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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

Condolence has little to do with actions elsewhere. Am I to suddenly beleive that the majority of Indians from India suddently had a change of heart after counting the civilians deaths as trophies in the LoC flare up thread with near joy now find those lost in terror sad?
So essentially, If India kills innocent civilians it is not sad and if they are hit by terrorists it is sad?
I have not read the thread and so cannot comment with accuracy.
I am willing to place money where my mouth is though and say that it would be an isolated case or a couple of idiotic posters.

That said, this is not the thread to apportion blame. Give your sympathy and pray for strength to the next of kin for those who lost their lives.

And hope that the GoP finds and gives justice, the families of the victims that deserve it.
Although there won't be proof to prove it...but let's assume that you are correct. A country (India) which is considered to be an enemy state will never think good of you. One thing is guaranteed those suicide bombers aren't Indian nationals. He could be from any neighboring countries whose brain is washed by some Mullah and he/she thinks he is serving the almighty by blowing himself.

One must admit that Pakistan already had all the ingredients for devastation. I mean it created the mess by involving in other nations wars. Be it Afghanistan, Chechnya etc.it created, sheltered and trained monsters....all it required was a little motivation to turn rogue. There are consequences dealing with the devil, the first few years one would love the experience....but when it comes to paying the devil with your soul...that is when one understands its mistake. If Pakistan sincerely cleans up its mess and sit down for serious reforms things can still improve....but time is running out.

Clean up how? You are looking at ten to fifteen years of grass roots social cleanup. Then another five or six to hunt down and kill any remaining leadership capable of such ideals. That is a nothing more than a pipedream.
Its RAW, Mossad and CIA interests are not threatened so they wouldn't bother with this. This is part of Modi's new strategy of dealing with Pakistan, he has been quite explicit in his speeches of how he will deal with Pakistan and this is the result of India activating its espionage activities in Pakistan. The current Government led by NS is quite adamant to achieve peace with India at any cost, the question will they give the ISI the go ahead to reply in kind or the ISI will just reply in kind without the approval of the Federal Government?

Do you still believe Government controls ISI....and not the otherwise.
Clean up how? You are looking at ten to fifteen years of grass roots social cleanup. Then another five or six to hunt down and kill any remaining leadership capable of such ideals. That is a nothing more than a pipedream.

India did with the Khalistan movement. So is with the insurgency in Assam, especially and ULFA and BLT. However the insurgency in NE was not religiously motivated, hence was a little easy than Khalistan. NE still remains affected but these organizations are more interested in extorting money and nothing else.
Jundullah operates in Baluchistan and is now spread in rest of Pakistan funded by india and invaders first choice for there lap dogs the northern alliance in Afghanistan

This organization is also involved in terrorism in Iran and hurts our relationship with Iran severely

on the other hand there is another group who is associated with ttp and is called Hizb ul jund(involved in suicide bomb blast on the church in Peshawar) some times media mixes these two with one another
I have not read the thread and so cannot comment with accuracy.
I am willing to place money where my mouth is though and say that it would be an isolated case or a couple of idiotic posters.

That said, this is not the thread to apportion blame. Give your sympathy and pray for strength to the next of kin for those who lost their lives.

And hope that the GoP finds and gives justice, the families of the victims that deserve it.

And it is that very "couple" that I intend to bring out here for highlighting their pithy ideals. I have a much better idea of Indians beyond here and hence they have little to do with the idiots that roam the Internet with their flags.
Why a response? Indians aren't descended from heaven where they cannot be restarted and celebrate the deaths inviting a response from Pakistani retards.

I haven't seen any Indian start that but many a time has seen likes of Razpak and Zarvan bragg about how only 10 Pakistani can shake Mumbai. And there are many like them 90% of Pakistanies on forum are like that . They also mocke us many a times about behading incident.
sir RAW has been created to identify the threats from internal and external terrorism and give security alerts to govt.
Capture terrorists , and help to fight with terrorism.
They are not made to give terrorism in other country.

One of RAW's objectives is this as well

  • Covert Operations to safe guard India's National interests
Which means if it is construed that India's National interest is served via the disruption and chaos of Pakistani society via sponsoring terrorism.. RAW will put all efforts into it.

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