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MQM Target killer Nadeem took training from RAW & Indian Army :- Mubashir Lucman shows JIT Report

Oh, you misunderstood me. I am not asserting that I have seen low activity in Karachi. I am just pointing out that Lahore have transformed in to a metropolis in current times, enormous expansion and activity level in many areas on daily basis.

I have visited I.I. Chundrigar on day time, I was receiving training in MCB Tower (visited its roof as well) and explored some markets there. It reminded me of Mall Road and Main Boulevard of Lahore.
Lahore still have Suburban lifestyle as in Modern Cities more people lives in Apartment Building then suburban houses while Lahore doesnt even have this whole Apartment living on the first place. Lahore is quite conjusted though but not as dense. Its Expanding horizontally instead of Vertically unlike other Mega Cities and Karachi as well which are Expanding Vertically rather.

Mall Road is more like Shahrah-e-Faisal of Karachi and Main Boulevard Road is like road Connecting Shahrah-e-Faisal with Clifton. Both of them are not entirely like II Chundrgarh Road as this road is like any in Pakistan.
I think I have been a little too tough on the MQM as not all MQM supporters are terrorists but it is clear that the birth of MQM is linked with terror violence and this is something we purposely ignore. In 1984 MQM was formed and from 1985-1990 3000 people were killed in karachi... and 10000 from 1986-1996 so violence and MQM is intertwined. I sympathize with the sentiment however that an equal operation should be started against other political parties which have started using violence as a tool. A relative was kidnapped by PPPP thugs so I know other parties have militant wings too.

I have also select few family members who have suffered at the hands of the MQM too, but most unfortunately support the MQM and the hatred it promotes.

I think if us migrants start to look at ethnic identity with only a little more objectiveness then our problems may disappear as other ethnic groups rush to follow our example. I want to ask except our role in initial stages in making Pakistan, what else have we done for Pakistan. A lot of our grandfathers and others on this side have become bitter, we expected special treatment. No one in the world gets special treatment. We have urdu which is the language of the entire country, a gdp per capita higher than any other ethnic group and control of major cities including the provincial capital Karachi. If we want more we clearly aren't thinking about the other ethnicities that exist, and Pakistan was formed so that we loved each other and defended each other, be it on religious lines or ethnic lines. We have all become ethnic bigots. If we study and respect each others cultures people will respect us in return, if we just demand more then all we will do is create ethnic war. The entire country is calling the MQM a terrorist organization. It is time to ask ourselves will we stand beside our country or will we gather our own stones and build with it a wall around ourselves
Has Rangers made any announcement that they are stopping Karachi op after a raid on Nine Zero?, has Rangers issued any statement that they wont target criminals affiliated with other political parties?......
Mostly MQM runs Land Mafia, Extortion business, street crimes and Target killing in Karachi , i am actually surprised why they are not targeted from day one, why so much delay?.......Enough with "naloom afraad" and their supporters like you, Karachi needs peace and for that MQM needs to be eliminated. Not a single target killing since raid on nine zero.

And equating raid on nine zero with east pakistan episode is ridiculous. Your party kills people, packs them in boris, kill people with hattorra, instigate sectarian violence , burn buses of pathans, kill people for mobile phone............and sheds crocodile tears? what a munafiq and lowly bunch

Has Rangers made any announcement that its willing to target the militant wings of any other political party? Since every criminal or terrorists somehow comes from MQM, according to the progress so far. The training in India and NATO supplies are a dramatic twist. Remind me when an other raid takes place on a party's HQ. Mostly? What do you know about this metropolis by the way? You think there's any less zewar at Bacha Khan markaz or Bilawal house respective 90 equivalents of ANP and PPP? You might have taken the police chief's report too seriously, the rest of the city's resident know the ever continuing target killing in the city and no, it hasn't stopped yet.

It isn't my party. Learn to understand the posts, not just read it and type in rage. Just pointing out the disadvantages of selective targeting and determination of a single enemy as well as discussing the events of 1992 operation in Karachi. Bring me counter arguments, not your emotionally unstable paragraphs.

No one in the world gets special treatment.

You sure? Because I was recently at an internship at Pakistan International Airlines.
You sure? Because I was recently at an internship at Pakistan International Airlines.

I think we often change national issues into ethnic issues. It is part of the way we have been taught to think of ourselves as a separate community with the words "oppression", "Punjabi rule", Sindhi wadera" brought into the equation continually. At times its similar in other ethnic groups

My real conflict with my relatives has been on these terms. We became a separate community and demand extra rights when we have total control of all cities and the longest serving governor sindh in history. If each ethnicity is calling themselves oppressed the reality must be that all are treated equally-perhaps badly but equally.

Your question... coming back to it. PIA is a case of political wrangling. When PPPP came to power they had to keep promises and they either got rid of older staff or added 2 people for one job- their votebank is mostly hardcore Sindhis. Now ethnic mindset sees this as Sindhis replaced muhajirs in the PIA.

National mindset sees this as: PPPP promoted its supporters into PIA.

I think it shouldn't have happened. But we need to begin looking at things not as a separate ethnic group but as a nation. This hasn't happened in 60 years which is unfortunate. What Samandri is is an ethnic bigot who can't see beyond his ethnicity. Sometimes he posts good knowledge about various Pashtun ideologues but thats all he is good at. We should not become like him.
Has Rangers made any announcement that its willing to target the militant wings of any other political party? Since every criminal or terrorists somehow comes from MQM, according to the progress so far. The training in India and NATO supplies are a dramatic twist. Remind me when an other raid takes place on a party's HQ. Mostly? What do you know about this metropolis by the way? You think there's any less zewar at Bacha Khan markaz or Bilawal house respective 90 equivalents of ANP and PPP? You might have taken the police chief's report too seriously, the rest of the city's resident know the ever continuing target killing in the city and no, it hasn't stopped yet.

It isn't my party. Learn to understand the posts, not just read it and type in rage. Just pointing out the disadvantages of selective targeting and determination of a single enemy as well as discussing the events of 1992 operation in Karachi. Bring me counter arguments, not your emotionally unstable paragraphs.

You sure? Because I was recently at an internship at Pakistan International Airlines.
Why you are so emotional ,sentimental and disturbed at the raid on MQM?......all the arrested ones are notorious target killers and terrorists.
Either learn to answer by facts/logic or stop tagging those whom you cant handle afterwards. It isn't crying victim, since I have repeatedly stated that I have no problem with the raid in question, it is merely saying that do not target selectively. Other areas of Karachi have been targeted, sure, however no prominent/known HQ's of political parties have been raided before, 90 was an exception. That is where the problem lies, unless the Pakistan rangers is telling me (as it was telling the media on the eve of the operation that it doesn't carry 9MM Lol) that only MQM has an militant wing. I do not understand why. Why are the others safe?

Karachi operation even after the long duration has yet to prove its worth, open the news and watch the daily dead count, whats the excuse there?

You are trying to argue with a man who can only see race. That is like arguing with Hitler on his Aryan race.

be Allah Rasool and dont listent to Shaitan type? Quite a predictable pattern always ending with you left clueless and speechless, asking the reason for replying. If you are ever caught by those who catch the killers of 1000s of people, you yourself would testify to the shooting of Liaqat Ali Khan Lol

He has his own Shariat derived from his bigoted ideas. A Hypocrite if there was ever a definition of one.
You are trying to argue with a man who can only see race. That is like arguing with Hitler on his Aryan race.

He's just another Zarvan with a few additional points in IQ, bringing them to total 10 I believe. Only this one's prime motivation is race with Mullah sort Islam for evasive maneuvering.

Now ethnic mindset sees this as Sindhis replaced muhajirs in the PIA.

That isn't what I am saying unfortunately, you are aware of the quota I believe? Now something going back 40-50 years ago cant be political wrangling right? I am neither asking for special treatments nor defending MQM here. Just pointing out at hypo-critic behavior, that is all.

Why you are so emotional and sentimental at the raid on MQM?......all the arrested ones are notorious target killers and terrorists.

First of all, dont quote if you dont want answers to your childish questions. Second, check your first post as well as persistent mentions of Pathan, Afghanis verbal diarrhea. Is the anger coming from my mention of Bacha Khan markaz- a known Pakistan hater in himself whose name a certain political party uses as its HQs name? Whats the excuse there for the patriotic people? Now I am assuming that your next post would be Allah Rasool and dont listent to Shaitan type? Quite a predictable pattern always ending with you left clueless and speechless, asking the reason for replying. If you are ever caught by those who catch the killers of 1000s of people, you yourself would testify to the shooting of Liaqat Ali Khan Lol
You are trying to argue with a man who can only see race. That is like arguing with Hitler on his Aryan race.
Says the one who is full of racial hatred, do you also participate in burning of buses in Karachi?. Why i am not surprised that you and @Secur are so much disturbed at the raid on nine zero and arrest of target killers. @Hyperion, is there a thrill for you in keeping friendship with such people?
He's just another Zarvan with a few additional points in IQ, bringing them to total 10 I believe. Only this one is activated by race.

The man reeks of racial hatred the likes of which I've only seen in those with questionable social background. I think it has to do with some serious injustice he may have suffered at a young age at the hands of those he hates so much.Plus to have you admire his complete ignorance that they very ideals he hates are reflected his avatar.

On the topic at hand, the RAW links and foreign funding keep floating about.. if there was ever any truth to such statements it was during the 90s when the neighbours did pump some intel efforts in via Dubai. Since then though the MQM has been trying its level best to be the Establishments puppy.. with that having its heyday during the Commando's reign. Since then there has been a falling out but the love is not lost, between either actually. What is transpiring has more to do with the MQMs non-compliance or rather greed in recent events to reach out to them by the agency; the punishment for which is being meted out as is clear.

On the flipside you have certain wishful idiots within the community itself who keep claiming that UN intervention is imminent to save the situation, when the reality is that the community is now pretty divided and the MQM no longer holds sway over the population apart from its core areas.It has lost a lot of ground to Immy K and it knows it. OTOH Immy K has smartened up from the last election, wanted a software to manage his next election for which yours truly was to be involved till I realized that "payment" wasnt always forthcoming since they are looking for party supporters to do certain charity.. which is odd considering that they dished out a lot of money for their telemarketing/survey system..but then we are wayy off topic now.
Says the one who is full of racial hatred, do you also participate in burning of buses in Karachi?.
Nobody burns buses, that is old. Drone strikes are the new thing.
That isn't what I am saying unfortunately, you are aware of the quota I believe? Now something going back 40-50 years ago cant be political wrangling right?

Personally I see the qouta system as an attempt only to even the playing field and get poorer ethnicities up. Lets look at how we think a little more critically shall we. Lets think beyond ethnicity. Mahajirs or migrants have a gdp per capita 13000 rs higher than the Punjabis who are at second. We have urdu-the said language is the language of the state-something that affects us very positively, we also have control of the cities. 40% of the Karachi population is urdu speaker while there are sizable concentrations in various cities including Lahore and Hyderabad. The poverty rate in cities is much lower compared to rural areas. Who occupies the rural areas of Sindh? Sindhis. Lets note another fact from World Bank 2003-36% poverty for rural regions and 24% for urban regions of Pakistan. Again we control the cities

So things as I see it are directly favorable for us, but not so for Sindhis or even more for Balochs. Now do note that every ethnic group has in some way stated it is oppressed. So are we really oppressed. And what about our responsibility to give equal rights to all people.

My point is if we perhaps give up ethnic nationalism perhaps others will do the same. To do so we must first get rid of our victim mentality. The MQM leads us to believe we are oppressed but we are in a much better position. I respect your opinion though and agree that an operation has to be similarly concluded against the PPPP and the ANP and JI.

Nobody burns buses, that is old. Drone strikes are the new thing.
Nazi party of Hitlar had organizational structural and tactics similar to MQM
My point is if we perhaps give up ethnic nationalism perhaps others will do the same. To do so we must first get rid of our victim mentality. The MQM leads us to believe we are oppressed but we are in a much better position. I respect your opinion though and agree that an operation has to be similarly concluded against the PPPP and the ANP and JI.
Ethnic nationalism was first practised by others, the community for .e.g previously was primarily voters for Jamaat islami or PPP until Bhutto showed his bias.
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