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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

What’s your solution to the Muslims that are already there?
Every person born in a muslim majority country must be re-interviewed (a simple questionnaire sent by mail will do). Any sign of sympathy for the Islamic cause or support for terrorist groups should be grounds for immediate deportation and for those that are citizens, their citizenship should be taken back and they must be deported.

there is no solution actually. Solution is with the muslim community itself.
Solution is not bringing them in and cracking down hard on the ones that are already here.
Every person born in a muslim majority country must be re-interviewed (a simple questionnaire sent by mail will do). Any sign of sympathy for the Islamic cause or support for terrorist groups should be grounds for immediate deportation and for those that are citizens, their citizenship should be taken back and they must be deported.

Solution is not bringing them in and cracking down hard on the ones that are already here.
may be . i dont know.
Every person born in a muslim majority country must be re-interviewed (a simple questionnaire sent by mail will do). Any sign of sympathy for the Islamic cause or support for terrorist groups should be grounds for immediate deportation and for those that are citizens, their citizenship should be taken back and they must be deported.

Solution is not bringing them in and cracking down hard on the ones that are already here.

Wouldn’t the west lose its moral high ground by doing such a thing? I think your solutions are too extreme.

I agree the authorities need to be stricter with terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. It would be good for the normal Muslims to (the majority) who like everyone else just want to get on with life.
Wouldn’t the west lose its moral high grand by doing such a thing? I think your solutions are too extreme.

I agree the authorities need to be stricter with terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. It would be good for the normal Muslims (the majority) who like everyone else just want to get on with life.
Nope. All non-muslims around the world agree that muslims and Islamic beliefs are an issue. The West is already hated amongst muslims and what they care matters little anyway. Finally, allowing them to spread will make the country turn into France or other Eu countries with massive muslim populations (complete dumps).

It's not just terrorism that's an issue. Shootings and killings happen all the time. It's their existence among the general population, their culture, their attitudes, their lack of belief in the nation and its ideals, their lack of desire to integrate, their lack of desire to contribute etc...
So this is what pakdefence is about, you let a bunch of yindoo insult Canada while we are in the middle of a terrorist attack? If I say something I am going to get a 5 week ban.
Nope. All non-muslims around the world agree that muslims and Islamic beliefs are an issue. The West is already hated amongst muslims and what they care matters little anyway. Finally, allowing them to spread will make the country turn into France or other Eu countries with massive muslim populations (complete dumps).

It's not just terrorism that's an issue. Shootings and killings happen all the time. It's their existence among the general population, their culture, their attitudes, their lack of belief in the nation and its ideals, their lack of desire to integrate, their lack of desire to contribute etc...
The problem with the French and E.U immigrants has more to do with the type of people who came. (The poorest and the least educated in their own respective countries) Which was a recipe for disaster, and foolish for the Europeans to think that they would make upstanding citizens. They wouldn't get half the problems that they have now if the immigrants that came were middle class and educated. If you’re going to blame anyone then blame capitalism and the greed for cheap labor.
I feel sorry for Canada. In the end we in the west must propably sacrifice tolerance and deal with this issue once and for all.

Its not just the west. This is a problem that unites all great powers in the world. The West (USA, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), Russia, China.

I think in future we will see a massive war against islamism. And since most muslims stay silent, tehy will be target too.
I feel sorry for Canada. In the end we in the west must propably sacrifice tolerance and deal with this issue once and for all.

Its not just the west. This is a problem that unites all great powers in the world. The West (USA, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), Russia, China.

I think in future we will see a massive war against islamism. And since most muslims stay silent, tehy will be target too.

Sadly, I think you're right.

It's a great tragedy.
Not sure to be elated or sad

One hand human lives have been lost RIP, on the other payback is a biatch for condescending dickheads who think harboring hoards of third world terrorists and giving them a open cheque to wreck havoc around the world in the name of democracy some how makes them holier than thou... Tasting that same medicine must surely be bitter
Every person born in a muslim majority country must be re-interviewed (a simple questionnaire sent by mail will do). Any sign of sympathy for the Islamic cause or support for terrorist groups should be grounds for immediate deportation and for those that are citizens, their citizenship should be taken back and they must be deported.

Solution is not bringing them in and cracking down hard on the ones that are already here.

Like people will answer honestly on those questionairres.

The problem is Canada has admitted too many immigrants of questionable backgrounds and you get trash like this which does stupid stuff to the host country.
I feel sorry for Canada. In the end we in the west must propably sacrifice tolerance and deal with this issue once and for all.

Its not just the west. This is a problem that unites all great powers in the world. The West (USA, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), Russia, China.

I think in future we will see a massive war against islamism. And since most muslims stay silent, tehy will be target too.
Not just the west, almost every country is getting dragged into this nowadays.
A bit surprising that Canada is being targeted by terrorists. Though Islamic state did give a shout out to start terrorist attacks in western countries. I am afraid more such attacks are in the pipeline.

Terrorists have done one thing, i.e. made many countries spend millions on security and protection.
So this is what pakdefence is about, you let a bunch of yindoo insult Canada while we are in the middle of a terrorist attack? If I say something I am going to get a 5 week ban.

They are your Indian brothers who already complain 24/7 about heavy handedness from mods.

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