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Muhammed Morsi of Egypt

What a terrible thread, if you don't like him you don't open a thread as a non-Egyptian to celebrate his 'fate' as you put. You have no reasonable justification as an Iranian for that. You're just upset MB was gaining momentum across whole Arab world at that time.

Now for Egyptians they may not all feel comfortable with religious movement ruling their country. It's true Islam is hard to incorporate into Muslim nations because of trust issues and not feeling safe with Islamist politicians in some cases. Some people don't want to see secular or nationalist foundations of their country be torn down. That is valid reason for Egyptians. Does not mean anything is wrong with Islam itself, it's just that following God is a grand matter which requires lots of effort by individuals to be as best as they could. People are not ready for implementing Islam well until people become good spirited and good to each other again.

Now regarding Gaza, you don't understand what was happening in Sinai. Morsi was facing pressure by army all across country and faced diesel shortages among other things. Egyptian army was not cooperative with him. Nothing was happening against tunnels and he actually opened the border with Gaza on a permanent basis. For the first time since Hamas rule people could travel to Egypt for vacation and return. Gaza economy was improving as well. Then the bad actors(Mossad and whoever else) wanted to destroy that and sent supposed ISIS militants to attack Egyptian army. 30 plus Egyptian soldiers killed in attack and Egyptian army expected Morsi to change his attitude toward Gaza. He did not change anything but allowed them to destroy some tunnels with Gaza. Shortly after they did coup against him and closed border with Gaza permanently. It was closed for almost 6 months straight or more. It's now relatively back to normal after 7 years.

Now I don't think Morsi would have been an amazing leader. It was a challenge for MB to rule Egypt in first place and I don't think he would performed that well and been voted out in next elections. However , he was not even given a fair shot and I was in Egypt before the coup, the atmosphere was not good. Lots of tension between army and Morsi, you could feel it in the air. Egypt didn't feel normal this time. There was a shortage of fuel and diesel supplies and my driver in Egypt had connections with army and we went to secret location to fill up.

I will post an article from New York times regarding this in my next post.

I'm not sure what else to say to you, if you prefer Shia politicians or pro-Iranian ones than you're entitled to your preference but don't make such toxic and disrespectful threads like these.
we thought Morsi is friend at first but he himself chose to not be friend.

warning harmful video
He was also a persecutor of Egyptian Christians but in the end God punished him and this modern day pharaoh got what he deserved....divine justice.
Now regarding Gaza, you don't understand what was happening in Sinai. Morsi was facing pressure by army all across country and faced diesel shortages among other things. Egyptian army was not cooperative with him. Nothing was happening against tunnels and he actually opened the border with Gaza on a permanent basis. For the first time since Hamas rule people could travel to Egypt for vacation and return. Gaza economy was improving as well. Then the bad actors(Mossad and whoever else) wanted to destroy that and sent supposed ISIS militants to attack Egyptian army. 30 plus Egyptian soldiers killed in attack and Egyptian army expected Morsi to change his attitude toward Gaza. He did not change anything but allowed them to destroy some tunnels with Gaza. Shortly after they did coup against him and closed border with Gaza permanently. It was closed for almost 6 months straight or more. It's now relatively back to normal after 7 years.
I leave this to Egyptians to judge, whether they prefer Army rule or a man trying to marry with Shimon perez.
If he faced shortage or whatever threats from outside the country, he could simply Ask Iran for help instead of stabbing us in the back. Why did a So called Muslim tried to befriend a Jewish Zionist? Why didnt he Ask for our help?
What could be my problem witha Sunni Soul? Do we have a different prophet? Or a different book? Or a different God? Or a different Mecca? Sunnis could be our Brothers in arms and i am hopeful for it because we are promised there is a day of reuniting.
What Bothers me Most people were celebrating massacre of Shias here and there. You forgot that Quran introduces jews and Iblis as our sworn enemies. So why befriending them?
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This is historical revisionism at its finest.

Where Iranians fail is trying to implicate any Sunni country or great Sunni leader with US and Israel, and yet ignoring their own important contributions to the US wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.

Iranians, I see, do not understand the nuances of the Muslim brotherhood, nor their differences which depend country by country.

I consider myself somewhat well-informed on the subject as I know a large number of the leaders of MB in the US on a first name basis.

The basic error in this article is to consider the Levantine Brotherhood (Syrian, Palestinian (PA) mainly) as the same as the movement in Egypt. They are rivals and enemies of each other.

Furthermore Morsi did far more against Israel, even willing to revisit its peace treaty with Israel, and against sectarianism than any other Egyptian government. Morsi had good relations with Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and Qatar.

I wouldn't call them rivals but they are indeed different. They share different visions and have different opinions on social , religious matters, etc.... Tunisian MB for example is different than Egyptian and Palestinian MB is different as well. Although I wouldn't call Hamas MB, they share similar political views but that's it. Hamas is more so a Palestinian religious movement which has been one of more successful examples.

I've been to Gaza a lot and I can say I was impressed with Hamas's professionalism and security. They have one of best security forces in my opinion when it comes to dealing with implementing the law and preventing extremism. They govern pretty well too but just need to work on favoritism a little bit when it comes to favoring your movements supporters. They also manage to be on good terms with most of population even secular ones.
I leave this to Egyptians to judge, whether they prefer Army rule or a man trying to marry with Shimon perez.
If he faced shortage or whatever threats from outside the country, he could simply Ask Iran for help instead of stabbing us in the back. Why did a So called Muslim tried to befriend a Jewish Zionist? Why didnt he Ask for our help?
What could be my problem witha Sunni Soul? Do we have a different prophet? Or a different book? Or a different God? Or a different Mecca? Sunnis could be our Brothers in arms and i am hopeful for it because we are promised there is a day of reuniting.
What Bothers me Most people were celebrating massacre of Shias here and there. You forgot that Quran introduces jews and Iblis as our sworn enemies. So why befriending them?

Your government and media are driving you guys crazy. Sometimes I have to re-read statements which you guys write on this forum.

I pray sanity prevails in Iran before all of Iran's neighbors have had enough.
Your government and media is driving you guys crazy. Sometimes I have to re-read statements which you guys write on this forum.

I pray sanity prevails in Iran before all of Iran's neighbors have had enough.
Have had enough of What? You havent Read Quran id bet on that.
Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Morsi


NYT requires subscription to read but it works on mobile.


I leave this to Egyptians to judge, whether they prefer Army rule or a man trying to marry with Shimon perez.
If he faced shortage or whatever threats from outside the country, he could simply Ask Iran for help instead of stabbing us in the back. Why did a So called Muslim tried to befriend a Jewish Zionist? Why didnt he Ask for our help?
What could be my problem witha Sunni Soul? Do we have a different prophet? Or a different book? Or a different God? Or a different Mecca? Sunnis could be our Brothers in arms and i am hopeful for it because we are promised there is a day of reuniting.
What Bothers me Most people were celebrating massacre of Shias here and there. You forgot that Quran introduces jews and Iblis as our sworn enemies. So why befriending them?

Egypt has a peace treaty with Israel and diplomatic relations with Israel. Morsi cannot change that, and the letter was a diplomatic one urging for a two state solution as everybody wishes to see the Israeli and Palestinian conflict end. Your smears don't make any sense.

As for fuel shortages, you first need to show me Iran offered to supply fuel for Egypt at Egypt's terms they sought and that Morsi rejected. They got the deal they wanted with Libya for temporary purpose:

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya will soon start shipping oil to neighboring Egypt on soft credit terms, two senior Libyan officials said, as Cairo struggles to pay for energy imports and avoid fuel shortages.

The officials told Reuters that Tripoli would supply Cairo with $1.2 billion worth of crude at world prices but on interest free credit for a year, with the first cargo expected to arrive next month.

Egypt has slid into economic crisis since president Hosni Mubarak was overthrown two years ago. Most international companies have reduced oil product supplies to the country fearing non-payments, as the government tries to curb soaring energy subsidy costs which swallow up a fifth of its budget.

Libya plans to ship one to two cargoes a month for refining in Egypt under a deal that involves 12 million barrels of crude over 12 months, the oil industry officials said.


This is not about Shia or Sunni, what does Egyptian politics have to with that? What beliefs people want to follow is their personal business and should not be a political thing. Sunni and Shia coexist fine where there is good governance like in Kuwait, Pakistan, Bahrain, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc....
منظورش اینه که تا خون همسایه هامون به جوش نیومده. داره تهدید میکنه.:sarcastic::sarcastic:
You havent been to this forum bro when these takfiri headchoppers were counting days to see dijjal appears from Isfahan lmao. On the backdoor they are kissing jewish *** but to takfir Shias, they look for lame excuses. Funny people who wont dare to meet with me in real life but prefer to stay in level of keyboard Warrior.
the worst president in the history of egypt
thx allah we have a great army


Don't worry about this forum, which is a propaganda site against the Arabs, incl. Egypt. All their propaganda is always opposite to the ground reality.

If public have brains in their heads they may look at ground realities before believing the BS from those, who were actually behind the unrest in Egypt and larger Arabia, in the name of democracy.
No doubt there was over all resentment against Mubarak, which is normal course of human nature, but Moorsi was surely leading Egypt on suicidal path from the word go.
Egypt was cut from the whole world, which had it's own consequences besides all the domestic anarchy and polarization.
Quite rightly military intervened and after little effort by military anarchists lost their thrust.
Ever since Egypt has returned to normalization, domestically and internationally.
Saudi Arabia chipped in with economical support, helping in kick starting economic activity. Otherwise it would have been bumpy road for Sisi.

We in Pakistan have various such take overs during desperate times in our history, so we can relate to situation much better only few on pay roles of Iranian mulla would hate to see peace and stability in Egypt for sectarian reasons and they drive some fools along.

I would always take words of Egyptian on their domestic affairs more worthy, rather than perception of Iranian or Turk.

I personally have spent lot of time in Egpyt right before the revolution, and have witnessed the social and political culture, my self.
I can say, ruling Egypt is not bed of roses. If today Sisi handover the control to anyone, he /she may again got replaced by the public, within couple of years.
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. .
I leave this to Egyptians to judge, whether they prefer Army rule or a man trying to marry with Shimon perez.
If he faced shortage or whatever threats from outside the country, he could simply Ask Iran for help instead of stabbing us in the back. Why did a So called Muslim tried to befriend a Jewish Zionist? Why didnt he Ask for our help?
What could be my problem witha Sunni Soul? Do we have a different prophet? Or a different book? Or a different God? Or a different Mecca? Sunnis could be our Brothers in arms and i am hopeful for it because we are promised there is a day of reuniting.
What Bothers me Most people were celebrating massacre of Shias here and there. You forgot that Quran introduces jews and Iblis as our sworn enemies. So why befriending them?

Every word that comes out of your mouth is full of HATE. You re just talking behind the back of a dead man without any proof or even a construtive critisism. Instead u could just praise the guy who succeeded him, showing us how good Egypt of today is (and we could just judge by ourselves witch leader was the best choice). All you re doing is spreading hate.
Every word that comes out of your mouth is full of HATE. You re just talking behind the back of a dead man without any proof or even a construtive critisism. Instead u could just praise the guy who succeeded him, showing us how good Egypt of today is (and we could just judge by ourselves witch leader was the best choice). All you re doing is spreading hate.
Criticzing is not spreading hatred. He was the leader of the Most important country of Africa. So not only me but hundreds of people criticze him from their own point of view.
He was also a persecutor of Egyptian Christians but in the end God punished him and this modern day pharaoh got what he deserved....divine justice.
Enough lies.

Yes, Muslim brotherhood was directly responsible for the crime.
You people are snakes, in his era Ahmed Najad visited Egypt as the first time since shah era an Iranian president visits Egypt.
You havent been to this forum bro when these takfiri headchoppers were counting days to see dijjal appears from Isfahan lmao. On the backdoor they are kissing jewish *** but to takfir Shias, they look for lame excuses. Funny people who wont dare to meet with me in real life but prefer to stay in level of keyboard Warrior.
Prophet (PBUH) said jews. Today many Zionist heads in the US and occupied Palestine state have Jewish origin from capital of Jews in the Middle East before israel.
Sure like after what u wrote about him since the beginning what reaction do u expect from a guy who believed in him. Do u really think u can win their hearths like this? That's what i mean by being constructive, all u re doing is destruction.
Prove him that his world is better with Sisi, talk to him about how great leader he is. What makes him so great? The changes that saved the Egyptians and then maybe he will think about it and change his mind.
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