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Mumbai Attacks

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choas will be everywhere, if it goes to that extent of war , they will not die alone for sure . and one more thing in today's times its almost impossible to win a war . winning a battle is alright but not war even today war in iraq is going on with such big infrastructure of us of a and small coutnry like iraq.
choas will be everywhere, if it goes to that extent of war , they will not die alone for sure . and one more thing in today's times its almost impossible to win a war . winning a battle is alright but not war even today war in iraq is going on with such big infrastructure of us of a and small coutnry like iraq.

Agreed to some extent. Afghanistan is a Major example of today's warfare. Superpower, along with Nato, have been stuck there for eight years now. If anything's happened, it's in the favour of the Talibs. Less than 25% of the country is in the Invaders hands.

Pakistan and India SHOULD avoid war, but the only problem is that India uses pakistan's problems as a scapegoat to threat our sovereignty which isn't acceptable at all cost. The recent tensions between the two nations have proven that we won't let our guard down. India should stop giving priority to emotions rather than rationality.
India have to agree that Pakistan is a sovereign country and providing too much war pressure will not produce anything productive here, as Pakistan have a big population and their politician cant bow down to Indians just as Indians cant bow down to Pakistan. a diplomatic channel and deep understanding is required between both the country to come to a rightful conclusion. and head forward.
India have to agree that Pakistan is a sovereign country and providing too much war pressure will not produce anything productive here, as Pakistan have a big population and their politician cant bow down to Indians just as Indians cant bow down to Pakistan. a diplomatic channel and deep understanding is required between both the country to come to a rightful conclusion. and head forward.

Right on! :tup: Both have to act rationally, Not emotionally. If we started acting emotionally, we would've chocked the Nato/US supply line a long time back. Along with shooting down the drones like mere fire flies. It's not that we can't, it's our rationality and understanding of the whole conflict and the consequences it would bring to our nation that stops us from carrying out those actions.
How can a "responsible" Indian minister call Pakistan a terrorist state?
This the 10th time or so that he said something "unfortunate" again.
What a complete retard, he is seriously not helping the situation one bit.
DAWN.COM | World | Mumbai terrorists had help from inside India: US report

WASHINGTON: The terrorists who attacked Mumbai on Nov. 26 also received help from inside India, warned a leading US think-tank which also noted that those who planned the attack also wanted to influence the Pakistani government.
‘The focus on Pakistan should not obscure the fact that the terrorists likely had help from inside India,’ warned the RAND Corporation, which conducted the study.
‘Local radicalisation is a major goal of the terrorists, and will be a major political and social challenge for India.’
The report also warned the Mumbai attacks would have serious consequences for Pakistan.
But ‘the repercussions for Pakistan will depend largely on what India and the international community do,’ it noted.
‘Thus far, Indian and American officials recognise that Pakistan's civilian government does not control the policies that its military and intelligence agency hold toward militant groups operating in and from Pakistan.’
The RAND Corporation, which often conducts research studies for the US government, blamed Lashkar-i-Taiba for the Mumbai attacks but said it’s not clear if official Pakistani agencies were also involved.

‘We do not know for certain whether LeT carried out this operation without the knowledge or approval of Pakistan's army or intelligence services, or whether the attack was instigated or encouraged by sectors of the Pakistani military or intelligence service to change the course of Pakistan's own government,’ the report said.
Former US ambassador to India Robert Blackwill, now a senior fellow at RAND, was also associated with the study. Mr Blackwill is a strong supporter of India and is known for his critical views on Pakistan.
The study claimed that LeT has emerged as an ‘independent constellation in the global jihad galaxy’ after the Mumbai terror attacks.
The 22-page report focuses on the operational and tactical capabilities displayed by the 10 terrorists in the Mumbai attacks, evaluates the response of the Indian security forces and lists the implications of the attack for India, Pakistan and the international community.
‘The attack put into actual practice LeT's previous rhetoric about making the Kashmir dispute part of the international jihad. In so doing, LeT has emerged, not as a subsidiary of al-Qaeda, but as an independent constellation in the global jihad galaxy...The Mumbai attack makes LeT a global contender on its own,’ the report said.
The study warned that the Mumbai terrorist attacks suggested the possibility of an escalating terrorist campaign in South Asia and the rise of a strategic terrorist culture.
‘India will continue to face a serious jihadist threat from Pakistan-based terrorist groups, and neither Indian nor US policy is likely to reduce that threat in the near future,’ said Angel Rabasa, lead author of the report.
‘Other extremist groups in Pakistan likely will find inspiration in the Mumbai attacks, and we can expect more attacks with high body counts and symbolic targets.’
Brian Michael Jenkins, a leading terrorism expert and senior advisor at RAND, noted that the attackers targeted specific groups of people and facilities with political, cultural and emotional value.
The study also noted that the attack exposed numerous weaknesses in India's counter-terrorism and threat mitigation structure. ‘Indian intelligence officials had received prior warnings from their own staff, as well as US sources, that a major attack was probable, but did not take any specific action,’ it pointed out.
The report analysed key weaknesses in the country's general counter-terrorism and threat-mitigation structure, including gaps in coastal surveillance, inadequate ‘target hardening,’ incomplete execution of response protocols, response timing problems, inadequate counter-terrorism training and equipment for the local police, limitations of municipal fire and emergency services, flawed hostage-rescue plans, and poor strategic communications and information management.
Repercussions for Pakistan

‘India is likely to hold the state of Pakistan responsible for the attacks and may look for a way to punish Pakistan to deter future attacks. Both countries have nuclear weapons, making any military action a dangerous course, but if India does not respond, that would signal a lack of Indian resolve or capability,’ the report said.
According to the RAND researchers, the best outcome would be for Pakistan's civilian government to slowly and incrementally exert civilian control over its military and intelligence agencies. But this will be difficult as many in those agencies view the Taliban and other extremists as their natural allies, and the United States and India as threats to Pakistan's security.
To a neutral member, Shri Mukherjee behaviour at times is highly irresponsible , almost like a Donald Rumsfeld/Dick Cheney type character. By contrast, the Pakistanis from Zardari downwards have been extremly civil and diplomatic.
Cmon , Pranab, a bit more civility won't hurt
Pakistan's been in chaos for the past 3 years now. We know how to handle our problems. India should focus on HER problems and stop blaming everything on Pakistan.

You're attempting to conflate two independent matters. It is common knowledge there are hardly any states around the world that are devoid of serious internal problems, and as a general rule the magnitude and severity of such problems tends to be far greater in the under developed world.

The issue here however is that Pakistan's virulent internal problems are manifesting in India; and this is unacceptable.
You're attempting to conflate two independent matters. It is common knowledge there are hardly any states around the world that are devoid of serious internal problems, and as a general rule the magnitude and severity of such problems tends to be far greater in the under developed world.

The issue here however is that Pakistan's virulent internal problems are manifesting in India; and this is unacceptable.

Did you even read the post I replied to?

And on the Internal problems Issue, Please name the countries who're going through a full-scale Military war in one of it's own region right now. You can't possible compare the rest of the world's Internal problems to our situation.
The issue here however is that Pakistan's virulent internal problems are manifesting in India; and this is unacceptable.

Welcome to the side-effects of the GWOT! For people and countries to remain immune to this lash back is an unrealistic expectation in my opinion.
Welcome to the side-effects of the GWOT! For people and countries to remain immune to this lash back is an unrealistic expectation in my opinion.

That's not true at all. The Lashkar and other militant groups linked to Kashmir have nothing to do with the GWOT. They are creations and extensions of the Pakistani state (perhaps were till recently, I cannot say).

The GWOT is being fought on the Afghan border - these guys are different - they are (or were?) part of Pakistan's foreign policy.
The Lashkar and other militant groups linked to Kashmir have nothing to do with the GWOT.

Oh that's right - they are a result of India's occupation of kashmir and her refusal to hold a free and fair referendum as mandated by the UNSC resolutions and agreed to by her.

LeT stated the other day that they are willing to forgo violence and accept peace provided India respects her commitments to the UN, the international community and the Kashmiris.
This little midget is really making a fool out of himself, empty threats are not going to do anything. Even the leadership of Pakistan have started to ignore his threats because they dont have any weight in it. If India would act like a responsablie nation and engage Pakistan in the right way, they would actually get results. Call me old fashioned but i was told "If you want help, ask someone nicely". With all these empty threats and constant war mongering, Indians have just shot themselves in the foot.
Oh that's right - they are a result of India's occupation of kashmir and her refusal to hold a free and fair referendum as mandated by the UNSC resolutions and agreed to by her.

LeT stated the other day that they are willing to forgo violence and accept peace provided India respects her commitments to the UN, the international community and the Kashmiris.

What I mean is, that they are not a result of the "backlash" because of the GWOT.
They are of course a part of the GWOT - they should be - since they are terror groups.

And your reasoning is bollocks - without support from the Pakistani state in the first place, there would be on Lashkar - so its got nothing to do with Kashmir. Kashmir is simply being used as tool by the Pakistanis to brainwash their jehadis.
What I mean is, that they are not a result of the "backlash" because of the GWOT.
They are of course a part of the GWOT - they should be - since they are terror groups.

And your reasoning is bollocks - without support from the Pakistani state in the first place, there would be on Lashkar - so its got nothing to do with Kashmir. Kashmir is simply being used as tool by the Pakistanis to brainwash their jehadis.

By that definition, IRA was also labelled as a "Terrorist" organization but without them, there never would've been an Independent Irish state. Every region throughout history has gained independence by the use of force at one point or another. When kashmiri's picked up arms, they were labelled terrorists. When they dropped them, they're STILL labelled terrorists. Exactly why peaceful protesters are being shot in Kashmir. What EXACTLY should they do?
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