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Mumbai Attacks

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There is an unprecedented sense of unity across the country.

Both the government and the opposition are working together, and L K Advani promised to cooperate with the Prime Minister and stand alongside him as he handles this crisis.

The crowds near the Taj Mahal Hotel were chanting "Bharat Mata ki Jai" and "Jai Hind".

good. take the chance to over turn the aircraft carrier/LCA/Arjun mistakes, spend more on your soldiers, spend more on your poor.

it is also time to face the fact that your have the second largest Muslim population in this world, time to have a Muslim PM for your country. We already have one in our current admin and he is a great state man.

It’s common sense Neo. Friendship and terrorism can’t continue together. Terrorism may be a just business for Pakistan either in Afghanistan or in India but it all takes lives.

Hold on buddy! Are you accusing Pakistan for these planned attacks? :lol: What is wrong with you Indians, if you cant see what hit you, you come back to your old habits?
Truly a human tragedy!

I wanna say two things:

1. Considering the scale of the attack, where the hell was all the Hindustani security establishment etc? Probably busy in Afghanistan or taking a "co-ordinated" nap. :lol: They should disband their RAW, military and other organizations. Use the money to feed the millions of hungry inside their country. That would be a far better use of the money.

2. Already, Hindustani news is blaming Pakistan for these. And without any investigation. Its like a deja-vu. Americans after hours of 9-11 blamed Osama bin Laden, while FBI still has Osama listed as a suspect. Seems like Hindus have imported more than weapons from their American masters. (Or perhaps Americans imported the technique from Hindus) :yahoo:

You guys should better try to sooth the greviences of minorities inside India and your neighbours. While you are at it try to improve your human rights record too. You won't have to see days like these again.

And a word of advice: Stop messing inside other countries, its always bad for the health. Live with peace if you can.

Listen, we do not need either advice or help from the likes of you. You need not worry what RAW etc are doing.They were dong exactly the same thing as ISI was doing when the Marriott was bombed in Islamabad.

In our time of grief & distress the last thing we need is utterly useless advice & sarcasm. That too coming from someone who is endemically unstable & on the verge of being a failed state.

You may not have noticed but Muslims in India are equally concerned of the events as other communities are. kindly keep ur " hindu' remarks to your self.

If you have nothing better to say, it may be good idea to simply shut up.
My thoughts and prayers to everyone in this difficult time..

Respectful condolences to the family of the deceased...
Listen, we do not need either advice or help from the likes of you. You need not worry what RAW etc are doing.They were dong exactly the same thing as ISI was doing when the Marriott was bombed in Islamabad.

In our time of grief & distress the last thing we need is utterly useless advice & sarcasm. That too coming from someone who is endemically unstable & on the verge of being a failed state.

You may not have noticed but Muslims in India are equally concerned of the events as other communities are. kindly keep ur " hindu' remarks to your self.

If you have nothing better to say, it may be good idea to simply shut up.

Err last day i guess a big city of India was crippled by some boys,better worry about ur failed state and also remember the rebels controling almost half of India and who wants to over throw the Gov.
You may not have noticed but Muslims in India are equally concerned of the events as other communities are. kindly keep ur " hindu' remarks to your self.

but they didn't get treated equally. what is highest level of Muslim officials in your current regime?

if you just compare, you got very shocking truth that won't be reported by any of your censored news media (which only generates hindu nationalism). please read on if you are brave enough:

the Muslim population counts for less than 1% in China, however they got represented by a Vice-PM named Hui Liangyu in our central government. His role oversees all agriculture and religious part of the national life.

:bounce: shocking?
good. take the chance to over turn the aircraft carrier/LCA/Arjun mistakes, spend more on your soldiers, spend more on your poor.

it is also time to face the fact that your have the second largest Muslim population in this world, time to have a Muslim PM for your country. We already have one in our current admin and he is a great state man.

Hui Liangyu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Have you ever fired the weapon held by those people....At 300m I can take you out with that weapon when you are armed with an AK 47 any day and any time of the year...Long Live the .303:smitten::sniper::guns:

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LeT terrorist Ismail arrested in Mumbai

The Mumbai police secured a major breakthrough into Wednesday night's terror strikes with the arrest of Ismail, a key Lashkar e Tayiba operative, from one of the locations that came under attack in the city.
A hither-to unknown outfit, the Deccan Mujahideen [Images], had claimed responsibility for the terror attacks.

More than 100 people have been killed, and 300 injured, in the terror attacks.
but they didn't get treated equally. what is highest level of Muslim officials in your current regime?
if you just compare, you got very shocking truth that won't be reported by any of your censored news media (which only generates hindu nationalism). please read on if you are brave enough:

the Muslim population counts for less than 1% in China, however they got represented by a Vice-PM named Hui Liangyu in our central government. His role oversees all agriculture and religious of the national life.

:bounce: shocking?

Its called "The President of The Republic of India". and It was occupied by a muslim till as recently as 2 years ago.
it was realy a cowrad act, & it is very bad, i personaly condem it!:tsk::cry::agree:
but one , thing should be clear, pakistan is not, was not involved in any of the terrorists acts now & before?
it would be , very logical & important to hold on the unity at least on this fourm, this a very great idea, that a hot line should be established between ISI & RAW, & the incidents should be investigated jointly?:agree:
^ Yes but there can be no peace if some nation's desire is to destroy other nation
Err last day i guess a big city of India was crippled by some boys,better worry about ur failed state and also remember the rebels controling almost half of India and who wants to over throw the Gov.

I don't think you read my post carefully.. if this is all you have to say at a time like this.. pls keep it ur self.

We S asians have a tradition of respecting the dead & expressing sympathy if even if our worst enemy is affected. You seem to be unaware of this.
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