybe if India works to stop the hindu fanatics rather than pointing across the border terrorist attacks can be reduced by atleast 70%. Like what problem to indians have anyway? You dont even have retards like jamat e Islami in your land providing constant support to muslim terrorists. There is no reason for there to be terrorism in India if muslims are treated properly. Infact not only muslims but also all other religions and massacres like current one of christians in orrissa and of sikhs in 84... these problems can be avoided.

Why India is only acting like secular country but physically doing nothing to prove it?

Indians are unwilling to understand these things. Blaming a foreign naton for home grown problems will not solve the issue in any way.

This video (made by sweet pakistani guy like me :angel:) speaks of what happens to muslims in India:

Now for this video and other videos where Nuz also contributed hindu fanatics want to kill me. Should'nt that be proof that there is a great hatred for muslims and there are attempts to hide the truth about what happens to them in India?
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Two explosions at Taj, gun battle resumes
NDTV Correspondent
Friday, November 28, 2008, (Mumbai)
Operations against the terrorists at three separate locations -- Taj, Oberoi-Trident and Nariman House -- has entered a critical phase.

There have been two fresh, huge blasts at the Taj hotel and firing has resumed. NSG says three-four terrorists are in Taj Heritage wing with few hostages.

Two NSG commandos have rescued hostages from Trident hotel where one-two terrorists are still holed up.

NSG Commandos have evacuated the people from Trident hotel and they surrounded the Oberoi wing.

Army has said that the NSG is in contact with one terrorist in the old wing of Taj and that the operation in Taj is in final stages.

Army has also said that some guests may still be inside the Taj.

There is report of one injured militant inside the Taj hotel.

According to NSG Director General: "One injured terrorist is still inside Taj hotel. The stage seems to be set for a final operation there and the media has been asked to refrain from doing any live broadcasts from outside the hotel."

Earlier on Friday, three explosions in three hours happened inside the Nariman House in Colaba, breaking the eerie silence.

The building was still in darkness when the Army closed in. Snipers took position at Nariman House. About 100 commandos went inside and helicopters circled above the building to monitor the situation.

Two to three terrorists are still in Nariman House but there are no more hostages inside, as per the reports.

At least 125 have been killed in the Mumbai encounter, including 14 policemen and six foreigners and 327 people have been injured.

Places attacked:

Trident Hotel, Taj Hotel, Nariman House, Wadi Bunder, Cama hospital, GT hospital, VT station, Bootleggers pub, Girgaum and Metro cinema
Two explosions at Taj, gun battle resumes
NDTV Correspondent
Friday, November 28, 2008, (Mumbai)
Operations against the terrorists at three separate locations -- Taj, Oberoi-Trident and Nariman House -- has entered a critical phase.

There have been two fresh, huge blasts at the Taj hotel and firing has resumed. NSG says three-four terrorists are in Taj Heritage wing with few hostages.

Two NSG commandos have rescued hostages from Trident hotel where one-two terrorists are still holed up.

NSG Commandos have evacuated the people from Trident hotel and they surrounded the Oberoi wing.

Army has said that the NSG is in contact with one terrorist in the old wing of Taj and that the operation in Taj is in final stages.

Army has also said that some guests may still be inside the Taj.

There is report of one injured militant inside the Taj hotel.

According to NSG Director General: "One injured terrorist is still inside Taj hotel. The stage seems to be set for a final operation there and the media has been asked to refrain from doing any live broadcasts from outside the hotel."

Earlier on Friday, three explosions in three hours happened inside the Nariman House in Colaba, breaking the eerie silence.

The building was still in darkness when the Army closed in. Snipers took position at Nariman House. About 100 commandos went inside and helicopters circled above the building to monitor the situation.

Two to three terrorists are still in Nariman House but there are no more hostages inside, as per the reports.

At least 125 have been killed in the Mumbai encounter, including 14 policemen and six foreigners and 327 people have been injured.

Places attacked:

Trident Hotel, Taj Hotel, Nariman House, Wadi Bunder, Cama hospital, GT hospital, VT station, Bootleggers pub, Girgaum and Metro cinema

Oberoi hotel nayee tha kya... ?

Hey how did i become senior member suddenly?
Top officials had links with Malegaon blast suspect

MUMBAI: One of the prime culprits of Malegaon bomb blast, Dayanand Pandey alias Sudhakar Dwivedi, used to secretly film those who visited his ashram, including policemen, top intelligence officials, businessmen and bureaucrats, investigations revealed on Thursday. Police sources said Pandey’s laptop computer and a flash drive were seized and had been sent for analysis to the Forensic Science laboratory in Bangalore. Police found Pandey had been filming all his visitors in Kanpur and the Indian-held Kashmir through a camera and stored the recordings in his laptop computer, that he had owned since 2005. The computer also has photographs of Pandey with several religious leaders, politicians and bureaucrats. After his arrest, public prosecutor Ajay Nisar had told the court that Pandey had directed Lieutenant Colonel Shrikant Prasad Purohit – the arrested Indian army officer – to arrange explosives for the Malegaon explosion. Pandey had also arranged a meeting between Purohit and Ramji, another accused who is wanted in the case. Pandey is believed to have told the ATS that he had joined the Air Force wing of NDA in 1989 but had dropped out in 1990. Police claimed to have recovered a boarding pass of Kingfisher Airlines, a cheque book, a pass book, an ATM card, a debit card, a passport and a pen drive from Pandey. Police said that Pandey was in constant touch with Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur while Ajay Rahirkar, treasurer of Abhinav Bharat, provided a ‘huge sum’ of money to Pandey. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Report from lobby of Hotel Taj:


'They continued to fire at everyone'

November 28, 2008 | 14:31 IST

Twenty-year-old Varun Salvi* is in training to become a front office executive at the Taj Hotel in Mumbai. On the night of November 26, he was on his way to work the 11 pm shift when he learned of the terrorist attacks. Able to establish cell phone contact with a colleague trapped inside the hotel, he gives us his story and a blow-by-blow account of how the events that night transpired.

I left home at 9:45 pm by BEST bus on Wednesday night, November 26; I had to show up for my shift by 10:30 pm. When the bus neared VT Station at around 10:20 pm, a mob of people ran towards us in the street, shouting at the driver to stop and have all the passengers disembark because the area was under a terrorist attack.

The street was milling with people and police and we all soon became aware that something serious was underway. I got off the bus and walked towards Crawford Market; at Mohammad Ali Road I was able to flag down a taxi and head back home.

The first thing I did upon reaching my house safely was to call Siddharth*, a colleague at the hotel, who had been operating the 2 pm to 11 pm shift before me. Up until now I had no idea that the Taj was under siege from terrorists and I was horrified when he told me what had transpired and that he was still trapped inside, along with several other members of staff and hotel guests.

At about 9:30 pm, Siddharth, who works in the main lobby, said he heard screaming from the front porch of the hotel, which is where the main entrance is located. When he and a couple of employees rushed to the spot to investigate, the scene that greeted their eyes made their blood run cold. Six to seven young men carrying heavy-duty guns and grenades were indiscriminately firing at hotel guests and employees on the porch and then proceeded to barge into the lobby. They continued to fire at everyone in the lobby, lobbing grenades left and right as they stormed in, destroying everything -- according to eye-witnesses, there is practically nothing left of the Taj's famed ground-floor coffee-shop, Shamiana.

By this time, Siddharth had retreated into the lobby and taken cover under furniture as best he could. The terrorists then divided themselves up into three smaller groups and moved deeper into the recesses of the hotel -- some of them headed into the heritage wing, while the others stormed the tower and the kitchen. They opened fire on several staff members in the kitchen and I heard from Siddharth that three to five chefs were killed, among them Kaizad Kamdin, a friend who had attended the same college as me. His parents live in Pune and he was working in Mumbai -- my prayers and thoughts are with his family at this difficult time. According to other witnesses, the terrorists have also seized the engineering department in the basement of the hotel and are using it as a control room.

As soon as the terrorists had left the main lobby, the staff, showing great presence of mind and risking their own safety, ushered guests who had managed to survive the attack into the back rooms of the hotel like the men's gym locker room and the laundry. Siddharth and a few of his colleagues guided some guests into the house-keeping department and they remained there through the night, praying that their hiding place would not be discovered. That was when he received my call, at 11:45 pm. After that phone call, I was unable to establish contact with him till the next morning and I spent an anxious night wondering if he would be alright.

I got to speak to him at only 11:30 am the next morning. Finally, at 10:30 am, the police had been able to open up the staff entrance of the hotel around the back and slowly, those trapped inside had made their way out, among them Siddharth. Several shaken hotel guests who managed to survive the ordeal have been transferred to the Taj Wellington Mews in Colaba, where staff continue to report to work.

I escaped the whole ordeal by less than two hours and I will forever be grateful to God for that. I have no idea as yet how many more of my colleagues have lost their lives. I have heard that our two doormen at the main porch were among the first to fall prey to the firing and God knows how many more hapless employees succumbed to this horrific attack.

*Names changed to protect privacy.
Well today they found Mauritius I.D cards and dollars. Will Mauritius be blamed next?
:rolleyes:;)I don't think India should blame Pakistan for this.....
It will help Pakistani separatist elements to unify, if India goes against Pakistan........

IN MY OPINION it is an ISI gameplan.....
India will backlash on Pakistan for this.....and this will cool down separatists' movements in Pakistan, and thus ISI's agenda fo this complete to save their nation.......Well one more conspiracy theory........
Oberoi hotel nayee tha kya... ?

The indian goverment is handling as worse as possible... No solutions but pointing to others... Arrogance.
I don't think India should blame Pakistan for this.....
It will help Pakistani separatist elements to unify, if India goes against Pakistan........

See so u admit. U r supporting seperatist elements and the talibani terrorists here in Pakistan and dont want them to unite against Indian terrorism and want to keep making fools out of them by making them think they are on holy war or sumthing. Good job! Atleast there are some Indians who manage to speak the truth instead of saying whatever comes to their mouths or the first thing they read from india times.

Thank you for your nice gesture. We will not forget it.

RAW is actually getting out of control. Anyone have ny suggestions to tame this organization? Anyone?
The indian goverment is handling as worse as possible... No solutions but pointing to others... Arrogance.
I'd say our intelligence agencies are far better then Indian's Intelligence agencies.
Actually, a simple post-mortem of the 4-5 terrorist shot dead, could easily determine if they were hindu or muslims.

It is not the case of hindu or muslim....

It is the case of Pakistani involvement...
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