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Mumbai Attacks

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I wonder what he's going to say? :) Any thoughts?

Judge: Can you confirm your name?

"Ajmal": Yes, your honor (in his best Hindi accent while holding his right hand to take oath revealing a yellowy-orange wrist band that strangely looks like a Kalava).

Judge: Where are you from "Ajmal" *wink wink*

"Ajmal": Faridkot, your honour. I'm just the son of a poor dahi walla merchant.

Judge: How did you learn English, "Ajmal" *wink wink*

"Ajmal": errrr..... errrrmmmmm....... ugghhhhhh *splutters*. I need saline, your honor. Please put me on saline.

......and so it continues.......

If this were funny.. someone some day would laugh...

Well, I found it funny, as I do most Bollywood drama :)
Yes, he suddenly stopped speaking English.
He didn't, because he never spoke in English. It was misreported in media and you are clinging to it. Look at official reports.

A chubby faced, well groomed, overweight, Tamil looking boy would not be the son of a "dahi walla" seller from a poor villlage. Almost exclusively those people are thin and ragged, and definitely don't speak Hindi.

And independent media have not proven anything.

Independent media has proved that he was from Faridkot. You lost the argument with me on the other thread.

Here is a pakistani who might fit those features too

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You're missing the point.

He's the SON OF A POOR DAHI WALLA seller. Those people from villages do not have enough money to feed themselves, let alone their families.

If you look at the Hindi speaking terrorist, he's clearly been fed very well, and groomed himself in such a way that he's clearly not been too short of money.

Onto the youtube clip you posted. The man in that clip does NOT look like the Hindi speaking, Kalava wearing terrorist. I have only seen the front screen but I can tell from the facial features and build they are not of the same subrace. This is beside the point. He could be a Canadian Indian, he could be a Dutch Indian, he could be a Muhajir, but he is Indian looking. Anyhow Faridkot didn't receive any Muhajirs, let alone Hindi speaking ones.
Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle

They killed Hemant Karkare, chief of the police anti-terrorist squad in Mumbai, to send a message that you cannot investigate the Mossad-RSS angle
by Amaresh Misra
MUMBAI, INDIA 4:00AM -- Mumbai is under attack. People and forces who killed Mahatama Gandhi, who demolished the Babari Mosque have triumphed. More than 16 groups of terrorists have taken over Taj, Oberai and several hotels. Hundreds of people are dead. For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations. The Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the ATS have been killed. These were the same people who were investigating the Malegaon Blasts - in which Praggya Singh, an army officer and several other noted personalities of the BJP-RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP were arrested. Karkare was the man to arrest them. Karkare was receiving threats from several quarters. LK Advani, the BJP chief and several other prominent leaders of the so-called Hindu terrorism squad were gunning for his head. And the first casualty in the terrorist attack was Karkare! He is dead - gone - the firing by terrorists began from Nariman House - which is the only building in Mumbai inhabited by Jews. Some Hindu Gujaratis of the Nariman area spoke live on several TV channels - they openly said that the firing by terrorists began from Nariman house. And that for two years suspicious activities were going on in this house. But no one took notice.

Our worst fears have come true. It is clear that Mossad is involved in the whole affair. An entire city has been attacked by Mossad and probably units of mercenaries. It is not possible for one single organization to plan and execute such a sophisticated operation. It is clear that this operation was backed by communal forces from within the Indian State. The Home Minister Shivraj Patil should resign. The RSS-BJP-VHP-Bajrang Dal should be banned. Advani and others ought to be arrested. Today is a day of shame for all Indians and all Hindus. Muslims and secular Hindus have been proven right. RSS type forces and Israel are all involved in not only destabilizing but finishing India. India should immediately snap all relations with Israel. We owe this much to Karkare and the brave ATS men who had shown the courage to arrest Praggya Singh, Raj Kumar Purohit, the army officer and several others.

A photograph published in Urdu Times, Mumbai, clearly shows that Mossad and ex-Mossad men came to India and met Sadhus and other pro-Hindutva elements recently. A conspiracy was clearly hatched.

This is a moment of reckoning especially for Hindus of India. The killers of Gandhi have struck again. If we are true Sanatanis and true Hindus and true nationalists and true patriots we have to see this act as a clear attack by anti-national deshdrohi forces. Praggya Singh, Advani and the entire brand is anti-national. They ought to be shot. Any Hindu siding with them is hereafter warned of serious consequences.

This is a question of nationalism. If no one else, the Indian army will not take this lying down. Communal, anti-national forces have attacked the very foundation of the Indian constitution and the nation. We will fight a civil war if need be against the pro-Hindutva, communal forces and their Israeli backers.


Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle
For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations.

the author must be out of touch with reality.

RSS type forces and Israel are all involved in not only destabilizing but finishing India. India should immediately snap all relations with Israel.

Clearly showing his hatred.

Any Hindu siding with them is hereafter warned of serious consequences.

Is he really a journalist or a jihadi in disguise.

We will fight a civil war if need be against the pro-Hindutva, communal forces and their Israeli backers.

Quite dumb article overall
The 10 men known to have carried out the Mumbai terror attacks were part of a larger cadre of 30 who were given military training on how to conduct a suicide mission, according to police.

"Another 20 were ready to die," Mumbai Police Deputy Commissioner Deven Bharti said. "This is the very disturbing part of it," he told the New York Times.

The whereabouts of the 20 other men are unknown.

The news came after the Indian government demanded that Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a charity linked to the Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which Indian officials say was responsible for the Mumbai strike, be added to a UN terrorism blacklist.

"We have requested the Security Council to proscribe the Pakistani group Jamaat-ud-Dawa since it is a terrorist outfit," E. Ahamed, Indian minister of state for external affairs, told a special meeting of the UN Security Council on terrorism.

Pakistan's UN Ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon told the council Islamabad was ready to support such a measure.

There have been fears that more militants were on the loose since the terror attacks on India's commercial capital on November 26, which killed at least 170 people.

Police sources had earlier said that 24 terrorists received the same training – which included weapons handling and marine warfare drills

-- as the Mumbai gunmen in camps in Pakistan. They have now increased the number.

Indian officials allege that the camps were run by Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was founded to fight Indian rule in Kashmir.

The new information on the number of terrorist trainees came from the sole gunman to be taken alive, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, who is being interrogated by police in Mumbai.

Leaders from Lashkar-e-Taiba picked out Kasab and the nine other Mumbai gunmen some months before the attacks. The chosen militants were then divided into five two-man teams, each of which was assigned a target in Mumbai. Each team was forbidden from sharing the information about their target with the others and never saw the other 20 trainees again, according to police.

Each of the 10 gunmen was armed with about a dozen grenades, a 9 mm pistol with two magazines, one AK-47 assault rifle with about seven magazines and 100-150 rounds of ammunition, police said.

Police in Mumbai have also named a fifth suspect in their investigation into the attacks. The man, identified only as Sabauddin, was arrested in February with the Indian-born Fahim Ansari, who was caught carrying maps that pinpointed several of the city landmarks that were hit in the raid on Mumbai.

Sabauddin has been held in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh with Ansari since they were arrested for an attack on a reserve police camp.

Two others have been arrested for helping the gunmen get mobile phone cards, along with Kasab.

Mukhtar Ahmed, 35, originally from Indian-controlled Kashmir, was detained on Friday in Delhi. He is being held with another man, Tauseef Rehman, 26, who was arrested in his home city of Calcutta on the same day.

The detention of the two men, both now being held in Calcutta, had been hailed as a potentially key breakthrough in the Mumbai investigation.

The operation turned sour, however, after police in Srinagar, Indian Kashmir's summer capital, said that Ahmed worked for them, raising the possibility that an Indian agent aided the militants that committed India's worse terror attack in 15 years.

Mumbai police yesterday identified the nine gunmen that were killed and released pictures of eight of them. One was burned too badly, so his picture was withheld, he said.

All the men were Pakistani, the police said, raising pressure on India's neighbour to take action.

Mumbai terrorists 'part of a larger group' - Times Online

Ahmed, an Indian agent, helped the terrorists. Why has that fact been left out when they brought charges against Pakistan ? This shows the nature of the Indian investigation.
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Yes, he suddenly stopped speaking English.

A chubby faced, well groomed, overweight, Tamil looking boy would not be the son of a "dahi walla" seller from a poor villlage. Almost exclusively those people are thin and ragged, and definitely don't speak Hindi.

And independent media have not proven anything.

One day, I will send yu my pic.. and compare it with that fellow and let me know if yu still feel that he s a tamil looking guy..

You're missing the point.

He's the SON OF A POOR DAHI WALLA seller. Those people from villages do not have enough money to feed themselves, let alone their families.

If you look at the Hindi speaking terrorist, he's clearly been fed very well, and groomed himself in such a way that he's clearly not been too short of money.

Onto the youtube clip you posted. The man in that clip does NOT look like the Hindi speaking, Kalava wearing terrorist. I have only seen the front screen but I can tell from the facial features and build they are not of the same subrace. This is beside the point. He could be a Canadian Indian, he could be a Dutch Indian, he could be a Muhajir, but he is Indian looking. Anyhow Faridkot didn't receive any Muhajirs, let alone Hindi speaking ones.

The point is not missed and it remains the same. Miraculously, the DAHI WALLA and his wife are missing, that is a mystery to me. You are not a Anthropologist to decide his place just by looking at facial features and skin color. As seen in above Youtube clip, there are Pakistani people who might look like that.

He speaks Punjabi not Hindi according to official reports. The guys who you claim to speak Hindi are dead, so your point remains moot with respect to this guy.

You're missing the point.

He's the SON OF A POOR DAHI WALLA seller. Those people from villages do not have enough money to feed themselves, let alone their families.

If you look at the Hindi speaking terrorist, he's clearly been fed very well, and groomed himself in such a way that he's clearly not been too short of money.

Onto the youtube clip you posted. The man in that clip does NOT look like the Hindi speaking, Kalava wearing terrorist. I have only seen the front screen but I can tell from the facial features and build they are not of the same subrace. This is beside the point. He could be a Canadian Indian, he could be a Dutch Indian, he could be a Muhajir, but he is Indian looking. Anyhow Faridkot didn't receive any Muhajirs, let alone Hindi speaking ones.
He supposedly been in training for 3years.(from the reports about his hometown being confirmed as faridkot)Surely they wont train him for three years without giving him food.
No body is discounting that local Indians are not involved and indeed there were two arrests made in this regard. Their main role seems to be providing the logistics. But the main attackers are Pakistan nationals and the attack is masterminded by LeT/JuD who are again Pakistan based. So, obviously charges were against Pakistani based elements.
Ahmed, an Indian agent, helped the terrorists. Why has that fact been left out when they brought charges against Pakistan ? This shows the nature of the Indian investigation.

beacause then the world was watching them,and they can,t show to the world that there is terrorism in india to
No body is discounting that local Indians are not involved and indeed there were two arrests made in this regard. Their main role seems to be providing the logistics. But the main attackers are Pakistan nationals and the attack is masterminded by LeT/JuD who are again Pakistan based. So, obviously charges were against Pakistani based elements.

your goverment and media should have sticked on one story,sometimes they were saying that some banghladeshi,s are involved,sometimes they sayed they were british pakistanis,then they are bhutanis.
and what a surprise one is captured alive for investigation.
good job india:tup:
i live in canada, here i can tell the diffeence between a indian and a pakistani. To me tht guy looks indian, i dnt care wt others say, from his facial features he does not look like a pakistani.
It seems to me that they only people who can tell the difference between an Indian and a Pakistani by simply using some "stereotype" don't actually live in Pakistan.
Well exactly. Why not Pakistan do some of this show trialing?

And Pakistan is supposed to have the all powerful, all conquering ISI that is responsible for every calamity in South and West Asia from causing earthquakes that destroy whole villages to causing magnetic storms that flatten parts of India.

If RAW can make up its evidence and present this as proof, why can't ISI?

Let's leave aside for the moment that it's quite likely Mumbai was a false flag, but in the event of the Marriot, ISI could have grabbed somebody, named him "Ambikar Patel" from Tamil Nadu, and forced him into confessing to the bombing. Then simply put him on show in a court. Heck it could have even got him to say how he was a Dahi Wallah merchant from his village also! This is stronger evidence than India has given so far, and Indians at least seem to be falling for it.

You forgot the plague of Gujrat. The mouse were smuggled by ISI to Gujrat.
Qasab is crucial evidence himself, Given the mistrust with Pakistan India would rather give access to aggrived parties viz US, Israel and UK whose citizens were also the victims of Attacks.
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